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The choice one's not bad but it would be VERY tricky to balance well, I think.

Templar sounds very odd but very interesting! I would definitely like to see it.

I personally hated the Assassin/Rogue split myself.

If they made lockpicks more readily available it be fine. That, and the rouge sprite is wonderful.

My idea of the Templar is a unit that has a lower move and damage output, but high magic and a much more durable healer that could easily survive and deal with the front line, so a knight mixed with a priest pretty much (though with a lower speed cap than that of a bishop)

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I hate Lockpicks too honestly... I think FE9 and 10 did it right.

And yeah, sounds like a rather interesting unit!

understandable. I suppose they were kind of annoying, but giving assassins the ability to unlock stuff would give the player access to many more chest openers. Such as myrmidons (assuming they give them the same promotions.) Or perhaps the thief characters would have it as an innate skill that passes over? instead of it being locked into assassin? And on the otherhand perhaps the assassin got a different more offensive trait when promoted from myrmidons? That would certainly make things interesting.

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Heh, I don't like Myrmidon -> Assassin, honestly.

I never understood how instakill was intensive enough to choose over higher crit....seeing how sword masters tend to kill quickly anyway. perhaps a 50% chance to poison a unit? unless they decide to give us poison weapons for once.

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Poison has little value against enemies unlikely to last long by the time you're starting to fight them in melee, anyway.

Eh...more helpful than nothing.

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A perpetual or limited FoW effect hardly seems like too much for Assassins to have. Could work for Thieves, too.

Edited by Othin
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Or make silencer/lethality a selectable skill, like gamble or FE10 parity, but have its usability limited. Then, no matter how they limit it, you can kill at most 1 enemy a turn with it, and then they'd still have mediocre enemy phase.

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I mean, that would be pretty stupid... though, in Deus Ex: Human Revolution Adam Jensen had an assassinate skill that cost him an entire bar of energy... maybe we can try something like that?

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Like lowering stats by 1/3 for a turn seems fine. If the game's hard enough, the penalty is pretty detrimental; if not, then well there's no reason for the skill in the first place. I think your Str should also be more than the enemy's defense or Str stat for it to work... Or maybe like Skl/2 or Skl/1.5 must be greater than enemy Defense or Str.

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Just make it so that once you use it, you have to wait a set number of turns before using it again. No other penalty is needed.

Restrictions make sense, but there's no point if it keeps the Assassin from killing the enemies the skill would matter against in the first place.

Edited by Othin
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This is ridiculous. The skill wasn't that useful in FE8, just make it like that one, and without the skill the assassin doesn't have much reason for being around at all.

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This is ridiculous. The skill wasn't that useful in FE8, just make it like that one, and without the skill the assassin doesn't have much reason for being around at all.

Lethality in FE8 was completely useless and didn't have the slightest ability to give the class value - precisely as if it didn't have the skill at all, because it was so irrelevant. So of course, if the class is to continue existing, it must get some other skill, one with actual tactical value. There are countless good possibilities.

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Lethality in FE8 was completely useless and didn't have the slightest ability to give the class value - precisely as if it didn't have the skill at all, because it was so irrelevant. So of course, if the class is to continue existing, it must get some other skill, one with actual tactical value. There are countless good possibilities.

Actually, Lethality gave a significant EXP boost, but you're right that in comparison to just letting your character critical normally it has no in-combat advantage. But I don't think that the advantage that Assassins should have is slightly more experience.

Perhaps an Assassin can "mark" an enemy as an action during their turn. If they engage in combat, then the Assassin automatically activates Lethality and gets an experience bonus for killing their mark. They can only set one mark at a time and it takes up their action. Perhaps that's a little bit powerful, and there should be some minimum cooldown on the "mark" ability (can't use it two turns in a row, for instance).

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Or an ability where the assassin can only be seen once it is within 3 spaces of that persons unit. On wi-fi it be very useful and during game play it be helpful for an assassin especially if their main role is to go about and take items from chests. The lack luster stats of the class make this ability not to over powered and we are not sure how lethality works in this game...or if it is even for the assassin class this time.

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Or an ability where the assassin can only be seen once it is within 3 spaces of that persons unit.

That seems kind of useless. So basically, it can go anywhere it wants as long as there are no enemies nearby? It's not even like Assassins are really great at splitting off and doing their own thing since they usually have 6 move and normal foot unit terrain penalties. And usually an Assassin should be able to take care of themselves in combat against just one or two units.

Moreover, it's also pretty unpredictable. How do you know that an enemy won't move a unit into his range? How can you plan around that?

It seems to me, that in order for this to be useful, we would need Fire Emblem chapters to be designed in a completely different way to what has been seen in recent games. And it also seems to me that it would be much easier just to give Assassins or Thieves some kind of "stillness" ability that makes enemies ignore them if there's another target in range.

Edited by Anouleth
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IF the stillness was optional, then yeah. Otherwise I wouldn't have fun with it, 'cause if I use a character, I want them to fight! not be ignored :/

Easily set up with a command that lets them use it for a given turn only by giving up other actions (besides moving).

But really, enemy phase is just too powerful as it. Enemies attacking a character should more often be better for the enemy than for the player.

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Or, have assassins ignore movement penalties of foot units, water walking like pirate, maybe some way to pass through Walls but with severe penalties...and of course the ability to move through enemy squares. Hard to assasinate someone when you can't even get there. Think of those times when you really wished some of your unit can rush to the other side and chip at something blocking your path when you might need three units to kill it.

This way, Swordmaster will be the better upfront combatant(assuming they have better Str caps and Crit bonus) while the Assassin increases the range of targets you can go after during PP. Maybe give them dodge bonuses since they should find themselves far behind enemy lines.

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