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how do you change the range of Bows?

HF Makalov Fanboy Kai

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i wish to do something to make bows more like thier FE2 version with 2-5 range or so, but i'm uncertain as to figure out where to find this stuff at.

also how would i change the text? At the very least i want to change the ingame names.

while i'm thinking about it, how would you change the EXP gain for using staff's

Edited by HF Makalov Fanboy Kai
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EXP gain is changed by changing the value of the item in the Item Editor. IIRC for range you can do, say, 0x13 for a 1-3 range bow. For Mag/2or ranges above 10 it's a bit trickier, but you can look at Ballistae and Seige tomes for that.

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There's some ASM thing that changes staff EXP. IIRC Mariobro has a module for it.

And for the ranges, it's very simple. It's one value. Max range is 1-15. Basically, 0xab, where a is the minimum range and b is the maximum, in hex. So, 2-6 would be 0x26, and 14-15 would be 0xEF. Simple enough?

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