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Return of the Emblem Chapter Seven: Reunion


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"Ah, ahoy! Ye here t' help Bert here? See, I didn't see 'im n' I tripped o'er 'im with one foot n' stepped on 'im with th' other. I'm a'right, but I think he's hurt. Said he's not a'right, at least n' ye'd think he woulda yelled at me by now, but he's been quiet. Think ye can help 'im?" Gytha explained and asked to the cleric.

How did she NOT see me?! Riz was standing right by me for Mercy's sake! Norbert angrily thought as he tried to ignore he intense pain in his side. Ow ow ow ow ow I think she broke something, blast it ow ow...

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An accident? Sophia thought. ''Yes, I can take care of this.'' She answered as she began using her staff. At least it wasn't because he got into another needless fight.

''There, that should do it.'' She said after a while. Hopefully it won't happen again.

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"Uaghhh..." Norbert groaned. His stomach didn't hurt anymore and his ribcage was repaired, both of which he was thankful for. The pain he'd suffered wasn't the worst pain he'd ever been in, but that didn't mean he enjoyed it at all. So, he pushed himself up and dusted himself off a little. His face was somewhat of a mess, though, with the sand, the healing salve that had been applied to it and the skin that was peeling under the stuff. "Thank you," he mentioned to Sophia before turning towards Gytha and giving her a fiery glare. That was no way to be woken up.

"Uhh, ye missed a spot, I think..." Gytha mentioned, pointing to Norbert's face. It was dark, but it's not like the darkness was blinding when your eyes were used to it. His hands were already balled up into fists. A swift motion later, and Gytha was in the sand again with a hurt jaw. She got up quickly with her own glare at Norbert.

"Hoy! What was that for?!"

"LEARN TO WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING YOU PIN-HEADED PI--" Norbert bit his tongue as Gytha's pistol pointed to his forehead.

"What were ye goin' t' call me?" she growled.

"...Pie...maker..." His glare was just as intense, though his voice's volume had lowered.

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''It was nothing.'' She said to Bert. But before anything else could be said or done, the pegasus rider and mariner were already in their little show of violence.

I guess I got it backwards, it was first the injury then the fight. Sophia thought, backing away slightly from pair. What is it with people here today? Is it the lack of sleep by having to wake up this early? She wondered.


<Hm?> John looked over at the source of the noise. <I guess not everyone is having a good start today.> He shook his head and dismounted before making his way over there.

''Hey, what's going on here?'' He asked.

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"Aisha's moving toward us. We need to get moving, now," Blake responded rather bluntly to Raquel and the non-veteran cleric, before someone screaming drew his attention. Moments later, an arrow missed him by less than an inch. Robin the archer hissed at him in what seemed to be Skotian, before apologizing because he startled her. Which was a nice way of saying it was the swordsman's fault.

"Watch where you point that thing," he growled, just before he stepped out of the wagon to make sure everyone outside was awake.

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"Nothin' realla important," Gytha replied to John as she holstered her pistol, "Just tripped o'er Norbert on me way t' see if I can buy a new roll o' gauze. Have any on ye, Jeremy? Would save me havin' t' bother Raquel." By this point she was moderately cheerful again.

"Like heck it was nothing important. You kicked me in the stomach then stepped on my ribcage and probably broke something then almost shot me in the head," Norbert mumbled under his breath, his temper presently at a low burn. That was when his eye caught something at his feet he hadn't noticed before. Puzzled, he picked it up. I don't recognize this... How did a blanket get over here? Wait, I think... Wasn't I sleeping under this? I don't remember taking it. His temper left when he started trying to puzzle out the mystery but that only resulted in his feeling awkward. Uhh... Did someone lay this over me last night? Can't really think of many people who would do that for me... That was considerate. ... I should ask to see whose it is. Might as well start here. "Hey, John, Gytha and... Sophia, I think? Do any of you know whose this is?" he asked, showing them the blanket.

"Not mine -- didn't bring one with me," Gytha answered.

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"I did. I pointed it at the loud, boisterous, bear that was threatening to eat me. It was only by sheer luck that I managed to make myself miss. Do not ever, ever, wake me up like that again." replied Robin with a furious glare at the man. "Understood?"

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''A roll of what?'' John asked. ''No, sorry.''

''Jeremy?'' Sophia asked, confused.

''Ignore that.'' He shrugged. ''Anyway, regarding that blanket, I have no idea.''

''Me neither.'' Sophia said. ''It's probably from the wagon if anything.''

''Well, looks like things got resolved, I guess.'' John said. ''We'll soon be leaving so...'' With that said, he went back towards Gil.

I guess it's back to the wagon then. Sophia thought. Hopefully that archer girl is more awake by now. And she went back as well.

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"Ah well. Good thing I still have me pay from me last job," Gytha mentioned, mostly to herself before walking over to Raquel. "Ahoy, Raquel! Ye have any more gauze? Th' bandages ye sold me were soaked with seawater so I don't trust it fer treatin' Maw," he half-explained, half-asked.

They don't know, huh? I guess if I put it in the wagon, the owner will find it eventually. With that thought, he headed for the wagon and climbed inside. His errand was quick and soon he was outside the wagon again. Riz had followed him there and so was waiting when his boots met the desert sand again. He felt a little tired, but was doing much better now that he actually got som decent sleep. His next errand was getting Riz some breakfast. It seemed that the food from last night was still laid out, so he led the pegasus over to it and she began eating. Valter seemed well enough to take care of Phyllis now, so he left that to him.

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"For someone who refuses to kill others you are very careless with your arrows. If you can't tell a person from a bear, you probably shouldn't remain in this group- or be around people at all really," she said to Robin rather crossly.

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Robin said nothing, her mind racing to find the words, before, with silent steps, she simply walked forwards out of the wagon, leaped down to the sand below, picked up her arrow, and started to walk away from the group.

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Veronika sighed at Robin's lack of response. "We have enough problems without turning on each other," she said to no one in particular. "Let's follow Lilith and meet whatever Aisha has in store for us," she said, packing up her things and preparing to leave.

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Robin had almost made it to the edge of the camp when Veronika spoke. She knew she wanted to keep going, that to keep heading out into the desert would, most certainly result in less fighting. However, in her groggy, weary, state, she was unwilling to let the remark go, even though she would soon be gone."<Then, with me gone, I'm sure you will have no problems at all. You are right. I shouldn't remain. If I do so, then a wild dog like me will eventually kill someone. Better me than someone else.>"

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As John made his way back, he watched the little exchange between Robin and Veronika. <Is it another problem or is related to whatever happened in the wagon before?> He wondered. <This day is certainly starting on a bad note huh.>

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Before Departure Into the Dunes

"Gauze? Sure, just let me find some really quick." Raquel replied to Gytha. She wasn't gone searching the crates for long before finding the rest of the medical supplies. She handed Gytha an entire roll of gauze and then went to getting the horses ready. "I don't know where I'm supposed to keep the money in this new wagon, so you can just pay me later after I find a place." she said before getting to work in earnest.

Departure Into the Dunes

Once Raquel finished preparing Sandrock and Riley for the trip, she began feeding them while others loaded the extra supply crates into the wagon. There was a lot less room as a result, and so the wagon was likely to be severely cramped if the previous riding arrangements stood. Amon avoided the problem by using his jacket as a sun shield and toughing it out on the roof. By the time they got going, the sun began to rise, small bursts of sunlight making it over the distance horizon.

For hours and hours they traveled through the desert, the temperature climbing steadily without end. Lilith continued to float just inches above the sands at the same pace the party was moving. She wasn't showing any signs of fatigue. Not even a drop of sweat. Raquel was a little hot in the driver seat, so she couldn't help but gawk on occasion at the woman's eternal state. Gabbie was asleep until it became too hot for her to comfortably nap anymore. She didn't have much to do with Ringo handling the flying, though, so she just continued to lie down and occasionally take a drink from her canteen. Amon sat up on the roof of the wagon swaying to balance himself as the wagon went through the dunes. Thankfully he didn't spend their time traveling fretting about the inevitable. He was far too uncomfortable to worry about that. At least until Lilith slowed to a stop and her feet softly came to the ground.

"They're almost here ..." she announced to the party. Off in the distance there was some clear evidence to back up Lilith's claim. What looked like an unnaturally isolated event was taking place. Something was cutting a path straight through the dunes and kicking up an incredible amount of sand. "Aisha's carving out a path for a large group of mounted warriors." she explained. She was certain of it now. They were close enough for her to clearly sense each and every person and mount as well as how the energy around them was affecting the environment. She then glanced up toward the sky. "... and a wyvern rider." she added.

It took a bit of waiting, but the carved path soon reached them, as did the cavalry unit. There were about thirty of them in all, and the path quickly split to form a circle around the entire party. The energy left behind hard and solid ground for the horses to run on, so the group was surrounded by the Rexian unit in mere seconds. The wyvern rider came down to land shortly after the Rexians brought their horses to a stop. This wyvern was a true beast, an armless mountain wyvern of intimidating size.

<"Amon!"> the wyvern rider called out, hopping down from the wyvern and giving the beast a quick head hug before trudging through the dunes the party were still standing in. <"Amon, it's great to see ya!">

<"This is ... quite the welcoming party ..."> Amon tried to make light of the situation. He was sweating and for more reasons than just the heat.

<"You know how it is. So then, what have we here? There's more women in this group than I can count. What have you been up to?">

<"Haythem, shut up."> one of the horsemen barked before dismounting and approaching the group with his hand on his sword. "Who's in charge of this caravan? It sure as hell isn't Zeev."

<"Ugh, here we go ..."> Haythem muttered.

Raquel slowly got out of the wagon. She didn't feel like much of a leader but she did need to get this all sorted out. Calling Lilith the leader didn't seem like a good or bad idea to her at the moment, though. Asad also came up to the front, standing right next to Lilith. Raquel eventually made it over standing on her opposite side.

"What, do you three take shifts? Who. Is. Your. Leader?"

"I am ..." Raquel spoke up shyly.

"... a weak little thing like you? You must be nobility or a rich merchant to have all these hired hands with you." the man said rather rudely.

"Are you here to take us to Sanctuary?" she asked, trying to move things right along before she actually became offended and had to endure a slew of insults.

"Nay, girl. I'm here to see what's what with this group. We're not blindly taking in people we don't know."

"Is there going to be some kind of inspection?" Lilith asked, some impatience in her voice. The man turned to face her and came up pretty close to her, a strange sight since he was a few inches shorter than her. He leaned forward and gave her a very aggressive glare.

"And what if there is ... do you have something to hide?" That look in his eye was pure malice.

"I said I would bring them to Sanctuary, but I would like to be done with it sooner, not later. I can appreciate your caution but I don't plan on being delayed. What do we have to do to get you to let us through to Sanctuary, soon, not tomorrow or the day after that." Lilith replied.

"You are an outsider ... so don't try to negotiate with me, you hen." Lilith raised an eyebrow.

<"Ugh, this is just terrible."> Haythem muttered. By then Amon had come down from the wagon and was very close by.

<"Haythem, why the heck is Mansur here? Why did Lady Aisha send Mansur? This is going to turn into a bloodbath ...">

<"Mansur's men were the closest. Took me hours to catch up to them."> Haythem said with a shrug.

<"Listen, make him stop. MAKE HIM STOP. That woman he's trying to intimidate is a goddess, like Lady Aisha. She's not going to put up with this for long.">

<"Whoa seriously? Another goddess? Amon are you cheating on Lady Aisha?">

<"Haythem! Please ... I don't want this to turn violent ...">

Haythem sighed. <"Alright, but you owe me. Not like I care if Mansur bites the dust or not ... dick."> He made his way over to the exchange and tapped Mansur's shoulder plate.

<"... what ... do you want ... Haythem?">

<"So yeah, funny story. You're trying to bully a goddess, right now. You might want to look into that.">

Mansur looked to Lilith, then back to Haythem. <"Horse shit!"> He then turned back to Lilith and got in her face with that same malicious expression. "We are going to do an inspection, I think. And I'm going to take my time. And you're going to deal with it. If you're worthy, you'll make it to the Sanctuary." Lilith rolled her eyes. "Hey! Hey!" Next he grabbed her collar and pulled her close. "Don't disrespect me 'goddess' ... none of you are going any farther without my consent."

FOR AISHA'S SAKE, THIS IS THE WORST POSSIBLE TIME CAPTAIN MANSUR COULD BE GOING ON A POWER TRIP!!! Amon was in near hysterics now and trying to decide whether he should get between the two and suffer Mansur's wrath or let Lilith deal with it in her own way. This couldn't end well. It was happening, the violence Amon had feared would break out was upon them, it seemed.

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Veronika furrowed her brow at the news. Would they try to take the emblem from Raquel? Aisha did send Amon to go find it...maybe she's pulling some sort of gambit now. I don't want to fight here, but we can't be giving away the emblem to anyone who asks for it. she thought to herself, hand on her sword.

"<Aren't you Rexian men supposed to be worshippin' women, not grabbin' em?>" Nadya asked Mansur from atop Luca. "<Seems to me Aisha would get pretty pissed if she saw you gettin' all handsy with random ladies, especially ones who can do all sorts of magic.>"

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Durring the trip, Gytha tended to Maw's eye socket as she did every morning and made sure her weapons were in decent condition. Her sword took a bit of sharpening and her pistol had to be cleaned a little. She also made sure it was loaded in case she had to draw and fire quickly, as she'd almost had to do several times along this land-voyage thus far. Maw remained in the wagon, but Gytha decided to ride the wagon's top while it was safe to do so. Norbert would have been inclined to ride the wind on Riz except that his burns were healing very well and he wasn't about to leave the wagon's shade when the sun came up, what with not having anything to cover his head with.

Finally, they met up with the welcoming committee. Or rather, the unwelcoming committee. Amon seemed to have found one of his old friends while Lilith, Raquel and Asad had to deal with the drill sergent. Lilith could obviously take care of herself and Raquel seemed to be handling things well enough. Norbert was about to speak up when this Rexain started challenging Lilith -- and likely trying her patience -- but he decided that Lilith could do far worse than he could if she wanted to so it was probably best to stay out of that particular conflict for the time being. Nadya seemed to be speaking up on it anyway, though he couldn't understand what she was saying. Uncertain if what she said had anything to do with a question he thought up or not, the pegasus rider decided to voice his own question from where he was sitting in Rizen's saddle. "So, it's just our leaders who have to be questioned?" It'll take less time if it's just those three. All the better that way.

Meanwhile, Gytha was only noting the argument in passing. She was more curious about who Amon was taliking to and so walked over to Amon and asked, "So, this normal? Seems like ye found one o' yer friends, too." The actual question she asked distracted her from the reason she went to talk to him but once it was asked, she remembered, obviously. She was glad he'd been reunited with one of his friends so soon. Thinking on it, Amon was probably homesick. So, she figured this whole venture into the desert could only go well for him.

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And so the trip through the desert continued, until they finally came face to face with the Rexians and were forced to stop.

<This doesn't look good.> John thought, watching what was happening from above. <Worst case scenario, a fight breaks out and we can say good-bye to entering Sanctuary most likely.>


The attitude of that man, is this how the people of Sanctuary are like? Sophia thought. This won't end well, and that's the least we need considering our circumstances...

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Robin sat in the back of the wagon, Veronika having won out in the end, though Robin's sheer disdain having not been abated at all. Gytha had shot her and, from the sounds of things, almost shot Bert as well right as she had been berated by Veronika. Robin had hurt the group in no ways, her one threatening shot having been of pure reflex and been made to miss anyways, but Gytha had wounded someone and almost done the same a second time, yet had received no reprimand what so ever. In Robin's eyes, there was no straw to break the camels back, it was already broken. The only reason the camel was still alive was sheer loyalty, but Veronika had just thrown a extra load on. As soon as they reached civilization, Robin would ask Raquel to return home.

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Tensions Rise

Luckily Gytha's question didn't fall on deaf ears. Unluckily, his answer was "We are in serious trouble, here. Mansur's one of the meanest, most violent captains in the army. He's killed more people trying to reach Sanctuary than we can count."

<"Worshipping women? Do you think we're stupid, girl? Lady Aisha and her chosen ones are the only ones worthy of admiration. Do you honestly expect us to roll out a welcome mat for you outsiders?! Eighty percent of all infiltration agents turn out to be women. Until you're a citizen of Sanctuary, consider yourself suspect."> Mansur snapped back at Nadya.

<"Hey ... Amon."> Haythem quietly addressed his friend.


<"Who is that lovely lady astride?"> he asked becoming almost poetic.

<"'Astride'?"> Amon began looking around for possible fits. He must have meant Nadya. <"Uh, that's Nadya.">

<"Nadya .... Is she a nomad? She looks too fancy to be a Rexian.">

<"Yeah ...">

<"Time to go introduce myself ... before Mansur gives her the impression that all Sancturans are uncivilized brutes."> he said, adjusting his cloak slightly for whatever reason before heading over toward her. Amon grimaced. A fight was about to break out and Haythem was more concerned with the nomad in the group.

"Now then ... since you're in such a hurry, 'goddess' ... we'll start with you. He shoved Lilith back away from himself, which put her behind Raquel and Asad. The two of them stepped out of the way to give the two room. Amon cringed in a nearly exaggerated way when he saw Lilith get pushed. "State your full name, 'goddess'." Mansur ordered. Immediately one of the Rexians pulled out a notebook and a writing utensil. Some information was going to be recorded from the looks of things; likely registration data.

"Just call me Lilith. I've had plenty of other names, but you don't just string them all together."

"Full name. Don't make me as you, again, Lilith."

"Gods, you're dumb. I only go by the name Lilith. I no longer have a surname. Move on to something more important."

Mansur pursed his lips and shook his head at Lilith as his rage built and he quickly took out his sword and held it against her neck. "... I have shown ... great patience with the likes of you. It isn't my job to bring every little vagabond to the Sanctuary, but to keep the filth and garbage out. You should be humbled that we're even giving you a chance to come to Sanctuary, but instead you carry yourself like you're better than us. You insult me, disrespect me, and even now you give me that haughty gaze. I should KILL you for such things but still I endure."

"Please get over yourself ... and if you aim to kill me, you'd better bring a better weapon than this old thing." Lilith replied, giving his sword a dismissive glance. "I'm not going to pretend you have any kind of power or authority over me or where I go, because you don't. There is nothing you can do to keep me from Sanctuary."

"And what in the hell are you?! What are you?! A goddess?! Is that why you are so damn high and mighty toward us?! I don't think you understand the situation here, Lilith. You don't make it to Sanctuary without MY approval. NONE OF YOU DO!!!" he yelled, suddenly shouting at everyone else around. "You're no goddess. You're just a spoiled hen with a decent tailor. Now if you don't wipe that superior look off of your face, I'll rip it off. I'm going to find out if you should be allowed to venture any farther and if you're found wanting, back into the desert you go ..."

"No one is going back into the desert. I said I would bring them to Sanctuary, so if I have to turn you into a stepping stone, I will. Literally, if it comes to that."

"What-what the ... the hell is wrong with you?!" Mansur was stumbling in his common, holding back too much anger.

<"Mansur, please-"> <"AMON, SHUT UP!!!"> Mansur interrupted. <"I will not be humiliated by this ... this ... arrogant little wretch.> So help me, Lilith, if you don't show some humility I will see to it that not a one of you gets to Sanctuary." Right on cue, everyone but the notebook holder drew either swords, bows, or tomes. "You will not humiliate me and my men, do you understand? Do you understand?!" His blade was finally pressing up against Lilith's neck enough to draw a small amount of blood. "Oh look, the 'goddess' bleeds ..." he mocked.

Mansur, don't ... Amon mentally pleaded.

"... I've been patient with you enough, 'Mansur', was it? Instead of taking my offer, you've just thrown your weight around, and I can tell we aren't going to get anywhere. Put your weapons down, and escort us to Sanctuary, or get out of our way. If you threaten me one more time, I'm going to use you to test a dangerous theory I've been mulling over for some time. You don't want that, so hold your threats."

Oh I'm through with threats. SHE'S DEAD!!! Mansur fumed on the inside, with his blade pressing even harder and his hand shaking. His other hand was on the grip of his pistol. "I'm ... through ... with threats, girl ..."

Amon gasped. He could already see Mansur's move playing out. A quick withdrawal of the sword could slice Lilith's neck wide open. Goddess or not, that would give him an opening with his pistol. He wasn't sure what happened to injured deities but he knew what could happen to Mansur if she retaliated afterward and the violence that would ensue. All he had time to do from where he was though was reach out with his arm in a concerned fashion. Completely ineffective.

Edited by Phoenix
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Well, that did it. <There goes our chances to get into Sanctuary.> John thought, switching his hat for his helmet and taking out his spear and shield. <Unless... although, what will come of this in the first place regarding Aisha, I wonder.>


Sophia grabbed her staff. So much for a peaceful outcome. She sighed. Makes me think going to Sanctuary may not be a good idea now.

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Some form of anger began to rise in Norbert as Lilith continued to allow herself to be bullied, even recieving a cut on the neck. Her patience far exceeded his, that was certain. Still, enough was enough. Though the Rexains surrounding them drawing their weapons was a bit unnerving -- there was no guarentee Lilith would shield them from any and all incoming attacks -- Lilith had promised to get them to Sanctuary, so their threat was beginning to seem somewhat pathetic. "You sure are being merciful, though I don't understand why. Just get him out of the way. Maybe one of his subordinants will be a bit more respectful," Norbert responded to Lilith, also growing a bit tired of the silly delay.

Gytha watched Amon's friend walk over to Nadya. So far, only people in the group had introduced themselves to each other. "Is'e joinin' Raquel's crew?" Gytha wondered aloud. Looking over to Amon, she realized he looked distressed. "Ye a'right?"

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Both Valter and Synthia had ridden in the wagon all morning, the mage using her new magic trick to circulate a breeze throughout the back. It was moderately effective, but still made the trip slightly more bearable. When they stopped and the shouting began Synthia assumed they had come across the people Lilith had been sensing earlier and left the wagon. Valter remained inside.

Synthia arrived just in time to see the Rexians ready their weapons and hear Mansur’s threats, and immediately returned to the rear of the wagon and stuck her head inside. “Hey, they’re planning on killing us! One of ‘em’s got a sword to Lilith’s throat and everything.”

“What?” That caught Valter’s attention, but he didn’t see what her issue was. “If she really is a goddess though, I don’t think we’ll have a problem here,” he said, uncertain.

“If she didn’t help us when we were about to die in the desert, I don’t see why she’d do it now,” she replied. “Best be prepared."

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"<I was kinda hopin' for the welcome mat actually," Nadya said to herself quietly.

"<Are y'all really goin' to just stand around and let one loon bully innocent travelers? If this is how Rexians treat all outsiders, y'all should be ashamed of yourselves,>" Nadya scolded the troops.

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