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Return of the Emblem Chapter Seven: Reunion


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As Robin stood, listening to the plan, the new girl started to talk to others, specifically Gytha. Robin almost zoned the girl out as any friend of Gytha's was probably willing to shoot her, until she heard the girl mention how she had seen the group in her dreams. Robin instantly perked up. She had heard of such things before in the past, people who could envision the future and such in their dreams and the like. She didn't understand it, same with other magic, but an idea came to mind.

"Hey. New girl. You said you can see the future and such in dreams? Can you see how this plan will turn out or something?"

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Soldiers Heading Out

"Are you looking for an augury or something?" Altena asked Robin in response to her own question. "Best not to rely on stuff like that. 'Make your own fortune' as I sometimes say." She didn't wait for any kind of response before heading out with the others. She quickly boarded a pegasus and began checking her her armor to make sure it was securely fastened after the day long trip.

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Sirocco gasped. If someone was in danger she had to help. "Yes, certainly. I can help in anyway possible. But this is destiny's path, and we can not change it. Only go along with what is planned. For my magic however, I can use a bit of Light magic. I was raised in a convent with my mother. The goddess Mercy has blessed me with my visions and her magic, and I don her visage to strength my connection and hopefully receive clearer messages. I shall change into more appropriate clothes before battle though, don't worry."

When the archer spoke to Sirocco, she turned and pursed her lips. "My visions are not some divination. While I do appreciate people interested in the messages from high, I can not control them. They come and go and are as temperamental as the weather. Why, I could fall right here and see us all dying in the upcoming battle. But I would not be able to control the outcome. I can only see the results, not how things happen. Which is why my discovery of you all is a miracle in and of it's self. It seems I was brought here when you needed me most. To rescue the woman Raquel. Now if you will excuse me."

Sirocco took her things and wondered off some way to begin changing.

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Looking over at the still-gathered group, John noticed one of the travelers from before still hadn't left, in fact, she was now in conversation with them from the looks of it. <I think I can see where this is going.> He noted. <We've already got people who joined us while being on the road.> He let out a laugh. <Heh, looks like this one is next in line.>

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"Whuh?" Gytha was sort of dazed and confused at Sirocco's reply. She was a little uncomfortable about being in someone's dreams, especially when that someone was this enthusiastic about it and wore fake wings for some reason. The woman explained herself a little more as people began talking with her while Gytha was just trying to figure out what an "oar-raskle" was. Finally, the strange woman left and she found herself muttering, "What was that all about?"

Norbert took to the skies, coming up beside John. He was one of his teammates after all and so he figured he should be with his team right before a battle. Unfortunately, it also meant their third teammate would have to be in sight. "You watching Chelsea this fight?" he asked the wyvern rider. He thought it was a good opener.

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Veronika decided to voice her own thoughts after hearing Gytha's muttering. "She seems delusional to me. I don't know much about the gods myself, but I don't think most people get direct messages from them. Her magic might be helpful, but to have such...eagerness in helping us for no reward is a little strange I think."

Moving Out

Major General Selene arranged the cavalry and pegasus knights into lines, placing herself at the forefront. The unmounted units made up the rearguard. The unit was somewhat makeshift overall, being more designed for urban defense than assaulting fortresses, but it was organized enough for her liking for the time being. The forces moved in unison towards the western gate, stopping within sight of the fortress.

"Prepare to engage. Take prisoners when possible, kill them if necessary. Do not engage foes beyond your ability, they apparently have a powerful mage in their ranks who should be dealt with only by very experienced soldiers. If they retreat, pursue them unless you receive an order to retreat. If you have any concerns, voice them now," she announced from atop Gorgotha, turning to face the soldiers.

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John just waited until it was time to move. That is, until Bert decided to come over. ''I guess so.'' He answered. <Although, I'd be more worried about him to be honest.> He was thinking. <I doubt he'll act the same as back when he attacked Zel. But then again, I can't be sure he wouldn't start to behave similar once we're there. And then after, he sure was intent to don't allow that general to question Raquel. Well, I guess it's just a matter of keeping an eye on both. Heh, good thing I have two.> It was fortunate he already had his helmet on, otherwise his face would've betrayed his thoughts.

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"Good. Means I don't have to," Norbert responded, somewhat relieved, "Sorry about not showing up for the last fight. I think something hit my head on the way out." It was a bit embarassing, but that was the truth of it.

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''Don't worry about it.'' John said. ''I did managed to see the explosion while catching up with you guys.'' <Good thing I went to pick up Gil that late. Didn't had to go through that.>

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Final Preparations

If the woman was going to help, that was good enough for Gabbie. "Don't forget, we need to come in from the north or the south. The whites already have the west." she told Synthia. She quickly mounted Ringo and headed on up, ready to follow along whichever path the wagon took. Amon was ready as well and headed over to the wagon.

Enemy At the Gate

"They're comiiiiiing!" someone up in a watch tower shouted down to those below. Burke glanced up at the man for a moment, and then looked at Sardis. "I've got to give those Ursians credit. You blew up three tanks and survived a magic seal detonation to the face and they still want to take a whack at you. That's either bravery or their commander really wants to ram a spear up your ass. Or both; well how about that? Hahahahah, what a silly day this is turning out to be. So have your men gotten a chance to write their wills?"

"We won't lose everyone. I won't allow it." Sardis almost mumbled instead of speaking firmly.

"I'm sure at least you'll survive. If they don't get this little red bastard, though, I will ..." he said glancing over at Hayato who reflexively stepped somewhat behind Sardis. "That's right, your time is near~"

"Enough of that. We should be working together, right now." Sardis scolded.

"Certainly. You go and fight for your lives and I'll sit back and watch. Teamwork at its finest. Naomi has a decent enough plan so everything should be fine ... minus the untimely deaths of your men ... though I find that to be hilarious so perhaps even better!"

"I will not let them perish over this. The task will be difficult, but you are partly to blame for that."

"What was that? I couldn't hear you over the sound of my fortress being assailed by the Ursian elitists you led here with your cowardly urine trail. I haven't handed you over to them on a silver platter and I'm even taking the time to have that girl you brought checked out. That should be enough for you, knife ears. The Ursians are your problem; I could not possibly care any less than I do right now."

"You're impossible ..." Sardis grunted. "Are you certain that your plan is going to work? I need these people captured ... today.

"We couldn't possibly fuck this up anymore than you have. Relax. Naomi here can take care of it~" Hearing her name, a second time, Naomi began paying attention to the conversation. After realizing that some 'confidence' was being placed on her, she nodded with a small smile.

Both Sardis and Hayato gave the girl doubting glances. A moment later, Silvia and Colin showed up. "Are you guys ready to go. I wanna meet this woman leading the enemy force."

"... I suppose." Sardis replied reluctantly.

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Sirocco emerged from the bushes with her bags in hand. She had stripped from her oracle clothes, and put on a knee length skirt with an apron along with a blouse. It wasn't the best for fighting, and it wasn't like armor in the slightest, but she had to do with what she had. Besides, if need be she could worry more about bandaging and caring for the wounded.

Sirocco put her things away and walked back towards the caravan. She noticed Amon standing there and went over. "I am ready to go. These clothes may not be battle appropriate, but it's the best I can do on short notice till I am able to go shopping at town. What are the current orders for the mission? Who am I fighting with? If you want, I can simply stay on the back lines and care for our wounded."

Sirocco climbed into the wagon in preparation for departure.

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"Uh ..." That's right, she's new and hasn't been put into a squad, yet. That could be trouble. Healers typically need people to watch their backs. Hopefully we can figure something out on the way ... "I'm not sure just yet, but I could ask around for you." Amon replied. "If not ... I guess tending to the more serious injuries also works."

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''Looks like it's almost time to move out.'' John said, seeing the group starting to return to the wagon. <Here goes nothing.>


Sophia had returned to the wagon and back inside. It was just a matter of waiting now after all. That is, until a glance outside told her otherwise.

So it's time? Sophia thought. Just then she also noticed something else. Wait, isn't she the one who was in costume before? Why is she climbing the wagon? She's not really joining us for this isn't she?

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Gytha had followed Amon to the wagon. She usually rode on top of it, but it seemed like it would be best to ride inside of it for now since they were using it to protect themselves while they advanced. She climbed in and waved Amon over saying, "C'mon, Amon. If we're leavin' ye probably want t' be in here."

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Synthia climbed in the front of the cart and prepared to leave. This would not be fun. She may be driving a tank masquerading as a wagon, but she still didn't like the idea of steering straight into the enemy.


Valter, tired as he was, mounted up and located his current teammates. Time to be useful...

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Spotting Veronika, Ranyin ran over, careful to not bump into anyone.

"Hey, Veronika! Don't mind giving me a quick summary of our battle plan? I slept through it," said Ranyin as he started looking at his sandals sheepishly.


Pushing her way through the crowd, Mireille closed in on Valter, whom she could tell was searching for someone, "Archer, come this way!"

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The meeting was done and people were dispersing. Robin wasn't sure what she should do though. Not regarding her action, but rather... rescuing Raquel. She had a poor combat record, three falls in four fights, and that needed to change. She needed something to give her an edge, something to ensure that she would at least be a sizable contribution to the team. With that weighing on her mind she returned to the carriage, sitting down by the entrance.

"<I've got to find something... Something to help me save her.>" she said, uncertain of what that something was. Guns? Though she hated using a weapon she didn't know the craftsmanship of, she had felt their power first-hand... except she would have to ask Gytha for help...

"Hey Gytha! I was wondering if I could use your gun to help save Raquel."

"Sure! Don't forget the bullets!" *BANG!*


Yea... no. That was a bad idea. What else? Combat stims? She had heard her father mention such things in the past but... hopping ones self up on something to alter your skill... wasn't that just... wrong?

Robin sat down and curled her legs up to her chest as she thought about it. To save Raquel... would she really do such a thing? Would it be worth it?

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Confusion to the T:

Nanahm blinked his eyes wearily awake, muttering as he shuffled over to the assorted military waiting for them. Silently cursing to himself, the fighter attempted to compile his thoughts into a more comprehensible form. Raquel kidnapped, Norbert fighting with the Major General... Nan sighed theatrically, attempting to blow off some of the frustration that had built up. The effort failed. What exactly was a play anyway? The axe wielder had never seen one. “They dress up and hit each other with sticks, right?” he voiced out loud. Whoops. Thankfully the shouts from yet another argument hid his unrelated discourse.

The fighter boarded the wagon and searched for his teammates. Neither seemed inclined to talk at the moment, so the man settled down, looking at the odd newcomer. Wasn’t she wearing wings before? Or am I just going crazy?

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"We're traveling in the wagon and going into the fortress while the military distracts them," Veronika said to Ranyin. "If all goes according to plan there shouldn't be any fighting at all, but I doubt they'd leave their hostage completely unguarded either."

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Let's Get The Door

"Oi, John!" Gabbie called out to the other wyvern rider. "Gettin' to the fortress is gonna be easy, but there's two gates now matter which way we come in at. If they're closed the wagon won't be able to get in and they'll have to go on foot. Once they get movin' we should fly on ahead and see if the gates are open. If they're not ... then let's make them open." she explained, hinting at a gate capture.

All Aboard

"Right." Amon climbed into the wagon trying to find some room to at least sit, but it was getting extremely cramped. As long as they weren't stuck, things should have been fine.

The Battlefield

Sardis and the three accompanying sword masters looked out over the open fields from a walkway on top of the western inner wall. "Are you ready?" Sardis asked them.

"As ready as I'll ever be ..." Silvia said unsheathing her sword and looking it over.

"I've got your back, Sardis. Let's show these people that not even the military can't stop us!" Hayato cheered.

"If a fight is what they want, I'll be happy to give it to them." replied Colin.

Sardis nodded to the three of them. "We fight. Tell the men to abandon the fortress and meet the enemy head on. I'll fight with you until it is time for us to leave, and then I'll need you all to fall back to safety as I provide the ... distraction."

"When will we know to leave?" asked Silvia.

"Burke said we would not be able to miss it ... and I doubt he's wrong about that. Also tell the men not to get into it with Raquel's friends. Apparently that girl will deal with it ..."

"Whaaat? That adorable girl is going to fight them alone?" Silvia seemed genuinely worried for the girl, but Sardis shook his head. Whenever she is near, I sense not one being, but nine. It makes me uneasy, though perhaps she'll be suited to the task. Sardis mused.

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<That's a good point.> John noted. <If the gates care closed that will buy them time.> ''Sounds like a plan.'' He said. ''So, from which side are we going in?'' <In any case,if we can have a head-start for this, it could be ideal.>

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“Oh, there you are...” Marcelle? Michelle? Uh, what was her name? Probably due to his current semi-incoherent state, Valter was having trouble remembering the knight’s name. He did remember she was on his team, though, and directed Phyllis over to her. “Ready to head out?” he asked. He sure wasn’t.

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"I'd ask but that'd be boring. She's either got to head north or south so once she picks a direction we'll know where to go. We just have to get there first and make sure the gates are open by the toime she gets there." Gabbie replied.

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''Well, not that I don't trust the speed of wyverns, but knowing would allow us to just move already to get to the gates first, giving us time if they happen to be closed.'' John said.

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