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FE4 Mafia - Game over


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What I'm saying is I'm waiting on voting you until I know more about Ether and/or Furet.

But if you think I'm likely to be scum why don't you vote me? Not that I want to be lynched, but a scummy player is a safer vote than an inactive player, and at least you can get reads off of them from their reactions.

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1. Please explain your reasoning for your votes (or lack thereof) this phase.


(pushing down on me

pressing down on you

no man asks for)





(Yes I had to post this)

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1. I've been out and about between school and Christmas shopping, and haven't had a chance to look at this in depth yet this phase.

2. I am not liking the feel of Kirsche at the moment. He just seems to be working against outing information. I understand his reasoning, but he just seems far too adamant about it, I get strange vibes from him. Core is also looking really erratic, if not necessarily scummy.

3. At the moment I am most trusting of Raymond and Psych. Raymond is acting very pro-town at the moment, as he has been since the beginning, and Psych is as of yet un-CC'd, though that doesn't say too much as our PRs seem to be falling fast and the real Tracker, if he isn't, might not want to out themselves yet. Still, he is acting townish IMO, so I'm willing to trust him for the time being.

4. I think our best course of action at the moment is to try and get some sort of information flow. I am hoping to hear what Raymond has to say on this on e aside from a Massclaim, since it seems a bit too early for that.

Though for now, let's try ##Vote: Kirsche

Core already has a larger chunk of votes on him, so we'll go for you at the moment. I can change it later if such becomes necessary.

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But if you think I'm likely to be scum why don't you vote me? Not that I want to be lynched, but a scummy player is a safer vote than an inactive player, and at least you can get reads off of them from their reactions.


But I don't want to change votes when I feel it'd be too rash. Besides. ..

Nah, you're right.

##Unvote, ##Vote Kirsche

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Wow, missed a lot while posting that. Well, in addition, I can say that I am getting good reads off of 13th. He is pushing in all the right ways ATM, if I may say so.

Yeah, sticking with my Kirsche vote for now.

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Core already has a larger chunk of votes on him, so we'll go for you at the moment. I can change it later if such becomes necessary

This is not how pressure votes work. If 10 people vote for core and only 1 votes for me, there is no incentive to vote. As a town we must decide who to pressure as a whole, instead of each of us making individual votes which accomplish nothing. This also means that people shouldn't buckle to just a few votes so early on either as that could lead to a tracker being prematurely outed.

And as for not willing to out information, Ether, you agree with me in that mass claiming is uncalled for at such an early stage and that is my main point against information sharing. I hope I'm not the only one that realises that with psych probably perma-hooked or doomed to death three of our most powerful roles have essentially gone? It is for that reason why we must preserve as much information as possible before the mafia simply start playing with us.

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I do agree that Massclaiming at this stage is uncalled for, but you seem to adamant on that preservation of anonymity for my liking. If a massclaim is too far in one direction, I am reading too far in the other from you.

As for that statement, I just didn't feel a need to add another vote for Core at the moment, since he seemed to have enough to get him talking, so I went for you instead.

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Meaning one of you needs to spill beans on something useful to prove that you're clean.

Not that I can say much, as I have no proof I'm clean. I just apparently come across as town.

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Plus Now its 2 Core, 2 Kische. There's equal pressure on both.

I believe its 3 Core(Ray, Nightmare, Psych), no?

We aren't out of protection yet. We most likely still have a watcher and a safeguard of sorts, so Psych has enough protection to get us plenty of info from tracking. We just need to hope that no other power roles get outed/killed.

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Which is still a nl.

And again, I would like to point out that I am helping the town. I have discussed more strategy, tried organising and have put pressure on those who slip up/make a mistake. Lynching me is downright detrimental for the town, as without our PR's to save us, we must rely on scumhunting and discussion alone, of which me and 13th are doing the most.

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We most likely still have a watcher and a safeguard of sorts

Says who? JB? Although they're likely to exist (and probably a driver as well), ninjas exist and currently we're lacking in any kind of investigative results. Which means, again, only discussion and scumhunting will net us the vital information that we need. At this point relying on roles alone is suicide.

As for that statement, I just didn't feel a need to add another vote for Core at the moment, since he seemed to have enough to get him talking, so I went for you instead.

Then enocurage others to do the same, and push for a lynch. Sitting back making meaningless pressure votes accomplishes very little.

I do agree that Massclaiming at this stage is uncalled for, but you seem to adamant on that preservation of anonymity for my liking.

Then that is your opinion and there's not much I can do about it. Do you really want to lynch the 5th most active speaker (3rd out of who are currently playing). And remember, that's including my inactive spell over n1. Surely there's a smarter lynch than lynching the one who's trying to make progress?

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Slayer is suspicious

How. I understand Core for the most part, but please tell me how. Also, how i'm i unassuming? Skimming a role and not being sure what psych meant is being unassuming?

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##Unvote, ##Vote Core

Talk. I need more proof. Talk or be lynched.

You like to change your mind.

What happened to Proto? You said yourself that if Ether talks, Proto and I are the best targets. I've been talking for the past several pages.

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1. Please explain your reasoning for your votes (or lack thereof) this phase. Deciding between Proto, Slayer, and Nightmare to vote for.

2. Whom are you most suspicious of (other than whomever you voted for, if applicable), and why? Nightmare visited Snike, Proto has poofed, Slayer, you've given very small amounts of input on things that aren't so important to the game. I'd like to hear who you are suspicious of etc and who you trust. Most of your posts have been easy(unassuming in that you seem afriad to make a mistake)

3. Whom would you currently trust the most, and why? Raymond and Kirsche are still near the top of my town reads. Raymond is obvious, and Kirsche seems to be playing just as he normally does and has brought up good points for discussion.(against massclaiming)

4. What do you think would be the best course of action right now? I feel like pressuring Proto although I understand he's likely asleep at the moment. ##Vote: Proto

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1. Please explain your reasoning for your votes (or lack thereof) this phase. Deciding between Proto, Slayer, and Nightmare to vote for. Right now, i have no idea who to vote for. As no one has really given me a huge vibe

2. Whom are you most suspicious of (other than whomever you voted for, if applicable), and why? Nightmare visited Snike, Proto has poofed, Slayer, you've given very small amounts of input on things that aren't so important to the game. I'd like to hear who you are suspicious of etc and who you trust. Most of your posts have been easy(unassuming in that you seem afriad to make a mistake) I'm failry suspicious of 13th. Its mostly a gut feeling but some of his wording stroke me as somewhat odd. Like when he suggested you would end up as another powerful role dead because you did not talk... As if he knew what you did or something or even if you were townie. Not much though of a vibe and i wanted to keep observing his post without accusing.

3. Whom would you currently trust the most, and why? Raymond and Kirsche are still near the top of my town reads. Raymond is obvious, and Kirsche seems to be playing just as he normally does and has brought up good points for discussion.(against massclaiming) I trust raymond the most. We know his role, and while yes we know that role =/=alliance, he seems very pro-town and generally seeking discussion.

4. What do you think would be the best course of action right now? I feel like pressuring Proto although I understand he's likely asleep at the moment. #Vote: Proto Personally for me i just want to observe the game a little bit more, however right now i'm making the finishing touches for a seminar i need to present tomorrow

Pardon me if i seem rather out of it and unhelpful.

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On Slayer's suspicion of me: That was me being pessimistic. I do that from time to time. Some things I say aren't meant to be taken as completely serious.

@Core: I thought I said Kirsche and Core. But I wanted to try and get some more logic from people.

Not going to be my last vote change, but ##Unvote, ##Vote Proto

Inb4 Town Roleblocker or some shit like that.

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On Slayer's suspicion of me: That was me being pessimistic. I do that from time to time. Some things I say aren't meant to be taken as completely serious.

thats the reason why i said i'd rather wait than fos (finger of suspicion for anyone new here).

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inb4 kay comes in and protests votes on proto :B):

Anyway, votals.

[2] Core - Nightmare, Psych

[2] Proto - Core, 13th

[1] Furet - StSS

[1] Kay - Rein

[1] Kirsche - Ether

[1] Psych - Shinori

Also Balcerzak has been subbed in for Raymond. e_e

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