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The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword


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You know it comes with a Motion Plus controller right?

Only the special edition, but yeah.

Wish I had been aware of that; could have saved $30 as opposed to buying the controller separately.

Edited by Othin
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Only the special edition, but yeah.

Wish I had been aware of that; could have saved $30 as opposed to buying the controller separately.

Don't they sell the motion plus separate for like 10 bucks?

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Don't they sell the motion plus separate for like 10 bucks?

I don't know about the adapter, but the controller with the thing built in is $40.

I was surprised, too.

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I don't use a Wiimote much anymore but the controls can be fairly annoying at times. I wish I could play with a god old controller at times.

Skulltulas are fucking pricks too.

You're supposed to swing upwards to flip them once you take them off their webs. You want to take them off their webs first- if not, then you need to swing like crazy until you can get them backwards... which can be a bitch but you tend to want to use reverse torques (so if they're spinning one way you want to hit them the reverse way) to flip them. Edited by Mercenary Raven
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if not, then you need to swing like crazy until you can get them backwards...

I find a horizontal slash works wonders to get them spinning, and two lunges tends to be easier for me than flipping them when they're walking on the ground.

I like this game, but I can't help but notice multiple problems without being able to point out anything specific that it does really well in comparison to other Zelda games (although Fi is probably the best travel companion yet). The pointer getting off caliber so easily is really annoying and seems like a mistake that was noticed very late and hastily fixed via the down button re-center.

The dungeons have probably been the best part. I've been through 4 and, while they do use some classic Zelda tricks, they remain fresh enough to feel like a real new experience. I especially had fun with the Lanayru Mining Facility.

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Personally, one of my favorite parts is that the stuff you get actually matters for once. No more of those chests filled with Rupees you can't hold and wouldn't care about if you could; you can actually use all the Rupees you can find to buy upgrades, including cheap expansions to your wallet so it never gets full, and other chests hold useful materials. Also adds more replay value for different playstyles with buying and upgrading different items; I'm not sure how different it would be, but it's something.

The music is also amazing, especially the harp music. It's too bad it doesn't get used often...

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The pointer getting off caliber so easily is really annoying and seems like a mistake that was noticed very late and hastily fixed via the down button re-center.

I don't know what you're saying, but the down button re-center is a godsend.
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The pointer thing is probably just a necessary side effect of using Wii Motion Plus to track it, and I'd say it's worth it as a trade-off. I never really had any problems initially, but I started constantly getting it lost from the third dungeon's boss and onward. But really, with the down button re-center to fix it, I can't complain.

34 hours in at the seventh dungeon. Don't know whether I've just been playing slow or doing more sidequests than I thought or if it's just longer than people have been saying. I know I spent a few hours being lost between a couple of points...

Edited by Othin
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Are most of the battles doable with just horizontal and vertical swipes? My brother was going to give the game a go, but since he's paralyzed, he goes through an emulator and has been tethering wiimote acceleration to a couple buttons. He doesn't have a very large range, so exclusively vertical and horizontal would be best. But given the lack of Depth with the Wiimote (I assume), at worst, all one really needs is the same 360 degree direction and an indication of acceleration, yeah?

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(although Fi is probably the best travel companion yet)

I personally think she's annoying with all her percentages. There's a 100% chance I find them stupid. King of the Red Lions all the way for me.

I'll agree with you on the Lanayru Mining Factory. It was indeed awesome.

34 hours in at the seventh dungeon. Don't know whether I've just been playing slow or doing more sidequests than I thought or if it's just longer than people have been saying. I know I spent a few hours being lost between a couple of points...

A wee bit under 21 hours and I'm about to beat the Cistern boss. I didn't get lost pretty often however, but I do visit all the islands I bring back up.

Edited by Bender B. Rodríguez
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Are most of the battles doable with just horizontal and vertical swipes? My brother was going to give the game a go, but since he's paralyzed, he goes through an emulator and has been tethering wiimote acceleration to a couple buttons. He doesn't have a very large range, so exclusively vertical and horizontal would be best. But given the lack of Depth with the Wiimote (I assume), at worst, all one really needs is the same 360 degree direction and an indication of acceleration, yeah?

I think the battles are all doable without diagonal attacks (although you'll have to pass up some opportunities to hit a few enemies, like Stalfos), but a few puzzles require diagonal swipes. You also need the stab.

I personally think she's annoying with all her percentages. There's a 100% chance I find them stupid. King of the Red Lions all the way for me.

I'll agree with you on the Lanayru Mining Factory. It was indeed awesome.

I thought Fi was interesting at first, but she talks way too much and explains a lot of things I'd rather figure out myself. But then, with all the puzzles and other things, there's more than enough thinking you have to do regardless, so that's fine. Probably worth noting that out of several times I was stumped by puzzles and actually asked for her help, it was never any use whatsoever.

And yeah, Lanayru is a great area in general.

Edited by Othin
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I'm saying we shouldn't have to re-center in the first place.

So what? When considering the re-center, we lose virtually nothing as opposed to having perfect aiming in the first place, and the re-center is nice to have regardless.

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So what? When considering the re-center, we lose virtually nothing as opposed to having perfect aiming in the first place, and the re-center is nice to have regardless.

It's annoying. It affects things that I can't re-center from as well (like holding the sword and doing accurate swings), so it forces me to go into something that I can re-center from. Even if I'm doing something like holding the Bow that I can re-center from, it forces me to point to the center of the screen, which more than likely moves the screen around a lot before I actually am able to re-center (because if I need to re-center it's obviously pointed in the wrong spot), so if I have to find where I wanted to shoot again. It happens constantly and interrupts the flow of the game.

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I've never had it cause any problems with swinging the sword accurately, and I don't think it even works that way. Don't blame the game for you not being as good at swordfighting as you think.

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I've never had it cause any problems with swinging the sword accurately, and I don't think it even works that way. Don't blame the game for you not being as good at swordfighting as you think.

Maybe I'm remembering wrong with the sword-swinging part (I wish you wouldn't infer such things as that last statement, though), but I know it's affected flight before because I was facepalming watching myself point the Wiimote perfectly straight while my bird veered off to the right, which is just as annoying. I can't even count how many times I have to re-center in every single session I play the game. It feels like anything that requires pointing will get me way off center.

Speaking of flight, that also gets annoying, particularly when you need to get somewhere higher up fast.

EDIT: Also, I'd rather you not just nitpick one little mistake I make which is only part of the bigger point I am making.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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Hm... I think you're right about flight; now that you mention it, I remember having similar concerns in that or some related situation. So I'll concede that there are some issues and just say that I never found it to be a big concern.

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Don't get me wrong, I still love the game and have been playing it way more than I probably should. There are just a bunch of small issues I have with it (although the re-centering problem is probably the worst of them).

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Recentering/recalibrating isn't usually a problem for me outside of minigames; it is a total pain in the ass for stuff like the skydiving minigame or the minecart, especially when you keep trying them to get the damn Piece of Heart. Drove me crazy for the last one.

Outside of that, I probably enjoyed this game a lot more than previous titles. Rupees actually matter in a non-forced way (at least up until the ending hours of the game), dungeons had some really nice atmospheres and puzzles, and I thought traveling between locations was actually pretty easy with how many bird statues were littered around the areas. Difficulty was just right; nothing was ever too hard, but enemies were no longer easy-mode like they were in OoT or TP. I also love the fact that they limit your bottles to three for most of the game, possibly to make stuff a bit more difficult since fairies are fairly scarce and there's only two health-replenishing potions. I thought the adventure pouch was pretty nifty too, as it forced you to prioritize what you wanted to take with you.

Parrying is pretty much the most powerful tool you can use in the game, given that a lot of things become very easy to kill once you're able to do it consistently. I suppose that's why they put shield durability in so it would punish you if you mistimed it, but I never found the gauge to be a problem at all--it just forced me to play more carefully.

Edited by Sol Hiryu
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Personally, I felt that the two big issues were that you get shuttled in random directions constantly for various forced quests and that Fi is constantly showing up to unnecessarily explain or narrate things. Other things, like re-centering, felt insignificant in comparison to those to me. But then, I haven't done much n the way of minigames, either.

On that note, I only ever found the two bottles you get right at the beginning of the game. With those, I felt that the later bosses were somewhat challenging, but still fairly limited in that attacks almost never take off more than one heart; the final boss just has one or two attacks that take off two hearts. The difficulty as a whole was good, though, especially for the puzzles.

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You get two bottles at the beginning? I've only found one. What do you mean by later bosses, though? Because I thought the bosses of the Pirate Ship and Koloktos weren't too hard.

Also, I have 15 hearts atm, 2 due to accessories. lol

Edited by Mercenary Raven
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You get one bottle for free from the potion lady at the Bazaar and another (with revitalizing potion) in a chest at the Sealed Grounds near the old woman with the metronome hair.

I've just beaten the sixth dungeon and already got 4 bottles, though.

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You get two bottles at the beginning? I've only found one. What do you mean by later bosses, though? Because I thought the bosses of the Pirate Ship and Koloktos weren't too hard.

Also, I have 15 hearts atm, 2 due to accessories. lol

The final bosses, I mean. You'll know them when you reach them. And yeah, Koloktos and Tentula weren't too difficult, but they were really fun, especially Koloktos.

I had 15 hearts at endgame. Only equipped one of the Life Medals; I never bought the one Beedle was selling.

Have you been upgrading your potions? I never upgraded my Heart Potions more than once, but having multiple of the double-upgraded one seems ridiculous, although getting the ingredients seems like a pain, so that could balance it out.

You get one bottle for free from the potion lady at the Bazaar and another (with revitalizing potion) in a chest at the Sealed Grounds near the old woman with the metronome hair.

I've just beaten the sixth dungeon and already got 4 bottles, though.

Yeah, those two.

Edited by Othin
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