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Ok, so liek I suppose I should introduce myself.


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You're funny :3

That certainly was fast. Very well, I've expressed my opinion, you've expressed yours, and now I believe we both have the good manners to not start a fight in Zalhman's introduction thread.

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There's no real opinion on whether or not Crash is "okay" because he is most certainly not, but you're free to be delusional o 3 o

Oh I haven't said hi to Zahllers yet.

ZAHLLERS, how's it going? I'm that guy whose video you used as the example for your sound editor. I'm sure you saw me on FEU before it died. How's it going?

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This is hardly the place for it. . .

You should reference Hazuki's introduction thread.

This one MIGHT just be able to get close to how many replies that thing got.

EVERYONE, WE MUST WORK TOGETHER TO CLUTTER UP ZAHLMAN'S INTRO THREAD, in order to show how welcome he is. I mean the forum is that way in a lot of places anyway.

Every other forum is "Far from the Forest", just at a lower level.

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Seph: I recognize you.

Everyone: OMGWTF drama. Honestly, I don't give half a shit who thinks who is "not ok" because I'm more than capable of forming my own opinions on that topic, and I don't have the kind of emotional instability issues that would cause me to harm myself because of a negative interaction with OMG SOMEONE FROM THE INTERNET. So unless you have reason to believe someone is going to try to steal my credit card number (protip: I don't have one), I don't care.

I'm amazed how much you guys manage to fight with each other. Go be creative.

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Ugh... I got a report from this thread, and I really don't know what to say. Zahl has been here a couple weeks by now, so I think I'll just put this thread out of its misery.

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