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...did I just fight a guy?


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Couldn't it be said that both sides are providing strawman arguments for the other, if you're gonna glorify what you're saying by arguing that everyone else is strawmanning shit the hell up

Considering I haven't responded to points in which I was not arguing after I realized what was going on, no :P. I wasn't talking about Revan or Kiryn. "Defend" was probably the wrong word to use.

English isn't my first language. I like to think I am pretty awesome at it, but everyone says things they don't necessarily intend for other people to interpret the way they do. Quite a parallel to the dicussion!

Edited by Tangerine
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What we have here is a failure to communicate. Some people are talking about just general sexual advances, while others are talking about sexual assault.

None of you are even arguing with one another. This website is still retarded as fuck. Go about your business.

can you teach me to be as cool as you are

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He is referencing a time in the past. When Death and I first met waaaay back in like, October 2009, the first thing he ever did was flirt with me in a PM.

what about me didn't I do that?

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First of all, given the way you defined sexual assault, I am going to cut out all instances in which you referred to it and not respond to them. I am NOT saying it is someone's fault if they get raped. That is utterly ridiculous and I don't understand how you got that from my posts.

So to clarify, you do not think a woman should be considered at all at fault if she is raped/groped/the other things I consider to be sexual assault after wearing revealing clothing?

Sexual assault can be verbal, visual, or anything that forces a person to join in unwanted sexual contact or attention. That is what I think.

I can't really speak to the verbal or visual components (other than saying that they're not usually legally considered sexual assault), since I think that's significantly more complicated, so yeah. Though again, if there is any coercion or intimidation or whatnot going on, then it is definitely a problem.

Well that is never going to happen. There will always be limits.

Funny you should say limit, actually. The way I look at it is like this: our society has gotten more and more open over time, and people have been allowed more freedoms. While we will never end up with the absolute perfect society, I certainly think it's possible, and should be encouraged, for us to move towards a state with full freedoms. That is to say, the limit as time approaches postive infinity of our restriction personal freedoms should approach zero.

Edited by Defeatist Elitist
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