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[FE7] Cluster Draft


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...what have I done...

- Any rule that is not contradicted, edited, or changed from the generic Hector Normal Mode ruleset is in affect unless otherwise stated.

- Undrafted units may not: rescue drafted units, meatshield, break walls and snags, shop, support, visit villages, open doors.

- However, Matthew is free for chapter 11.

- Undrafted units may: trade with anyone, rescue other undrafted units, recruit other characters.

- Penalty incurred is 4 turns.

- All gaidens are mandatory. Except 19xx and 23x (which are banned), and 28x, which is optional. Choosing not to take it results in a static +15 turns.

- You must recruit all units that are on your team. Exceptions: Geitz/Wallace are optional. Karel is optional because. Karla is not optional, see below.

- HNM only. LHM is optional. Not taking it results in an automatic +75 turns. If you choose to take it, Lyn is free until chapter 10.

- If you get Karla, Bartre is automatically added to your team.

-Defense chapters are counted as the turncount displayed. IE, Chapter 4 is 7 turns, not 8.

The exceptions to the "entire team recruited" rule is because I can see how it would be unfair for whoever has Geitz if s/he doesn't have Eliwood and/or Lyn.

Drafting style:

1. Pick units in ordered fashion (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2...) to be added to a unit list.

- Free characters: Hector, Marcus, Ninils & Athos are free.

2. Once the list reaches (# of players) units, a randomly generated list is used to distribute units in this list.


Person A picks Florina.

Person B picks Sain.

Person C picks Lowen.

The list looks like this:

1. Florina

2. Sain

3. Lowen

List generates (2,3,1)


Person A gets Sain

Person B gets Lowen

Person C gets Florina

rinse and repeat

1. Cam - Sain, Serra, Rebecca, Erk, Heath, Dart, Eliwood, Karel, Wallace, Bartre

2. JBCWK - Kent, Nino, Vaida, Dorcas, Pent, Legault, Jaffar, Karla, Lucius, Isadora

3. Second Pronoun - Oswin, Renault, Geitz, Fiora, Louise, Hawkeye, Canas, Guy, Lucius, Matthew - 276 turns

4. Whitefang - Raven, Priscilla, Wil, Florina, Lowen, Lyn, Farina, Harken, Wallace, Rath - 245 turns

Edited by Kam
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Question, will the turncount in 28x be free, or will it have a certain limit?

That depends. If you decide to go, it all counts. If you don't, you "only" get 15 turns.

in other words, how confident are you that you can finish 28x in less than 15 turns?

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I'm going to just leave it at four players right now, since I'm gonna go nuts enough as it is.


I get Sain

Joshy gets Kent

SP gets Oswin.

Whitefang gets Raven.

Adding in Priscilla.

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