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(FE10) is awesome, so heres another draft


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Part 2

Prologue - 8 (9?)/77

2-1 - 5/82 Gogogo Neph.

2-2 - 8/90 Two words: Neph wrathcrits. Holy shit. If only this girl had resolve. Lucia didn't get hit at all, she equipped a wind edge and they all targeted Nephenee over her ;D Neph was standing with 1 HP at the end of a turn and crit everything with a javelin. It was fucking glorious. Sucks that I didn't draft her.

2-3 - 5/95 Marcia and Geoffrey duo'd this.

2-E - 4/99 (or 100?) Marcia crit Ludveck, Ludveck missed, and then Marcia proceeded to get hit by an arrow, dodged a crossbow hit, and dodged everything else. Retreated to use a concoction, then came back and battered Ludveck bit by bit.

Didn't get stats since Marcia's my only draftee here.

Part 3

3-P - 8/108

Fuck you, Skrimir and your group of dumbasses. Mia got the bosskill by critting twice with her Wo Dao because somehow all the laguz got out the way. Shinon was right there behind her though, just in case. Shinon gets the crossbow for the next chapter. Only Mia got a level, which was HP/STR/SPD, and because I'm too lazy to log this chapter.

3-1 - 8/116 Derp, Boyd was my free unit hurr. He took a concoction and went below to distract armors and shit.

3-2 - 4/120 Derp

3-3 - 10/130 Gatrie was my free unit. Ike got celerity and rampaged through everything, except that he gets cockblocked by anything he can't ORKO, so I put Mia in the main path thing since her adept-crit shenanigans with a wind edge kills things better than Ike.

3-4 - 8/138 I love how fire mages target Ike even though Ranulf is right in range. Ranulf camped out on the arrive tile and Ike was almost there, but the enemies go NOPE and go for Ike instead. Good for us.

3-5 - 4/142 Shinon deadeyes the boss. The end. There was a fighter and two sages who were nearly about to seize the defend square though, but whatever, boss was killed.

3-6 - 8/150 Meg gets beastfoe, Micaiah gets paragon, and Sothe gets resolve. Micaiah got 4 levels from one enemy phase, it was glorious. I didn't even use the beastkiller, wtf. Micaiah can easily ORKO tigers and Sothe uses up his knife forges and critkills most shit, so eh.

3-7 - 13/163 Ike spectre carded BK like a badass and then took a hit from him. Then I realized I left a chest key on the BK, and now I have no way to get it back. Fuck.

Edited by CR-S01
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Prologue - 8 (9?)/77

9 turns as suggested in Epilogue

3-7 - 12/162

13 turns as suggested in Epilogue

Then I realized I left a chest key on the BK, and now I have no way to get it back. Fuck.

Feel fortune is with you because Burger King ate the Brave Bow he found in 3-6 :facepalm:

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It was eaten at some point. PKL offered an explanation

Maybe it got erased when i was trying to edit it and the internet went out. :angry:

It's reproduced in the sticky and here, for convenience


Kakarot/Quintessence- Nolan, Oscar, Kieran, Tormod, Leonardo, Fiona, Tauroneo, Renning, Lyre

PKL- Edward, Boyd, Ilyana, Rolf, Sigrun, Nealuchi, Lethe, Stefan, Gareth

Incognit0- Titania, Nailah, Laura, Ulki, Mordecai, Naesala, Astrid, Bastian, Kyza

Catnip- Jill, Elincia, Soren, Brom, Rhys, Caineghis, Mist, Muarim, Oliver

Mysterio- Volug, Aran, Gatrie, Janaff, Makalov, Danved, Ranulf, Volke, Kurthnaga

CR-S01- Mia, Marcia, Tibarn, Meg, Shinon, Vika, Skrimir, Pelleas, Ena

Silver Harpoon- Nephenee, Zihark, Tanith, Calill, Heather, Lucia, Giffca, Sanaki, Nasir

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Thanks to Integ's awesome thread. The teams are back. And the turncounts too. If I missed a clear please tell me. Its hard looking through 20 pages to find final turncounts. I found mine (215), quint (276) and mysterio's (282). So far, Im in the lead by far :o.

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Apparently, Nasir was redundent on my team, seeing that





Reach 40 speed






Have above 34 speed.

Lol Sanaki, when I could've gotten Skrimer or Muarim..

My turncounts are gonna be over 300...

due to penelties...

And 4-5 is gonna take a while................

Should I bring Rafiel or Reyson to the tower?

Edited by The Creeper
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3-8 - 7/170 Celerity Ike with a brave sword. Couldn't have done this without it. ORKO'd all generals with it, and is left with 8 uses. Mia and Shinon hung back and did their thing, which is adepting and critting everything in sight. Well, mostly Mia with a wind edge. Shinon was pretty good at adept-critting with a crossbow though.

3-9 - 3/173 Marcia does her thing. I got the dust ;D I also gave Marcia the crown beforehand. She uses adept to kill the boss and keeps the brave lance in the convoy because I'll be needing it later.

3-10 - 7/180 I have Shinon distract enemies up so the CRKs can kill them. Mia and Ike rush forward and kill everything they touch. Also, IkexMia A support :awesome:

3-11 - 4/184 THIS chapter is why draco > pegs. Goddamn bow weakness. But still, Marcia survived. Ike got pass for this chapter so he isn't cockblocked by the masses of enemies at the end. I trade the slim sword so Meg and Sothe can actually do something to Ike...if Meg ever gets down there. :dry: Marcia gets vigored by Leanne, drops Ike near the boss in seizing range and equips the spear that she stole from Sigrun so the archers will target Ike instead of her. So then she only has to dodge one archer, and thankfully the crossbow archer went for Ike since it would have around 84 display hit on her.

3-12 - 4/188 RESOLVECAIAH. Meg did jackshit except for going out first, then retreating so that Miccy can do her thing. Micaiah pretty much solo'd this chapter with Sothe as support. This ended on turn 4 enemy phase.

3-13 - 5/193 Meg and Sothe ganged up on Ike, and took care not to attack Soren since once you do, he whips out his dick Ragnell and it's +DEF. MEG LUNAS IKE :awesome:

3-E 5/198 Nothing much to say here.

Name       Level  Hp  Str  Mag  Skl  Sp  Lck  Def  Res    

Micaiah    14.18  36   10   30   20  24   34   14   30  
Sothe      17.61  35   22    5   26  29   29   20   12      
Meg         1.76  45   30    9   21  24   27   29   18
Marcia      5.89  47   29   14   26  31   25   24   23
Ike         1.00  54   29    8   32  31   16   28   12
Shinon      6.30  50   27   14   35  32   20   27   22
Mia         5.69  48   30   12   33  35   28   25   23

Team split:

Silver- Micaiah, Sothe, Marcia, Skrimir, Leanne

Greil- Ike, Mia, Shinon, Rafiel, (Vika)

Hawk- Tibarn, Meg, Reyson, (Pelleas), (Geoffrey)

4-P - 4/202 RESOLVECAIAH ilu <3 She solo'd the entire upper portion and Thanibombed the boss. Marcia took spears and short spears and took the bottom. Fuck you, archers. But they can't one-shot her :awesome: Skrimir killed the reinforcements at the top and got out of the range of ranged enemies so that Miccy can kill them.

4-1 - 5/207 Ike, Mia, and Shinon split up. Shinon used his crossbow and Aqquar or whatever that's called and adept-critted almost everyone and Mia took a storm sword and tempest blade. Ike went down and wtfpwned everything with Ragnell. Rafiel wasn't deployed because I couldn't find a way to keep him safe.

4-2 - 8/215 Tibarn does all the heavy lifting. Meg tries to be in two places at once. Pelleas chips thing and he gets the final kill on enemy phase. Whoop whoop. Promoting him after this.

4-3 - 8/223 RESOLVECAIAH ROCKS. Sothe finds things and IDC about everything else. Micaiah does get Stefan though. She also tanks the elstaffers. Skrimir's stats are now on par with Giffa/Caineghis minus a bit of speed. BEXP and a speedwing easily fixed him up. Also, parablossom ;D Marcia was all like "fuck you" to the desert and roflstopmed everything that didn't have a crossbow.

4-4 - 8/230 Fuck Oliver, man. Why would I want that when I have Resolvecaiah? Also BEXP'd Vika a shit ton before the chapter and gave her Tear. Even after like ~15 levels on her I'm still practically swimming in BEXP. She killed things somehow below while everyone else went up.

4-5 - 2/232 Tibarn goes after Izuka's neck.

4-E-1 - 4/236 Everyone rushes forward and again, Resolvecaiah with thani makes cake out of cover generals.

4-E-2 - 1/237 Derp. Got a shiny new Wishblade for Marcia.

4-E-3 - 2/239 Ena gets into position and everyone crashes the stairs for the next turn.

4-E-4 - 2/241 Shoved spirits, then killed Seph.

4-E-5 - 3/244 Rafiel died. Whoops. But it was the end, and I don't really care.

Final turncount - 244

Top 5-

1. Ike - He was Ike.

2. MIA - Great dodgetank and killed everything she touched.

3. MICAIAH - Resolvecaiah is amazing. Once she gets hit into resolve range, nothing's gonna stop her.

4. Marcia - Was pretty good. She saved a turn in 3-9 and several in 3-11, and also a penalty in 2-E. I would've preferred another sage for Silver Army but she worked just fine.

5. Shinon - Struggled with rout maps, but useful for picking off enemies that are out of 1-2 range. Anything he attacked, died.

Edited by CR-S01
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