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Tales of Vesperia Mafia - GAME OVER


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Remembering something she had forgotten, the girl filled out a ballot and placed it in the holding area. The ballot read ##Vote: Proto.

"I apologize, Sir Proto, but we must do what we can to avoid any stalemates... no offense towards you intended, but you have been far too silent for comfort as well." The girl said solemnly, as her vote was placed.

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Today, the collective group decided they would kill a small child, Karol Capel. You bastards.


Dear Proto,

You are Karol Capel, MISFIT Tracker.


You are the leader of Brave Vesperia, but despite your guild's name, you aren't very courageous. You are here because you heard there were villains about. If you kill them, you and your guild will be famous!

During the night phase, you may reply to your role PM with "Night X: Following USER's footprints". You will use your 'expert' monster tracking skills to follow your target throughout the night. By dawn, you will know who they visited.

Because you are such a coward, you sometimes get scared at night. Once per game, at night, you may reply to your role PM, "Night X - USER, HELP!". You will scream and hide behind USER, and any actions that affect them will affect you as well. However, any actions directed towards you will fail. This cannot be used if you decide to track someone.

Posting Restriction: You are controlled by your emotions... Therefore, you must act overdramatic!!!!!!

You are allied with the Misfits. You win if all hostile factions are eliminated.

It's Night Two. Phase ends Sunday, November 6th, at 5 PM EST.

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Dear Shinori,

You are Gauche, MISFIT Twin.


You are twin orphans raised by Yeager, and serve as his escape assistants. You are the girl on the left, and Droite is the girl on the right. You are here because you are trying to find your dear sister.

During the night phase, you may reply to your role PM with "Night X: Is USER Droite?". You will look at USER, and determine if they are your sister. If they are, you both will gain a special ability between you.

Posting Restriction: You're the hothead, so you must constantly act hostile.

You are allied with the Misfits. You win if all hostile factions are eliminated.

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It saddens me that a very strong player like Obviam has fallen

a very strong player like Obviam has a job now and wouldn't be able to play well anymore anyway

also Shinori claiming to get people off of you is pretty viable but LEAVE OUT PARTS THAT GET YOU KILLED BY THE MAFIA next time jesus fuck

"I have a super secret special ability when I [accomplish difficult task that is now easy due to me claiming]" is an excellent way to paint a big ass target all over yourself.

Actually I'm putting this one in the mafia info dump.

CUT OUT SHIT OR DOCTOR IT if you're sharing your role PM and information therein is as sensitive as ^ that was.

Even if you're town. Yes. Lying when you're town is usually retarded. You have to be tact about it. Just do what's...not stupid.

Edited by Obviam
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also Shinori claiming to get people off of you is pretty viable but LEAVE OUT PARTS THAT GET YOU KILLED BY THE MAFIA next time jesus fuck

"I have a super secret special ability when I [accomplish difficult task that is now easy due to me claiming]" is an excellent way to paint a big ass target all over yourself.

Actually I'm putting this one in the mafia info dump.

CUT OUT SHIT OR DOCTOR IT if you're sharing your role PM and information therein is as sensitive as ^ that was.

Fact. I was the only one who SAID ABOUT LYNCHING HIM, anyways.

Also, lynching someone just because they're afk is stupid even in Mafias. No one will ever convince me of the opposite. Just look at what happened to Proto, damn it, why not choose someone potentially dangerous or suspicious?

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For reasons of which I don't feel are necessary to mention it appears as if my name has been altered, however it is unnotably so so I disbelieve there is any reason for you to care too much

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I probably should not host a mafia again. -_-

If anyone missed a result, let me know

"Come along now, Princess," ??? said, as he finished the basic conditioning on Estelle. The Commandant strode confidently alongside his thrall as the two went to the Adversaries' empty headquarters. As they were about to board the ship to the base, ??? felt a sharp pain course through his side. Then, he was falling...


The Misfits huddle the following morning around Lorddomu's body. It seems he was cut down.

The mourning was interrupted by the announcer once again.

Hello again, town, this is your announcer again. Ether has been determined to be innocent. Also, it's been determined that Bizz is not in this game as a hidden player. So don't bother targeting her. However, I don't have any other information to share with you for now. For now, you should just... continue to use your abilities as best you know how! I'm sorry I can't give you any more information, but thems the breaks.

You briefly contemplate this message while you begin deliberations.

Lorddomu has died.

[spoiler=Domu's role.]

Dear Lorddomu,

You are Droite, MISFIT Twin.


You are twin orphans raised by Yeager, and serve as his escape assistants. You are the girl on the right, and Gauche is the girl on the left. You are here because you are trying to find your dear sister.

During the night phase, you may reply to your role PM with "Night X: Is USER Gauche?". You will look at USER, and determine if they are your sister. If they are, you both will gain a special ability between you.

Posting Restriction: You generally have no idea what you're doing, so act like it.

You are allied with the Misfits. You win if all hostile factions are eliminated.

In addition, you notice Paperblade is missing.

It is now Day 3. There are 3 hidden players in this game.

Day 3 ends on November 8th, at 10 GMT + 0.

Edited by Snike
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