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[FE12] I call dibs on this kind of draft:

Vicious Sal

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am sorry for being absent some time... the thing is that I am trying FE4 by myself (Have not finnished yet) but I will finish this for good this week.

I also did not want to kill Astram...

Blues is taking Sedgar because otherwise He will have to restart his entire Playthrough

Chapter 16. 3 Turns, 104 Total turns.

Units: Marth, Draco Palla, Draco Cord, Paladin Catria, Sniper Norne, General Belf, LeaderR (Bishop), Etzel Bishop, Rickard, Xane, Feena.

In the Base

Palla is given Her last lv up. Belf is given no weapons

Gave some new staves to my Bishops.

Cord is given the Iote Shield, Catria is given the Starsphere.

A base arena Lv up to Etzel and MU.

Turn 1: Palla goes behind the Geo sphere, Catria Goes suicidal on the Heroes OHKOing a thief BTW, Xane transform into Rickard, Feena dances him, Etzel Warps him to the treasure room, MU trades Warp and warps General Belf to guard the entrance to the treasure room. Cord opens the Door, Norne snipes the nearest Soldier. Macellan acted heroic positioning himself within a swarm bishop range. Marth moves near Cord.

On the Counter Catria kills three heroes, the Meteor and a Swarm miss on Cord, the other hits Macellan, a Soldier, a Warrior, and a General sucide on Cord, a Warrior and a Mage suicide on Norne, only the Sniper, a Stupid Mage that went behind the Sniper and the 5 Bishops Left. Reinforcements came too close. Astram and some Heroes went after Belf.

Turn 2: Palla gets the Geosphere, Cord kills the Mage, Marth ORKO the Sniper, Norne attacks the Hammer warrior, Etzel stands on her side forming a blockade, MU warps Rickard, Catria advances towards Astram, Feena dances MU, MU heals. Macellan position where he is hit by both Swarms and eats candy.

On the Counter, as I predicted Macellan is hit by Both Swarms, Marth is Hit by Meteor... More heroes die heroically against Catria, Astram attacks Belf. The Killerbow warrior misses on Etzel, A Soldier suicides on Etzel, and a Mage suicides on Norne lol.

Turn 3: Cord murders dramatically the boss, MU moves, is danced by Feena and gets the Psychic Staff. Norne finishes the Killer bow Warrior, Rickard and Xane finish claiming treasure (only missed the Master seal and Shaver), Catria Kills Astram, In his Honor a minute of Silence... Marth Seize.

Chapter 16x. 2 Turns, 106 Total Turns

Units: Marth, LeaderR(Bishop), Swordmaster Palla, Sniper Norne, Swordmaster Belf, Draco Cord, Feena.

In the Base

MU is given the Starsphere and no weapons

Palla is given the Wo Dao

Belf claims the Master Sword Lightsphere and Geosphere.

Turn 1: Palla Crits the First Swordmaster, Marth and Belf ORKO the tomahawks berzekers, Feena dances Belf and him and Cord ORKO the Silver Axe Berzerkers, MU talks to Katarina and Heals Palla. On the counter Katarina misses Palla, the Two snipers attack MU...

Turn 2: MU talks to Katarina, Palla move out, Feena dances MU, MU recruits Katarina, Norne kills a sniper, Cord Hand Axe chips on the other sniper and Katarina finishes it, Marth chips on the Swormaster and Belf finishes him. The End.

Edited by LeaderR Elliot
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FE12 I call dibs on this kind of draft

PKL/ Toon Link: Caeda, Ryan, Yumina, Julian, Radd, Horace, Jake, Midia, Yubello, Matthis, Samson

My Unit:

Name: Light

Gender: Female

Past: Noble's Child

Present: Diverse

Future: Truth-seeker.

Units coming out of Prologue:

Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Marth		Lord		7	94	27	9	0	11	11	10	9	0	Sword D
Light		Mage		8	42	25	6	11	13	13	10	3	4	Tome C
Ryan		Archer		8	81	24	12	0	10	11	5	10	0	Bow C
Caeda		Peg.Knight	7	82	22	8	2	9	18	16	8	7	Lance D

Chapter 1 Base:

Reclassed Ryan to Pirate.

Reclassed Arran to Dracoknight.

Bought an Iron Axe for Ryan and a Fire tome for Light.

Chapter 1 4/4

Draco Arran helped open the way. Light ORKO'd Lorenz with Elfire and Marth

seized. Ryan stayed back to get some experience. He got to kill the thief.

Arran got the Bullion in the first turn. He bought 2 Hand Axes in the last turn after MU

ORKO'd Lorenz.

Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Marth		Lord		7	94	27	9	0	11	11	10	9	0	Sword D
Light		Mage		9	64	26	6	12	14	14	11	3	4	Tome C
Ryan		Pirate		9	71	28	15	0	9	15	6	9	0	Axe E
Arran		Dracoknight	3	48	24	11	1	12	11	4	12	3	Lance B Axe E

Chapter 2 Base:

Sold the Bullion (S).

Chapter 2 6/10

Recruited Cord for his Axe. Arran got me the Lady Sword. Ryan got the boss kill.

Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Marth		Lord		8	41	28	10	0	12	12	11	9	0	Sword D
Light		Mage		10	59	27	6	12	15	15	12	3	5	Tome C
Ryan		Pirate		11	21	31	16	0	11	17	7	10	0	Axe E
Arran		Dracoknight	3	60	24	11	1	12	11	4	12	3	Lance B Axe E

Chapter 3 Base:


Chapter 3 14/24

Had to lure Matthis to follow Marth to Julian's village. Nothing too hard. Palla got me the Master Seal and the Silver Lance from the

Dracoknights to the west. Ryan got the bosskill and all the Dracoknights to the east.

Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Marth		Lord		8	41	28	10	0	12	12	11	9	0	Sword D
Light		Mage		10	59	27	6	12	15	15	12	3	5	Tome C
Ryan		Pirate		15	08	36	19	0	13	19	9	11	0	Axe D
Arran		Dracoknight	3	60	24	11	1	12	11	4	12	3	Lance B Axe E
Julian		Thief		6	00	20	7	0	8	14	7	6	0	Sword E
Matthis		Cavalier	4	00	21	7	0	3	7	1	9	0	Sword E Lance D

Chapter 3x Base:

Reclassed Ryan to Cavalier.

Reclassed Matthis to Pirate.

Chapter 3x 6/30

Marth rushes. Arran helps Wrys. Ryan trains his lance rank. Matthis gets CEXP.

Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Marth		Lord		8	81	28	10	0	12	12	11	9	0	Sword D
Light		Mage		10	89	27	6	12	15	15	12	3	5	Tome C
Arran		Dracoknight	3	79	24	11	1	12	11	4	12	3	Lance B Axe E
Ryan		Cavalier	15	50	36	17	0	14	17	9	14	0	Sword E Lance E
Julian		Thief		6	10	20	7	0	8	14	7	6	0	Sword E
Matthis		Pirate		4	90	21	9	0	2	9	1	6	0	Axe E

Chapter 4 Base:

Reclassed Ryan back to Pirate.

Reclassed Matthis back to Cavalier.

Reclassed Light to Cleric.

Chapter 4 3/33

Rescue with Yumina. Recruit Sirius. Ryan kills things. Matthis kills thief near

the village. Sirius weakens boss. Draco Arran steals the kill with Silver Lance.

Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Marth		Lord		9	56	29	10	0	13	13	12	10	0	Sword D
Light		Cleric		11	19	28	6	10	16	16	13	3	10	Staff E
Arran		Dracoknight	4	09	24	11	1	13	12	4	12	3	Lance B Axe E
Ryan		Pirate		16	19	37	20	0	14	19	10	11	0	Axe D
Julian		Thief		6	20	20	7	0	8	14	7	6	0	Sword E
Matthis		Cavalier	5	50	22	8	0	4	8	1	9	0	Sword E Lance D
Yumina		Cleric		2	84	16	0	2	1	7	9	2	5	Staff C
Yubello		Mage		1	57	18	0	1	1	6	5	3	3	Tome D

Chapter 5 Base:

Arena'd Ryan to 20.00 and promoted him.

Reclassed Light to Mage.

Reclassed Yubello to Curate.

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Chapter 5 5/38

Paladin Ryan goes left. Marth goes left. Everyone else trains and gets the Seal and

the Physic staff.

Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Marth		Lord		9	93	29	10	0	13	13	12	10	0	Sword D
Light		Mage		12	15	29	6	13	17	16	14	4	5	Tome C
Arran		Dracoknight	4	44	24	11	1	13	12	4	12	3	Lance B Axe E
Ryan		Paladin		2	83	43	23	1	23	20	11	17	6	Sword E Lance D
Julian		Thief		6	60	20	7	0	8	14	7	6	0	Sword E
Matthis		Cavalier	5	60	22	8	0	4	8	1	9	0	Sword E Lance D
Yumina		Cleric		3	52	16	0	3	2	8	9	2	6	Staff C
Yubello		Curate		2	25	18	0	0	2	7	6	5	6	Staff E
Caeda		Peg.Knight	9	02	24	10	2	11	20	18	8	7	Lance D

Chapter 6 6/44

Julian gets me the Barrier and Libra. Light gets the Secret Book,

Ryan rushes. Caeda kills stuff. Caeda gets the Lang kill. Rickard gets me a Bullion.

Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Marth		Lord		10	46	30	11	0	14	14	13	10	0	Sword D
Light		Mage		13	35	30	6	14	18	16	15	4	5	Tome C
Arran		Dracoknight	4	58	24	11	1	13	12	4	12	3	Lance B Axe E
Ryan		Paladin		4	55	44	23	1	25	21	11	19	6	Sword E Lance C
Julian		Thief		6	70	20	7	0	8	14	7	6	0	Sword E
Matthis		Cavalier	5	60	22	8	0	4	8	1	9	0	Sword E Lance D
Yumina		Cleric		3	92	16	0	3	2	8	9	2	6	Staff C
Yubello		Curate		2	59	18	0	0	2	7	6	5	6	Staff E
Caeda		Peg.Knight	10	49	25	10	2	12	20	19	8	8	Lance D
Rickard		Thief		lol

Chapter 6x Base:

Reclassed Ryan to Berserker.

Reclassed Arran to Swordmaster.

Sold the Bullion (L).

Chapter 6x 1/45

Killed stuff. Rescue. Kill Roro with Ryan. GG

Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Marth		Lord		10	46	30	11	0	14	14	13	10	0	Sword D
Light		Mage		13	35	30	6	14	18	16	15	4	5	Tome C
Arran		Swordmaster	4	71	26	8	1	19	18	4	8	3	Sword C
Ryan		Berserker	5	02	47	26	0	23	24	11	18	0	Axe C
Matthis		Cavalier	5	70	22	8	0	4	8	1	9	0	Sword E Lance D
Yumina		Cleric		4	42	16	0	4	3	9	9	2	7	Staff C
Caeda		Peg.Knight	10	69	25	10	2	12	20	19	8	8	Lance D 

Chapter 7 Base:

Reclassed Ryan to Dracoknight.

Reclassed Arran to Dracoknight.

Reclassed Caeda to Cavalier and gave her the Lady Sword.

Reclassed Radd to Hunter.

Arena'd her to 20.00. Reclassed her to Pegasus Knight and promoted her.

Chapter 7 5/50

Went through the forest path. Got all the loot with my fliers. Light Radd and Matthis teamed up to get the Dragonstone and Physic.

Yumina spammed Physic to get some experience.

Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Marth		Lord		10	89	30	11	0	14	14	13	10	0	Sword D
Light		Mage		13	68	30	6	14	18	16	15	4	5	Tome B
Arran		Dracoknight	4	84	24	11	1	13	12	4	12	3	Lance B Axe E
Ryan		Dracoknight	5	97	43	25	1	26	22	11	22	3	Lance C Axe D
Matthis		Cavalier	5	81	22	8	0	4	8	1	9	0	Sword E Lance D
Yumina		Cleric		6	02	17	0	5	3	11	10	2	8	Staff C
Caeda		Dracoknight	2	35	37	20	1	19	22	21	17	5	Lance C Axe E
Radd		Hunter		5	81	24	8	0	5	8	1	4	0	Bow E
Julian		Thief		6	70	20	7	0	8	14	7	6	0	Sword E
Yubello		Curate		2	76	18	0	0	2	7	6	5	6	Staff E
Feena		Dancer		1	97	16	2	0	2	13	8	5	0	Sword E

Chapter 8 Base:

Reclassed Arran to Bishop.

Reclassed Caeda to Paladin.

Sold the Bullion (S) and the Firestone.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 8 3/53

Boring and easy chapter. Got the Arms Scroll with Ryan.

Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Marth		Lord		10	89	30	11	0	14	14	13	10	0	Sword D
Light		Mage		13	98	30	6	14	18	16	15	4	5	Tome B
Arran		Bishop		5	11	26	4	3	11	9	4	5	9	Tome E Staff D
Ryan		Dracoknight	7	84	45	26	1	26	23	12	23	4	Lance C Axe C
Matthis		Cavalier	5	95	22	8	0	4	8	1	9	0	Sword E Lance D
Yumina		Cleric		6	80	17	0	5	3	11	10	2	8	Staff C
Caeda		Paladin		3	79	40	19	1	20	23	22	16	8	Sword E Lance B
Radd		Hunter		5	95	24	8	0	5	8	1	4	0	Bow E
Julian		Thief		6	70	20	7	0	8	14	7	6	0	Sword E
Yubello		Curate		2	76	18	0	0	2	7	6	5	6	Staff E
Feena		Dancer		2	48	17	3	0	3	14	9	5	0	Sword E	

Chapter 9 Base:

Reclassed Caeda to Dracoknight.

Arena'd Light once and promoted her.

Reclassed her to Bishop and gave her the Rescue staff.

Chapter 9 5/58

Get Boots. Eat Boots. Dance. GO RIGHT. THEN UP. Then rescue with Light.

Caeda won once in the arena for moolah.

Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Marth		Lord		11	32	31	12	0	15	15	14	11	0	Sword D
Light		Bishop		2	92	37	7	16	19	18	16	5	12	Tome B Staff D
Arran		Bishop		5	27	26	4	3	11	9	4	5	9	Tome E Staff D
Ryan		Dracoknight	9	00	47	26	1	26	23	13	23	4	Lance C Axe C
Matthis		Cavalier	5	95	22	8	0	4	8	1	9	0	Sword E Lance D
Yumina		Cleric		8	18	19	0	6	4	12	12	3	10	Staff C
Caeda		Dracoknight	5	40	39	20	1	22	23	23	19	7	Lance B Axe E
Radd		Hunter		5	95	24	8	0	5	8	1	4	0	Bow E
Julian		Thief		6	70	20	7	0	8	14	7	6	0	Sword E
Yubello		Curate		2	93	18	0	0	2	7	6	5	6	Staff E
Feena		Dancer		3	16	18	4	0	4	15	10	5	0	Sword E
Rickard		lol

Chapter 10 Base:

Angelic robe on Marth.

Chapter 10 2/60

Caeda and Ryan help Marth. Feena dances him. Barrier on Feena and Ryan. Merric crits Ellerean.

Thief the Bullion (L) and Physic. Ryan survives the Shaver and Silver Bow with 2 HP.

I staffspam a bit more and have Marth seize.

Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Marth		Lord		11	32	38	12	0	15	15	14	11	0	Sword D
Light		Bishop		3	10	38	8	16	20	19	17	5	12	Tome B Staff D
Arran		Bishop		5	44	26	4	3	11	9	4	5	9	Tome E Staff D
Ryan		Dracoknight	9	65	47	26	1	26	23	13	23	4	Lance C Axe C
Matthis		Cavalier	6	17	23	9	0	5	8	2	9	0	Sword E Lance D
Yumina		Cleric		9	06	19	0	6	4	13	13	3	11	Staff C
Caeda		Dracoknight	6	14	39	21	1	23	23	24	20	7	Lance B Axe E
Radd		Hunter		6	04	25	9	0	5	9	2	4	0	Bow E
Julian		Thief		same
Yubello		Curate		3	60	18	0	0	2	7	7	5	6	Staff E
Feena		Dancer		3	50	18	4	0	4	15	10	5	0	Sword E
Rickard		Thief		lol

Chapter 10x Base:

Reclassed Ryan to Berserker.

Reclassed Caeda to Paladin.

Sold the Bullion (L).

Chapter 10x 1/61

Train. Caeda kills Roro.

Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Marth		Lord		11	79	38	12	0	15	15	14	11	0	Sword D
Light		Bishop		3	18	38	8	16	20	19	17	5	12	Tome B Staff D
Ryan		Berserker	9	73	51	27	0	23	25	13	19	1	Axe B
Yumina		Cleric		9	44	19	0	6	4	13	13	3	11	Staff C
Caeda		Paladin		6	64	41	20	1	23	23	24	18	10	Sword E Lance B
Radd		Hunter		6	67	25	9	0	5	9	2	4	0	Bow E
Feena		Dancer		3	67	18	4	0	4	15	10	5	0	Sword E
Horace		General		3	00	34	15	1	11	10	7	17	3	Lance B Bow D

Chapter 11 Base:

Reclassed Ryan to Dracoknight.

Reclassed Caeda to Dracoknight.

Reclassed Horace to Dracoknight.

Chapter 11 6/67

Light ran to the throne. She rescued Marth. Caeda recruited Jake and got me the Dracoshield, Energy Drop and Master Sword on the way.

Jake got me the Arms Scroll. Ryan was the main combatant here, making sure there werent enough enemies to kill Light. Horace got me the

Angelic Robe, Spirit Dust, the Lady Sword and the Speedwings. Yumina spammed Physic as much as she could. Radd battled a few enemies and even got to kill one.

Ryan got me the Godess Icon.

Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Marth		Lord		13	36	40	13	0	17	17	16	11	0	Sword C
Light		Bishop		4	00	39	8	17	20	20	18	5	12	Tome B Staff D
Ryan		Dracoknight	11	75	48	26	1	26	23	13	25	4	Lance C Axe B
Yumina		Cleric		12	10	20	0	8	6	14	16	3	11	Staff C
Caeda		Dracoknight	8	47	41	22	1	24	23	26	21	8	Lance B Axe E
Radd		Hunter		7	21	26	10	0	5	10	2	4	0	Bow E
Feena		Dancer		4	69	19	5	0	5	16	10	5	0	Sword E
Horace		Dracoknight	3	07	26	15	1	13	13	7	12	3	Lance B Axe E
Arran		Bishop		5	52	26	4	3	11	9	4	5	9	Tome E Staff D
Julian		Thief		same
Yubello		Curate		4	28	19	0	0	2	8	7	6	7	Staff E
Jake		Warrior		1	40	35	12	0	8	11	12	8	3	Axe C Bow C

Chapter 12 Base:

Reclassed Jake to Sniper.

Arena'd Marth to Level 22 with Devil Sword and Killing Edge.

Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Marth		Lord		22	27	47	18	0	25	25	22	13	0	Sword C

Gave Marth a Seraph Robe and a Dracoshield.

Gave 2 Secret Books to Radd.

Sold the Naga Icon and a Master Seal.

Arena'd Radd as a Hunter then as a Myrmidon and promoted him at level 15.

Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Radd		Swordmaster	1	00	36	14	1	21	21	5	9	3	Sword B

Chapter 12 5/72

Caeda and Ryan acted as Marth's escorts. Radd also helped a lot with his good dodge and

wyrmslayer. Ryan got me the Pisces while Caeda killed the boss so Marth could seize. Other

characters just stood in forts. Yumina spammed Physic with Feena help to help Marth survive.

While Light just spammed Barrier as much as possible.

Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Marth		Lord		24	45	56	18	0	25	25	24	15	1	Sword C
Light		Bishop		4	84	39	8	17	20	20	18	5	12	Tome B Staff D
Ryan		Dracoknight	13	11	49	26	1	26	23	14	27	4	Lance C Axe B
Yumina		Cleric		14	51	21	0	8	6	15	16	3	11	Staff B
Caeda		Dracoknight	11	09	42	23	1	25	23	28	23	8	Lance B Axe E
Radd		Swordmaster	3	64	37	16	1	23	21	7	11	3	Sword B
Feena		Dancer		5	54	19	6	0	6	17	11	5	0	Sword E
Horace		Sniper		3	07	30	14	1	16	15	7	9	3	Bow C
Arran		Dracoknight	fortplug
Jake		Paladin		fortplug
Minerva		Dracoknight	fortplug

Chapter 13 Base:

Some reclassing.

Chapter 13 4/76

Feena dances Marth and he goes through the river, being escorted by Ryan

and Caeda. Radd gets me a Dragonpike while Light protects the others from

the enemies near the starting point. Jake got to shoot a flying dragon.

Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Marth		Lord		26	92	57	20	0	25	25	26	16	2	Sword C
Light		Bishop		6	17	40	8	18	22	22	19	5	12	Tome B Staff D
Ryan		Berserker	14	34	54	28	0	24	26	15	24	1	Axe B
Yumina		Cleric		15	61	22	0	8	7	16	17	3	11	Staff B
Caeda		Dracoknight	12	00	43	24	1	26	23	28	23	8	Lance B Axe E
Radd		Swordmaster	6	13	40	18	1	23	23	9	11	3	Sword B
Feena		Dancer		6	21	19	6	0	7	18	12	6	0	Sword E
Horace		Dracoknight	3	33	26	15	1	13	13	7	12	3	Lance B Axe E
Arran		Paladin		prettymuchbenched
Jake		Sniper		2	29	32	11	1	12	14	13	10	5	Bow B
Yubello		Curate		4	45	19	0	0	2	8	7	6	7	Staff D

Chapter 13x Base:

Some reclassing again.

Chapter 13x 2/78

Kept Athena safe. Danced MArth with Feena and protected her. My cavaliers and

Light took care of the north while Horace and Ryan went right. With Ryan killing Claine

and the ballistae after Horace revealed it.

Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Marth		Lord		27	19	58	21	0	25	25	27	16	2	Sword B
Light		Bishop		6	74	40	8	18	22	22	19	5	12	Tome B Staff D
Ryan		Berserker	14	99	54	28	0	24	26	15	24	1	Axe B
Caeda		Paladin		12	00	45	23	1	26	23	25	21	11	Sword E Lance B
Radd		Paladin		6	40	40	20	1	17	17	9	13	6	Sword C Lance D
Feena		Dancer		6	37	19	6	0	7	18	12	6	0	Sword E
Horace		Dracoknight	3	70	26	15	1	13	13	7	12	3	Lance B Axe E

Chapter 14 Base:

Spirit Dust to Light. Energy Drop to Marth.

Chapter 14 4/82

Marth rushes to Gotoh. While everyone protects the squishier units and Light rushes to the throne

to rescue Marth. Xane copied Ryan and was very useful.

Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Marth		Lord		28	81	59	23	0	25	25	27	16	2	Sword B
Light		Bishop		7	75	41	8	21	22	22	20	5	13	Tome B Staff D
Ryan		Berserker	16	08	56	30	0	24	28	15	24	1	Axe B
Caeda		Paladin		13	28	46	23	1	27	24	25	21	11	Sword E Lance A
Radd		Swordmaster	8	53	41	20	1	24	24	10	12	3	Sword A
Feena		Dancer		7	14	20	6	0	8	19	13	6	0	Sword E
Yumina		Cleric		16	61	22	0	8	7	16	18	3	11	Staff B
Arran		Bishop		staffbot
Jake		Sniper		3	20	33	12	1	13	15	13	10	5	Bow B
Horace		Dracoknight	4	31	27	16	1	14	14	7	13	3	Lance B Axe E
Yubello		Curate		5	13	20	0	0	2	9	8	6	8	Staff D
Xane		Freelancer	6	98	lolcopycat

EDIT: I was arena training Jake as a zerker and this happened:


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Chapter 15 Base:

Reclassed Jake to Berserker and Arena'd him.

Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Jake		Berserker	12	42	42	20	0	11	24	19	14	3	Axe C

Chapter 15 4/86

Usual 6 turn, except I used Warp on Feena in Turn 4 and an Again use in Turn 3.

Jake killed the boss with a Hammer, while Caeda and Ryan do their escort thing.

Horace bought me a Rapier.

Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Marth		Lord		29	01	60	24	0	25	25	28	16	2	Sword B
Light		Bishop		8	22	41	8	22	23	22	20	5	13	Tome B Staff C
Ryan		Paladin		16	58	54	25	1	27	25	15	26	7	Sword E Lance C
Caeda		Dracoknight	14	51	44	25	1	26	23	29	23	8	Lance A Axe E
Radd		Swordmaster	8	68	41	20	1	24	24	10	12	3	Sword A
Feena		Dancer		7	62	20	6	0	8	19	13	6	0	Sword E
Yumina		Cleric		17	89	22	0	9	8	16	18	3	11	Staff B
Arran		Staffbot
Jake		Berserker	13	90	43	21	0	12	25	20	14	3	Axe C
Horace		Dracoknight	4	74	27	16	1	14	14	7	13	3	Lance B Axe E
Yubello		Curate		5	30	20	0	0	2	9	8	6	8	Staff D
Xane		Copycat

Chapter 16 Base:


Chapter 16 2/88

Thief'd the Rescue staff. The rest is just rushing and Feena dancing Marth to the throne in Turn 2.

Got the Fortify, Geosphere (Killer Lance Horace), Mercurius (Silver Sword Radd) and Physic.

Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Marth		Lord		29	16	60	24	0	25	25	28	16	2	Sword B
Light		Bishop		8	78	41	8	22	23	22	20	5	13	Tome B Staff C
Ryan		Paladin		17	18	55	25	1	28	25	15	27	8	Sword E Lance C
Caeda		Paladin		15	35	47	24	1	28	25	25	22	11	Sword E Lance A
Radd		Swordmaster	9	28	42	20	1	24	25	10	12	3	Sword A
Feena		Dancer		7	94	20	6	0	8	19	13	6	0	Sword E
Yumina		Cleric		18	52	22	0	9	8	17	19	3	12	Staff B
Arran		staffbot	6	08	27	4	4	12	9	4	5	10	Tome E Staff D
Jake		Dracoknight	14	05	40	21	1	16	23	21	18	6	Lance D Axe C
Horace		Dracoknight	5	24	28	17	1	15	14	7	13	3	Lance B Axe E
Xane		Copycat

Chapter 16x 1/89


Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Marth		Lord		29	31	60	24	0	25	25	28	16	2	Sword B
Light		Bishop		9	28	41	8	22	24	23	21	5	14	Tome B Staff C
Ryan		Paladin		17	32	55	25	1	28	25	15	27	8	Sword E Lance C
Caeda		Paladin		16	07	48	24	1	28	25	25	23	11	Sword E Lance A
Radd		Swordmaster	9	51	42	20	1	24	25	10	12	3	Sword A
Feena		Dancer		7	94	20	6	0	8	19	13	6	0	Sword E
Jake		Dracoknight	14	13	40	21	1	16	23	21	18	6	Lance D Axe C

Chapter 17 4/93

An again use after Marth recruited Sheema and Sheema recruited Samson.

I warped Ryan!Xane to get the Nosferatu. Guess who escorted Marth? Yep.

Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Marth		Lord		30		60	25	0	25	25	29	16	2	Sword B
Light		Bishop		10	61	42	8	23	24	24	22	5	14	Tome B Staff C
Ryan		Paladin		17	60	55	25	1	28	25	15	27	8	Sword E Lance C
Caeda		Dracoknight	16	57	46	25	1	26	23	29	25	8	Lance A Axe E
Radd		Swordmaster	9	78	42	20	1	24	25	10	12	3	Sword A
Feena		Dancer		8	42	20	6	0	9	20	13	6	0	Sword E
Jake		Dracoknight	14	79	40	21	1	16	23	21	18	6	Lance D Axe C
Yumina		Cleric		20		24	0	10	9	19	20	4	12	Staff B
Arran		Staffbot
Horace		Dracoknight	5	24	28	17	1	15	14	7	13	3	Lance B Axe E
Xane		Copycat
Samson		"Hero" moarlikescrub	base

Chapter 18 2/95

Feena danced Marth to get the Lifesphere in Turn 1. Ryan Radd Jake and Caeda

form a diamond around her to protect her. Yumina warps Nosferatu!Light to the middle of the

enemies and she kills the ballistae that would get in the way of Marth. All enemies SD to

Light and Radd (on the other side). Yumina rescue Marth. Light Auras the boss and Marth seizes.

Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Marth		Lord		30		60	25	0	25	25	29	16	2	Sword B
Light		Sage		12	73	44	10	27	26	25	23	6	10	Tome A Staff D
Ryan		Paladin		17	60	55	25	1	28	25	15	27	8	Sword E Lance C
Caeda		Dracoknight	16	57	46	25	1	26	23	29	25	8	Lance A Axe E
Radd		Swordmaster	10	35	43	21	1	24	25	10	13	3	Sword A
Feena		Dancer		8	74	20	6	0	9	20	13	6	0	Sword E
Jake		Dracoknight	14	79	40	21	1	16	23	21	18	6	Lance D Axe C
Yumina		Bishop		1	50	30	1	12	10	20	20	6	13	Tome E Staff A
Arran		Staffbot	6	40	27	4	4	12	9	4	5	10	Tome E Staff D
Horace		Dracoknight	5	54	28	17	1	15	14	7	13	3	Lance B Axe E
Xane		Copycat

Chapter 19 5/100

Standard. Used the last Again charge. Not having to recruit any Wolfguards is awesome.

Ryan bought a Wing Spear before Marth seized.

Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Marth		Lord		30		60	25	0	25	25	29	16	2	Sword B
Light		Sage		13	30	44	10	28	27	25	23	6	10	Tome A Staff D
Ryan		Paladin		18	48	56	25	1	28	25	16	28	9	Sword E Lance B
Caeda		Dracoknight	18	16	47	25	1	26	23	30	27	8	Lance A Axe E
Radd		Swordmaster	10	95	43	21	1	24	25	10	13	3	Sword A
Feena		Dancer		9	51	20	6	0	10	21	14	6	0	Sword E
Jake		Dracoknight	15	29	41	21	1	17	23	22	18	6	Lance D Axe C
Yumina		Bishop		2	40	30	1	12	10	20	20	6	13	Tome E Staff A
Arran		Staffbot	6	72	whocares							Tome E Staff D
Horace		Dracoknight	5	66	28	17	1	15	14	7	13	3	Lance B Axe E
Xane		Copycat		7	89	lol

Chapter 20 4/104

Warped Ryan to blick Hardin with Hauteclere. Then, standard rush to the throne.

But Yumina got me the again staff with the last use of Thief and used it so Marth

could seize a turn sooner.

Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Marth		Lord		30		60	25	0	25	25	29	18	2	Sword B
Light		Bishop		14	31	45	8	25	26	25	23	6	14	Tome B Staff C
Ryan		Berserker	20		60	30	0	24	28	18	24	3	Axe A
Caeda		Dracoknight	18	56	47	25	1	26	23	30	27	8	Sword E Lance A
Radd		Swordmaster	12	15	45	22	1	25	27	11	14	3	Sword A
Feena		Dancer		10	11	21	7	0	11	22	15	6	0	Sword E
Jake		Dracoknight	15	89	41	21	1	17	23	22	18	6	Lance D Axe C
Yumina		Bishop		3	35	31	1	12	11	20	20	7	13	Tome E Staff A
Arran		Staffbot	7	18	27	4	4	13	9	4	5	10	Tome E Staff C
Xane		Copycat		lol
Horace		killedbyahero	R		I		P

Chapter 20x 4/108

I hate this chapter.

Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Marth		Lord		30		60	25	0	25	25	29	18	2	Sword B
Light		Bishop		15	51	46	9	25	26	25	24	7	14	Tome A Staff C
Ryan		Dracoknight	20		56	26	1	26	23	18	30	6	Lance B Axe B
Caeda		Paladin		18	90	49	24	1	28	25	25	25	11	Sword E Lance A
Radd		Swordmaster	13	05	46	23	1	25	28	11	14	3	Sword A
Feena		Dancer		10	56	21	7	0	11	22	15	6	0	Sword E
Jake		Berserker	15	99	45	22	0	14	25	22	14	3	Axe B

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Chapter 21 5/113

Standard rush to the village. Marth reached it in Turn 5. Light rescues him

and I warp Feena to dance Marth. Caeda!Xane got the boss kill. Caeda and

Dracoknight Samson went secret shopping and obtained the Talisman from the caves.

Bought 3 Talisman, 3 Dragonshields, 3 Robes and 1 Energy Drop.

Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Marth		Lord		30		60	25	0	25	25	29	18	2	Sword A
Light		Bishop		16	63	47	9	25	26	25	24	7	15	Tome A Staff C
Ryan		Dracoknight	20		56	26	1	26	23	18	30	6	Lance B Axe B
Caeda		Dracoknight	19	22	48	25	1	26	23	30	27	8	Lance A Axe E
Radd		Swordmaster	14	12	46	23	1	25	28	12	14	3	Sword A
Feena		Dancer		11	31	22	8	0	12	23	16	6	1	Sword E
Jake		Dracoknight	16	60	42	24	1	26	23	22	18	6	Lance D Axe C
Yumina		Bishop		4	41	32	1	12	12	21	20	7	13	Tome E Staff A
Arran		Staffbot	C	S	t	a	v	e	s
Xane		Copycat
Samson		Shopper

Chapter 22 4/117

Standard 4 turn clear. It was mainly paladin spam and careful positioning

that made it possible. Feena could also take a Swarm hit if needed though she dodged it.

Having another Pally through Xane was awesome. Draco!Jake got me the Fortify Staff.

Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Marth		Lord		30		60	25	0	25	25	29	24	10	Sword A
Light		Bishop		17	29	48	9	25	26	25	24	7	16	Tome A Staff C
Ryan		Paladin		20		58	25	1	28	25	18	28	9	Sword E Lance B
Caeda		Paladin		19	91	50	24	1	28	25	25	25	11	Sword E Lance A
Radd		Swordmaster	15	11	47	23	1	25	29	13	14	3	Sword A
Feena		Dancer		11	91	22	8	0	12	23	16	6	1	Sword E
Jake		Dracoknight	17	90	43	24	1	19	23	22	18	7	Lance D Axe C
Yumina		Bishop		5	81	32	1	13	12	22	20	7	13	Tome E Staff A
Arran		Staffbot											Staff C
Xane		Copycat

Chapter 23 2/119

Marth moves. Feena dances him. Xane copies Ryan. Caeda kills a dragon near Feena.

Arran warps Light in front of a Meteor guy. She equips Starlight and drinks

Pure Water. Ryan and the others kill enemies, Yumina heals with Fortify. Marth uses 8 move

so hes in range of only one Glower dude. The meteor dudes try to hit Light, Gharnef

SDs to Starlight, Light receives Falchion and sends the Starlight to Convoy. The Glower dudes

die to Nosferatu and then, the mage dragon attacks Light and the Red Dragon moves for some odd

reason despite not being able to attack. This allows Light to attack from 2 range in PP and Marth

full moves and Yumina uses Again so he can seize.


Unit Stats with pics before Final:


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Endgame Light and Shadow 1/120

Feena dances Minerva and she recruits Maria. Sirius full moves.

Yumina agains Sirius. Sirius recruits Nyna. Maria trades Rescue and uses it on Merric.

Merric recruits Elice. Elice rescues Julian. Julian talks to Lena. Lena trades

Rescue and uses it on Marth. Marth crits Medeus. NewYearsEmoticon.gif

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