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[FE7] The First, Eli's Random-Selection Draft Thingy


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Ch19 5/64

If Horace says this is 5-turnable then it bloody well is, so I made sure to get it. Getting the Member card would require waiting around forever and taking a penalty for Matthew or Legault. It would have been nice to get Luna anyway for Canas, but I can't see it saving that many turns.

I thought I would need a ORKO for this to work, but it turns out that with clever teamwork, Lowen can open the front door with a Door Key allowing Marcus to attack Darin with a Hand Axe on PP 4. (The crit I got on EP is unnecessary as he can finish the job on PP 5 anyway, and it would have been close to a KO anyway.) That meant that Dorcas, in turn, could take the Hammer and OHKO a random Knight that otherwise slows things down a turn. (Although I guess there would have been an opportunity to trade it back to Marcus...) Legault is nice enough not to block the path to the throne since the front door is open and his AI therefore has him bee-line towards the other chests. Dorcas and Canas clean up scraps, claiming the Killer Bow and Longbow for Louise, and Serra heals them for the hell of it. I think Eliwood critblicked Cameron on the run that I kept, I don't think it's needed though.

Eliwood 6.95, 23hp 6/8/8/7/8/3

Marcus 10.95, 39hp 18/20/15/12/12/13

Lowen 12.29, 32hp 8/8/10/9/11/4

Bartre 9.38, 36hp 11/6/6/5/6/3, he deserves better.

Serra 4.22, 18hp 4/7/8/8/3/6, gorgeous.

Canas 11.01, 23hp 12/11/8/7/5/9.

Ch20 3/67

Marcus critblick on EP. Eh, figuring out how to move him on turn 2 is kinda luck-based without a Torch anyway. I wasn't able to put him in range to bait Oleg on turn 2 (and finish on turn 3) that time. I had been restarting because I needed to figure out how to keep Ninian out of the way of all those annoying light mages. Canas picked up Restore and Serra picked up Light Rune. It kinda sucks that Restore isn't spammable.

Eliwood 7.57, 24hp 7/8/8/7/9/3

Marcus 11.63, 39hp 18/20/15/12/13/13

Lowen 12.66, 32hp 8/8/10/9/11/4

Bartre 10.07, 37hp 11/7/6/6/7/4, starting to redeem himself.

Serra 4.26, 18hp 4/7/8/8/3/6

Canas 11.02, 23hp 12/11/8/7/5/9

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Oh, to attack across the wall (since he has a bow and will target you through it) and not run into that random wyvern... makes sense :facepalm: Whatever, I'd still need an EP crit to 2-turn it so I'm keeping this one.

Ch 21 2/69

A couple of restarts in order to allow someone other than Marcus to land the killing blow (ended up being Bartre), they managed to miss with hitrates in the 70s a couple of times >_< Rath has a shortbow and another longbow but that isn't really worth wasting turns for; one longbow should be enough for Louise's availability and shortbows suck.

Eliwood 7.57, 24hp 7/8/8/7/9/3

Marcus 11.86, 39hp 18/20/15/12/13/13

Lowen 12.82, 32hp 8/8/10/9/11/4

Bartre 11.07, 38hp 11/7/6/6/7/4, another HP-only level-up but at least he has B axes now.

Serra 4.26, 18hp 4/7/8/8/3/6

Canas 11.11, 23hp 12/11/8/7/5/9

Ch 22 6/75

Even Horace didn't 2-turn this, so taking a Florina penalty just to clear it doesn't make sense. The only usable treasure really is the Light Brand and Eclipse, and Eclipse sucks (the tome, not the forum member!). Plus it's practically impossible to keep Matthew away from enemies, so there's no point in that. There's also a stealable Guiding Ring, but Serra probably won't make it to level 10 anyway (as awesome as it would be).

Bartre and Canas promote before the chapter, anticipating that they probably aren't going to hit x/20 and because the extra stats are always welcome. Lowen brings the Knight Crest with him to avoid wasting 82 exp. I forgot to use it, but he did just barely level up and then not have anything more useful to do, so nothing really lost. Canas' promotion netted him an extra movement point that might have been necessary for the 6-turn clear, and Bartre got to try out a bow on a Wyvern (spoiler: it sucked).

Marcus charges in to the best of his ability and takes out Paul and Jasmine as well as a bunch of mooks, mostly with a Hand Axe and the Silver Sword for the bosses. Everyone else kinda huddles around Merlinus on Turn 1, then strike out as a team across the middle. Well, Canas strikes out once Pent and Marcus have made it safe enough, and everyone else trudges out. There were some restarts due to Pent failing (e.g. Luna critted). Hawkeye is recruited so that Bartre can have DAT AXE; he trades it away and then walks back to the bench. I really should have bought Serra another staff in Ch20 instead of collecting that silly Light Rune. Pent deals the final blow, after being untouched on this run. On several others he refused to use his Elixir at 4 HP. Fucking show-off. 22x is obviously skipped as the exp requirement is pretty impossible at this speed and with Marcus doing so much of the work.

Eliwood 7.57, 24hp 7/8/8/7/9/3

Marcus 13.10, 41hp 18/20/16/12/13/14

Lowen 13.02, 33hp 8/8/10/10/11/4, no, Lowen, level-ups should be better than that, go practice your lance thrusts.

Bartre 11/1.19, 41hp 12/9/6/6/10/7, Hero Crests kinda suck.

Serra 4.48, 18hp 4/7/8/8/3/6

Canas 11/1.48, 27hp 12/11/11/7/7/11, speed is always welcome, yay Guiding Rings.

Am I required to recruit Wallace? He seems like dead weight honestly...

Ch 23 5/80

... Well, I did recruit him anyway.

Angelic Robe (Isadora), Energy Ring (Bartre), Secret Book (Canas) and Orion's Bolt (Uhai) are sold off before the chapter, and Lowen promotes. Because of my incompetence in running out of staves for Serra, things are complicated for the non-Marcus part of the team, who basically need either a Killer Axe crit on one of the snipers or a lucky miss in order to pull together a working strategy. Those two guys are vicious >_< Anyway, Florina is deployed to eventually find a safe path to recruit Wallace, and Lowen gets the Earth Seal for bragging rights while everyone else does some shopping after the Snipers and bandits are dispatched. Recruiting Wallace probably didn't cost turns since I don't really see how my drafted units could really have helped Marcus get to Linus any faster. Marcus went into a bush on turn 4, switched to the Swordreaver (thanks for the hint Horace) and nommed a Vulnerary; a bunch of annoying mooks used up like 10 uses of that Swordreaver (maybe I should have bought two when I was shopping) but he was still able to hit on EP and finish the job on turn 5 PP.

Eliwood 9.02, 26hp 8/9/8/8/11/3 How did he get this much exp? Also I guess he must have had 24 hp before, not 23 :/ edited.

Marcus 14.65, 42hp 18/21/16/12/13/14 your WTA/WTD argument is invalid.

Lowen 13/1.12, 35hp 9/9/11/10/13/5, Knight crests aren't great either but 8 mov is always welcome.

Bartre 11/1.32, 41hp 12/9/6/6/10/7

Serra 4.48, 18hp 4/7/8/8/3/6

Canas 11/2.34, 27hp 13/11/12/8/8/11


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Chapter 22 - 6/78

Tried to copy Horace, but I've got some seriously uncooperative units.

The RNG gave me two crits in a row (I found this out after Isadora died), so I had Isadora snipe the dude with the Killer Axe, and Eliwood finish. WHEE~!

Name     Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eliwood  Lord      13.44  29  13    9   12   14    7    3
Marcus   Paladin   12.18  40  18   18   12   14   12   11
Oswin    General    1.48  37  18   11   10    4   17    8
Serra    Cleric     3.63  18   3    5    9    7    2    6
Florina  Peggy      9.14  24   8   12   13   11    4    5
Legault  Thief     13.52  27   8   11   16   11    8    3
Isadora  Paladin    1.91  Base everything

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Chapter 15 - 5/30 Turns:

Not much to say. Marcus had to proc a SPD level up to be able to double the boss (like somebody else I read, had the same problem here), but other than it, it was a joke. Kent got the heavy spear, and Serra got the red gem. I've got so much potential liquid money lying around...holy crap. 5 turns is the minimum w/o Florina, but puts me 1 turn behind Horace.

Chapter 16 - 7/37 Turns:

7 turns is the theoretical minimum for this chapter. Took me FOREVER to do without a 7 move cav/flier to help clear out a massive wall of archers that just wouldn't die. Eliwood's blessedness made this not a complete RNG crapshoot, as he had to survive quite a few attacks from archers/jav knights, which relied on him dodging a little bit. I <3 killing edge, btw. I think it may have actually saved me a turn.

Chapter 16x - 3/40 Turns:

So my Marcus hit two keystones in stats...1) He's proc'd STR EVERY level up and so he's sitting at like 19 STR, and he hit the 12 SPD needed to double pirates. Put those together? BAM! 3 turn clear. It was actually kind of hilarious seeing Marcus ORKO a level full of axe-users with a javelin. Got Devil Axe and Canas' Secret Book to sell. Tied with Horace again...

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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Ch 24 LOL/91

Blue Gem (Lyn), Light Rune, Mine, Torches and 2x Fire (enemy drops) get sold. Lyn brings out Bows and a Vulnerary for Louise. The plan is for Marcus to bulldoze his way to the northeast to buy killers, also selling White Gem (Louise). He just barely manages to get there. You know, I should have gotten Heal last chapter so that Canas could train staves... blah. Lowen claimed Nosferatu near the end when the madness had died down.

The tough part is figuring out a way to keep Pent, Hector and Lyn away from getting dinged for meatshielding. Serra also kinda needs to rely on being too pretty to hit, in order to not die. I was constantly checking wyvern flight ranges.

Hammerne? What's that?

Eliwood 9.80, 26hp 8/9/8/8/11/3

Marcus 15.26, 43hp 18/21/17/13/13/14, marcus gonna marcu.

Lowen 13/1.77, 35hp 9/9/11/10/13/5

Bartre 11/2.11, 41hp 12/9/7/7/10/7, oh snap you could have double-digit AS and fail to double him now.

Serra 5.23, 18hp 5/8/9/8/3/7, shiny in addition to pretty.

Canas 11/3.00, 27hp 13/11/12/8/8/11

Wallace 1.58, BWAHAHA!

Louise 4.59, got a divorce from Pent I guess.

The team is almost complete. Harken this chapter, and then lolRenault is all that's left. I've got Jerme's map obviously, gee thanks Bartre.

Kngt, wtf your Marcus. 19 str? X___X And what level is your Eliwood already at that he can meaningfully be blessed? I think I got slowed down on Ch 16 mostly by the desire to not have him die at the beginning... although I wouldn't be surprised if I just fail at that chapter in general :P

Ch 25

Heaven Seal and Elfire (Pent) are sold pre-chapter. Serra is close to being able to use that Physic staff.

I think this one is going to take a while to figure out. :P Anyone have the reinforcement list for this chapter? I'm wondering just how much of a grind it's going to be due to my inability to take things out promptly...

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UNIT        LEVEL    HP  ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL                        SUPPORT
ELIWOOD   02.37    19  06 05 08 08 05 02 C SWORD
MARCUS   ??/01.32    31  15 15 11 08 10 08 A LANCE A SWORD B AXE

Turns Taken: 5

I dunno how you guys get those four turners, but whatever. Eliwood gets a good lvl up at the expense of a turn. :P

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I dunno how you guys get those four turners, but whatever. Eliwood gets a good lvl up at the expense of a turn. :P

Eliwood has to crit the brigand on the first turn. Then Marcus can use his movement to drop Eliwood within range of the throne on Turn 3, without getting blocked off by the mooks.

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Eliwood has to crit the brigand on the first turn.

Unless you're me and have Lowen ^_^

Simple pleasures... keeping me sane while I try to figure out how to survive Ch25, let alone get a decent turncount.

Currently the plan is: Wallace takes care of the wyverns and bandits, and eventually unlocks the first room to solo that. Marcus runs ahead to recruit Harken, then doubles back to solo the north Archer room. Harken, Lowen and Bartre will deal with the northeast forces and Jerme, while Eliwood, Canas and Louise go after the other two rooms (with Canas doing a bunch of Nosferatu tanking), and Serra runs around doing her thing and trying not to die.

The devil is in the details, though...

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Entering Chapter 12
Unit	Class	Lv.Ex	Hp	St	Sk	Sp	Lu	De	Re	Wpn1	Wpn2	Wpn3
Eliwood	Lord	1.84	18	5	5	7	7	5	0	Sw-C
Marcus	Pald.	1.27	31	15	15	11	8	10	8	Sw-A	La-A	Ax-B
Dorcas	Fgtr.	3.10	30	7	7	6	3	3	0	Ax-C

Plowed through the normal way. Dorcas and Eliwood killed archer for some experience, and before Eliwood could sieze, Dorcas picked up the freebie from the village.

Entering Chapter 13
Unit	Class	Lv.Ex	Hp	St	Sk	Sp	Lu	De	Re	Wpn1	Wpn2	Wpn3
Eliwood	Lord	2.47	19	6	5	7	7	5	0	Sw-C
Marcus	Pald.	1.89	31	15	15	11	8	10	8	Sw-A	La-A	Ax-B
Dorcas	Fgtr.	3.97	30	7	7	6	3	3	0	Ax-C

Bought 2 Vulneraries for Eliwood/Dorcas and 1 Iron Axe, for Marcus. Skipped the book, since I'm selling the D.shield & E.ring.

Also, I just realized that Matthew + Dorcas can smash the snag together. Doesn't help me in getting Guy yet, but it helps for a speedy clear.

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Entering Chapter 13x
Unit	Class	Lv.Ex	Hp	St	Sk	Sp	Lu	De	Re	Wpn1	Wpn2	Wpn3
Eliwood	Lord	2.59	19	6	5	7	7	5	0	Sw-C
Marcus	Pald.	2.61	32	15	15	11	9	10	9	Sw-A	La-A	Ax-B
Dorcas	Fgtr.	4.25	30	8	8	6	4	4	0	Ax-C
Matthew	Thif.	2.76	18	4	4	11	2	3	0	Sw-D
Guy	Myrm.	3.27	21	6	11	11	5	5	0	Sw-C
Serra	Cler.	1.00	Has more spd than Dorcas and Eliwood.

Omg, I 5-turned it! Panicked for a moment, then realized that Matthew + Dorcas could smash the snag together, so they did. Took some good luck, and a few restarts to get it right. Also, Marcus proc'd a useless level (+HP, Luk, Res). Dorcas got a good one though, proc'ing Str, Ski, Luk, and Def. No HP or Spd though...


Oswin traded Marcus his iron lance/javelin, then Marcus had to ORKO the archer, then moved everyone over.


Moved Matthew as far over as possible, then Dorcas, then Marcus on top of the 2nd snag, and he Javelin'd it. Moved the rest of the bridgade over as far as possible, and worked in a few trades to get Lowen all the crap I wanted to sell (Iron Bow, Shield, Ring, and Wolf Beil). In the EP, Marcus had to ORKO the hand-axe brigand, and hit the merc (not hard).


Dorcas moved under the village (Marcus's direct left), and had to proc a hand-axe hit at 44% for the chapter to work. Eliwood moved as far forward (to Marcus's direct right) and Marcus rescued and rushed down, next to the forest. Matthew chased them, then Lowen, et al. Marcus took out all but the archer and 1 loldier on the EP.


Dorcas is now useless. He can't reach any more combat, based on his location from Turn3. Marcus equipped Steel Lance, drops Eliwood straight south, below the right side of the castle, 5 spaces from the throne, then can barely reach the square below the boss (to get counters on EP, and this is key, Eliwood's 5 spaces from the throne is right on the inside edge of Guy's attack range). Matthew moved down and took out the archer (since Archer has 11 atk, soldier has 10). Serra gets close to the village, and everyone moves as close into the village island as possible, so they don't get attacked (and break the meatshield rule). Lowen moves as far south as he can, w/o being in the attack zone of the enemy soldier. On EP, Marcus returned 2x hits for 20 on the boss, and Eliwood got attacked (fortunatly, not crit'd) by Guy, bringing him right into the edge of Matthew's move range.


Marcus finishes the boss. Matthew recruits Guy. Guy crits a Brigand and gets some exp. Lowen sells stuff, and buys some hand axes, javelins, and an iron sword. Eliwood seizes. Headache, complete.

**Edit, Just realized I haven't been posting my TurnCount. **

Chapter Turncounts




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You got Jerme's Map right Zahl?

That's in spanish, but google chrome makes it readable with autotranslate. It's a great site for reinforcements and chapter maps.

It looks like they offer their own translation too :P

Anyway, I know when to expect stuff now, so it becomes a matter of figuring out how to prepare for it... realistically I think I'm going to have to face the full set of reinforcements no matter what >_<

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Ch 25 20/111

Well, at least I have the consolation of knowing that Elie/Daigoji are going to get this map too. Plus I get Harken. If I didn't (or worse yet, got Karel and would have to open doors quickly to claim him) I think I would have completely gone mad here.

It's full of archers and annoying changes in weather conditions, which put together mean that taking a penalty for flier utility wouldn't even likely help. It's a rout map with a somewhat annoying boss, the aforementioned weather, doors to unlock that are scattered all over the place and a constant stream of reinforcements coming from alternate directions. (You can block some of the spawn points, but it still won't help the fact that getting everywhere is slow. Many of the reinforcements start in distant and inaccessible corners of the map, and are slowed down by the weather just as you are. It all adds up to make this a massive slugfest with plenty of opportunities to screw up and a need for somewhat detailed planning just to pull through.

That said, just watch Elie 13-turn it and miss the second wave of wyverns completely :P

Wallace took out the first room, then went west and north to tank all the wyvern reinforcements with a Killer Lance and some axes (and an Elixir). Lowen took a Short Spear and some killers and went north from the main area, took out the visible archers, opened the east door for the archer room, drew them out (hiding in a bush and using an Elixir - down to 1HP on the turn after opening the door, thanks to some unlucky hits on the way there), and eventually rendezvous'd in the northeast with Marcus, who had rushed there, recruited Harken, traded a Killing Edge to him to conserve the Brave Sword, and tag-teamed to take care of all those units. Harken gives Lowen some time to breathe (and Serra to heal), and then solos Jerme's room. Serra runs around like a madwoman healing everybody (even though Marcus, Wallace and Lowen all need to use an Elixir at least once anyway - Serra is never in range of Wallace), gaining access to Physic somewhere around turn 8 which is definitely useful. Bartre and Eliwood take out the Knights in the west room off the southeast path, and Canas and Louise take out the far southeast room, with Canas Nosferatu-tanking EP while Louise finishes on PP. That could probably be done faster, but Wallace couldn't finish until turn 20 anyway (the wyverns have to finish spawning, and also get to him) so I tried to keep everyone as safe as possible without delaying anyone to turn 21.

Eliwood 12.32, 29hp 8/10/10/9/12/3, I know he has 80% HP growth, but he hasn't missed a single one yet, that's kinda cool.

Marcus 16.35, 44hp 18/21/17/13/13/14, another HP-only level >_<

Lowen 13/3.88, 37hp 9/10/11/11/14/6

Bartre 11/3.47, 41hp 13/10/7/7/10/8, why do I only get RES-blessed in Eliwood's tale >_<

Serra 7.18, 19hp 7/8/11/8/4/8, 195 exp in one level for a healer. Yeah.

Canas 11/4.62, 29hp 14/11/12/9/8/12

Wallace 6.18, 37hp 19/11/8/13/20/6, blessed in the stats that matter for him.

Louise 6.70, 29hp 12/15/18/18/9/12

HARKEN <3 9.87, 39hp 22/20/18/12/16/10, holy crap he gives a trained Marcus a run for his money at base.

The team appears to have gotten more experience on this map than Marcus has the entire game. That's how much of a slugfest it is.


hay guyz I'm only 27 turns off the pace

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Ch 25 20/111

Well, at least I have the consolation of knowing that Elie/Daigoji are going to get this map too.

That said, just watch Elie 13-turn it and miss the second wave of wyverns completely :P

You know how to make a moustache feel good about himself :) I appreciate the vote of confidence very much. Now, if I can average more than 2 chapters a day, I'll make it there soon!

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Chapter 20: 5/95

I've got Ninian, which should help my turncount from now on, but somehow I still managed to get an exorbitant turncount. Marcus lead, everyone follow. Only the Restore and Wyrmslayer villages were worth my time. Marcus attacked Olag on turn 4, Erk's Fire killed him on turn 5

Chapter 21: 2/97

Delayed a turn so that Rath could be recruited.

Chapter 22: 9/106

Did the unthinkable: RESTED Marcus. I probably should have brought, since I didn't realise so much of the chapter would be fought on the edge of the desert anyway.

Pent was left to his own devices, but he refused to heal, so Fiora had to grab him. Otherwise, it was just a training session for Rath and Fiora. Hawkeye helped kill the bosses, using Iron Axe so he doesn’t steal the kill. Having stolen the GR, Matthew went into the desert and got an Eclipse. Yay, I guess? It seems I got the EXP requirement, due to Erk and Rath getting an auto level up from the bosskill. I’m not one to turn down bonus EXP.

Chapter 22x: 16/106

It was nice to actually be able to go at a gentle pace. Lots of juicy promoted enemies for Rath and Fiora, Marcus and Hawkeye only killed the generals. Didn't bother with the chests.

23: 3/109

Fiora promoted, and went into the thick of it. She had to dodge a Silver Bow hit on Turn 1 EP, in order to sit within Lloyd’s range on Turn 2. On turn 3, Marcus attacked Lloyd (just enough defense to survive at long as Lloyd doesn’t crit) and Hawkeye, of all people, finished with a Swordreaver (only because Erk couldn’t do enough damage, and nobody else was in range).

Used a couple of promo items in the prep screen for Chapter 24.

Name      Level HP St Sk Sp Lu De Re   B   W
Eliwood   14.99 29 10 13 12 12  8  7 123  54
Marcus    11.88 38 18 21 14 10 12 12 184 116
Serra      6.15 18  5  8  9  9  3 10  20   0
Erk     17/1.00 34 12 14 14  9  7 15  85  60
Priscilla  7.98 19  7  8  9 10  4 10  22   0
Lucius    12.19 24 13 10 11  3  2 11  39  29
Fiora   18/1.73 36 14 16 20 10 10 17  73  38
Rath    17/1.00 38 14 14 16  7 11  9  24  17

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Wait, you rested Marcus because you figured you'd have to go deep in the desert and his movement would cause failure... but you brought Rath? o_O

Also, Rath can be recruited on turn 2? Some kind of Lyn rescue-chain on turn 1?

Ch26 LOL/126

You know, if I'd fed Eubans to Canas instead of Bartre and been a little more clever about Serra, I probably could have gotten Kenneth's chapter instead. Bah. Kopf, don't repeat my mistake plz >_<

Anyway, loldefend. Marcus, Lowen, Canas and Harken go west, everyone else goes east.

On the west side, Marcus does most of the work early, with the others chipping in where they can, then Harken gets rescue-chained to Jaffar's area. The thieves are admitted to the vault, and then Lowen blocks them in to pwninate them (although I let Canas help out from across the north wall). Eventually Lowen sneaks out to carry Jaffar back around the north horizontal path, although at one point he had to be dropped to find Ursula because Harken failed to 2HKO with the Brave Sword on EP, ran back to heal, and then couldn't see Ursula for Marcus to go in and finish the job. RNG trollage compounded with sloppiness, but not unrecoverable.

On the east side, Serra and Louise go into the north horizontal path so that Longbow!Louise can take out one of Zephiel's assailants and Physic!Serra can keep him healthy. This is overkill, since the west strike force manages to divert most of the enemies that would go after Zephiel. Eliwood recruits Nino, who walks back into the north horizontal path by herself for the rendezvous. Wallace and Bartre pick up scraps.

By turn 8, Wallace is looking for trouble, eventually finding and ORKOing the Divine!Bishop, allowing Victory Road to start playing on turn 10 or 11. With everything cleared out, injured units run to the throne room so Serra can staffbot for exp. 5 charges of Physic remain, which should be enough for a few later emergencies (allowing for the fact that I still have some Elixir and can get more in Ch28 IIRC).

Jaffar took out the thief who stole Rescue, and I got the others. Obviously, only the Brave Lance matters, since Boots and Rescue are off limits for everyone, and I don't have a drafted flier. Although I am seriously thinking of taking one or two penalties for Vaida...

Eliwood 12.33, 29hp 8/10/10/9/12/3, I know he has 80% HP growth, but he hasn't missed a single one yet, that's kinda cool.

Marcus 17.26, 44hp 18/22/17/14/13/14

Lowen 13/4.20, 38hp 9/11/11/11/15/7

Bartre 11/3.84, 41hp 13/10/7/7/10/8, why do I only get RES-blessed in Eliwood's tale >_<

Serra 8.88, 19hp 8/9/11/9/5/8, yay staffbotting.

Canas 11/5.05, 30hp 14/12/13/9/8/12

Wallace 6.74, 37hp 19/11/8/13/20/6

Louise 6.82, 29hp 12/15/18/18/9/12

HARKEN <3 11.36, 41hp 22/21/18/12/17/11

The treasure in 26x is probably not much use to me - Fenrir's heavy and there are a bunch of banned items plus a dancer ring that's unimportant even if you do have ninils - but I'm going to do it anyway for exp. Pretty sure I can clear it in either 20, or 16+Florina. After all, I has a Harken.

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I had enough space for exactly one horsey, and I chose Rath on the basis that he badly needs EXP to become usable, and there are quite a few wyverns hanging around. That said, I managed to clock the highest turncount on that chapter despite having two mages and a flier. :facepalm: At least I got the gaiden.

Isadora rescue-dance-dropped Lyn within range. <3 Ninian

Also, guess who gets Kenneth's map because he has three magic users and no infantry? :newyears:


Defend chapter. The important thing was to get the lovebirds and the other lords to the eastern squad ASAP. Fiora was a great help. Then, she stocked up on Killer weapons. I had a pretty good fortress and Marcus was superfluous, so he went to get Hammerne. Like a boss.

Chapter 25: 6 / 126

Rath, Fiora and Ninian were on the northern diagonal. Hawkeye and Prissy were just below. Rath grabbed Hawkeye and was danced, and dropped him up north. Eliwood moved next to Priscilla, who rescued him. Fiora took Eliwood and flew up. Next turn, she dropped him next to Rath and stood within dancing range. Ninian danced her, and she took Ninian up, and Rath took and dropped her. Turn 3, Rath and Hawkeye cleared the remainders, and everyone except Eliwood was at the entrance. Turn 4, Fiora rescued Eliwood, and Ninian danced her, so she could set herself up to clear the penultimate room with a Javelin. Rath and Hawkeye ensured no wyverns got in. Turn 5, Fiora weakened the boss, and Eliwood neared the throne. Turn 6, Fiora killed him and Eliwood seized.

Now I’ve cleared half the deficit compared to Zahlman.

Edited by Baldrick
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Isadora rescue-dance-dropped Lyn within range. <3 Ninian

That's weird. You wouldn't be allowed to do that without penalty if Lyn were drafted, but you can since she isn't. o_O

Also, guess who gets Kenneth's map because he has three magic users and no infantry? :newyears:

You're not nice :P 6 turns on that is pretty impressive though imo. Nice rescue-chaining up the north path.

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That's weird. You wouldn't be allowed to do that without penalty if Lyn were drafted, but you can since she isn't. o_O

My original plan was using Prissy, but then I realised there was a nice little loophole there.

You're not nice :P 6 turns on that is pretty impressive though imo. Nice rescue-chaining up the north path.

Yeah, two four-move low-build units make it a lot easier to navigate the blizzard. Now, if I had put half as much thought into the rest of the draft...

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Entering Chapter 14
Unit	Class	Lv.Ex	Hp	St	Sk	Sp	Lu	De	Re	Wpn1	Wpn2	Wpn3
Eliwood	Lord	4.00	21	8	6	7	9	5	0	Sw-C
Marcus	Pald.	2.87	32	15	15	11	9	10	9	Sw-A	La-A	Ax-B
Dorcas	Fgtr.	5.44	31	9	8	6	4	4	1	Ax-C
Matthew	Thif.	2.76	20	4	5	12	3	4	1	Sw-D
Guy	Myrm.	5.37	23	7	13	12	6	5	5	0	Sw-C
Serra	Cler.	1.56	Still as more spd than Dorcas and Eliwood.

Finally, Merlinus. Eliwood can stop carrying around javelins. Also, Rebecca died. Oh well; it was kinda her purpose, to sacrifice herself for the mighty Merlinus.General 7-turn survival. Some levels to go around. Serra healed constantly. Guy burned a lot of his killing edge, and Matthew/Dorcas needed more heals than anyone. Onto Ch14! Also, Eliwood proc'd +2 Str on his 2 lvls.0 speed though>.<. Also, Dorcas and Matthew both proc'd Res. Dunno why though. Also Marcus visit.






Edited by Elieson
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Chapter 11 - 4/4

So just like Knight Of Titania, Eliwood critted the first dude, and Marcus kills everyone else. I use Rebecca as a meatshield and have her kill some off the dudes at the same time. This was rather a pain in the ass to get done, all in all

Chapter 12 - 5/9

Well, this was incredibly easy. I don't see why I should explain the SAME strategy everyone uses.

Chapter 13 - 6/15

It was impossible to 5 turn clear without being able to destroy the snag with Oswin on turn 1 (so that's like an instant disability), so I went with the 6 turn clear instead. Also bought some stuff, but didn't recruit Guy.

Name 	Class 	Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eliwood  Lord    2.24  19   05  05   08   08   05   00
Marcus   Paladin 2.55  32   16  15   11   08   10   09
Rebecca  Archer  2.51  17   05  05   07   04   03   01
Hector   Lord    3.06  21   08  06   06   04   10   00
Serra    Cleric  1.02  Base everything

Chapter 13x - 7/22

So this chapter went well enough. Eliwood and Rebecca went south and took care of the enemies there, Hector went to take on ALL of the bandits to the east, and Marcus did everything else.

Name 	Class 	Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eliwood  Lord    3.62  19   05  05   08   09   06   01
Marcus   Paladin 3.42  33   17  16   11   08   10   09
Rebecca  Archer  3.14  18   06  06   08   05   03   02
Hector   Lord    4.68  22   08  07   07   04   11   00
Serra    Cleric  1.46  Base everything

Hey, Rebecca's level is pi!

Chapter 14 - 3/25

This was easy enough. I left Eliwood behind to deal with the soldiers, moved Rebecca and Serra to recruit Erk and do nothing (well, Serra healed on the last turn), and had Marcus rescue Hector. After he took care of a few soldiers and the archer, he dropped Hector on turn 2 while Hector owned a lot of the enemies with the Wolf Beil. On the last turn, I positioned Marcus to take care of the Myrmidon and the Nomad squad while Hector moved down to OHKO the Knight.

Name 	Class 	Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eliwood  Lord    4.64  20   06  05   08   09   06   01
Marcus   Paladin 4.13  33   17  16   11   09   10   09
Rebecca  Archer  3.41  18   06  06   08   05   03   02
Hector   Lord    6.29  24   08  08   08   04   13   01
Serra    Cleric  1.57  Base everything

Chapter 15 - 5/30

So...I basically did the same thing Knight did. Made excessive use of Lyndis and her squad too, because 2 of them are on my final team.

Name 	Class 	Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eliwood  Lord    4.66  20   06  05   08   09   06   01
Marcus   Paladin 4.91  33   17  16   11   09   10   09
Rebecca  Archer  4.24  19   07  07   09   06   03   02
Hector   Lord    6.98  24   08  08   08   04   13   01
Serra    Cleric  1.81  Base everything
Lyndis   Lord    5.34  19   06  11   11   06   02   00
Wil      Archer  5.08  22   06  06   07   07   05   01

Chapter 16 - 9/39

So I did the normal thing, probably could've done it in fewer turns if I didn't care about my sanity. Which I do. I LOVE my sanity.

Name 	Class 	Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eliwood  Lord    5.04  22   07  05   09   09   06   01
Marcus   Paladin 6.19  33   18  16   13   09   10   10
Rebecca  Archer  4.68  19   07  07   09   06   03   02
Hector   Lord    8.21  26   08  10   09   05   15   03
Serra    Cleric  2.37  18   02  06   09   07   02   06
Lyndis   Lord    6.17  20   07  11   12   06   02   00
Wil      Archer  5.68  22   06  06   07   07   05   01

Chapter 16x - 3/42

Standard 3 turn clear. Can't wait until I get Heath.

Name 	Class 	Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eliwood  Lord    5.79  22   07  05   09   09   06   01
Marcus   Paladin 6.60  33   18  16   13   09   10   10
Rebecca  Archer  5.35  20   07  08   10   07   03   02
Hector   Lord    8.73  26   08  10   09   05   15   03
Serra    Cleric  2.49  18   02  06   09   07   02   06
Lyndis   Lord    7.91  21   08  12   13   06   02   01
Wil      Archer  5.68  22   06  06   07   07   05   01

Chapter 17 - 4/46

Standard 3 turn clear with my incompetensy making it 4 turns. Still, the level ups, especially the +1 defense one for Lyndis, were too good too pass up.

Name 	Class 	Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eliwood  Lord    6.79  22   08  05   10   09   06   01
Marcus   Paladin 7.35  34   19  17   13   09   10   11
Rebecca  Archer  6.34  20   08  08   11   08   04   03
Hector   Lord    9.33  27   09  10   09   05   16   03
Serra    Cleric  2.83  18   02  06   09   07   02   06
Lyndis   Lord    8.93  22   09  13   13   07   03   01
Wil      Archer  5.89  22   06  06   07   07   05   01

Chapter 18 - 5 (+4 penalty)/55

I pretty much did perfectly and my units got perfectly awesome level ups, and then fucking Dart gets attacked. Thanks a lot, jackass. angry.gif I'd vote for forced use characters to be free, but that's just because I don't want to take this penalty. laugh.gif

Name 	Class 	Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eliwood  Lord    7.10  22   09  06   11   09   06   01
Marcus   Paladin 8.44  34   19  18   13   09   10   12
Rebecca  Archer  7.44  20   08  09   12   09   04   03
Hector   Lord   10.64  28   10  11   10   06   17   03
Serra    Cleric  3.41  19   02  07   10   08   03   07
Lyndis   Lord   10.23  23   09  15   15   08   03   01
Wil      Archer  7.03  23   07  08   07   09   06   02

Chapter 18x - 6/61

Marcus bumrushed with Eliwood while the rest of the guys cleanned up the scraps. So, same as usual. Also I stole an Elysian Whip for Heath later on.

Name 	Class 	Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eliwood  Lord    7.92  22   09  06   11   09   06   01
Marcus   Paladin 9.52  35   20  19   13   09   11   12
Rebecca  Archer  8.26  20   08  09   12   10   04   04
Hector   Lord   11.04  29   11  12   10   07   18   03
Serra    Cleric  3.98  19   02  07   10   08   03   07
Lyndis   Lord   10.82  23   09  15   15   08   03   01
Wil      Archer  7.52  23   07  08   07   09   06   02

Chapter 19 - 6/67

Marcus stormed through, while everyone else kinda picked up leftovers. Apparently, Eliwood Lyndis can recruit Legault and Eliwood seize on the next turn (I purposefully copied this from a fellow drafter to show you, the possiblely nonexistent reader, how similar the strategies are despite our different teams).

Name 	Class 	Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eliwood  Lord    8.51  23   10  07   12   10   07   01
Marcus   Paladin 10.33 36   20  19   13   10   11   12
Rebecca  Archer  9.10  21   09  09   13   10   04   04
Hector   Lord   12.29  30   12  13   10   07   18   03
Serra    Cleric  4.61  19   02  08   11   08   03   08
Lyndis   Lord   12.30  25   10  16   15   09   03   02
Wil      Archer  8.71  23   08  08   08   09   06   03

PS Damn, took forever to edit my broken code.

Edited by Refa
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