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An Apology


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Okay, so I'm going to apologize for a number of things here; I have fencing practice in roughly two hours (because stabbing people repeatedly every week is an incredibly effective cure for mood swings), and since typing this will take time, I'm going to try my best to rush this through--this means that I might forget some crucial things, more or less, but oh well.

These things I happen to be apologizing for are as follows:

1. My behavior inside of mafia games

This is a huge one in which I'm a little vexed that I have to apologize for--I understand I might come off as rude sometimes, but if you were to hear my tone outside of the internet, it would be more clear that at least 95% of the time I use excessive profanity, I'm not being incredibly serious (or, at least, as serious as mafia is allowed to get). I understand that I've been unintentionally offending people, however, and I detest doing that. I'll admit that, yes, I don't always enjoy playing mafia here, and why I joined Rein's game was simply to see if anything here at changed. And, yes, your ability to discuss has improved--I like that. However, this forum really isn't used to the mechanics of NOC, and I'm not here to explain them because, for one, I'm not the best player around anyway /: and secondly, I'm not here to be an elitist. Which brings me to my second apology.

2. My behavior outside of mafia games (relating to mafia)

I've been more or less 'arguing' with people over how rules of NOC should be enforced and traditions (that aren't followed here at SF) should be more enforced, and et cetera. This is my flaw--I won't even be playing mafia here anymore, and therefore telling you guys how you should run your mafia seems is pretentious of me to be doing, as well as a little uncalled for. I feel like I'm losing friends over this silly game that I've gotten way too obsessed over--I lose sleep over mafia, I've cried over mafia, I have a mafia-related metaphor for everything, I eat, breathe, and sleep mafia, I spend hours playing EM every day etc. etc. etc.

I'm simply trying to inform you that I'm not here to be hostile over mafia. And even when I do argue about mafia, I don't enjoy doing it (contrary to what some of you believe) because I personally abhor arguing/debating. I feel that there's no point to it, and people don't change their minds so quickly over someone else's opinion/viewpoint. I'd think that if someone wants to change their mind for their own self, they will. But yeah, I've been incredibly irrational over this game, and that's why I need to stop playing it here.

3. Taking on large projects and later abandoning them/taking a lengthy amount of time to complete them

Here's a little something about me: If I happen to, say, join a game/decide to becoming unofficial mafia 'moderator' of the forum and become completely inactive at a certain period of time for more than three days, simply replace me. This is when my depression is setting in and taking away all of the ecstatic motivation that I had before. I don't always request to be replaced because I've adopted a fear of disappointing people and I hate feeling like I'm creating excuses when my mood swings simply rob my ability to think and act clearly. The same goes with games that I plan on hosting, too--if I promise to host, say, Choral Mafia IV, but take months and months to actually finish the setup and start the game? Yeah, it'll most definitely happen, but it may take a while to actually happen if, say, my motivation keeps getting brutally shot in the middle of the project. I'm only asking that you be patient with me, as this is becoming a problem and I've actually started to see a counselor for it. /:

4. My profanity usage

Yeah, this is a more specific one, but I'm serious with this: don't be offended if I use excessive profanity for seemingly no reason. It's simply how I express affection and such.

Anyhow, I'll conclude with this:

This is my official retirement from playing SF mafia. Don't ask me to join/play any games, please.

I will, however, still host games. Just remember what I mentioned before and give me some time to work on them. I know that it may sometimes seem like I'll never get certain projects done, but... it'll happen. I'm having severe issues with depression and my self-confidence that I'm working incredibly hard to fix. I ask for your patience and understanding in the way I've been acting lately. I feel as if I'm really losing a lot of people I used to be kind of close to, and... it's been getting to me pretty terribly as of late. /:

I also ask for no criticism/attacks towards any of my viewpoints here, as this is not here to be an argue/debate thread. I mean it. I'm not trying to personally insult/offend any of you right now; I'm apologizing and I'm pretty down and ugh. I just feel like an incredibly unreliable piece of shit that's gotten absolutely nothing done lately, but I'm going to fix it.

Edited by Levantamos
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This is mafia-related so I figured I should post it in the mafia section. /:

Edited by Levantamos
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this should either be in the serious discussions board or your rickrolling us.

far from the forrest is the section where noone takes whats posted seriously.

Someone can't read subforums.

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If your stomach can handle it, a little chocolate does wonders to my mood. Dunno why. Another thing you can try is to NOT swear for a day (especially when your mood's down). I'm not sure how much this will help, but when things got really bad on my end, I found that cutting out swearing helped me out of my emotional rut quicker.

Anyway. . .no offense taken. If I did get offended, it would mean that I'm taking this game way too seriously. I'm still eagerly awaiting Choral Mafia IV. Can't wait to see your writing style in action!

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this should either be in the serious discussions board or your rickrolling us.

far from the forrest is the section where noone takes whats posted seriously.

what the fuck is wrong with you what the fuck is wrong with you WHAT IN FUCKING HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU

Did you read the post? Because that post isn't a person trying to "troll", it's something who genuinely feels sorry (even though I think she has nothing to be sorry for aside from CM4), and wants to make up for it by posting it in the section she thinks she's affected.

And, yes, everyone else has taken this topic seriously. Aside from your hideous post, of course.

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And, yes, everyone else has taken this topic seriously. Aside from your hideous post, of course.

and psych

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