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As you may notice, I fixed a few things.

His torso and his bottom half dont quite have the same angle. His legs and belt are facing the "camera" so to speak (or viewer) but his torso is turned to the left. Shouldnt his legs be more in angle with the rest of him?

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I think she was just going for a dynamic angle, unless you're saying that even as an "action shot" it looks wrong. :o

Edited by Popo
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Well his actual legs match the angle but the crotch area/belt/waist faces the viewer. I dont think thats actually humanly possible but ehh. I think that area would be angled just so slightly to the left.

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What Popo said. People can turn their torsos, you know. Ranulf has his turned in his RD artwork, actually. But you might be right. It does look a bit odd the way it is now. But it's minor, so I wouldn't worry about it too much. xP

Edited by Anacybele
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Alright. Let's do this.

I'm not gonna say your drawings are terrible, because they do have potential. Just basing it off of Kye since my internet is too fucked up to go to the earlier pages without massive lag, I do like his pose.

However, there are many issues with your drawing. The fabric doesn't seem to flow very well. You don't have piece of fabric and just draw a few lines on it to show it's wrapping around a cylindrical object. The fabric should rise up a bit when there are creases, and shading should be done to adjust to that. Also the tatters should not all be of equal length. Reference Advent Children Vincent Valentine for a tattered cloak (IDK, first one that popped up in my head). See how the tatter is all different sizes? The way you drew it, it looks like he took a scissor and cut up his scarf. Doesn't look like natural tatter at all.

Speaking of shading. While I agree with Popo that you have a consistent light source, which is good in art, you want to make the light look like the way it looks whe it hits an object. For example, you only used a small amount of the highlight on his back, while a large amount on his pants. While the direction is consistent, the shape of the torso looks off because of the way the light hits it. Overall, your shading looks like embossing, rather than proper shading. It's hard to explain shading in words, and I suggest you take some objects and learn from observation. It's very important to know how light falls on certain objects from certain angles, or the shading will not look right.

Next up, the hair. As it is now, it seems all over the place. And don't excuse it being messy, because even messy hair should start at one partition point (or line, depending how hair is parted and how long it is). It may be easier to draw the hair from the roots, then erase. Due to the style, I don't expect realistic hair, but for hair to look good in any style, you must keep in mind the roots. For Kye's hairstyle, I recommend one source point.

The eyes seem a big weird. While I do prefer more realistic eyes to anime-style, even anime-eyes should show more of its whites than just a sliver. He could do with a slight downsize, and either make the eyes themselves wider and keep the pupil the same size, or make the pupil narrower.

Then, anatomy. While your piece has less structural issues than some other pieces I've seen throughout the years, there still exist issues. His back should not stick out that much, and he doesn't look like a guy with much body fat, so his muscle tone and joints should be more defined. I'm not saying to make him really really buff, but he should still show slight curvatures to the muscles, seeing that he looks like a lean type of guy. His elbow should not just be glossed over like that. There's a bone there.

Then there's the hands. All I can say about them is to reference a lot, and remember that joints exist.

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What is wrong with the pose:

-The right arm can't face this direction. Unless he's missing his shoulder blade.

-People can turn their torso. But not at a 90° angle. I can't even tell what his spine is doing, here, but it is definitely not something normal.

-The body should follow the direction of his left leg. You straightened it up and it doesn't look natural.

-I hope he's not supposed to be running because you don't run with two feet on the ground. So I'm thinking he is either going to attack.

-->Then his hand is facing the wrong direction if he's going to make a large arc with his arm.

-->You can attack holding a blade like depicted, but then he should be holding the weapon in front of his face and thrust his arm in order to slit a throat for instance.

Either way, the expression on his face doesn't really match with what he is doing.

On the bright side, your proportions don't seem too off.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If there's problems with the pose, then I apologize. I took it from a drawing reference I found through Google. I was advised to look at references more often, so I do.

Guess not even references are perfect, though.

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Others already do appreciate my art though. Not everyone who looks at it likes it, but I'm satisfied and so are many others. I realize there are better artists out there, but I mainly draw for hobby, really. It's writing that I want to make a career out of.

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First off, I don't remember getting worked up anywhere, so I don't see why you're telling me to chill out. xP

Second, where did I say or imply that I wasn't going to listen to any advice? I was trying to imply that I'll look for better references next time, since it's too late to make any changes to my last piece. Also, I'll have you know that someone suggested to me that I fix one of the feet, and I did. That's listening to someone's advice. :3

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See there's that getting defensive again.

I'm just gonna not comment here, because I'd rather not have to deal with someone who gets defensive over every little thing.

I didn't imply you were getting worked up or that you don't listen, simply left normal advice that everyone should follow in the future, so instead of read into what I say, just go with it ' x'

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Kelly, just remember what I told you (or at least what I thought I beat into your skull). Hearing someone pointing out why something sucks doesn't mean you're a failure. It means that they want want you to improve.

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