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[FE10] Easy mode draft.


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There's no free unit in 2-2, 3-P or 3-1. Just a heads up to those who havent done them yet.

One 7 move unit is free for 3-1

Your reading comprehension is really high these days, PKL.

Are you still butthurt or are you going to take the four turns penalty?

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Lol I took a 4 turn penalty using Lucia in 2-2 in PKL's draft because I had a REALLY BAD TIMING reading the rules, but whatever.

There's something I don't understand, why is Ranulf free in 3-5? Isn't he away with his Gallian comrades? Or am I in the limbo/daydreaming?

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That's ...an excellent question, given that he's undeployable in 3-5. I suppose he meant 3-4?

EDIT: At any rate, I read it as 3-4 and used him like he was free in 3-4 so :P

Edited by Integrity
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Im not butthurt. Why would I be? I have Haar, im beating the crap out of you, penalty or not.

[spoiler=Part 2]2-P 8/8

Haar comes in Turn 2 in Easy Mode O_O. He massacres everything including the boss by turn 6.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Strike

Haar 13 65 47 25 2 26 21 13 24 7 --- Lance A Axe S

2-1 3/11

Meh. No Heather.

2-2 5+4 due to having a penalty FORCED ON ME due to rules changing spontaneously mid drafting/20

2-3 Preparations:

Bought a Killer Axe, Hammer and Javelin. Gave the Javelin to Geoffrey. A horseslayer and a few other things and give them to Marcia. BEXP Geoffrey to .99.

2-3 5/25

Filled up Geoffrey and Kieran's inventories to send Brave Lance and Speedwing to the convoy.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Strike/WLv

Geoffrey 18 31 39 25 8 24 21 20 19 16 Lance A

Kieran 11 78 41 21 6 20 20 16 18 11 Axe A

2-E Preparations:

BEXP'd Haar to promotion. He capped hp str skl spd def with BEXP before promoting btw.

Haar 1 00 54 31 7 28 26 19 28 13

Give a bunch of items to Neph and Brom for ferrying.

2-E 2/27

Haar stuns Ludveck. Didnt even need a hammer.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Strike/WLv

Haar 3 36 55 31 7 29 27 19 29 14 Axe SS Lance A

Total turncount: 83

[spoiler=Part 3 so far]

3-P Preparations:

Gave Rolf Shinon's bows. Gave Ike Mia's Steel Sword and a Rhy's concoction. The rest put their stuff in the convoy. Skills: Rolf has Adept, Ike has Vantage, Provoke

3-P 8/8

FUCKING SKRIMIR sucks. Rolf's exp gain in EM is dumb.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Strike/WLv

Ike 13 19 45 25 3 30 23 14 21 8 Sword S

Rolf 4 21 35 19 3 23 21 13 15 11 Bow B

3-1 Preparations:

Promoted Titania with BEXP. Rolf to .99. Gave Titania Adept and all the axes in the convoy.

3-1 3+4/15

Titania rush. Ike got the robe village. Rolf helped with a few enemies with his killer bow from behind the fence. Titania got the Blue Gem in turn 1.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Strike/WLv

Ike 14 30 45 26 3 30 23 14 21 8 Sword S

Titania 3 69 46 30 16 27 26 20 23 19 Sword C Axe SS

Rolf 7 18 38 21 3 25 23 13 16 12 Bow B

3-2 Preparations:

Celerity and Savior on Haar. Sold the 2 Blue Gems and a Fortune. Bought 10 Wind Edges and 8 Hand Axes. Then sold the Silver Card after buying the Wyrmslayer.

Gave Haar a BEXP level so he can ORKO the boss with the Tomahawk.

3-2 2/17

Haar flies. Boss SDs on EP 2. Rolf and Ike train.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Strike/WLv

Ike 14 58 45 26 3 30 23 14 21 8 Sword S

Rolf 8 04 39 22 3 25 23 14 17 12 Bow B

Haar 4 88 56 32 7 29 27 19 30 14 Lance A Axe SS

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2-2 5+4 due to having a penalty FORCED ON ME due to rules changing spontaneously mid drafting/20

1: The rules didn't change.

2: This sounds pretty butthurt, like you were this morning.

EDIT: Has anybody but me made it past 3-4? Unlike with 2-2, we could finagle a rule change here if everybody's in favor, since I already used Ranulf like he was free. If not, I'll go back and edit a penalty in.

Edited by Integrity
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Im pretty sure the rules changed a lot of times.

EDIT: Go edit the penalty in. Since the rule is wrong. Even if SH meant 3-4, that doesnt matter.

Edited by Toon Link
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EDIT: Go edit the penalty in. Since the rule is wrong. Even if SH meant 3-4, that doesnt matter.

I assume you don't understand the difference between this scenario and your 2-2 scenario, so I'll outline it.

In your 2-2 scenario, I had already finished 2-2 and beyond without using a free unit. If the rules were later amended to leave a free unit, it would have been most distinctly unfair to me unless I restarted my entire draft. This means that in order to capitalize on the rule change somebody would have to restart: not fair.

In this scenario, I am the only person to have finished 3-4 and I already used Ranulf anyway, so if I reset nothing would change. There's perfectly good grounds for changing the rule in this case, and it would be entirely fair. This means that in order to capitalize on the rule change nobody would have to change anything: fair.

Now, if you'd like, you could lend credence to your argument by rushing to and completing 3-4 WITHOUT using Ranulf and then save just to spite me, because you could use my own arguments against me then. As it stands, though, you're still mostly just being childish.

You could also place a vote to not change the rule just because, but if you do that for the love of God don't do it just to be spiteful.

Edited by Integrity
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I left off in 2-E. Too busy with drafts + hometest + studying for final exams. IDK how I juggle all this...I feel like im gonna go nuts :awesome:

Try starting so many drafts at once, that a whole new page is added to the "drafts" sub forums-Lol :XD:

Fans of Marcia/Mia/Neph/Lucia/Titania always have room for RD.

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The clarification I was looking for was rather 'is it getting changed'? :P I suspected you didn't mean he was free in a chapter he was undeployable.

I'm sorry, I wrote the rules, and merely copied the units list.

I really didn't know what I was doing at the time.

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To clarify, since Harpoon didn't post about it, Ranulf is free for 3-4 now.

EDIT: Unless somebody's already cleared 3-4 without using Ranulf, in which case speak up and we'll revert it.

Edited by Integrity
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[spoiler=Part 3 progress]

3-3 5/22

Haar saviors Ike and cantos. Rolf opens the door with the crossbow. Next turn, Haar drops Ike by the northeast supply and cantos. Rolf passes and burns the southwestern supply. Rolf kills a bunch of things in the coming EPs. Ike too. Haar burns supplies and cantos. Ike gets the northeastern supply. Rolf passes and gets to the southeastern supply. Haar burns the middle supply and that's it. Didnt get anything.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv

Ike 16 24 47 27 5 30 24 14 22 8 Sword S

Rolf 11 70 41 25 3 26 25 16 18 13 Bow B

Haar 7 00 58 34 7 31 27 20 31 14 Lance A Axe SS

3-4 Preparations:

BEXP'd Ike to 20.

Ike 20 00 50 27 5 30 28 15 26 8

Bought the Silencer for Rolf. Sold the Blue Gem. Gave Ike the Brave Sword and Haar some hand axes.

3-4 6/28

Ike gets Savior'd by Haar. Rolf opens Ranulf's way. Haar drops Ike and kills the general next to the boss. Then he weakens the boss with a hand axe for ranulf to stand in his arrive tile and kill the boss. Ike arrives.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv

Ike 20 00 50 27 5 30 28 15 26 8 Sword S

Ranulf 26 90 55 14 6 16 15 23 13 10 A

Rolf 13 02 42 27 3 26 26 16 18 15 Bow A

Haar 9 15 59 36 8 32 28 20 33 14 Lance A Axe SS

3-5 Preparations:

BEXP'd Rolf to promotion.

Rolf 1 00 49 29 9 32 28 21 26 20

Gave Haar back his Tomahawk and a Short Axe.

Haar x Ike C.

Rolf to .99.

3-5 1/29

Rolf chips a general to level up. Haar flies, reyson vigors and Haar 1RKOs boss. Ike just stood there grinning.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv

Ike 20 00 50 27 5 30 28 15 26 8 Haar C Sword S

Rolf 2 11 50 30 9 33 28 21 27 20 Bow A

Haar 10 14 59 37 8 33 28 20 33 14 Ike C Lance A Axe SS

3-6 Preparations:

BEXP'd Laura to 17 00.

Laura 17 00 36 8 25 22 23 25 8 23

Then, I promote her with the Master Crown.

Laura 1 00 40 13 27 24 25 25 13 25 Light C Staff A

Bought a Torch and Physic for Micaiah. Bought a Beast Killer for Sothe. Laura gets 2 Light tomes.

Gave Laura the Resolve. Micaiah gets Paragon and Shade. Sothe gets Wrath.

3-6 6/35

Almost a 5 turn. 2 enemies left in turn 5 EP :(. Laura rapes.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv

Micaiah 13 08 37 6 30 19 24 33 10 30 Sothe A Light A Staff C

Sothe 17 56 40 22 8 26 27 28 18 15 Micaiah A Knife S

Laura 4 93 41 14 30 26 28 28 13 27 Light B Staff A

3-7 Preparations:

Provoke on Ranulf. Packed some Olivi Grasses on him.

3-7 12/47

Ranulf trained his strike. Janaff gets recruited and starts training his strike too. Both are almost at S strike. Ike talks to BK and Haar rescues him.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv

Ike 20 00 50 27 5 30 28 15 26 8 Haar C Sword S

Ranulf 27 50 56 14 6 17 15 24 13 10 A

Rolf 3 05 51 31 9 34 28 21 28 21 Bow S

Haar 11 46 60 37 8 34 28 21 34 14 Ike C Lance A Axe SS

Janaff 29 41 57 16 2 19 17 30 12 8 A

3-8 Preparations:

Gave a level of BEXP to Janaff (HP Skl Lck) and gave him a sign. Then, I give him Adept and Wildheart. Daunt on Ranulf.

Forged a Hand Axe with Max MT and Max Hit. Got an Axe card with a coin for +2 MT.

3-8 5/52

Haar gets vigored by Reyson and destroys stuff. Everyone is suddenly a pacifist so I cant 4 turn this. Janaff Rolf took the east side. Ranulf Ike and Reyson took the center western part.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv

Ike 20 00 50 27 5 30 28 15 26 8 Haar C Sword S

Ranulf 28 11 57 14 6 18 15 25 13 10 S

Rolf 3 80 51 31 9 34 28 21 28 21 Bow S

Haar 14 65 60 38 8 37 29 22 37 14 Ike C Lance A Axe SS

Janaff 30 30 58 16 2 20 17 31 12 8 A

3-9 Preparations:

BEXP'd Kieran to 20.

Kieran 20 00 45 26 6 24 23 20 24 12

Then, promoted him with the Master Crown.

Kieran 1 00 49 28 10 26 25 20 26 16 Sword C Axe A

Gave Astrid's Paragon to Kieran. Bought the Adept from the shop.

3-9 5/57

Hmm. I once saw a log of someone who got Kieran saying he got 4 turns...but turns out, Kieran cant reach the boss in that time no matter what you do. Full move, rearranging map order...nothing. Anyways, killer axed the boss in turn 5 PP. Geoffrey did NOTHING. All hail kieran the mighty!

Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv

Geoffrey 18 55 39 25 8 24 21 20 19 16 Lance S

Kieran 5 90 53 31 10 27 25 21 28 16 Sword C Axe SS

3-10 Preparations:

Haar x Ike B. Bought an Olivi Grass for Ranulf.

3-10 5/62

Haar flies towards the boss area. Kills a lot of bishops on the way. The others handle the few remaining enemies to the south. Meanwhile, Kieran destroys everything near Elincia as an NPC.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv

Ike 20 00 50 27 5 30 28 15 26 8 Haar B Sword S 

Ranulf 28 75 57 14 6 18 15 25 13 10 S

Rolf 4 58 52 32 9 34 28 21 29 22 Bow SS

Haar 17 79 60 38 8 38 32 25 38 15 Ike B Lance A Axe SS

Janaff 30 51 58 16 2 20 17 31 12 8 S

3-11 Preparations:

BEXP'd Haar to 20 00 for the lulz.

Haar 20 00 60 38 10 38 32 28 38 18

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2. Units that are free for all are: Ike, Micaiah, Sothe, Geoffrey, the Herons, the Black Knight, and Lehran.

Kieran AND GEOFFREY. A Kieran solo results in a 5 turn due to the general in the thickets. Geoffrey Brave Lance'd him so Kieran could cross the thickets with hand axe (for EP3: sniper and warriors) and Gamble crt the boss by PP4.

EDIT: OH! And Kieran was positioned in front of Geoffrey in the battle preparations.

Edited by Quintessence
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