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Favorite chapter in RD

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What'cha talking about? Solo'ing Ike with Edward or anyone is the most gratifying experience in RD ever :p.

Most gratifying experiences in my opinion: 2 turning 4-E-1, 6 turning 4-4, 3 turning 4-1 and 4 turning 3-10.

There is something about crazily rushing all over slaughtering enemies that makes me smile.

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I like the chapters where big armies are clashing, that's why I like the yellow and green units.

my 2 main faves are 2-E and 3-13.

other faves are 3-E, 2-3, 3-E, 3-4, 3-10 and 3-12.

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Most gratifying experiences in my opinion: 2 turning 4-E-1, 6 turning 4-4, 3 turning 4-1 and 4 turning 3-10.

There is something about crazily rushing all over slaughtering enemies that makes me smile.

Hoooooow D: Well, I know 3-10, but the best I can get on the other maps are 4/8/5.

My favorite chapter is probably 3-13. It's fun to kill Ike but it's also fun to watch the yellow units duking it out against the laguz.

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3-E is pretty gr9 too. It reminds me of the Battle Of Five Armies in The Hobbit a bit. (only theres four armies but yeah you get the idea.) Plus that thump thump of the counter in the corner.

I think the chapters i really detest are 1-9 because its blagh and 2-1. 2-1 is a fucking pile of ass. Stuck with two meh units and Heather trying to actually kill stuff. Yeah D: 2-2 is kinda ass too.

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3-E is pretty gr9 too. It reminds me of the Battle Of Five Armies in The Hobbit a bit. (only theres four armies but yeah you get the idea.) Plus that thump thump of the counter in the corner.

I think the chapters i really detest are 1-9 because its blagh and 2-1. 2-1 is a fucking pile of ass. Stuck with two meh units and Heather trying to actually kill stuff. Yeah D: 2-2 is kinda ass too.

I absolutely hate 2-1! I'm not sure why, I like both Brom and Nephenee but I really don't like that chapter, and I hate depending on wrath for the boss kill :lol:. 2-2 is gr9 in my opinion ;w; and so are 2-3 and 2-E

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Im not a Neph fan. Ive used her a couple of times in both games but shes not my style. Plus at that point, shes kinda bleagh anyway. Brom is meh and Heather cant do much damage to anything. I just fucking hate that level.

2-3 and 2-E are gr9! I agree! I think its because im a Marcia fan. :P I like 3-9 too.

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Im not a Neph fan. Ive used her a couple of times in both games but shes not my style. Plus at that point, shes kinda bleagh anyway. Brom is meh and Heather cant do much damage to anything. I just fucking hate that level.

2-3 and 2-E are gr9! I agree! I think its because im a Marcia fan. :P I like 3-9 too.

I like Marcia too ;w; but I like Astrid too and I also like 3-9 ^^'

after playing 2-1 in HM I lost interest using Nephenee and I have no clue why, she just irritated me.

Edited by Queen_Kittylincia
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I think the chapters i really detest are 1-9 because its blagh and 2-1. 2-1 is a fucking pile of ass. Stuck with two meh units and Heather trying to actually kill stuff. Yeah D: 2-2 is kinda ass too.

Yeah... I don't like 2-1 either. It's so annoying.

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Yeah... I don't like 2-1 either. It's so annoying.

Especially if Heather decides to commit suicide by attacking the boss...

(You know, it's really tempting to make a dumb blonde joke at this point, but I'll refrain from doing so...)

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2-1 is just way too luck based. I don't like being forced to use only two units that I don't really like, especially when they're not very good. And it feels stupid because some of the difficulty comes from Nephenee getting weighed down by her weapon, and Brom being stuck with a shitty Iron Axe.

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2-1 is just way too luck based. I don't like being forced to use only two units that I don't really like, especially when they're not very good. And it feels stupid because some of the difficulty comes from Nephenee getting weighed down by her weapon, and Brom being stuck with a shitty Iron Axe.

They should have started him with a steel axe at least

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2-1 is just way too luck based. I don't like being forced to use only two units that I don't really like, especially when they're not very good. And it feels stupid because some of the difficulty comes from Nephenee getting weighed down by her weapon, and Brom being stuck with a shitty Iron Axe.

Don't you have transfers? Neph T absolutely destroys everyone in that chapter. It is awesome.

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One of the houses has a Steel Axe (the one closest to where you start, if I remember correctly). Even so, who decided that giving Nephenee that bloody Steel Greatlance was a good idea? 2-1 has got to be the worst level in RD purely because of Neph's weapon and Heather (would it kill IS to make decent AI for green and yellow units?).

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Yeah even with transfers, Neph has issues due to that damn lance of hers. Plus in order to prevent Heather from doing really stupid shit, Neph has to haul ass to get to her. That freaking lance....ugh! It weighs her down so bad! Shes often not even hitting the boss.

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Yeah even with transfers, Neph has issues due to that damn lance of hers. Plus in order to prevent Heather from doing really stupid shit, Neph has to haul ass to get to her. That freaking lance....ugh! It weighs her down so bad! Shes often not even hitting the boss.

Not sure what you mean about her having problems with transfers. With transfers she doubles the entire map and 2RKO's the armors blocking the path to Yeardley, so yeah it isn't bad. Plus, when you consider it is a clean 3HKO, she only really has to face 1 EP from the armor. Her accuracy is spotty but not too bad. She can literally just chill in the boss' area until Brom recruits Heather. That's why the map is so easy with transfers.

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37 HP and 17 DEF for a level one unit isnt balls. 37HP/17DEF/21AS/54Avo in neutral bio isnt bad at all really. Its much better than 32HP/15DEF/17AS/46Avo :/.

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