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Return of the Emblem Chapter Seven: Reunion


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<Using the wagon, huh.> John thought. <Won't that easily alert them of our infiltration attempt? But they might be on the lookout on all sides anyway, so I guess it doesn't matter.>

Another thing caught his attention, mainly Bert and his arguing with the general. <He sure likes to argue.> He noted. <Is he forgetting this is the military and we're basically volunteers here?>

He's not going to go into a rage again, does he? Sophia wondered, also aware of that little situation. Especially since last time it led into an actual fight. This got her worried a little. After all, needless fighting in a time-pressed situation was certainly not ideal.

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"Norbert, I understand your concern, but I will remind you that these people are trained, and seasoned, soldiers." The knight spoke up. "What makes there priorities more valid than say, yours or Amon's, is years of experience a life time of trading, and a cool mind that doesn't cloud their judgement. They know what needs to be prioritized, no matter how much our feelings say otherwise, they know better than you do." Zel was clearly in soldier mode again, his voice firm, and commanding... but not insensitive... just firm.

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"Of course you'd say that," Norbert responded acerbicly to Zel, "After all, you're one of them. I'd like to think that all humans are of equal value, though, and the worth of the thoughts, ideas and skills of individuals has nothing to do with rank. Besides that, I don't have to listen to any of you military types except to coordinate a rescue as two equal, separate parties. Where do you stand, anyway? If it came down to it, would you side with them or with Raquel? First and formost, who do you call your leader? Who do you defend?" Are you trustworthy? Should you even be with us? How long until you decide to trade Raquel's emblem in for favor with the military? His eyes were piercing into Zel as though trying to see the answers to his unspoken questions.

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Longer Thoughts Than You Are Accustomed To

"Wha?" Amon instinctively chirped when Zel added him into his explanation. What makes him think I don't have a cool head? All of my training involved nearly suicidal bodyguard work and ubran combat. I'm doing exactly what I know ... hmm ... Zel has no idea that I'm an agent, does he? I mean I don't carry anything fancy like a rank or a badge, but I am technically a part of the armed forces. Probably just closer to a palace errand boy, though ... or palace security, maybe. I guess there's a few different ways to look at it. That reminds me, what on earth am I going to do about all of this? If I just keep following them around like this, I'll never complete my mission, but there's no way I can talk her into letting me take the emblem back with me, either. Urrrrgh. Every time I think about this, it gives me a headache. I'm screwed no matter what I do, and nobody's going to trust me again if they remember why I'm actually ... oh Lady Aisha ... pleeease help me before this blows up in my face ....

"Wow ..." Altena uttered in response to Bert's minor attack on Zel. I've never seen an equality complex this extreme before. The real reason we've been trying to keep these mercenaries in place isn't because we think we're better than them or smarter ... though we probably are ... the reason is because we can't have emotional crap like this getting in the way of the mission. There's a time and a place for passion and this certainly isn't it.

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"Who do I call leader? Well that depends, three people come to mind." Zel said quite plainly. "The most present option is General Selene, as is she is a military commander, though I'm not technically in active military service, so any 'order' she gives me is only a request... but she is a general after all, and so her words are probably wise. The next answer is Raquel, for she is the one I'm currently assigned too by my Lord to protect and serve... at my request, but none the less, short of my Lord, until he commands me to the services of another, or orders me back to his own, Raquel is who I serve. My Lord is my own father, who's residing where we met last time I was informed. He takes priority over anyone for commanding me." The Knight explained.

"As for who I defend, I defend the people and lands of Ursium, as I have sworn upon being knighted. Raquel is a citizen of Ursium, and my current mark, so she is my highest priority... Her capture... was a large dishonor to me... I'll do anything it takes to get her out of there safely... anything..." His tone lost a lot of it's gusto at the end, it seemed he was quite ashamed of this situation as it turned out... maybe even taking it personally as his fault... and he had to right it.

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Robin gritted her teeth at Bert's constant complaining. She doubted the man had ever been in any proximity to the military, or possibly even had parents present in his life in any degree of authority. She wasn't sure what she could do about it though. She wasn't in the military any more-so than him and getting him to shut up would be impossible.

"Are you sure using the cart is a wise idea? It is a obvious target and will have every gun focused on it. Maybe we should use it as bait instead to draw fire and attention." she offered. She knew the suggestion was not likely to be taken, but if it could steer the conversation away from Bert for a moment...

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<Well, as long they keep it with words, I guess it should be fine.> John thought. On the other hand, something else was brought up.

''The military is already planning to be the bait.'' He decided to answer Robin. ''Besides, they're bound to notice us anyway so at least for you guys inside the wagon, it'd be safer to reach the place if they start attacking from afar.''

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Wagon 2.0

"Not sure if any of you guys remember this, but the this wagon is made of solid steel. The wooden surface is just a cover. That's the exact reason why Weyland put on the deflectors. It's too heavy to move without them. It's not a 'cart', it's a 'tank'." Gabbie explained. Didn't want to mention that in front of the whites, but we've got more important things to worry about, and this is just wasting time.

I was wondering what the deal was with those windy things on the bottom. "It's armored underneath, huh? You'll be fine then. In fact, I insist you use that wagon if it's got armor underneath. Mind the horses, though." Altena added.

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Selene listened to the knight from before explain his position to the petulant one before joining in. "My responsibility is also to protect the people of Ursium, first and foremost. I will do whatever is necessary to achieve that goal. Your presence here is a courtesy I have extended to you so that you can rescue your employer, do not delude yourself into thinking we are equals. Now, if there are no more interruptions, let's proceed with the the mission as we have planned. Our window of opportunity is short," she said to all who were present.

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Before he could respond to Zel, the major general herself spoke up. She was acting all high-and-mighty again but she said a couple things Norbert could agree with, one of them being that they should get on with the rescue. For that reason, Bert bit his tongue. Though he hated it, restraint on his part was required at the moment. Anything he said would just give Raquel's captors time and the rescuers' advantage would be leaking away while Raquel's peril grew.

I don't trust that knight, though. He's only protecting Raquel because of "duty." Tch. And he feels this bad about failing his duty, not because he's decided to help Raquel himself. And three leaders? Doesn't he know no one can really call more than one person their leader? He made it clear that his father is his master. That's not someone we can rely on. We'd be better off without this rank enthusiest. And this lady general. She thinks we wouldn't be going to rescue Raquel with or without their help? If I were in charge, I'd point out how stupid that is. Weyland's paying us for now so it doesn't matter if the military happens to have the same job or not. We shouldn't let ourselves be walked all over. I'll endure this for now, but as soon as we have Raquel, we're getting out of here. I'm not letting that general have her conversation. While the enemy has them distracted, we need to leave or Raquel's emblem might be changing hands and she'll be in danger again. This is stupid.

"Ya a'right, Amon?" asked Gytha. Amon looked upset about something.

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"Uhhh ..." Amon wasn't sure how to respond to that, but he clearly hadn't been making any progress confining the problem to his own thoughts. Perhaps a hypothetical was in order ... a vague one. "Umm, have you ever been in a situation where 'duty' could ... well ... cause a mountain of problems for everyone involved? Have you ever had to try to decide between doing what you're supposed to be doing and what everyone else would want, I mean?"

Fewer Worries

[spoiler=Not for the incredibly easily offended or Sardis fans]Raquel was left in the room after a short while, and this Burke left the building she was being kept in and made his way toward the center of the fortress. The girl in black wasn't very far behind him, but kept her distance. When Sardis and Hayato--who'd been leaning up against an inner wall together--saw them coming, Sardis got off the wall and walked over to meet them, followed closely by Hayato. "So, have you learned anything about her, yet?" Sardis asked.

Burke shook his head. "We'll need a little more time before we're certain of anything, I'm afraid. Fortunately for you, I know just where to take her to ... finish things up."

"... I see." came a somewhat distrusting reply from Sardis.

"Where are you going to take her, exactly?" Hayato cut in. He got a simple but long stare from Burke before a reply ever came.

"Why are you still here? Well ... now I'm going to have to kill you. I don't make empty threats, you know." he explained shaking his head. Hayato leaned back as Sardis leaned in between them. "Oh come now, it won't be so bad ... a quick swing to get that ugly head of yours off of the body, a bit of trophy work, and then I can mount you on the doorpost. That'll keep those Ursians at bay, heheheheh."

Was he serious? Hayato wasn't taking any chances. "Stay away from me, Tin Man!" Hayato shot back.

"Burke, where are you taking Raquel?"

"Headquarters, of course. Somewhere these idiots can't touch us. We might have had more time if only you had come ... but you had to bring the whole band of losers and lure the enemy right to us. Why couldn't your men have just scattered like the roaches they are anyway? Did you have to lead them here?"

"That can work to our advantage. If Raquel's friends are with them, I can correct my mistake at the manse. I will get the emblem this time."

"So now you're going to stay and fight them? I'm willing to bet that you'll simply get blown off the map ... aaagain, hahahahah. I've got no intention of fighting on behalf of your failures so it'll be up to you people to protect them. I suggest you focus on the Ursian military if they really do attack. Those 'friends' of hers may have been able to best your men, but I alone can deal with the lot of them." Burke explained, brandishing his claws.

"Burke, with your strength combined with mine, we could likely be rid of the Ursians, then we can focus on Raquel's friends. Why don't we try that? My men can keep them distracted while we take care of it." Sardis suggested.

"Heheheh ... no. I'd rather not catch whatever you've got that's turned you into such an ineffective agent. Besides, I don't want your lackeys guarding the girl. If they failed a simple manse break in, how the hell can they prevent one? And on top of that, we may have to fight all of them as one big group. We don't know what they're planning, yet. I'm guessing that at the very least, her so called friends will storm in here, walk all over your men, and then be off with her long before we can get rid of the military. Whatever they're planning, we should counter it with a dexterium fist!" Burke explained, holding up his right fist.

"So you want to fight them, yourself ..." Sardis concluded gloomily.

"T'wouldn't be a fight at all. What are they going to do, cut me? Besides, unlike you and your men, I'll win."

"Perhaps ... now is a good time to mention that it isn't my intention to kill them all ... not yet. Silvia and I have been speaking about them and ... some ... have great potential within our ranks." Sardis explained.

"Don't show your enemy any mercy, fool. Well ... I can't blame you for wanting to recruit some new units ... especially after losing so many. You've also got good eyes on just who to recruit if you're after the very people who keep kicking your ass, hahahahahahahh! Very well, Sardis, I will make a minor concession, here. If you want to recruit these people, you're going to need them ... 'mostly' alive ... so I'd best stay out of it ... for now. You won't be able to give them your recruiter's speech with the military running around, though. You'll have to do something about them ..."

"As I said before, you and I should-" "Aheheheh as I said, I'm not interested in fighting on their behalf or catching your failure disease. They completely botched their mission to break into a manse and steal a simple medallion and a middle aged man for Death's sake." Burke interrupted. "Is this truly a time for foolish pride?" Sardis asked, raising an eyebrow. "If we don't work together in this, there will be a lot of casualties on our side."

"Hahahahah, I like death. It's is all around us. I revel in it! So what do I care?! I'm not going to die today. None of my subordinates are going to die today. The only ones in any danger here are you and those idiots you brought with you. All of this is your fault, so why should I give a damn what happens? I'm rather content with however this turns out, come to think of it. You're the one shaking in your panties. If you really want to save your men ... I suggest you tell them to get the hell out of Ursium. I would think the retrieval of the emblem would take precedence over the lives of your men, however ... especially those ones in particular." Burke ranted, crossing his arms. "Either way, I'm only inclined to stand back, point, and laugh."

Sardis sighed. "Please do not underestimate me. Such an incident will not be repeated. That aside ... whatever plan I do come up with now that you've decided to back down from your original plan should not include you, correct?"

Burke shrugged. "I was only going to participate because I wanted the satisfaction of doing your job for you and rubbing your nose in it, later on. Include me if you will. Maybe I'll help you out, or maybe I'll just do as I am ... inclined to do, instead, heheheh"

"How very reliable ..." muttered Sardis in a sarcastic tone.

"Oh I'm certain the higher ups think the same of you and your continued failures." Burke wittily shot back.

"Um, I have an idea ..." the girl chimed in. Both Sardis and Burke's gazes shifted to her.

"You have an idea? You're using your brain for a change, girl? Oh I can't wait to hear this one, out with it." Burke demanded.

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"Nope," Gytha replied simply to Amon's question. She really couldn't think of a time where something like that had happened to her.

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"Oh ..." Amon let his head drop a little. He was fully expecting that kind of answer. He was hoping for at least a little insight, instead, though. Oh well.

"Okay so ... are you people, ready or what? This mission isn't going to complete itself." Altena spoke up.

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"Start distracting them and we'll get moving," Norbert mentioned, a little annoyed at how nothing was happening yet. Again he nudged Ranyin. The mage would have to wake up and get to his teammates, whoever they were.

"Aye," affirmed Gytha to Altena's question before asking Amon, "So, what was wrong? Something like that happenin' t' ye?"

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<So this is it.> John thought before turning around and heading back to Gil, who by this time was already awake. <Heh, saves me the trouble of waking him up.> He then proceeded to mount up.


So it's time. Sophia thought. With that, she walked back to the wagon.

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Sirocco finished her meditation, focusing back on the conversation at hand. She noticed people began moving around, preparing to go. "Is something happening? Is everyone going somewhere?"

Sirocco looked across the group, noticing a young women with fiery hair. She was talking with a young tanned man, when Sirocco noticed her. It was the girl of her dreams! One of the people she had seen. She had to go and talk with her. Sirocco walked over to Gytha, rubbing her hands together nervously. She stood by the girl, watching her.

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There was a call to arms by one of the Whites, so Blake wandered over in the general direction of the speaker. There was a bit of discussion before the soldiers revealed that it would be the mercenaries that would storm the ruins of a fortress. Right. Leave it to the military to have others do their wet work. Whatever. It was an opportunity to see some decent action.

Then Wrath's paragon began his crusade against the disgraceful soldiers, and filled the air with tension. Another fight seemed inevitable, but luckily the general just kept running her mouth, so as to shame the participants into dropping their quarrel. The axe-wielder's temper seemed to be growing ever-shorter. That was the second or third time in the past day that he lost control. Tap your helmet, man. At this rate, he was more likely to kill one of his 'allies' than the enemy.

And now, well, it was time to move out. The swordsman drew his sharper sword from its' sheath, and began to count down the minutes before the battle would begin.

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Feeling Bert nudge him for the umpteenth time, Ranyin finally woke up, still dazed and hungry. He recalled the sweets he bought long ago were finished. I think i still have some buns somewhere, Ranyin recalled, digging them out from his bag. Munching on it, he glanced around at all the people gathered while asking, "So what's going on? Why does everyone look so tense?"


Handling the shield to see if the improvements had changed its weight or not, Mireille was pleased to note that it was as agile as it used to be. Being smaller and lighter than the standard issue, it would be unable to cover much area, nor stop attacks that were too strong. At least from last night's battle, it had proven itself capable of weakening gun shots, which was good enough.

Happy with Connor's work, Mireille thanked him before joining the meeting. She sighed when Bert started his arguement and readied her shield...in case he decided to attack the military leader this time.

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"Well ... I guess you could say that ..." Amon paused when Sirocco approached. Seeing her stand near Gytha for no apparent reason was weird enough, but that was all she did. She didn't say anything. Amon wasn't planning on saying anything, either, but now things were just uncomfortable ... Who is she, exactly?

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"We'll be going in to rescue Raquel soon. You should go meet up with your teammates," Norbert answered, "The military's going to draw out most of the enemy so we can have as clear a shot at rescuing her as we can."

Gytha didn't feel comfortable asking Amon about something that was bothering him when someone they didn't know was hanging around. She knew she wouldn't feel comfortable explaining something that was bothering her with someone she didn't know standing that close by, so she didn't want to ask Amon to say anything personal in that sort of situation. So, the best thing she figured to do, she did. She turned to the lady and asked, "Ahoy. Thar somethin' ye needed?"

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''Alright Gil, just take off.'' John said, putting on his helmet. Gil grunted as it spread his wings and rose. They didn't climb much, however, just some distance above the wagon's height. <So now it will be a run to the fortress's interior. Hm, it's highly likely I may be unable to bring Gil inside.> He thought. <Well, I guess we'll find out once we get there.>

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Veronika smiled a bit at Amon's question, though it may have been directed at Gytha more than herself she decided to chime in anyway.

"If I did what everyone wanted me to do, I wouldn't be here right now. People have all sorts of obligations- to their country, to their family, to their friends and loved ones, and sometimes these obligations conflict with one another. I think you're a good person Amon- so all I can really suggest for you to do is follow your heart," she said to him simply, ignoring the strange girl for now.


The nearby noise eventually proved enough to rouse Nadya from her slumber. She quickly mounted Luca and joined the rest of the group, hoping that no one would notice her tardiness.


"Let's get moving Lieutenant. I think Weyland's group has things well enough under control for the time being," the Major General said, as the troops began moving towards the fortress.

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Sirocco blushed a little. "Yes, yes, it's you! The woman with hair like fire. The smell of salt. It's you I have been dreaming about. At the very least I know this is the right group. I must search for the others I have seen so many times." Sirocco turned to Amon, noticing his uneasy. "My name is Sirocco. I am an Oracle. Recently, I have been getting visions about this woman here. There were others though. A man on horse back with long hair and spectacles. A woman with rainbow hair. But there was also a pink haired woman. She appeared to me in my visions along side a carriage. The thing most startling about my visions was that behind her appeared a set of large flames, and unknown engravings, sort of like a large engraving. Tell me, do you know of her? Could you direct me to her? I must meet her. Our destinies are intertwined."

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Veronika gave a response closer to the elaborate answer Amon was hoping for, though he was still unsure what to do. Following his heart may have very well been a good place to start and focus on. "Thanks. I'll ... keep that in mind, Veronika." he replied with a small smile. Then came this Sirocco. From the sounds of things, she was looking for Raquel, which was both weird, and timely. "We're ... trying to rescue her, right now." he said, resisting the urge to shrug. He got to wondering if an oracle could help in a fortress siege, but he didn't bring it up.

"Can you use conventional magic? If so, ya moight consider helpin' us out, here." Gabbie chimed in. "I'm sure Raquel would be so grateful for the aid that she'd grant you an audience." Gabbie added rolling her eyes a bit.

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