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Anyone else having issues with Firefox?


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I've been hearing a lot about problems with firefox recently, I'm pretty sure firefox is in fact manufacturing these issues so that I am the only one left with firefox (my version runs perfectly, I never update out of fidelity). I would recommend switching to another browser like Chrome.

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The "freezing" problem might have to do with the Places deep within Firefox (seems to be a SQLite problem). I don't use FF if I can help it, and if I ever get around to updating mine, it's gonna be 3.6.20, or something like that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have had it with my motherfucking Firefox freezing so often. Even if I close and re-open it, it soon starts happening again.

To Chrome.

Edit: Fuck yes no lag.

Edited by V-Raven
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  • 2 weeks later...

Chrome's Inspect Element tool is amazing. /AMAZING./

I have FF/Chrome/Opera/Safari. Mained FF for a while, then suddenly speed drop happened. Moved default to Chrome and ain't moving back. Opera's pretty stable, though not as pretty (I like my aethetics :x) and Safari is...okay I guess. It's the default OS browser so I keep it around. I also have this nice calculator installed into Chrome. It's pretty sexy.

But yeah. Since I at least do a decent amount of webdesign work, it's nice having multiple browsers around.

Fuck IE because they only have like, IE5 for my OS of choice. I ain't checking crap on that outdated shit. Plus IE doesn't let you pull out individual tabs, which really irks me. Somebody else can check my code on IE, kthx.

Actually when FF6 came out it was faster than Chrome for like, two days, then it slowed down again. :B

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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This sounds like a really weird problem ' ~ '

I'm using Aurora 10.0a2, and the only freeze I have is when the Plugin Container starts up. After it stops freezing (which normally takes less than a minute), I never get any slowdowns with it. Dunno what's wrong on your end. Maybe upgrade to Aurora? It's still Firefox, just super beta stage. Been working better than normal Firefox, at least for me.

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Don't close it - it seems like an all-round problem that affects everyone. I Googled it and found some steps that can be taken to disable the Firefox Crash Protection plugin, which was said to be the cause of the system slowdown. It doesn't slow down like it used to any more, but it crashes a lot more often than normal. Just can't fucking win.

Might go for Chrome.

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