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Fire Emblem: Silver Blade


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A few months ago (between 6-7 if I'm correct) I decided to create a hack of Fire Emblem 7, so I decided to create a free forum to help myself and the team keep everything we do organised and in check.

Some specifics:

- The link to the Silver Blade forum is here: http://silverblade.b1.jcink.com/index.php

- We have already created a roster for playable characters. We are no longer taking signups.

I feel the team needs expanding on several areas.

We need more portrait makers, for those who may be interested.

If you are reading this and are interested in helping out in any way, just post here. Obviously you'd have to create an account on the SB forum to gain access to the staff area too, but you knew that already. Alternatively you can create an account on the SB forum and post in this topic.

Thanks for reading.

Edited by Raven
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We need more:

Portrait makers

Portrait inserters

Nightmare module editors

Battle animation editors/importers

First off, half the stuff there is pretty easy. For example, importing animations and using FEditor Packages are one of the most easiest things ever in FE hacking. Inserting your own animations is harder, but it's not the most complicated thing ever. Just look at Blazer's Ultimate Tutorial and post questions in the question Forum when you're stuck or something. Or even better yet, ask a member of your group. I'm pretty sure at least one or two of your staff members know how to do it. When you say Nightmare module editors, I'm assuming you mean you need people to use Nightmare to edit the hack, which is like even more easier than importing animations. You don't even need half of the modules in there, since you'll probably more focused on class and character editors. Portrait insertion, again, is one of the most easiest things in FE rom hacking. It was one of the few things people did back in the day of reskins, because it was so easy. Making portraits isn't too hard, but it's not like the most easiest thing. I would be willing to help, unless you are looking for like full custom, in which case I can't help. If you are looking for full custom, then I'm sure someone with that skill will come to help you. Also, you don't need certain people to insert stuff, it would just be easier to combine that with the tasks for people who are making the stuff. For example, if a person was making a map, then have either the map maker insert it or the primary event hacker insert it. Of course, if your current method works better for you, then stick with it. Anyways, good luck, and please don't make this hack too easy or too hard. Also, please don't die from inactivity, that would really suck.

Edited by ThatKittyDownTheStreet
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Do you have a list of the playable people?

This should suffice.

First off, half the stuff there is pretty easy. For example, importing animations and using FEditor Packages are one of the most easiest things ever in FE hacking. Inserting your own animations is harder, but it's the most complicated thing ever. Just look at Blazer's Ultimate Tutorial and post questions in the question Forum when you're stuck or something. Or even better yet, ask a member of your group. I'm pretty sure at least one or two of your staff members know how to do it. When you say Nightmare module editors, I'm assuming you mean you need people to use Nightmare to edit the hack, which is like even more easier than importing animations. You don't even need half of the modules in there, since you'll probably more focused on class and character editors. Portrait insertion, again, is one of the most easiest things in FE rom hacking. It was one of the few things people did back in the day of reskins, because it was so easy. Making portraits isn't too hard, but it's not like the most easiest thing. I would be willing to help, unless you are looking for like full custom, in which case I can't help. If you are looking for full custom, then I'm sure someone with that skill will come to help you. Also, you don't need certain people to insert stuff, it would just be easier to combine that with the tasks for people who are making the stuff. For example, if a person was making a map, then have either the map maker insert it or the primary event hacker insert it. Of course, if your current method works better for you, then stick with it. Anyways, good luck, and please don't make this hack too easy or too hard. Also, please don't die from inactivity, that would really suck.

I'll take your pointers to heart. I've got a copy of Blazer's Ultimate Tutorial on my hard drive, I've been reading over some of it, in case it falls on me to do something specific on behalf of another staff member.

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I'll take your pointers to heart. I've got a copy of Blazer's Ultimate Tutorial on my hard drive, I've been reading over some of it, in case it falls on me to do something specific on behalf of another staff member.

BTW, I meant to say that inserting animations is NOT the most complicated thing ever. Sorry for any confusion.

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BTW, I meant to say that inserting animations is NOT the most complicated thing ever. Sorry for any confusion.

Haha, I understood what you meant. I know, I did it once before, took a few tries but it's manageable.

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Cheers Blazer, here's hoping this one won't go under like other attempted hacks.

Integrity has been recruited to aid myself and Excellen with the script writing.

I have also created a group chat on Skype for team members of the hack.

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I'm interested in helping. I've done a little bit of splicing, battle sprite editing, and mapping. Art gallery's in the sig.

EDIT: also done a little bit of nightmare and eventing.

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Lol I thought this had died XD

The only thing I've done is splicing and spriting stuff. I haven't worked in hacking or anything like that at all and also while I love creative writing, I tend to go in writer's block probably way more than anyone else =D

Also I wondered what my mug looked like and was like "ugh that's dumb" and I'm trying to make some edits to it.

Edited by Freohr Datia
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I'm interested in helping. I've done a little bit of splicing, battle sprite editing, and mapping. Art gallery's in the sig.

EDIT: also done a little bit of nightmare and eventing.

I quite like our work; it's better than what I could conjure up any time soon.

Oh hey, it's this thing. Think I could help out at all?

(my credentials consist of "I taught Astra how to hack", does that count?)

As you know, we spoke on Skype and you are to be an important aid like Astra and Revan. Good to have you on board.

I can't really help much besides maps, but if you want me I can do stuff. ;/

Lol I thought this had died XD

The only thing I've done is splicing and spriting stuff. I haven't worked in hacking or anything like that at all and also while I love creative writing, I tend to go in writer's block probably way more than anyone else =D

Also I wondered what my mug looked like and was like "ugh that's dumb" and I'm trying to make some edits to it.

If you don't mind me asking, what are your experiences in these fields? Any links to previous pieces of works done?

Also on a side note, this thing is far from dead. It dies when I die or when I lose total interest in Fire Emblem, haha.

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Sprite link's at the bottom. Hopefully they get better over time =3

The GBA style ones come up about halfway through I believe. If you want just go to the last page or two where I think they get better =bbb

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Sprite link's at the bottom. Hopefully they get better over time =3

The GBA style ones come up about halfway through I believe. If you want just go to the last page or two where I think they get better =bbb

Well now, I had no idea you had such talents. What role(s) would you be willing to sign up for?

I can do sprites, but not all the time since uni hrrrrng and spriting for other hacks, but if you find another person who can FC well, I can design characters fairly quickly.

Same goes to you, I'd be happy to have you on board. As I asked Free, what role(s) will you sign up for?

Also, what does FC stand for?

I'll put you both on the staff team.

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I don't even know what portrait inserter is XDDD Unless someone can explain then I can see if I could get anything done about that.

Otherwise all I could do is "portrait maker"

Oh and thanks Raven XD


Also my character's mug in SB (idk if I ever submitted that yet or not) was made by me back then, but now that I've improved from the critique I've received on my own work recently, it's let me realize how crappy I was back then. So I'm making fixes to it and hopefully it'll look so much better. If not then maybe if lumi has time she could fix it XD

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FC= full custom. Basically making a sprite from scratch rather than splicing.

So portrait maker. I've done like, 3 already anyway :P

Haha I am fully aware of this fact; all the more reason I'd like to have you on staff.

I don't even know what portrait inserter is XDDD Unless someone can explain then I can see if I could get anything done about that.

Otherwise all I could do is "portrait maker"

Oh and thanks Raven XD


Portrait inserters are simply the people who use the tools to insert completed portraits into the actual game ROM.

Edit: You should both be able to view the staff board now.

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Alright staff, I've set some tasks for us to do. If you're not assigned anything now, chances are that you will be next time. However, feel free to help around with other tasks if you have the time and ability.


Any queries and stuff just post it there.

Also arachnid, I like your work, and experience is always good. Would you be interested in mapping for the hack then?

Also Lumi, I am a fan of your mugwork. Would you be interested in helping out with creating mugs?

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