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[FE6] Psychotic Yandere Teacher Cecilia's Experimental Draft of Chaotic Evil, er, Fun


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The only one who can actually do something useful is Wade, and he isn't anything special.

And clipsey, remember Wade actually has to connect with the hammer.

Everyone gets the hammer anyway. Wade's free on his chapter as always, and you can just trade it to someone else...

Is Douglas really that useless, or is he just redundant by the time you get him? I guess he's not worth spending turns in 16x for anyway :P

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The only one who can actually do something useful is Wade, and he isn't anything special.

Yes, so I suppose there's not much to be concerned about.

However I may not start for a while because I've found myself strangely physically incapable of leaving my house for the past couple days, so to speak.

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-- Chapter 1 (7 turns) --

Quite simple. I let Lance weaken up the Brigands so Roy could kill them, and Alan was used to weaken the two archers. Meanwhile, I sent Bors to take the village and Marcus to take care of the northern enemies and solo the Boss.

Leveling up Roy slowed me down. The RNG hates me.

-- Chapter 2 (8 turns) --

Wolt weakened the loldiers so Roy could kill them with a single hit. Lance helped weaken the Brigands while Marcus got the Armorslayer and Alan bought some stuff from the shop. Thany picked up Roy, Dieck and the others killed the enemies on the east side, except the northeast archer since he had to kill Thany. Dieck killed the boss with the Armorslayer and Roy conquered at turn 8.

Lance got a nice level up. FUCKING RNG.

I'll learn how to list Stats later.

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I won't be doing a stat list for a bit, but if you click "Reply", you should be able to get this stat table (I hope):

Name     Class      Level    HP  Str   Skl   Spd   Lck   Def   Res
Roy      Lord       1.00     (use the space bar to align stuff)

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Chapter 1 5/5 turns

Brought Marcus forward carrying Roy. Wolt and Lance helped clear a path. Boss beaten and throne seized on turn 5. Alan got the village.

Chapter 2 7/12 turns

Once again a Marcus carrying Roy Rush Thany brought Marcus the Armorslayer than was killed by an archer. Marcus killed the boss while I used the deaths of Dieck and Wade to clear the way.

Name     Class      Level    HP  S/M   Skl   Spd   Lck   Def   Res 
Roy      Lord       2.33     19  05    05    07    07    05    01
Lance    Cavalier   4.20     23  06    07    08    04    08    00
Bors     Knight     2.11     21  07    04    03    04    11    00
Ellen    Cleric     2.47     16  01    06    08    08    00    06           

Chapter 3 8/20 turns

Marcus rush the others stayed behind and mopped up. Ellen has been healing quite well.

Name     Class      Level    HP  S/M   Skl   Spd   Lck   Def   Res 
Roy      Lord       2.34     19  05    05    07    07    05    01
Lance    Cavalier   5.09     23  06    08    08    04    08    00
Bors     Knight     3.03     22  08    04    04    04    12    00
Ellen    Cleric     2.92     16  01    06    08    08    00    06 
Thany    Death By arrow Chapter 1          

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Chapter 4 7/27 turns

It took a lot of work but I got this one. Marcus rushed around the top and Clarine recruited Rutger. Marcus killed the boss and I got all the villages

Chapter 5 5/32 turns

Marcus and Bors opened the gate. Marcus broke through on turn 4 and Rutger killed the boss Roy seized. It is now time to drop party members.

Good-bye to Marcus, Rutger, Lot, Chad, Clarine, Alan and Merlinius. Hello Dorthy.

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Chapter 6 12/47 turns

Losing Marcus hurts. Lance is growing terribly(Bors is stealing all the good level-ups). Ellen has grown Magic on all her levels. Didn't get anything of course. I didn't get Sue. Roy killed the boss.

Chapter 7 12/59 turns

Got the whole Cavalier brigade together. Got Zealot and he rushed up and killed the boss with the Armorslayer. Roy seized while Noah got Villages.

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Chapter 3: 9 turns (23)

Due to a rescue mix-up, wound up staying an extra turn. Marcus weakened the boss so Dieck could murder him with the Armorslayer. Ward Hammered the armors between him and the treasure room, and Chad had just enough time to snag the Halberd before I ended the map.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Roy       Lord       3.00  19   6    5    8    9    7    0
Wolt      Archer     3.91  20   5    6    6    2    4    0
Merlinus  Wagon      1.01  HAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Wade      Fighter    3.79  Base everything?
Dieck     Merc       7.98  28   9   12   10    6    6    1
Chad      Thief      2.32  17   3    4   11    5    2    0

Chapter 4: 7 turns (30)

Rutger didn't show up. :(:

Marcus walloped everything. The end.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Roy       Lord       3.54  19   6    5    8    9    7    0
Wolt      Archer     4.78  21   5    6    6    2    4    0
Merlinus  Wagon      1.01  HAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Wade      Fighter    4.48  29   8    5    5    4    4    0
Dieck     Merc       8.72  29   9   12   10    6    7    1
Chad      Thief      2.86  17   3    4   11    5    2    0
Clarine   Staffie    1.22  Base everything

Chapter 5: 12 turns (42)

Due to some weird rescuing, among many other things, this took a while. The reason why I kept this run is because Ward got the boss kill with a 24% hit rate. Troll RNG, suck it!

Goodbye rescue shenanigans.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Roy       Lord       5.30  21   6    6    9   10    8    1
Wolt      Archer     5.73  22   5    7    6    3    4    0
Merlinus  Wagon      1.01  HAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Wade      Fighter    5.73  30   8    5    5    5    4    0
Dieck     Merc       9.85  30  10   12   11    6    7    2
Chad      Thief      4.60  19   4    5   13    6    2    0
Clarine   Staffie    2.32  16   2    6   10    9    2    6

Once I get Geese, I'll have everyone. Tee-hee~!

Chapter 6: 8 turns (50)

Minor luck-pulling allowed everyone to get through this one. Chad snagged me a Silver Lance (useless) and 2000 Gold (very useful). Clarine was busy!

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Roy       Lord       6.42  21   7    7   10   10    9    1
Wolt      Archer     6.48  23   5    8    6    4    4    0
Merlinus  Wagon      1.01  HAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Wade      Fighter    8.86  33   9    5    5    7    4    0
Dieck     Merc      10.89  31  11   13   11    6    7    2
Chad      Thief      5.52  20   5    6   14    7    2    0
Clarine   Staffie    3.14  17   2    6   10   10    2    6

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Chapter 8 19/78 turns

I HATE this chapter. I got 3 new units and got a Knight's Crest. Zealot rushed with Roy. After a bunch of crap that is boring I had Zealot Armorslayer the boss. I had Lilly die to an archer unequipped.


Name     Class      Level    HP  S/M   Skl   Spd   Lck   Def   Res  Weapon Level
Roy      Lord       9.03     32  08    06    09    10    08    05   C Swords 
Lance    Cavalier   11.91    27  07    09    11    08    08    00   C Lances E Swords 
Bors     Knight     10.11    28  09    06    07    07    16    02   B Lances
Ellen    Cleric     6.81     18  04    07    09    11    00    09   D Staves
Dorothy  Archer     8.56     21  07    09    08    04    04    03   D Bows 
Noah     Cavalier   10.28    29  09    08    09    06    08    01   C Swords D Lances
Treck    Cavalier   8.55     29  10    07    08    08    09    00   D Lances E Swords
Zealot   Paladin    3.72*    36  10    12    14    05    11    07   A Lances C Swords D Axes
Wendy    Knight     2.60     20  04    03    04    06    08    01   D Lances 
Barth    Knight     9.53     25  10    06    05    02    14    01   C Lances
Oujay    Mercenary  4.69     25  07    10    09    07    05    00   D Swords
Thany    Death By arrow Chapter 1 
Sue      Not Recruited
Liliana  Lost to an archer        

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Yay so I copied Clipsey and got the opportunity to list my stats from Chapter 2.

Name 	Class 	Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Roy	Lord        4.34   21    5	6      7      9   	6    1
Wolt  Archer 	Initial stats
Wade  Fighter	Deceased
Dieck   	Merc        7.5 	28   10  13   11 	6      6 	1
Lance      Cavalier 	2 	21    6 	7 	9  	3  	6 	0 

Damn it Lance gained a lot from his single level up while Roy sucks after 4 levels.

-- Chapter 3 (10 turns. LATE ARRIVAL, INFACT)

I'd redo this but I liked Roy's stat increases and they're going to count a lot if I want to survive on Chapter 6's madness.

Anyway, Marcus took Dieck to the boss while Roy killed the loldiers/armors/cavaliers who showed up to stop him with the help of Wolt. Alan took Chad to the chests below in and unlocked them all. If I had been smarter, I'd release Dieck on the boss' room, then get Roy and finish the chapter on turn 8. Dieck finished the boss like a boss, I'll miss him.

[b]Name 	Class 	Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res[/b]
Roy          	Lord    	5.45    22    5 	7      7 	10 	6  	2
Wolt 			Archer 	2.17	18	4 	4  	6  	2  	4  	0
Wade          Fighter	Deceased
Dieck  		Merc 		7.95    28  10   13    11 	6      6      1
Lance 		Cavalier   2 		21	6 	7      9  	3  	6      0 

-- Chapter 4 (6 turns) --

Sent Marcus upwards while dragging the attention of the enemies with my southern troop. After turn 3, I sent Lance, Alan and Dieck forward while letting my weaker and nondrafted units behind. In the end, Merlinus and Elen died. Clarine recruited by herself while Roy used a vulnerary on the turn prior to that, after facing two cavaliers that were close to Eric.

In the end Marcus, Lance and Dieck fought the boss. Marcus weakened him, while Lance javelin'd him, Clarine rescued Marcus and Dieck did the dirty work once again.

[b]Name 	Class 	Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res[/b]
Roy          	Lord    	6.19    23    6 	8  	8 	10 	6  	2
Wolt 			Archer 	2.17	18	4 	4  	6  	2  	4  	0
Wade          Fighter	Deceased
Dieck  		Merc 		7.95    28  10   14    13 	7      7 	1
Lance 		Cavalier   3 		21	6 	8      9  	3  	6      0 

Shit I give up on trying to align this.

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-- Chapter 5 (4 Turns!)--

Also the chapter where I killed two of my best units. I sent Lot north with Merlinus and Bors while the crew went to that wall next to the castle. Lance, Alan and Wolt helped Marcus (dragging Dieck) get to the boss and release Dieck infront of him. In the end Lance, Merlinus and Alan died while killing the other axemen and openning a path to Roy so he could seize on Turn 4.

Whatever, they won't be used again anyway.

Only Dieck leveled up. I'll miss him.


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Chapter 9 9/87 turns

I had my mounts rush. Noah recruited Fir and Zealot killed the boss using a killing edge. I had Ojay get a few kills as well as Fir.


Name     Class      Level    HP  S/M   Skl   Spd   Lck   Def   Res  Weapon Level
Roy      Lord       9.41     32  08    06    09    10    08    05   C Swords 
Lance    Cavalier   12.96    28  08    09    12    08    08    00   C Lances D Swords 
Bors     Knight     10.68    28  09    06    07    07    16    02   B Lances
Ellen    Cleric     7.80     18  04    07    09    12    00    10   D Staves
Dorothy  Archer     8.67     21  07    09    08    04    04    03   D Bows 
Noah     Cavalier   10.83    29  09    08    09    06    08    01   C Swords D Lances
Treck    Cavalier   9.18     30  11    07    09    08    09    01   D Lances E Swords
Zealot   Paladin    4.81*    37  10    12    14    05    12    07   A Lances C Swords D Axes
Wendy    Knight     2.74     20  04    03    04    06    08    01   D Lances 
Barth    Knight     9.54     25  10    06    05    02    14    01   C Lances
Oujay    Mercenary  6.22     27  08    11    09    07    05    00   D Swords
Fir      Myrmidon   1.68     19  06    09    10    03    03    01   D Swords
Thany    Death By arrow Chapter 1 
Sue      Not Recruited
Liliana  Lost to an archer        

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Chapter 10 8/95 turns

I rush forward my mounties. Zealot double crits the boss with a killing edge. Treck gets the village. Wendy levels up, just HP. She'll being riding the pine soon. OJ and Fir level up. Barth levels up.

Chapter 11 12/107 turns

I had Roy recruit Klein. You want to know how to prove enemies fail. Tate's Group of Pegasi with Steel Lances is DOUBLED by Wendy. I had Zealot and Klein tag team for the kill. Also I think my Roy is Res-blessed(he's +5 over his average).

Chapter 12 21/128 turns

I was about to seize on turn 14 but then I decided to just skip the Gaiden chapter. In past drafts it has taken me over ten turns to do it so I skipped it. I sacrificed Barth.

Name     Class      Level    HP  S/M   Skl   Spd   Lck   Def   Res  Weapon Level
Roy      Lord       12.05    34  09    07    09    11    08    08   C Swords 
Lance    Cavalier   16.27    20  09    12    14    10    09    00   C Lances D Swords 
Bors     Knight     11.91    28  10    06    08    07    16    02   A Lances
Ellen    Cleric     9.69     20  06    07    10    14    00    10   C Staves
Dorothy  Archer     9.61     21  08    10    08    05    04    03   C Bows 
Noah     Cavalier   12.62    31  09    10    10    08    08    01   C Swords D Lances
Treck    Cavalier   13.33    34  11    09    10    11    13    01   D Lances E Swords
Zealot   Paladin    7.35*    40  11    13    14    05    13    07   A Lances B Swords D Axes
Wendy    Knight     4.21     22  04    03    04    08    09    01   D Lances 
Oujay    Mercenary  9.34     30  09    11    11    09    05    02   D Swords
Fir      Myrmidon   3.83     21  07    11    12    03    03    01   D Swords
Klein    Sniper     1.83*    27  13    13    11    10    08    06   A Bows
Barth    Death by Flux
Thany    Death By arrow Chapter 1 
Sue      Not Recruited
Liliana  Lost to an archer 
Lalum    Killed by Klein       

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I think I had meant to require Sue to be recruited and killed explicitly, but actually, letting her rot in a prison cell seems quite satisfying. Lalum getting arrow'd by Klein is nice, if obvious. I don't understand what sacrificing Barth is for. And yeah, DAT RES on Roy, like wtf.

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I think I had meant to require Sue to be recruited and killed explicitly, but actually, letting her rot in a prison cell seems quite satisfying. Lalum getting arrow'd by Klein is nice, if obvious. I don't understand what sacrificing Barth is for. And yeah, DAT RES on Roy, like wtf.

I didn't mean to kill Barth but I have enough characters anyway. I was gonna drop him and Wendy first. Also anyone without Chad has to waste a door key on her. I used Lalum as bait to help recruit Klein with Roy.

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Chapter 7: 14 turns (64)

I know this turn count sucks, but ask me if Ward's ever gonna gain Speed again, outside of the Hero Crest I picked up with Merlinus. Wolt's job was to gain money in the arena, so Merlinus could buy me some Steel Swords.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Roy       Lord       7.50  22   8    7   10   10    9    1
Wolt      Archer     8.03  25   5    8    7    4    4    0
Merlinus  Wagon      1.01  HAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Wade      Fighter   13.18  33   9    5    6    8    4    0
Dieck     Merc      10.89  31  13   14   11    7    7    2
Chad      Thief      7.77  22   6    8   15    8    3    0
Clarine   Staffie    4.16  18   3    6   10   10    2    6

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Also anyone without Chad has to waste a door key on [Lilina, I assume]

No, that's Astohl's joining chapter so he can take care of it.

Wait, derrrrrrp, you're talking about Sue. Well, I guess you could wait for Cath to get there but that seems pretty silly.

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I think leaving an unarmed Sue in a locked cell after killing everyone else off should be more than enough punishment for her. She'll slowly starve, and what could be more satisfying than a long and painful death?

Chapter 8 is asdf. I'll figure it out later.

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Anyway, lolol here I go with no drafted units because Cecilia is still punishing me and I'm kinky like that


Hard to argue with that logic, so Bors heads to the village. Marcus hands his Iron Sword over to Roy because he'll need the Rapier later. The horsies do a bunch of rescue-dropping of Roy to keep him at the front, Lance weakens bandits for Roy, and Wolt picks up some scraps for lolz. Marcus takes out the damnedest idiot of the bunch in the interest of turncount.

That's the basic plan, anyway. Had to restart a few times because Roy apparently thinks dodging 37s is for peasants and vassals, not royalty like himself. Once I get it, though, Roy procs speed on both level-ups, which is pretty sexy.

Name    Class  Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Roy   	Lord   	3.47  20    5    7    9    8    5    0

"A bow has great power against flying enemies." 8/14

So Thany gets wtfpwned by one, obviously. Yeah, I'm not really more creative than you guys. Marcus grabs the Armorslayer and then catches up as the rest of the crew waits for Roy to finish off the bandits while standing in the fort. Merlinus shops till he drops (10x Iron sword and 8x Vulnerary) and learns valuable information about forts and weapon effectiveness for funsies. Dieck rips through stuff with the Iron Blade which is too heavy for Roy to bother with later. Thany hangs around, helps with rescue-chaining Roy, and eventually gets her chance to suicide. The archer doesn't OHKO her unfortunately, but that just means Roy gets to 2RKO him while he's nomming on delicious pegasus meat. Except not, because he misses the second time. So Thany goes to weaken the other archer, and finally dies. Marcus slays the armor with specialized tools and Alan takes out the Thany-kill-fail archer so I'm not tempted to waste a turn. Ward also suicided, not that I would care, except that the hammer is sorta valuable.

Name    Class  Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Roy     Lord    5.03  21    6    9   11    9    5    1

Yes, Roy procced speed both times AGAIN. I think I'll hang on to the Iron Blade after all.

Disregard Lugh, acquire exp 10/24

Except not. I sent Bors up to get Lugh because Cecilia can use that tome later. Merlinus went to the east house. A bunch of rescue-dropping was used to keep Roy on the front lines and Ellen and Chad not too far behind. Alan and Lance cleared a path to the treasure room while Marcus took out the boss with the Silver Lance (might as well save Armorslayer uses for Roy). Marcus survived with 1HP after the boss hit on a 29, he got hit by the eastern axe d00d, and reinforcements came in, all at once. He also ran the Silver Lance down to 2 uses, whee. Disappointing that Roy got less exp on this map, but then it's harder to get him exp on this map. I'm sure I could do this faster but meh. Chad got both treasures, not that a Halberd is going to be particularly useful.

Name    Class  Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Roy     Lord   	6.??  22    7   10   11   10    5    1

I failed to copy the level the first time and now I've forgotten the exact amount. Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

Old, moldy tradition 8/32

I totally could have finished this map in 6 turns, without Rutger even showing up; but I wanted that Killing Edge, so I set up some bait for Rutger and waited. (I actually had to restart for this, because apparently Rutger won't show up if you've already killed Erik?! And then restarted again a few times because of a random screw-up. Seems like enemies only go for Roy when you don't want them to.) He ended up deciding to wtfpwn Ellen, unsurprising really.

A team effort, not much planning ahead. Merlinus got the ultimate item, the DOOR KEY. Lugh learned about nomad troopers and the main point of combat, and picked up a Steel Blade. Bors traded his lance to Marcus to do most of the work.

Chad had more than enough time to walk to the south village; he could have bought some Fire tomes and Heal staves for Cecilia's use later, but there didn't really seem to be a point. He also got to steal a Vulnerary from one of Rutger's posse. I fed Roy the boss kill, slowing things down one more turn. He got one stat from the resulting level-up, COME ON GUESS WHICH ONE.

Name   Class   Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Roy     Lord   	7.79  22    7   11   11   10    5    1

Gratuitous Title Drop 9/41

Roy omnomnoms the Angelic Robe on turn 1, getting healed up by Clarine to realize the full effect. Marcus breaks the seal, prepared for the charge with Chad's Iron Sword. Bors and Alan rescue-drop Roy a bit closer to the front line. Dieck and Lot quest for the Holy Grail Gant's Lance, with Rutger serving as bait because lol why not. Chad also does research because lol why not. Lance can't 2HKO the bandits and Alan can't double them, blah. On the plus side, those bandits have absolute lol hitrates on Roy. That whole "Hand Axe" thing is kind of annoying though. Also he needs the superior might of the Killing Edge to 2HKO (nobody has a Steel Sword, the Steel Blade would weigh him down by 8 and Dieck is hogging the Iron Blade).

I probably could have creatively sacced units to gain a turn, but I didn't want to lose their equipment unpredictably. random misses don't help either. Also Roy didn't crit with the Killing Edge the entire time until the very last hit where it was super-unnecessary ffs. I could have RNG abused, or for that matter set up a different strategy and let someone else weaken Dory, but I was getting kind of annoyed with restarting in early chapters already.

Name   Class    Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Roy     Lord    10.27  31    7   12   12   13    5    2

Ok, now apparently he wants to be lucky instead of just fast. Get some eff kay enn DEF already. Your HP can only go up to 60 you know.

I will fix the code boxes later

Pretty bad so far I guess, although to be fair (a) I've only run through this game once on each mode before and (b) I was trying really hard to get Roy some levels early so that I won't be tearing out quite so much of my hair with restarts in 7 through 13 (and maybe longer than that).

Woo, super bonus time.

Admiral Ackbar's Tropical Hideaway 31/72

... Yeah. This is the part where things really start to suck. I have Saul, who pretends to be a medic, Dorothy, who pretends to be a sniper, and Roy who pretends to be a heavy. (Ok, that's not fair to Saul.) Oh, and I get to sell a bunch of basically useless stuff before starting.

It took several restarts just to survive. It might be possible to charge up the middle and seize the throne before getting swarmed by the reinforcements, but it looks like it takes stupid amounts of luck.

Instead, I hung around the entrance, trading Wolt's old Iron Bow to Dorothy so that she doesn't fail too hard. She still didn't make it, but she helped a lot in allowing me to survive long enough to talk to Cath (I want her for Ch 16), just after she conveniently unlocked a safe door before running out. This allowed me to jam Roy in the doorway with Saul behind (UBERCHARGE FTW), gradually take out the initial rush plus the reinforcements, and then head up towards Wagner, who was dispatched with the last couple of uses of the Killing Edge.

Oh yeah, and Sue rots in a dungeon cell since we all agreed that's the right thing to do. The CG implies there are spiders around. Maybe they ate her.

Name   Class  Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Roy     Lord  14.43  34?   8   13   14   16    6    5

Oh look, a Str proc, and Def finally, and suddenly a crapload of Res. Also, Roy has A swords already. I am not unhappy.

Lorddomu, gl with this chapter, seriously.

Rebellion at SPARTA 33/105

Obviously this gets less hellish once Zealot is recruited, but there are still the reinforcements to deal with, plus it's a while before anyone can really get at those stupid Physic monks. Treck suicided himself on one of the wyverns, gg. Noah ran around villages and doing shopping, got everything, including buying keys to get the northeast treasure room so that Roy has a replacement Rapier and Killing Edge and Cecilia will have a couple of nice staves. Zealot took the boss kill this time. Not really any planning here, mostly just adapting to the situation, avoiding death, and trying to be aggressive where it seems feasible.

The hard part really is recruiting Noah and making sure he doesn't die while also doing something useful with Roy. If you don't have Roy positioned well, he'll be blocked off from Noah on turn 2 and then you'll be sadface.

Name   Class  Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Roy     Lord  16.38  36    8   13   15   17    6    6

I double-checked and these are actually pretty bad stats vs. average. -1HP (after discounting the robe), -3Str T_T, +0.5Skl, +2Spd, +1Luk, -3Def >__<, +1.5Res. Sigh.

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Chapter 6 (38 turns


Wrong, my dear.

THIS IS LYCIAAAAAAAAAA11111 Take that, Zephiel! At the cost of my Rapier, two Vulneraries, Dorothy and Saul's lifes, I've been able to beat this chapter. Finally!

So I just went to the left stairs and sat there, Roy kicked everyone's ass like a boss and killed the reinforcements too. Oh and Cath openned that door with enemies that come from the staircases, and he pwned them too. On the end I was able to talk with Cath, lure the enemies away from Roy so he could heal on a safe square (GO FOLLOW THAT ARCHY, MINIONS. JUST BE CAREFUL BECAUSE IT BITES), Dorothy died luring them, Saul died when I couldn't afford to protect him anymore.

MY GOD THIS CHAPTER IS SO FUCKING HARD. AND I KNOW THE NEXT ONE WILL BE 100x WORSE. If I manage to finish this I'll be so fucking satisfied. If I manage to -win- this draft, I'll challenge dondon.

-- Roy --


HP: 27

STR: 8


SPD: 11

LUCK: 14

DEF: 7


Brb, torturing myself with Chapter 7. Meanwhile, I'll try to make a code box.

Name   Class   Level   HP 	STR    SKILL 	          SPD   
Roy    Lord    	12   Too low	300   Unmatched. Quick like a mosquito   			LUCK 		Not so lucky. He's been dying a lot because of my restarts, and he's gonna die more. 							DEF          299            	RES  	Even a cold would kill him

Edited by Lorddomu
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Chapter 1

Marcus gave Roy a lift. 5000 gold is nice. 5 turns

Chapter 2

:Roy: Marcus, you grab the Armorslayer, then give it to me. I've worked out a plan with Dieck.

MarcusOld.gif On it, Roy.


Dieck.gif OK, listen up guys. We'll go into the forts and let most of them suicide on the EP. Ward, you snipe from behind using the Hand Axe. On Turn 4, I'll break through, rush to the throne. You axemen back me up, let the cavs mop up. Thany will fetch Roy and the Armorslayer so I can kill the boss and Roy can seize. Lott, can you give me a projected turncount?

Kent.gif I'm getting a 32 point 3 3, repeating of course, chance of seizing on Turn 7.

Dieck.gif OK, that's pretty good. Is everyone read-


Dieck.gif Uh, Thany, shouldn't you drop off Roy before... Oh crap.

Kent.gif Go back her up! Hurry!

Roy.gif Save me!

Dieck.gif We aren't going to make it!


So, apparently I'm doing the relevant chapters like a LP.

Chapter 3 - 9 turns, 21 total

Rescue-dropping is fun. Bors literally walked past the western enemies, in order to recruit Lugh, and give him a chance to get some kills. Dieck AS'd the boss, Lot helped Chad score some loot. Finally got a run where Chad could reach both chests by turn 9.

Chapter 4 - 7 turns, 28 total.

Nearly decided to beat Eric before Rutger showed up, but then I remembered that the Killing Edge could be useful. Ward was the sacrifical lamb to Rutger's wrath. then Marcus SL'd Eric

Chapter 5 - 4 turns, 32 total.

Eventually, I got a blessed run through the gate, but then Wolt died. Not that I care, but he took his bow with him, so Roy will have to solo the boss next chapter. Rutger weakened the boss, then Dieck finished. Too bad this is their swansong.

The next 8-9 chapters are gonna suck.

Oh, right, stats.

Name 	Class 	Level    HP  Str   Skl   Spd   Lck   Def   Res
Roy      Lord  	6.07 	23   7    7 	11 	10 	8    2
Lott  	Fighter  9.62 	34   8    8 	8   	4 	8   2
Lugh   Mage 	5.10   	17   6    7 	9   	6 	3   6

Edited by Dr. Will
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