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Theories about Ena's ending

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I've probably complained enough about how I was unable to find a decent theory for Ena's ending, in which she has her lost fiance's child, so I thought I'd open up that particular can of worms and (hopefully) empty it out completely in this thread. Here are the theories I've read, heard, or come up with, and what I found wanting in each of them.

1. Rajaion got Ena pregnant before he disappeared.

Probably the biggest problem with this theory is that Rajaion disappeared 19 years before PoR, and Ena did not look pregnant in PoR (or RD, for that matter), so I don't think that she could have been anywhere close to her second trimester. That means that for this theory to be true, a dragon would have to have a gestation period of about... 90 years.

Another problem with this theory is the beating that Ena took from Ike and his companions at Nevassa, and then from the Black Knight at Nados Castle. It seems... unlikely... that the embryo could have survived that.

2. Rajaion got Ena pregnant--or at least had an orgasm--at the end of PoR.

Considering that their last moments together took place in a courtyard in Melior in the presence of the Crimean army, it seems unlikely that they would have had sex then. On the other hand, Rajaion's last moments may have been pleasant enough for him to have an orgasm, although Ike's description of those last moments at the end of Part 4 chapter 1 doesn't sound particularly orgasmic to me.

And, of course, Ena looked no more heavily pregnant in Radiant Dawn than she did in Path of Radiance, although the time gap in this case is only three years, and the gestation period necessary for her to still look that way is much more reasonable than with theory 1.


Dragons have come back to life in previous Fire Emblem games. If Garnef could do it to Medeus and Bramimond could do it to Ninian, maybe the goddesses could do it to Rajaion.

Ashera did indeed resurrect some of her most devoted followers, but the events of Part 4 Endgame (3) made it quite clear that Rajaion wasn't one of them. Maybe Yune or Ashunera would, but that makes things rather complicated, and I think Occam had the right idea.

4. Continuity Error.

This is actually a whole bunch of theories, all of them based on the premise that at least one of the established facts is in error. Personally, my favorite of such theories would be that the father was actually Kurthnaga. But if any or all of the established facts could be wrong, the list of possibilities is virtually endless, so it's kind of pointless to discuss. And speaking of pointless to discuss...

5. It's just a game, so who cares?

Well, obviously I do, or I wouldn't have made this post. Still, I realize that this post isn't going to convince anybody of anything important, and I'm pretty sure that most of you will favor this last theory.

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I'm sorry, but I have to go with 5 since it has no effect on the game in any way what-so-ever, though you put up a great argument that could convince almost anyone. Congrats. /not sarcasm

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I'm sorry, but I have to go with 5 since it has no effect on the game in any way what-so-ever, though you put up a great argument that could convince almost anyone. Congrats. /not sarcasm

I second this

Edited by Fireemblemfan
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There's also the possibility that during the 19 year period of Rajaion being missing, Ena found him at some point. I'm pretty sure he wasn't a Feral the entire time. If she found him then lost him again, she'd probably be too sad to talk about it too. Of course, that still means that the gestation period is years, but considering that it's dragons we're talking about I think that's reasonable.

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hey, i don't think this will mean anything but here it goes:

i seem to recall that in FE9 Ashnard said Rajaion would start to get wild when Ena got near him.

now if we go forwards in time, we find out that when Muarim drank that thing that made laguz into ferals, Tormod could manage to bring him back.

now, i'm not saying that Ena managed to get Rajaion back to normal, but i bet she could get him to a point near sanity. after all, dragons are supposed to be powerful creatures, and probably can shake off the effects of the potion thing better than any other laguz.

maybe in one of the moments when Rajaion was close to sanity, the managed to....... um, get it on........

but i don't know, this is just me letting my imagination run wild. there is no sources to back up what i say, just finding little bits of information and (hopefully) putting them together in a reasonable way

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now if we go forwards in time, we find out that when Muarim drank that thing that made laguz into ferals, Tormod could manage to bring him back.

Actually, Rafiel brought him back with the galdr.

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Actually, Rafiel brought him back with the galdr.

i didn't mean THAT part. don't you remember when he was becoming into a feral?

Tormod said that it had happened before several times already. whenever it happened Tormod would say his name and somehow calm him down until he was back to normal.

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Well, a funny thing happened to me my first few playthroughs...

Ena always died on most of my playthroughs, especially against Ashera. Usually, I would say, "Screw it! She's outlived her uses!" and leave her for dead.

And, as we all know, with a dead Ena, you get no Ena-ending.

However, Gareth's ending doesn't change if Ena is dead. It still says, "Gareth was put in charge of Kurthnaga's new nephew." Now, imagine my confusion, 1st playthrough. "That doesn't make any sense! Pelleas is dead! What, is he going to guard his grave or something?!"

Second Playthrough: Ena dead again. I still had no idea she had anything to do with the Gareth ending. This time, however, it is revealed that Soren is the nephew. "Well, that makes a little more sense," I thought. But not much more. I mean, Soren didn't know he was Kurthnaga's nephew-- how is Gareth going to guard him?

*hypothetical situation*

Ike: Uh, hey, Gareth. Thanks for stopping by... I guess. What's up?

Gareth: I was sent by the king to protect his nephew. Just ignore me and carry on with your daily activities. I keep watch over the Prince.

Ike: Uh, Gareth, that doesn't make any...

Gareth: IGNORE ME!

Soren: Oh, Ike, I have someth....what's he doing here?

Gareth: Prince! Get down! You'll draw attention from the crushing mandibles of evil dragons hell bent on assassination!!!

Soren: Uhh...what?

Ike: I don't know, just ignore him.

*hypothetical ended*

Ok, so third playthrough: Ena lived! The truth revealed! She had Rajaion's baby! "Finally!" I thought. "Some answers...wait a minute... that makes even LESS sense!"

Soooooooooooooooo, everything aside, I think they just wrote a happy ending for Ena, which is the most likely theory in my book. But the kid being Kurthnaga's is a good theory. Never thought of that. OOOOhhhh, scandalous!

EDIT: Okay, here's the actual ending:

"Gareth was named chaimberlain to the king's new nephew, and taught him with both strictness and love."

So, now you see my confusion. :lol:

*hypothetical situation 2*

Gareth: Now, Prince, I'm going to teach you with both strictness and love.

Soren: ... ... ....Get away from me.

Edited by Dily
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I go with choice number five, only because it's a game and as long as I can beat the shit out of something and the storyline makes sense, I don't care for the backstory

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You're right, they really ought to have put more thought into the dead-Ena ending...

In my opinion, they ought to have put more thought into the endings period. Then again, I wouldn't have gotten such a good laugh reading what Dily posted if they did...

I guess bugs, continuity errors, and other mishaps can be funny if presented correctly.

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Remember that Ena can't die. She's only "wounded." Sorry, Dily, but I think that solves your problem.

But even if she's wounded, there's no ending for her, which makes the endings confusing. She didn't die during my play through, but I can see the confusion if she did.

I'd have to go with number 1, by the way.

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But even if she's wounded, there's no ending for her, which makes the endings confusing. She didn't die during my play through, but I can see the confusion if she did.

I'd have to go with number 1, by the way.

Exactly. How would that solve the problem if the only text I read is "Severly wounded in part Blah"? It still doesn't mention the existence of her baby! How would a first time player know anything beyond what is in the text?

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