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"PMU" runs are silly


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I love it when people start PMUs and expect to get a team full of asskickers.

This is why I had people choose peeps from weapon groups instead of just having them screw me over. >w>

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Heh, I didn't do a draft because I can't play for LTCs, plus this is more casual. :/:

I never play for low turns and I join drafts. Way to bend to society's views, Crash.

If I made a PMU topic I wouldn't follow through with it, I'd pick my own.

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I never play for low turns and I join drafts. Way to bend to society's views, Crash.

But they're all ABOUT getting low turncounts!

Being bad at something doesn't render you incapable of trying.

I meant that I really lack the capability, I almost considered taking on a draft a few times but I chickened out because I lack the capacity to do LTC.

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I love it when people start PMUs and expect to get a team full of asskickers.

I made a pmu

expected a bad team

got a bad team

letting people pick for you is why it's fun

Also drafts are about having fun. ;/

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Having fun is for losers. ;/

This is so true! You make me un-frumple.

I still liked that topic we did where we were doing random playthroughs of units based on RNs. I only got through my second before I lost my copy of RD, and by the time I had a new wii of my own, I lost the topic (forgot to bookmark).

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But getting pwned by everything and everyone doesn't exactly sound like hours of fun...

I hold the worst FE4 record by almost 100 turns.

I still had a lot of fun doing it.

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Let's put it this way:

A draft is kind of like this, if you take out the "competition". I set up a unit pool, I pick one, then say "Four people pick other characters, and now I can't use them". And rinse, and repeat until they're all gone.

Now explain to me how this would be any more difficult than playing a PMU.

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Because of the competition and LTCs. You can't take away the things it's about.

Drafts are about beating the game with a selected number of characters. Competition is a part of anything.

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Because of the competition and LTCs. You can't take away the things it's about.

But it's not about LTC. It's about having fun. LTC is a sub part of it. The main point is to enjoy yourself. If you can't enjoy yourself without winning, then you've got problems.

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