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Do you ever use a unit for non-statistical reasons?

luigi bros

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For some reason that probably has nothing to do with statistics, I like using Wil and Erk in FE7. Maybe it's their supports with Rebecca and Priscilla, whom I also like to use.

Statistically, in FE6, O.J. isn't that much different than Dieck. Maybe his use of a sword and his blue hair reminds me of Marth or Ike; I'm not sure. I also use Lou for his support with Ray (whom I do use for statistical reasons), not for his stats (which generally compare unfavorably to Lilina's).

So I guess I only really have two reasons for deploying a unit: statistical reasons, or to support someone else whom I deploy for statistical reasons. Or just because I like the supports. (The Marcus-Merlinus support in FE7 does me absolutely no good, but I like to get it anyway for the paired ending, for some reason.)

Edited by Paper Jam
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Generally I do a tad bit of research into the game, namely...

- What is the difficulty like (for the hardest mode available at the start of the game, since that's what I start off with)

- What is the general consensus on who's good or bad

- Which characters looks or sounds cool

The harder the game is supposed to be, the more top and high tiers I will use, with obvious preference to the characters that are badass. For example I heard FEDS H5 was hard so I stacked the team pretty hard while including one of the ballista guys (don't remember his name, it was the one that people agree is better at the time I played it, which was like 1-2 years ago) because I thought it was a cool unit that I had to try.

Once I get to know to the game's difficulty, I will modify my future teams with increasingly crappier characters. For example, while I haven't replayed FEDS H5, for something like FE10 HM I've been incorporating mid tiers like Kieran and Danved into the team, whereas in my first playthrough I basically ignored them (despite the fact that they're two of Tellius' biggest badasses).

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One of my pet peeves is when people claim that playing the game efficiently is not actually playing the game. I've never quite understood why some people think this way when the point of a strategy game is to be somewhat mentally demanding.

(I don't mean to single you out, by the way.)

I think the great thing about FE is that it allows for a wide variety of playstyles, so you can arena grind and make it easy on yourself, play a ranked playthrough, use less than efficient characters, etc. There's really no one definitive way to play FE, which is why it's so great.

I love using Ayra and her chillds despite their lack of inefficiency. Also Roshe, for some infathomable reason.

EDIT Lack of inefficiency is a hilarious typo. You know what I mean. Although I do like using Sigurd because of his lack of inefficiency.

Edited by Refa
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Smash brings up a good point. I will say that it's entirely difficulty-dependent, as well. Malice and Abel are my two favourite characters in Akaneia, but I'm not sure if I can use them when I get around to playing FE12 Lunatic, and I don't think Lucia can make it on to the HM endgame team when I get around to playing FE10HM. Lower difficulties are pretty good for using characters who are mediocre or straight out bad, though, but you like for personality reasons.

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Abel is literally unusable in FE12 Lunatic, on the same level of fail as the Wolfguard. Malice can be better, but IIRC, she needs a Master Seal, a Speedwing, and a star orb fragment to avoid getting doubled by Wyverns.

So yeah.

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Macellan and Sheema are a little underrated in Lunatic. Sure, their stats fail, but they can go Sniper and can go instant Paritha for a OHKO on a Wyvern...while being destroyed on the enemy phase. Granted, that's still really bad but it's more than what half the scrubs in the game are doing.

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I think that's not the point of this topic. I do like Sheema, though, so I may use her, but this thread is for using a unit not for statistical purpose and I'm not sure how the performances of Macellan and Sheema ties into anything. I don't know enough about Macellan nor find him attractive enough to like as a character. Now Horace, on the other hand, hmmm, sexy.

I'll just stick to H1 whenever I want to use characters I like that are not Catria, Palla, Minerva, and Sirius. Maybe Ogma and Navarre too since they aren't in Free Silvers.

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Hands off of Horace, he's mine! Oh, wait. . .eh, sorry~!

I'm in the middle of a draft run of FE12, and underleveled units have it rough. If I truly want to mess around, I'll stick to Normal. Otherwise, my deepest apologies to Matthis, but. . .

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I wish Boah was playable in FE12. I love the guy. I could've used him for Duo Pope Badassery.


Ogma and Navarre are usable in H3, but they don't really stand out that much. Barst, Cain, and Frey are in a similar boat. Shame, I wanted Barst to be ridiculous in H3 like he was in FE11 in all modes.

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seldom. every time i choose a character to use for a chapter there's nearly always some statistical reason for it, like if i want them to engage in more battles (a low win or battle count), bishops doing extra damage to monsters in fe8, myrmidons for their relatively high tendency for critical hit rates, pegasus knights for their ability to travel far in one turn.

btw is it statistical if thieves can pick locks and steal from foes? huh.gif because when they can no longer level up anymore i usually save them for lockpicking and stealing. just curious smile.gif

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I barely if ever use a unit purely for statistical reasons. I use units I like because I've never been concerned with having the perfect team or the perfect playthrough, although it is pretty fun pwning everything in sight with the "godly" units. Generally I have a soft spot for those I get towards the beginning of the game and magic users. Unfortunately, I do seem to have a bias against prepromotes and will rarely use them.

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