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DLV got banned?


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R.I.P. DLV You shall be missed. ::(T:

Also, I always miss the exciting things... Like a fight in the school, the minute i realise there is a fight and go to it it ends :(

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It's not something like his real name or address or anything like that, so why keep it a secret? Nobody's gonna be able to track him down if he says why.

:/ Ever thought people don't want to sday something just because they don't want to? Why do you need to know? If he doesn't want to tell, than let it be. Who are you to pry information from him or call him dumb because he doesn't want to tell you somthing?

Edited by SlayerX
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If he doesn't want to tell, he doesn't want to tell. There's no way any of us can make him, so I suggest you just forget about it and move on. It's not like it matters anymore. It probably isn't very interesting anyway.

Edited by Charlie
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If he doesn't want to tell, he doesn't want to tell. There's no way any of us can make him, so I suggest you just forget about it and move on. It's not like it matters anymore. It probably isn't very interesting anyway.

But we must have all knowledge!

</sarc> since it probably wasn't obvious.

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According to his blog, he grew to dislike this place but doesn't mention why. Oh well.

I don't think it's strong enough as "dislike", but rather simply got bored of it, which was quite obvious, considering he started posting alot less. But it's alright, it's a viable reason.

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:/ Ever thought people don't want to sday something just because they don't want to? Why do you need to know? If he doesn't want to tell, than let it be. Who are you to pry information from him or call him dumb because he doesn't want to tell you somthing?

This is a good post, but it would have been even better if it was "ply information" or even better, "ply and pry information" or "ply/plry information". Ply is a great word.

Edited by BlueMartianKitty
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