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FE4 Mafia - Game over


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##Vote: Kay Why would you admit to being 3rd party >_>

Good question. Why would I do that? If I were mafia, there are much better claims than something as insane and non-useful as Survivor/Safeguard. Look at what you said. Not that I claimed third party. That I admitted to it. Indicating that you don't doubt at all that it's my actual alignment. Which makes sense if you're mafia and your cop targeted me. Nice scumslip there, Core.

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So say we lynch Kay today; we know she's not Town, so she's either scum or what she had claimed? Anyways, that would leave us at 6:3 for night 4 or 5:2:1 (if Kay was scum). Then the mafia kills one of town the night later. So.... 5:3, or 4:2:1. If the third part is hostile.... then... yeah. Say we mislynch a second time: numbers down to 4:3, or 3:2:1... then next night phase, 3:3, (2:2:1...and the supposed third party might not help).

This is all assuming the ratio of the game was 12:4:1.

So to conclude, mislynching is a terrible idea, but we might be able to stand one mislynch....maybe. So what's your idea?

Oh, and if Kay's not scum....what are the chances that Nightmare is?

It actually involved questioning your counter claim. I wanted to see if it was possible that you counter claimed bomb just to get Shinori(assuming he is town in this scenario) mislynched and cause town to lose. I just wasn't sure of where we were number or quite sure how to tell when you're at that point where you'll lose if you mislynch.

However, it would seem that the numbers make that seem quite unlikely.

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The problem is that there aren't enough kills to suspect an SK, though the town win condition mentions a hostile third party. Unless the SK just hasn't been shooting people(and you all, especially Shinori since he just doesn't want to believe me, believe what I told you about my role and results) it just doesn't add up. With me, the mafia, and an SK could have easily been a 3 kill night. But we have 2 nights with 1 kill and 1 night with 2 kills. However, even without evidence of an SK, there is still that hostile third party. And you just admitted to being third party. And according to town win condition we have to eliminate hostile third party to win. That doesn't mean you are that hostile third party, but it is definitely a viable conclusion given what we know.

Good enough argument, Strawman, but you also have to eliminate the mafia. I'm out in the open. If you get rid of the mafia and haven't won yet, it shouldn't be any trouble to kill me then. As I've pointed out, you should already have a good idea of what my role can do. I'm not gonna kill anyone. Deal with the bigger threat first.

Unless you're saying Survivor is considered hostile, which makes no sense. A Survivor who couldn't joint would be pretty much unable to win, due to having very little control over the other factions because of no lynch control, no kill, etc. Any way you fix this, you end up with a totally different role. Like SK, which, as I've said, I can't be.

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Good enough argument, Strawman, but you also have to eliminate the mafia. I'm out in the open. If you get rid of the mafia and haven't won yet, it shouldn't be any trouble to kill me then. As I've pointed out, you should already have a good idea of what my role can do. I'm not gonna kill anyone. Deal with the bigger threat first.

Unless you're saying Survivor is considered hostile, which makes no sense. A Survivor who couldn't joint would be pretty much unable to win, due to having very little control over the other factions because of no lynch control, no kill, etc. Any way you fix this, you end up with a totally different role. Like SK, which, as I've said, I can't be.

Thats right I guess, if you can't kill you couldn't ever be able to eliminate the others meaning there would have to be a joint victory.

But that would be if you're actually telling the truth. There isn't a guarantee that you're not just playing the survivor card to try and not get lynched.

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Thats right I guess, if you can't kill you couldn't ever be able to eliminate the others meaning there would have to be a joint victory.

But that would be if you're actually telling the truth. There isn't a guarantee that you're not just playing the survivor card to try and not get lynched.

No, there's no guarantee. But do you really think I'm that likely to be mafia? More likely than Core, Shinori, etc? Because at this point in the game, you guys really need to lynch an actual suspect, not just avoid mislynching. I can help you out, if you don't lynch me. As I've said, mafia has better targets even if I use my ability to help the town. I just couldn't be pro-town without claiming. Mafia can't afford to kill a known survivor, they need to be killing townies.

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Well, you guys don't have much longer to figure out whether you want to lynch me, or lynch mafia. Anyone who's around now and isn't sure should change their vote, to end majority so you'll have longer to consider this. I'll still have the most votes at the end of the phase anyway, probably, so it can't hurt.

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Ohai Seph~

quote name='Iris' date='19 December 2011 - 08:41 PM' timestamp='1324345260' post='1795229']

And I thought the phase ended later, but this works better for me because of bedtime, though.

@Eclipse; unless I read rules wrongly and majority = quicker phase end.

It actually involved questioning your counter claim. I wanted to see if it was possible that you counter claimed bomb just to get Shinori(assuming he is town in this scenario) mislynched and cause town to lose. I just wasn't sure of where we were number or quite sure how to tell when you're at that point where you'll lose if you mislynch.

However, it would seem that the numbers make that seem quite unlikely.

Oh, I see. But if we lynched say one of Shinori or me is lynched, and then assuming whoever was the last person to lynch was town, then 2 town would be down; then mafia would kill another town, (not-including BPs); and we'd be down 3 town. Anyways, if both Shinori and I are town, I'm going to bite my hat or something.

Kay's arguments make sense. While we are not in immediate danger if we lynch her this round, we will probably get to MYLO next day phase (unless I do my numbers wrong); if Kay turns out to safeguard/survivor, then the chances that Core is scum is close to 100%, and Nightmare's alliance would probably be questioned as well. Her role PM would clear up quite a few things, and if she's scum, then Nightmare and Core would be more likely town...I think.

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Eh. Given a half an hour...

Shinori, Core, Nightmare (?) probably aren't going to change their mind for someone who finds them scummy; I'm annoyed at Core's lurking, though; he's actually seen Kay's defense, etc.

Kaoz/Kirsche/Psych have all probably logged off for the day by now; Strawman's hesitant in changing.

If Kay's scum, +awesome for town, if she's safeguard/survivor third-party, at least she provides information for the town. ;/

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The day was filled with an odd combination of apathy and random noises. Eventually, Trabant made a comment about his amazing hair. You jerks got jealous, and. . .


Yeah. His hair was better, BTW.

Dear user,

You are Trabant, Self-Aligned Safeguard/Survivor


You are the king of Thracia. You might appear a cruel man, but you really have one true wish – To see Thracia prosper again. You will go to any lengths to ensure this happens.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your Role PM with “Night X – Offering USER some assistance”. You will protect USER from any non-killing actions that night. However, if USER is attacked, you will stop protecting USER, opting to save your own skin instead.


You are allied with yourself. You win if you survive.

Good job everyone.


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It was the end of the Empire. Everyone left knew it. They had done horribly in fending off the spies, and nothing else could be done.

The Liberation Army just wanted one more thing.


Four soldiers made their way to their final target. They weren't content to give him a quick and easy death, after all he had put them through; it was time for him to pay.

Dear user,

You are Manfroy, Town Vigilante.


You are the Archbishop of the Loputo Sect, and an extremely evil man. With Celice’s band of rebels eliminated, there will be nothing left to stop you from resurrecting the dark god Loputousu.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your Role PM with “Night X – End USER’s miserable life”. You will send a group of your followers to assault USER, almost certainly killing USER.

You are allied with The Empire. You win when all members of The Liberation Army have been eliminated, and all third-party characters have been removed from the game.

After killing him, they burnt down a little Strawman outside his house, just for kicks.

And with that, the game was over. The army swept through Grandbell, eliminating any resistance they met.

Dear user,

You are Areone, Town Tracker.


You are the prince of Thracia, successor to the throne after Trabant. Yurius wants you to provide backup against the infiltrators, and you have no choice but to obey.

During the night phase, you may reply to your Role PM with "Night X – Follow USER". You will track USER from the skies throughout the night, finding out who USER targeted.


You are allied with The Empire. You win when all members of The Liberation Army have been eliminated, and all third-party characters have been removed from the game.


Dear user,

You are Eliu, Town Bulletproof


You are Vampa and Fetra’s sister, and a mage of Freege. You might not be able to do much, but at the very least you could try to keep each other alive, right?

During the night phase, if one of you is attacked, the other sisters will help to defend against the attacker. However, you will not be able to defend against subsequent attacks for the following night. This ability is nullified when there is only one sister alive.

You are allied with The Empire. You win when all members of The Liberation Army have been eliminated, and all third-party characters have been removed from the game.


Dear user,

You are Fetra, Town Bulletproof


You are Vampa and Eliu’s sister, and a mage of Freege. You might not be able to do much, but at the very least you could try to keep each other alive, right?

During the night phase, if one of you is attacked, the other sisters will help to defend against the attacker. However, you will not be able to defend against subsequent attacks for the following night. This ability is nullified when there is only one sister alive.

You are allied with The Empire. You win when all members of The Liberation Army have been eliminated, and all third-party characters have been removed from the game.


Dear user,

You are Scorpio, Town Hunter.


You are the son of Andrei, and the commander of the Beige Ritter. You want nothing but revenge for your father, and the son of the man who killed him is now here. It’s your perfect chance.

During the Night or Day Phase, if you are killed or lynched, you will take your final revenge. If you are killed, your killer will die; if you are lynched, the last person to vote for you will be killed as well.

You are allied with The Empire. You win when all members of The Liberation Army have been eliminated, and all third-party characters have been removed from the game.


And the Liberation Army celebrated their victory by resurrecting Celice, because fucking Valkyrie staff.

Dear user,

You are Aless, Mafia Roleblocker.


The blood of the Crusader Hezul runs through your veins, allowing you to use the Demon Sword, Mistolin. Celice has asked you to help him because of your heritage, and you are determined to see this through in order to defeat the empire.

During the night phase, you may reply to your role PM with "Night X – Attacking USER1". You will chase USER1 with Mistolin, causing USER to flee from you in fear. USER will spend the entire night trying to escape, preventing them from completing their night actions.

You are allied with The Liberation Army. You win when The Liberation Army has achieved parity with The Empire, and all third-party characters have been removed from the game.


Dear user,

You are Altenna, Mafia Godfather


You are the daughter of Cuan and Ethlin, but have been raised as Trabant’s child. Now aware of your true parentage, you have joined the Liberation Army, and Celice has chosen you to help him on his attack on Grandbell.

During the night phase, you will appear as being a Town Member in investigations, due to others believing you to be Trabant’s daughter.


You are allied with The Liberation Army. You win when The Liberation Army has achieved parity with The Empire, and all third-party characters have been removed from the game.


Dear user,

You are Sety, Mafia Redirector


You are Fury’s son, and a very powerful mage. Celice needs your help in this final attempt at defeating Grandbell, and you aren’t one to refuse a friend in need.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your Role PM with "Night X – Blowing USER1 away to USER2". You will attack USER1 with such force that they will be blown to where USER2 is, causing USER1 to target USER2 instead of his original target.

You are allied with The Liberation Army. You win when The Liberation Army has achieved parity with The Empire, and all third-party characters have been removed from the game.


Dear user,

You are Shanan, Mafia Role Checker.


You are the successor to the throne of Isaac, and the wielder of the Balmung. One of Celice’s powerful warriors and friends, you’ve decided to assist him in this infiltration attempt into the Empire.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your Role PM with "Night X – Stealing USER’s information". You will seek out USER during the night, using the speed of Balmung to continuously appear hidden from USER, thus finding out what USER’s role is via observation.

You are allied with The Liberation Army. You win when The Liberation Army has achieved parity with The Empire, and all third-party characters have been removed from the game.


Postgame comes up on Thursday, at the earliest, because I have a chalet to get to :B):

Edited by JBCWK
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I sent this PM to RD about a week ago



Dear user,

You are Burian, Town Doctor


You are the holder of the Swanchika, and the Duke of Dozel. You hope to avenge your father’s death, and since Yurius has asked for your assistance, now is the perfect time.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your Role PM with “Night X – Guard over USER”. If USER is attacked during the Night Phase, you will take the attack for them, but because of Swanchika, you will easily survive.

You are allied with The Empire. You win when all members of The Liberation Army have been eliminated, and all hostile third-party characters have been removed from the game.


look at this shit

look at it

Yeah you're mad. Everyone was mad. Doctor lynch D1 with no CC? What the actual fuck. Don't worry, it's okay, Darros has a great reason for this.

I didn't know how to get out of my hole. :(

I mean, I couldn't claim doctor, I'd get killed at night. Saying "omg i haev a power role" or "dun lynch me plz" wouldn't really work either.

So yeah. GL Town.

Yeah that excuse is awesome. Getting lynched, getting mafkilled, what's the difference, right? It's not like getting lynched changes anything, I mean the mafia is just gonna waste their kill on some stupid useless role like

Dear user,

You are Ishtar, Town Alliance Checker.


You are Yurius’ fiancé, as well as the daughter of Blume. You are almost always by Yurius’ side, and with Celice’s motley crew running around, it’s a good idea to end this as fast as possible.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your role PM with “Night X – Enquiring after USER”. No one would dare to defy you, thus they will willingly surrender their alliance to you.

You are allied with The Empire. You win when all members of The Liberation Army have been eliminated, and all hostile third-party characters have been removed from the game.

This was obviously Prims.

It is now Day 2. Day 2 ends on 10 Dec 2011, 4pm, GMT +8. I might change this.

mother fucker

Well, as long as the rest of our useful roles aren't stupid we can sti-

Well, I can explain a couple of things, but with our doctor dead I do feel less safe. But whatever. I voted with Prims because I wanted a lynch that day. I didn't want the doctor's lynch, but that's what Darros does. >_>

I am Town Tracker. I may/may not be able to die with no consequences, but I can't really reveal much more.

Night 0 I followed Snike, who did nothing. NIght 1 I followed Nightmare who visited Snike.

Snike, were you roleblocked or were your results messed with? Or did anyone else try and target Snike and get someone else?

Never mind. Thanks for outing with no useful information, Psych. What a winner.

Well, I'm sure the rest of our roles are useful.

Alright, fine. I'm going to roleclaim. Town Bulletproof. Roleblocks don't apply to passive roles, so I could end up posing a very big problem for the Mafia since they'll need to use up TWO of their nightkills just to get rid of someone who doesn't even have any abilities to threaten them with. But if you guys lynch me, well, then my entire ability will go to waste and you'll be doing exactly what the Mafia need.


I believe him. Let him live. Lynch YET another person who hasn't given much helpfulness, Kirsche. You see, I think he could be valuable. I am claiming Town Bulletproof. And I think he is ALSO Bulletproof. Meaning if he dies, I'm dead meat.



Phase over

The town really couldn't decide who to lynch between Slayer and Rein. However, after observing how Rein didn't really seem to give a fuck, the town decided to electrocute, marinate and eat him. Glorious!

Dear user,

You are Vampa, Town Bulletproof


You are Fetra and Eliu’s sister, and a mage of Freege. You might not be able to do much, but at the very least you could try to keep each other alive, right?

During the night phase, if one of you is attacked, the other sisters will help to defend against the attacker. However, you will not be able to defend against subsequent attacks for the following night. This ability is nullified when there is only one sister alive.

You are allied with The Empire. You win when all members of The Liberation Army have been eliminated, and all hostile third-party characters have been removed from the game.

god damn you guys are amazing

It is now Night 2. Night 2 ends on 13 Dec 2011, 4pm, GMT +8.



Again, just got home.

I am the town deputy, IE Prims' backup. I can start functioning as an alliance checker tonight, now that Prims has died. I didn't want to claim before because we are light on protection, hope you guys understand. It probably seems far-fetched, but I tell no lies, you need me to win this game.

Can you guess the faction of this player based on this post?

Also fuck the mafia for screwing the neutral for no reason

Edited by Paperblade
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