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(FE10) is awesome, so heres another draft


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Silver Harpoon- Nephenee, Zihark, Tanith, Calill, Heather, Lucia, Giffca, Sanaki, Nasir

Your team is pretty good. Nephenee should be your main battler for part 3. When javelin forges become available, forge some with max mt and max crit. With her sentinel crit bonus, she should be critblicking a lot of enemies on top of having good accuracy, 1-2 range and impale goodness. Zihark is good enough for the DB. Slap Resolve in 3-6 and give him a steel sword forge and watch him rape laguz face. Calill is another really good unit. She can adept meteor the boss in 3-9 for a quick clear and shes amazing for the desert. She caps skill speed and lck really quickly. Her mag and res are also decent enough. Heather is good and can help pick up neph scraps in part 3 with knife forges + adept. She also has innate pass and good terrain movement. Tanith is good, promote her when you get her, give her a few stat boosters, savior and make her ferry ike for a quicker clear of the bridge map. If Sigrun is good enough for part 4, Tanith is overkill. Sanaki is a unit id personally never draft if I have Calill, but, I guess, she could help with resolve in the desert and maybe send Calill to the GM or the hawk army. Having drafted Lucia, u avoid a penalty in 2-2 and once she comes back, with a few resources and BEXP for promotion, she can be a pretty good combatant.

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PKL, the only problem-is that they all have low strength growths, especcialy Lucia, Sanaki and Heathér.

I'm in thé Kaukuu caves now, and it's going to take forever to finish.

3-13 is going to be hell with only Zihark and Sothe......(I should've gotten meg/fiona/leonardo for more firepower.

At least I get ZiharkxLucia h4x support for the tower.

I just regret not choosing an Urvans user. No, wait-IKE. CAN USE FREAKING URVANS!

Ike, Zihark, Sothe, and Geoffrey get to share the harem I drafted......XD

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PKL, the only problem-is that they all have low strength growths, especcialy Lucia, Sanaki and Heathér.

I'm in thé Kaukuu caves now, and it's going to take forever to finish.

3-13 is going to be hell with only Zihark and Sothe......(I should've gotten meg/fiona/leonardo for more firepower.

At least I get ZiharkxLucia h4x support for the tower.

I just regret not choosing an Urvans user. No, wait-IKE. CAN USE FREAKING URVANS!

Ike, Zihark, Sothe, and Geoffrey get to share the harem I drafted......XD

It doesnt matter for those units. Nephenee should be 3rd tier lv5 or so by now if uve favored her a lot. She should be able to 6 turn kauku caves with some help from ike and heather on the other sides while she handles the boss area.

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She wears out all of her equipped weapons to fast.

Heathers Knives have only 20-25 uses a piece.

Ike dies of gangrape everytime.......

add random lava shots that do 10 damage to each unit they hit...........

This is challenging.

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So I finally got to begin it. My newbie play through was finished in 444 turns :facepalm: , but I have to beat it! :awesome:

Part I: The Silver-Haired Maiden


- Eddie is free so no problem. Eddie hits and Miccy Mouse kills. Leonardo shoves Micaiah for her to hit the bandit near Pugo and get the level up. At EP Pugo with 82%hit fails to attack and Eddie Wrath crits, for Micaiah to get the kill :awesome: !


Turns: 6/6

Name     Class       Lv.   Hp Str Mag Skill Sp Lck Def Res  Wpn Lv.   Skills

Micaiah  Light Mage  2.80  15  2   8    8    8  11  2   5   Light D   Sacrifice
Leonardo Archer      4.00  17  8   0   12   10   6  5   4   Bow D     Cancel

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I didn't use Eddie for this chapter, Nolan and Leonardo were enough. In fact, Leo and Miccy did surprised me. Leo dodged several attacks as well as Miccy, who with her magic lv. ups was able to 2HKO fighters and soldiers. Nolan hits everyone and Leo and Miccy kill. Nolan hits the myrmidon and Miccy finishes him, Leo kills the archer weakened by Micaiah.

Name     Class       Lv.   Hp Str Mag Skill Sp Lck Def Res  Wpn Lv.   Skills

Micaiah  Light Mage  4.33  16  2  10    8    9  13  3   7   Light D   Sacrifice
Leonardo Archer      5.07  18  8   1   13   11   7  6   4   Bow D     Cancel
Nolan    Fighter     9.73  29 12   0   11   10   7  9   3   Axe C     Nihil

BEXP: 180P

Turns: 6/12


- Nolan and Leo climbed the gap and killed the fighter, Miccy, Laura and Eddie stood down. Miccy was attacked, killed some soldiers and fighters of the south east, then went up to the arrive with Laura. Leo got Thani and Wind Edge$$$, however I couldn't get the drop, it was a turn more. Sothe with 23% crit blicks the armored lance with Micaiah's Bond n' Support.

Name     Class       Lv.   Hp Str Mag Skill Sp Lck Def Res  Wpn Lv.   Skills    Support

Micaiah  Light Mage  5.33  16  2  11    8   10  14  4   8   Light D   Sacrifice Sothe A
Leonardo Archer      6.29  18  9   1   14   11   8  6   5   Bow D     Cancel
Nolan    Fighter    10.16  29 13   0   12   11   8  9   3   Axe C     Nihil
Sothe    Rogue       1.70  35 18   4   20   20  15 14   9   Knife B   Guard     Micaiah A

BEXP: 360P

Turns: 7/19

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Neph has now 33 speed at 20/20/11.

I wish I had chosen Skrimer and Gatrie/Boyd intsead of Sanaki and Lucia.

I don't even know if They can use resolve without getting orko'ed in the silver/hawk armies.

Callills the best and hottest mage in FE10 though.

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Neph has now 33 speed at 20/20/11.

I wish I had chosen Skrimer and Gatrie/Boyd intsead of Sanaki and Lucia.

Because you could have chosen gatrie/boyd halfway through the drafting.

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Live and Learn..................oh well, at least the tower should be a cakewalk with all units capable of 34+speed.

(I really wish I had gotten more Greil Mercs)

I was intending to, but other people got them.

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Chapter 3:

- OMGoodness! Everyone at the verge of the dying! Except Sothe :awesome: . Stole a soldier's Steel Lance, the longbow man vulnerary and Discipline. $$$Recruited Aran$$$. Micaiah Thani's the boss and dodges some attacks thanks to the bushes and Support bonus. Sothe gets more EXP from thieving than from killing :lol: .

Turns: 8/27

Name     Class        Lv.   Hp Str Mag Skl Sp Lck Def Res  Weapon Level  Support    Skill

Micaiah  Light Mage  07.71  17   3  13   9 10  16   6   9  Light D       Sothe A    Sacrifice, Discipline
Sothe    Rogue       02.33  35  19   4  21 21  16  14   9  Knife A       Micaiah A  Guard, Wrath
Leonardo Archer      07.93  18   9   1  15 12   9   7   5  Bow C         Nolan C    Cancel, Shade
Nolan    Fighter     11.30  30  14   1  13 11   9  10   3  Axe B         Leonardo C Nihil

Ch. 4: Base

- As the table suggests, assigned Discipline to Micaiah, Shade to Leo and Wrath to Sothe. Bought Beast Killer, Ellight and a Hand Axe. Forged a max mt/crt Bow for Leo called Ice Bow, so he can chill cancel enemies loooooooooool.

Sold the rest of wpns: swords, thunders, lances and fortune; BEXP'd Miccy and Nolan to 99, whereas Leo was leveled up and BEXP'd to 99.


- Everyone level up with the first tiger, Nolan and Sothe block. The cats come to play and Nolan, Miccy and Leo rape them (Leo and Nolan support is godly useful). The three go east and Sothe rapes the western side with Beast Killer with no successful critblick, 36 dmg is of beasts. Miccy is lucky so she found the master seal :awesome: .

BEXP: 450P

Turns: 6/33

Name     Class        Lv.   Hp Str Mag Skl Sp Lck Def Res  Weapon Level  Support    Skill

Micaiah  Light Mage  09.75  18   4  15  10 12  18   7  11  Light C       Sothe A    Sacrifice, Discipline
Sothe    Rogue       03.77  35  20   5  21 22  17  15   9  Knife A       Micaiah A  Guard, Wrath
Leonardo Archer      10.99  20  11   1  18 14  11   8   8  Bow C         Nolan C    Cancel
Nolan    Fighter     13.84  31  15   2  13 13  11  11   4  Axe B         Leonardo C Nihil


- Killed the fighters and the myrms. Sothe and Micaiah helped with the coming enemies from the south. Sothe stole the master seal. Miccy is getting somehow reliable, highest bio, nice hp and def, good dodge and OHKOing myrmidons with Thani+Sothe Support. Nolan equips hand axe and stays in position with Leo in the center part of the map, killing enemies and getting good level ups. Volug helped shoving and biting dangerous enemies, as well as being a bait for Wystan who was owned by Leo's superb Ice Bow :awesome: .

Tauros is coming!!!

Turns: 6/39

BEXP: 496P

Name     Class        Lv.   Hp Str Mag Skl Sp Lck Def Res  Weapon Level   Support    Skill

Micaiah  Light Mage  11.09  19   4  16  10 14  20   8  13  Light C        Sothe A    Sacrifice, Discipline
Sothe    Rogue       03.98  35  20   5  21 22  17  15   9  Knife A        Micaiah A  Guard, Adept
Leonardo Archer      12.99  21  13   1  19 16  13   9   9  Bow C          Nolan B    Cancel
Nolan    Fighter     15.99  33  17   3  15 15  13  12   4  Axe A          Leonardo B Nihil
Tauroneo Lance Gen.  14.00  38  24  12  22 20  18  21  15  Lance S, Axe A            Resolve, Renewal

- I didn't remove Tauros's Resolve because it could be more useful for him in 3-13 and Wrath for Nolan to defeat Ike, besides I think Miccy'll do without it...er...I hope so... :unsure:

- Forged a max mt/crt iron knife for Sothe.

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- Basic chapter, just be aware of peggies. Tauros goes norhteast and handles knights, archer, fighter and peggies with hand axes and javelins. Leo, Nolan and Miccy clear Sothe's way, who with his forged knife called Emerald Adepts Critblicks every near foe.

Turns: 4/43


- 11 uses were enough! I had to restart it tons of times because first I couldn't 2 turned it and that meant a load of marado knights and villagers killed as well as Fiona. But, eventually, I managed to 2 turn it and no one got killed :newyears: .

Turns: 2/45

BEXP: 4505P

Name     Class        Lv.   Hp Str Mag Skl Sp Lck Def Res  Weapon Level   Support    Skill

Micaiah  Light Mage  12.02  20   4  17  11 15  21   8  14  Light B        Sothe A    Sacrifice, Paragon
Sothe    Rogue       05.35  35  21   5  23 23  17  16  11  Knife S        Micaiah A  Guard, Adept, Savior
Leonardo Archer      15.94  23  15   1  20 18  15  12  10  Bow B          Nolan B    Cancel, Discipline
Nolan    Fighter     17.95  34  17   3  17 17  14  13   5  Axe A          Leonardo B Nihil
Tauroneo Lance Gen.  14.08  38  24  12  22 20  18  21  15  Lance S, Axe A            Resolve, Renewal
Fiona    Lance Kn.   12.81  25  10   6  12 13   7  11   7  Lance C                   Imbue

Note: Gave Fiona Leo's Dracoshield and a Secret Book.

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- Sothe carries Micaiah, Tormod costs a turn but he was quite useful killing the mages above the gap. The Hammer Brolan goes through the stairs soloing it with 2 vulnerary uses for survival, while Leo and Fiona solo the norhtwestern part at the verge of dying but they result useful. Sothe drops his darling by turn 6 and the Hammer Bro rapes the armored sword :awesome: . Tormod opens some doors as well as Fiona and Leo.

Turns: 7/52

BEXP: 2509

- BEXP'd Nolan and sealed him (capped mag :facepalm: ). BEXP'd Leo and Tormod.

Name     Class       Lv Exp Hp Str Mag Skl Sp Lck Def Res  Weapon Level              Support    Skills

Micaiah  Light Mage  12  24 27   4  17  11 15  21   8  14  Light B                   Sothe A    Sacrifice, Resolve
Sothe    Rogue       05  62 35  21   5  23 23  17  16  11  Knife S                   Micaiah A  Guard, Adept, Savior
Leonardo Archer      18  19 25  16   1  20 20  18  13  10  Bow B                     Nolan B    Cancel
Nolan    Warrior     01  00 39  20   5  20 20  16  14   8  Axe A                     Leonardo B Nihil, Wrath
Tauroneo Lance Gen.  14  08 38  24  12  22 20  18  21  15  Lance S, Axe A                       Renewal
Fiona    Lance Kn.   14  23 25  12   6  13 14   9  13   8  Lance C                              Imbue
Tormod   Fire Sage   05  99 34  13  17  16 20  14  12  14  Fire A, Thunder B, Wind C            Celerity, Paragon

Gave Micaiah Rafiel's Seraph Robe.


- Such a boring chapter, move reduction sucks, three prisioners dead :facepalm: . Nolan and Leo rape the northern enemies and the upcoming mages from the west. Micaiah was a waste of time. Sothe crosses the swamp and gets rid of the thunder sage. Tormod went west.

BEXP: 2850

Turns: 6/58


- I don't even know why Jarod appears in different turns. I just guess it's when Micaiah approaches the northwestern corner of the map. Overall, resolve Micaiah is awesome, is she res screwed, or is it just me?

BEXP: 3000

Turns: 5/63

1-E Preps.

BEXP'd Nolan, Leo, Fiona and Micaiah. Having too much units in DB is kinda annoying, cause BEXP isn't enough. At least I got to seal Leo, so Fiona has to shine in both 1-E and 3-6.

Ilyana ferries:

- Ashera Icon

- Brave Sword

- Olivi Grass

- Celerity

Name     Class       Lv Exp Hp Str Mag Skl Sp Lck Def Res  Weapon Level              Support    Skills

Micaiah  Light Mage  18  00 28   4  20  16 17  26   9  19  Light B                   Sothe A    Sacrifice, Resolve
Sothe    Rogue       06  61 36  22   5  23 24  18  16  11  Knife S                   Micaiah A  Guard, Pass, Savior
Leonardo Sniper      01  99 29  19   3  21 21  20  14  12  Bow A                     Nolan A    Cancel, Adept
Nolan    Warrior     01  99 39  20   5  20 20  16  14   8  Axe A                     Leonardo A Nihil, Paragon
Tauroneo Lance Gen.  14  08 38  24  12  22 20  18  21  15  Lance S, Axe A                       Renewal
Fiona    Lance Kn.   15  75 25  12   6  14 15   9  14   8  Lance C                              Imbue
Tormod   Fire Sage   06  63 34  13  18  17 20  14  13  15  Fire A, Thunder B, Wind C            

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1-P: 6/6 turns - Derp

Unit      Lvl  HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS  Skill  Weapon

Miccy    2.92  15  2  8  9  8 11  3  5  N/A    Light D

1-1: 7/13 turns - Standard blocking with Nolan, then Miccy picked up the hand axe. No steel sword because Nolan killed the hand axe fighter on the tile instead of the boss.

Unit      Lvl  HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS  Skill  Weapon

Miccy    3.70  16  2  9  9  9 12  3  6  N/A    Light D

1-2: 6/19 turns - Nolan was my free unit, and he delivered. Laura was dropped on the arrive tile on turn 5, then arrived on turn 6. Nolan got me a nice, shiny Thani for Micaiah to abuse and Sothe got the energy drop.

Unit      Lvl  HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS  Skill  Weapon

Miccy    4.89  17  2 10  9 10 12  3  7  N/A    Light D
Sothe    Base

1-3: 7/26 turns - I used RFoF's strategy with recruiting Aran but it was sort of different. Because the armor kept going south of Kurth, I had to readjust people and Miccy ended up Thanibombing the armor from a weird spot. She dodged one attack from a soldier then, Laura got Aran, and then everything went according to the strategy.

Unit      Lvl  HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS  Skill  Weapon

Miccy    6.51  17  3 12 10 12 14  3  9  N/A    Light D
Sothe    Didn't record stats, but I'm pretty sure he was at base

1-4 prep: Bought the beastkiller, took off skills from undrafted units, and BEXP'd Meg to 3.95 so she can get an easy level.

1-4: 7/33 turns - I used Sho's strategy for this and Miccy also got the Agony kill. Meg took out one tiger below.

Unit      Lvl  HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS  Skill  Weapon

Miccy    7.64  18  3 12 10 13 15  3 10  Wrath  Light D
Sothe    4.10  35 21  4 22 22 18 15 10  Cancel Knife S <--- not sure about this, but I think he hit S knives in this chapter
Meg      4.93  24 11  1  8  9  9 11  5  Shade  Sword C

1-5: 6/39 turns - Sothe stole a master seal for Meg who can't even use it yet. Otherwise, it was pretty good and Meg and Micaiah did some self-improvement. Meg just doesn't want to grow strength >______> I might toss the energy drop her way, or I might save it for Vika. Her defense is okay, though. Meg leeched a ton of kills here.

Unit      Lvl  HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS  Skill  Weapon

Miccy    8.63  18  3 13 10 13 16  4 11  Wrath  Light D
Sothe    4.99  35 21  4 22 22 18 15 10  Cancel Knife S
Meg      6.92  24 11  1  9 11 11 13  5  Shade  Sword C

1-6 prep: BEXP'd Meg to 7.90 and she got speed, luck, and defense. I gave the dracoshield to Micaiah for the next chapter. She should be able to take out the right hand side reinforcement peggies with Meg while Sothe takes out the other side. Ripped resolve off of Tauroneo and assigned it to Sothe and also took off adept from Zihark. Meg also took his killing edge just in case she decides she wants to hit B swords anytime soon.

1-6-1: 6/45 turns - I did pretty well here, I think, with only 3 units. I did give Tauro his silver lance so enemies would target Meg over him. Resolve!Sothe managed to kill half the map. I should've forged another knife for him though for the next part.

1-6-2: 4/49 turns - Fuck. I ran out of my knife forge uses and then it took another turn to kill the boss with a bronze dagger.

Unit      Lvl  HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS  Skill           Weapon

Miccy   11.41  19  3 15 11 16 19  7 14  Wrath           Light D?
Sothe    6.04  36 22  4 24 23 20 17 10  Cancel, Resolve Knife S
Meg      8.41  25 12  1 10 13 13 14  5  Shade           Sword C <--- was BEXP'd

1-7: 6/51 turns - Yay, finally got Vika. Undrafted units are allowed to shove enemies, right? .___.; Either Volug or Muarim shoved something, I don't remember and then Vika rescued Micaiah. I went around the building, so I didn't rescue any prisoners, but oh well. Sothe killed the wind mage at the ledge with a forge and then Vika came through and dropped Micaiah near the boss area. Vika weakened the boss, Sothe crit, then Miccy seized.

Unit      Lvl  HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS  Skill           Weapon

Miccy   12.11  19  3 16 11 17 19  7 15  Wrath           Light C
Sothe    6.79  36 22  4 24 23 20 17 10  Cancel, Resolve Knife S
Meg     12.06  28 15  2 12 16 16 15  5  Shade           Sword C
Vika    13.20  Base 

1-8: 7/58 turns - Oh God, this is where only have 4 (and Rafiel) usable units hurts you. Vika was a huge help here in taking out the draco and then clearing out left hand side with Meg's sort of help after smoking grass. Celerity!Sothe took out the right hand side, Micaiah sort of solo'd the bottom part. Sothe crit a lot so no one had to play clean up after him. It's such a pain in the ass trying to get undrafted units not attacked by the bandits ._____. Oh and Micaiah took Rafiel's seraph robe.

Unit      Lvl  HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS  Skill            Weapon

Miccy   13.89  27  3 16 11 17 19  7 15  Wrath            Light C
Sothe    7.61  36 22  4 25 24 20 18 10  Cancel, Celerity Knife S
Meg      Something, IDK                 Shade            Sword B
Vika    14.21  39 10  5 14 15 15  7  7

1-9: 4/62 turns - Resolvecaiah strategy. Didn't get her stats at the end because I BEXP'd her 2 levels before I recorded her ending stats.

Miccy   18.00 28 4 20 14 18 25 9 20

1-E prep: Meg gets BEXP'd to level 16, and then I throw a master seal on her. Vika gets BEXP'd to level 15, and then I'll be seeing her again basically never. Probably no S rank for you. I'm planning on Ilyana taking the brave sword, blue gem, celerity, adept, Ashera icon, seraph robe, fortune (for selling) and savior. Resolve is probably staying here because Mia doesn't have any more room for it after stealing Soren's adept, Shinon doesn't have room for it after taking Ilyana's adept, and Ike's taking Shinon's provoke and maybe sharing adept with Shinon. Gaaah. I'm not sure if adept should go on Shinon though. I bought an extra olivi grass but I'm starting to wonder why the hell I did that, since the only other laguz I have is Skrimir.

Meg   16.00 31 18 3 13 17 17 17 6 (pre-promo)
Meg    1.00 33 20 5 14 18 17 19 8 (post-promo)

Meg has been kind of dead weight so far, just killing leftovers here and there, shoving Sothe, and ORKOing mages. Vika contributed much more even though she's only around for a few chapters. Hopefully Meg'll be of more use come part 3.

1-E: 7/69 heh 69 turns - Vika <3 (who's ferrying Miccy) Meg stayed down there to kill shit because she'd just clog up ledge space. Makes me wish I'd drafted Jill, so then she could ferry the BK and shave a turn. If only BK was like a sentinel or something :dry: I gave Sothe pass at first, and then he was killed because he can't dodge worth shit. And then I slapped resolve on him, and he didn't even get into resolve range ._____. So I went with pass in the end so he could go through shit and it managed to work out somehow. I think it was Vika that broke down the door, and then Sothe killed the longbow archer first and got other things to suicide into him after that. Crit forge <3333

Unit      Lvl  HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS  Skill            Weapon

Miccy   19.41  27  3 16 11 17 19  7 15  Wrath            Light B? idk
Sothe    8.44  36 22  4 25 24 20 18 10  Pass, Cancel     Knife S
Meg      2.91  33 21  5 15 18 17 20  8  Paragon          Sword B?
Vika    16.06  39 11  6 15 18 17  7  8  Renewal          Strike A

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