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Duel Terminal 2 Mafia


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1. You may only make one post per day/night.

2. This post may only contain "Countdown to impact: <NUMBER>".

Oh what the- And here I thought Clipsey! was one mod that never puts in Vanillas or worse.

But yeah, this is extremely stupid imo. I have to agree with Paper this time.

Also, zak, I can't understand exactly why you were voting for me, and what it was that I was supposed to be "counter"-ing. In any case, my internet was really slow when I came online and I couldn't post anything.

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Oh what the- And here I thought Clipsey! was one mod that never puts in Vanillas or worse.

But yeah, this is extremely stupid imo. I have to agree with Paper this time.

Glad to know I'm not the only one who thinks it's a disappointing role. I've been trying and trying to see what was so great about it.

Skipping days is not at all pro-town, not posting is not pro-town, and just having a pseudo-independent role that does nothing that's really based on skill at all after N0 sounds terribly boring.

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Stop. Hammertime.

Why is your favorite role completely and utterly awful.

Maybe, maybe that'd make a good scum alt wincon but that is the most anti-town townie ever.

If that's your favorite, well...

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It should have at least done something awesome when it impacted or something. Like kill a bunch of people. Like a real meteor would do.

Yo Ice barriers Im still waiting for you. Out yourself before noght ends thou so I get to be happy

I don't think this approach is working for you. Who would out themselves to you without any good reason?

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Is there any good reason not to?

I ask you, what could I possibly get from knowing few Archtype members? You think I have some super special awesome skill that lets me, lets say kill anyone if I just know their archtype? Oh please even if such thing would exist, It would get me lynched in seconds if I were to use it.

Oh well. I out my card if I get the reaction I want

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Is there any good reason not to?

I ask you, what could I possibly get from knowing few Archtype members? You think I have some super special awesome skill that lets me, lets say kill anyone if I just know their archtype? Oh please even if such thing would exist, It would get me lynched in seconds if I were to use it.

Oh well. I out my card if I get the reaction I want

Go read DT postgame, plenty of reason not to out archetype since it could give blatant hints as to the nature of their role and/or paint targets on them for roles that interact with theirs.

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I played that game. I still see no problem here. The absolutely worst of those interactions resulted SK and I don't feel like becoming one my dear. Or to be specific, I would be insane if I were to try become the hardest role to win with in the game.

More whine?

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Yes well you also didn't see the problem with acting like a complete douche and going specifically against what I told you in the last game and turning me into an SK, so you'll forgive me if I'm not swayed by your logic.

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bullcrap. I stopped overusing my PR the second you told me to (btw Im still pissed about people keeping with the moronic way of killing/votin for reasons unreleated to the game). As for my ability I did what I had to to at least try to save our skins. It almost worked but I got modkilled. More whine?

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1. No you didn't, you got worse after I told you to tone it down.

2. No, it didn't "almost work", people were still piling votes onto you.

3. Me winning or not winning was irrelevent to the criticism, you could have potentially screwed town by turning me into an SK.

4. You still haven't responded to the "blatant hints to the nature of their role" part of my problems with your "plan" of having ice barriers out themselves, for all we know they're all protective roles or something.

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1. No you didn't, you got worse after I told you to tone it down.

2. No, it didn't "almost work", people were still piling votes onto you.

3. Me winning or not winning was irrelevent to the criticism, you could have potentially screwed town by turning me into an SK.

4. You still haven't responded to the "blatant hints to the nature of their role" part of my problems with your "plan" of having ice barriers out themselves, for all we know they're all protective roles or something.

1. Did not

2. Balzy started to think about me as not scum. that could have been trigger

3. Too bad I didn't try to warn town about possible SK oh right I did and got modkilled for it

4. blatant hints? oh please DID YOU EVEN READ DT END GAME YOURSELF!? There were 2 Flamevells, 2 Genex, 4 Ice-Barriers (SK shehanigans), 2 X-Sabers, 2 Mist Valleys, 2 Fableds and 4 Worm (mafia). The income of such hint is so low that no scum would risk their life for it.

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