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The GC controller is too noisy for SSB


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Classic controllers ftw.

I only used it once in a tournament. I lost because of it, if only because I wasn't so used to the DPad and I prefered the analog. Of course, now I remember that you can re-configure the controller at Brawl, allowing me to use the analog on the Classic Controller.

GameCube controller may look stupid but it's great.

No, it looks badass. And it feels good too.

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Wiimote+chuck is the only combo worth knowing in smash.

...damn I'm good.

I use Wiimote + Nunchuk for Brawl. And everything else (if I can).

EDIT: Pride's my bro.

Wiimote + Nunchuk is retarded. Why do I need an Einstein's project just to have two characters fight.

Wut? Im so used to Melee that when i play Brawl, its all about the Cube controller! Its gr9!

How is that supposed to change the fact it's noisy.

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Wiimote + Nunchuk is retarded. Why do I need an Einstein's project just to have two characters fight.

I don't know what you're talking about man, wii-chuck is the pinnacle of smash comfort.

To put it in James Bond actor terms, it's like saying George Lazenby is superior to a co-op team of Sean Connery and Pierce Brosnan.

And that's silly.

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I used the wiimote. The dpad makes no sound and the buttons are light. Your solution.

It has some terrible problems though, obviously. I've also tried all the others and have to agree with GCC being the best. I can't say that the wiimote is completely useless - I still own even with it, but I probably would be beaten by most of the people here if I used it in stead of a GCC.

Wiimote Ganon vs Wiimote Lunk money matches are incredible fun. I'm the second-best Wiimote player in all of Finland, currently, probably :awesome:

Anyway, stick with the GCC if you can. You don't have to dash all day, walk for a change (and slow your game down overall first too, although I haven't played you in a while). You don't have to mash the sticks into their 100% tilt all the time. You can reconfigure Shield to be one of the face buttons instead of the shoulders.

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