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[FE10] Radiant Dawn, Hard Mode Style


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Part 2: Of Countries and Kings


Elincia got to 1.87 as a staffbot, Marcia hits, Lincy heals.

Turns: 8/79

BEXP: 500P


Omg, Neph gets killed trying to kill the armored lance so I made her go down the ledge and then up through the stairs. Got Steel Axe, Spectre Card and Concoction.

Turns: 7/86

BEXP: 1458P


BEXP'd Mordecai to .81 but he gained Hp and Skl :facepalm: , maybe gaining str and sp he would've saved me a turn, but whatever. I decided to go through the northern route cause in the middle one the other undrafteds were in danger. Lethe+Mordecai= :awesome: but lol turns.

Turns: 9/95

BEXP: 1312P

Later on 2-3, but I'm estimating a 6-7 turns cause Geoffrey isn't getting a level up without BEXP.....maybe I should to shave a turn cause Lincy won't get to lv.4 with the miserable BEXP you get in HM :sob:

EDIT: OMG o.O, 5 consecutive posts :mellow:

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Yup, as predicted...Geoffrey solo rush. Spent some extra turns healing Geoffrey and because I forgot Weapon Triangle don't exist in HM, such derp, I wasted my BEXP on him...(lv.15.31) :facepalm:

Turns: 7/102

BEXP: 5079P


BEXP'd (for being such a retarded fool) Elincia a level, that wasn't worth. BEXP'd Lethe and Mordecai a level (HP, Str and Sp) :awesome: . I had to rely on Elincia dodging the crossbowman (80% hit) to kill Duke Felirae on turn 2 :dry: .

Turns: 2+4/108

BEXP: 1505P

Part 3: Intersecting Vows


Yay! Boyd and Soren, this chapter was better for Boyd killing swordies cause no wpn triangle :newyears: . Vantage Miracle Boyd got a nice level up (Hp, Str, Sp and Lck) as well as Counter Provoke Ike (Hp, Str, Sp and Def) and (Adept) Soren (Hp, Mag, Skl, Lck, Def and Res). This was such a nice chapter, but lol, kitties and tigers take their time.

Turns: 10/118

BEXP: 2701P

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For the time being, I'm going to suspend this draft cause the scenarios haven't been the best (I'm being trollolled in-game):

* Boyd is doubled by the killing edge swordmaster and is crtblicked. (Well that can be fixed, though).

* Boyd succesfully survives the wave of enemies with Mia for a couple of turns and by turn 7-8, a steel blade swordmaster CRTS him (7%) and doubles him :facepalm: .

* Soren is CRTBLICKED by a stl greatlance halberdier in the thickets who displays 57% hit rate and 2% crt.

I'm being screwed in-game, so, I'm sorry Blues/Prince Marth, but the mission is suspended until new update... :facepalm:

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For the time being, I'm going to suspend this draft cause the scenarios haven't been the best (I'm being trollolled in-game):

* Boyd is doubled by the killing edge swordmaster and is crtblicked. (Well that can be fixed, though).

* Boyd succesfully survives the wave of enemies with Mia for a couple of turns and by turn 7-8, a steel blade swordmaster CRTS him (7%) and doubles him :facepalm: .

* Soren is CRTBLICKED by a stl greatlance halberdier in the thickets who displays 57% hit rate and 2% crt.

I'm being screwed in-game, so, I'm sorry Blues/Prince Marth, but the mission is suspended until new update... :facepalm:

Man up. It shouldnt take too long if they truly have those critrates. Youre just getting unlucky.

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Complete sadism, no penalty :awesome: . Soren, Boyd and Mia go and handle the enemies in the centre as Ike pwns the generals and gets the blue gem; the rest are cornered and the kitties are targeted to stay still as their gauge fills. Soren, then, heads to the thickets path and gets juicy CEXP with Boyd backing him up. Mia and the kitties play with the reinforcements as Ike kills the enemies in the east and then north, to, finally, help Boyd and Soren with those tricky RNG-blessed enemies. 12 turns cause Soren was hit to many times.

Turns: 12/130

BEXP: 1269P


BEXP'd Ilyana to .99, Soren and Boyd to .86 and .62 respectively. Forged a wind tome called Vortex to Ilyana with max mt +1 from coin bonus and max crt.

Discipline Celerity Ilyana rushes to the boss, the rest heal and kill.

Turns: 4/134

BEXP: 1875P

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The hardest chapters have passed and now things are a bit easier. BEXP'd Boyd and Ilyana to get a level up with a kill. Btw, I gave a dracoshield to Ilyana for better durability. Ike passes on and goes straight forward through the bishop's tent to get the icon and the white gem, he then heads to the north eastern supply and then to the one Veyon is defending. Soren burns the first supply as Ilyana heads to the second one (south eastern one) and frees the horses for BEXP. Gatrie and Boyd go west then north hammering (OHKOing) generals. The battles were good and Ilyana has 22 sp by level 8, that's awesome. Soren then supports the hammer bros. and gets the Master Crown.

Turns: 13/147

BEXP: 2300P


Lethe and Mordecai!!! Boyd and Ilyana head to the ledges directly and get some kills while the laguz partners who already have C support rank accompany Celerity Provoke Ike and Adept Cancel Wrath Soren. A shitload of enemies cluster in the ledges so turns wasted.

Turns: 10/157

BEXP: 2679P


High bio Soren adept meteors the boss, then Ilyana trades and gets the kill. Boyd kills a gen and lv. up!

Turns: 1/158

BEXP: 2000P

Lethe and Mordecai went off to picnic.

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Miccy and Sothe go east, Aran goes west. Miccy sucks but she has 13 def by lv.4 o.O! but 16 sp and 22 lck :facepalm: . Sothe got good level ups though and dodged important attacks while Miccy was a staffbot. Burger rescue!! Yay!! :awesome: I apologize Prince Marth but I had to. Just let me know if I had incurred in a pwnalty...:S

Turns: 11/169

BEXP: 2531P

Notes: Gave Zihark: Saviour (for Sigrun), a Tempest Blade for lulz and Ike, two short axes, the brave axe and something else I don't remember...:/

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I'm saying that for micaiah thats extremly good. Considering she reaches 24 speed with resolve which is just about enough to double quite a few things.

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...And I keep advancing :awesome:


Nice training map. Boyd gets to lv.17 gaining Hp, Str, Skl, Sp, Lck and def (53HP, 29Str, 24Skl, 25Sp and 21Def), that's decent. But Burger is coming!! Ike talk to him!!! o.O! *Praying for no Eclipse or crt....*, *phew*, none of them :D. Ike also got a nice level up: Hp, Sp and Res XD. Ilyana is by lv.12 and has capped Hp (robe), Str (derp), Sp ( :o: ) and Def (shield), so she's quite durable plus C support with Boyd= :D: . I need to BEXP Soren for better Sp, 20 sp by lv.13 is not nice, but he kills and levels up...str...def...well, at least 13 def is good.

The entire group heads forward and kill enemies, Lethe and Mordecai do their job and Lethe is almost getting near S strike while Mordy is half road :(. Kills and kills. Ilyana and Soren kill almost nothing but wyverns and one or two halberds with low res, but no ORKOs.

Turns: 12/181

BEXP: 2521P


Crowned Boyd.

Celerity Discipline Ilyana and Vantage Adept Boyd go east and then south to the boss area, while the rest rush to the western part. Low lucky enemies are nice cause Ily and Boyd crt them.

Turns: 8/189

BEXP: 4125P


Geoffrey rushes and with high bio he dodges some enemies. By EP he crts the boss (Brave Lance, lol 4%, RNG XD)before the warriors kill Geo. Bought Adept.

Turns: 6/195

BEXP: 5715P

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BEXP'd Lethe and Mordecai as well as Soren for a sp gain.

Celerity Vantage Boyd rushes to the boss area, Ike and Soren follow him. Lethe, Mordecai and Ilyana kill the enemies in the south, and at EP6 the "stationary" gens and pals begin to move and Lethe and Mordecai untransform 0.0! Fortunately the Crimean Army head south and they hide between them XD

Turns: 8/203

BEXP: 6765P


Sigrun and Soren are BEXP'd a level (skl, sp and lck & hp, sp and lck) and crowned. BEXP'd Ike his last 2nd tier level (sp (29), lck and def (26)) as well as Ilyana (lv.17: mag, lck and res).

Celerity Saviour Sigrun rescues Ike and heads forward as the others kill some paladins. Tibarn and the hawks were really useful there killing annoying enemies. Sigrun drops Ike near the generals blocking the path to the boss area because the crossbowman meant danger. Sigrun got a good level up: str, mag, lck and res. Ike killed a couple of foes and then Sigrun goes again rescuing and dropping him in 2 range of the boss. Ike dodged the arcthunder sage that wanted to kill him, so Sigrun kills the crossbowwarrior so Iron Swd Ike seizes. The annoying shine barriers kept my units behind except for Boyd and Lethe who fell in the gaps...derp. Discipline Soren got D staff rank 8P.

Turns: 8/211

BEXP: 5288P


BEXP'd Aran a couple of level ups, 17 sp by lv. 7 is shameful :facepalm: but oh well. I'm out of Gold, I had to sell Beastfoe and other stuff to get some items. Resolve Micaiah, Paragon Cancel Aran and Pass Sothe head south with the Allies and kill s**t. Aran's mediocrity (in terms of hit, avoid, dodge and AS) made me waste turns, at least his defense is capped.

Turns: 9/220

BEXP: 4502P

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Derp, gave Aran Resolve to double Ike and Impale him, I could've done this without Resolve because Aran was in highest Bio but still, two hits meant better chances. In that way, I gave Micaiah Paragon for double level up.

Turns: 4/224

BEXP: 4506P


Sigrun goes east and assists the hawks as Lethe and Mordecai help their Gallian comrades. Ike, Boyd, Soren, Ilyana and Reyson go through their road. Adept Ilyana gets some kills and has a double level up, Soren Mends Boyd and Ilyana who were most exposed to enemies because Ike or receives no damage or dodges approaching attacks. Surprisingly, the hawks desist to deal with the eastern paladins leaving Imbue Miracle Sigrun alone and help Ike&Co. Pure Water Ike made the bishop sleep some cats and tigers. Sigrun got a coin :o: but no rescue :facepalm: .

Turns: 6/230

BEXP: 7873P

Part 4: Gods and Men

(*S**t is hitting the fan :lol: ...*)

Team Distribution

*(Forced unit/s)

*(Recruitable unit/s)

Silver Army - *Micaiah, *Sothe, *Leanne, *Sigrun, Ilyana, *Stefan.

Greil Army - *Ike, *Rafiel, *Soren, Boyd.

Hawk Army - *Reyson, Aran, Lethe, Mordecai, *Pellulz.

4-P Base

BEXP'd Ilyana to lv.20 and crowned. Assigned her Resolve and Provoke.

Paragon Micaiah is BEXP'd to 8.99 for level ups.

Pass Sothe is BEXP'd a level up and gains sp, lck and res.

Imbue Miracle Sigrun gets a couple of Javelin Forges (max mt/hit/crt).

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Meh a whole week trying to clear P4 with some conditions (like having Miccy proc sp in her shitload of lv. ups and making Sigrun and Ilyana get decent level ups). This is going extremely stressful for me so I decided to quit. No more HM. I'm tired... :facepalm: ...sorry Marth but loltrollage is excessive...

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  • 3 months later...

[spoiler=Drafted Team]197px-Boyd_rd.png171px-Aran.pngIlyana2.pngSorenRD.png223px-Modecai.png271px-Caineghis.pngSigrun2.png206px-Stefan.pngFE10LetheBody.png172px-Pelleas.png187px-Kyza2.png

[spoiler=Part 1: Silver-Haired Maiden]Unit:



Free Unit: Edward

Details: Oh the fuck. I just avoided risks. Miccy got Str, Mag, Sp and Res. Wooh!

Turns: 8 (8)



Free Unit: Nolan

Details: Nolan protects Micaiah, letting her kill some enemies. She gets sp once more...and str! No rush, cause their lives is first.

Turns: 8 (16)



Free Unit: Nolan

Details: Nolan climbs the ledge and battles some enemies until Sothe arrives and helps him. Micaiah gets Eddie's Vulnerary and blocks the loldiers, fortunately she got def in the last lv. up. Leo ferries Laura and drops her, then Eddie shoves her and she Arrives. Nolan gets Thani.

Turns: 6 (22)



New Units:


Details: Ilyana helps killing low-sp fighters and killing units with Aran, Miccy Thani'd armoreds and the Cav boss getting sp, lck, def and res o_O! Sothe rushes and kills enemies.

Turns: 7 (29)

BEXP: 146P


Details: Bought an extra Javelin for Aran and the Beast Killer. Aran got BEXP'd and uses the Dracoshield for durability. Ilyana and Aran go south while Miccy and Sothe head north. Sothe kills both bosses and Miccy gets both the 3000G and the Seraph Robe. She got a crappy lv. up with Sacrifice...Ilyana also got a crappy Hp and Res lv. up. However Aran got lck twice and sp and res once, while Sothe got two amazing lv. ups gee_wiz_emoticon.gif.

Turns: 7 (36)

BEXP: 225P


  • Dracoshield - Aran
  • Seraph Robe - Micaiah
  • Spirit Dust - Ilyana

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