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[FE12] I call dibs on this kind of draft:

Vicious Sal

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Updated Teams

Kopfjager: Rody, Malliesia, Barst, Navarre, Malice, Est, Wrys, Castor, Nagi,

Blues/Marth:Luke, Frey, Ogma, Warren, Athena, Ellerean, Robert, Abel, Beck,

13th: Sirius, Draug, Wendell, Gordin, Roger, Jeorge, Astram, Ymir, Dolph,

PKL/ Toon Link: Caeda, Ryan, Yumina, Julian, Radd, Horace, Jake, Midia, Yubello,

ThisisJaye: Cecille, Cain, Minerva, Merric, Caesar, Leiden, Dice, Darros, Michalis,

LeaderR Elliot: Catria, Palla, Linde, Etzel, Cord, Norne, Belf, Katarina,















We're only missing Elliot this round. Come on guys, lets finish this ^^.

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Updated Teams

Kopfjager: Rody, Malliesia, Barst, Navarre, Malice, Est, Wrys, Castor, Nagi, Samto,

Blues/Marth:Luke, Frey, Ogma, Warren, Athena, Ellerean, Robert, Abel, Beck,

13th: Sirius, Draug, Wendell, Gordin, Roger, Jeorge, Astram, Ymir, Dolph,

PKL/ Toon Link: Caeda, Ryan, Yumina, Julian, Radd, Horace, Jake, Midia, Yubello, Matthis,

ThisisJaye: Cecille, Cain, Minerva, Merric, Caesar, Leiden, Dice, Darros, Michalis,

LeaderR Elliot: Catria, Palla, Linde, Etzel, Cord, Norne, Belf, Katarina, Frost, Macellan,











I call dibs on Matthis.

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Update: I sold my Nintendo DS Lite so from now... I am using an emulator and not going to be THAT descriptive with in logs.

Chapter 12 In the Base

I give out some statboosters

Etzel Sppedwing, Palla Goddess Icon, Cord Energy Drop, Marth Draco Shield

Chapter 12. 8 Turns. Total Turns 84

I hate it

Units: Marth, Draco Palla, Draco Catria, Draco Cord, Draco Arran, Bishop Linde, LeaderR (Bishop),Bishop Etzel, Draco Norne , Feena.

Note everyone I do not mention is doing chip damage or spamming staves...

Turn1: Everyone moves forward, Both Dragons in the forts die.

Turn 2: Cord, Catria and Palla kill the Flying Dragons, MU kills the tomahawk enemy, Marth and Norne form a Barricade so they can wall the Fire dragons. The fire dragons at the back appear.

Turn 3: Dragons and the swordmaster is finished by Dracos. Marth recruits Darros for his weapons. My Dracos positon themselves for the little enemy group approaching. Arran *Saves*

Turn 4: I obliterate this group. Everyone else move forward, I WAS NOT aware of the Flying Dragons, Palla blocks the right fort, Marth *saves* and Arran trades Cord his shards and tries to protect a misplaced Feena... I start resetting until the Flying dragon misses once.

Turn 5: Palla goes for the last shard she is OHKO every dragon with the Dragonpike. ,Marth stays between where there is no Fort. Kill the Flying Dragon. Etzel gets to C IN STAVES! On the counter Palla gets the Shard.

Turn 6: Preparing For the last wave of reinforcements, Marth kills the Dragon blocking the path. My bishops blocks the uppers forts. Marth fails to Double and kill Dragon so three Dragons block his path... also the reinforcements scared me.

Turn 7: Cannot completely clear Marth and Kill the Boss on the same turn. Also Killed the First reinforcement.

Turn 8: Killed the Last reinforcements. Killed the Boss and MarthSeize.

Chapter 13: 4 Turns. Total Turns 88

In the Base:

I train Belf in the Arena until LV 18 and I promote him, Gave him also a Energy drop

Units: Marth, Draco Palla, Draco Catria, Draco Cord, Bishop Linde, LeaderR (Bishop),Bishop Etzel, Draco Norne , Feena, Hero Belf

Turn 1: Moved Marth North and uses pure water, feena dances him and gets himself in range of the two Ide dragons in the middle, Cord, Palla and Norne clear the two dark mages and the Barbarian near Marth. Catria and The ones that cannot Fly (Everyone else) advances east. Clearing the Ice dragon and the first barbarian. On the counter Belf lures the Dark Mage and the tomahawk user. Marth ORKO both dragons with the wyrmslayer.

Turn 2: Palla position herself infront of the Dragon Boss and kills a Darkmage, Marth moves next to the fort in the middle in the Map, Catria position Herself two lure the eastern flying Dragons, MU heals Belf, Belf finishes the tomahawk barbarian, Norne kills the Darkmage, Cord prepares Himself with his "inmortal axe" to wipe the left side, OH and Rickard gets the wyrmslayer form the chest. On the counter reinforcements appear... No problem Palla just wiped out three Ice dragons and two wyverns and heavy damaged the boss... Catria wiped both wyverns, Cord Wiped his Ice dragon and a Barbarian. Marth ORKO the dragon that appeared next to him.Marth got B in Swords

Fun Fact: Palla survived with 9 Hp and the last two dragons do to her 4 Dmg each

Turn 3: Palla OHKO the Darkmage, Marth gets the Bosskill, Catria kills the wyvern that appeared last turn. Norne and Belfkill between them the dragon pike thief. Like all this chapter Etzel spammed psychic like no tomorrow. On the counter Marth wipes an Ice Dragon. Catria kills that east Ice dragon…Crap, that Stupid Wyvern position himself on the gate. BECK MOVED O.o

Turn 4. Palla finishes the wyvern, My units had fun healing and doing stuff. Marth seizes.

Chapter 13X. 3 Turns. Total turns 91.

In the Base: Norne and MU had the base convo No 3. That is a Speed bond.

Units: Marth, LeaderR(Bishop), Paladin Catria, Draco Palla, Hero Belf, Bishop Linde, Sniper Norne.

Turn 1: Belf scouts all enemy Ballistas, Athena trades Math her Silversword, Marth kills the ballista In the middle, Cartia Scouts the west bandit while she kills the upper Ballista, Palla kills the mentioned bandit. Linde kills the third ballista, Norne position herself to lure Kleine while she scouts that bandit. On the counter Kleine and her Barbarian died in Norne hands.

Turn 2: Irrelevant. A couple more of enemes died marth moved blah blah blah. OH MU got C in Staves

Turn 3: Marth claims as a war reward the Iote Shield, Palla scouts the south eastern ballista and Catria kills it.

It will take me time to take the screenshots for Characters Stats.

Edited by LeaderR Elliot
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Tough choice, but I'll go with Sheema. At least Arena abuse might make her useful, Samson can't do much with Bases.

I call dibs on Sheema.

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Updated Teams

Kopfjager: Rody, Malliesia, Barst, Navarre, Malice, Est, Wrys, Castor, Nagi, Samto,

Blues/Marth:Luke, Frey, Ogma, Warren, Athena, Ellerean, Robert, Abel, Beck, Sheema,

13th: Sirius, Draug, Wendell, Gordin, Roger, Jeorge, Astram, Ymir, Dolph, Roshea,

PKL/ Toon Link: Caeda, Ryan, Yumina, Julian, Radd, Horace, Jake, Midia, Yubello, Matthis,

ThisisJaye: Cecille, Cain, Minerva, Merric, Caesar, Leiden, Dice, Darros, Michalis,

LeaderR Elliot: Catria, Palla, Linde, Etzel, Cord, Norne, Belf, Katarina, Frost, Macellan,









Only thisisjaye is left for this round. This is last round :D.

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Chapter 8: 4 turn/ 69 turns

I think my positioning of Marth was wrong. Why couldn't I three turn this? >.< Either ways, Ogma and Luke rape shit, and on the bright side, I killed all the generals. :)

Chapter 9: 6 turns

I think I shouldve danced for Rickard. oh well, I kill everything on the map. Arran was reclassed to bishop, Luke and Warren are dracoknights, Ogma is reclassed to Horseman and Rickard is given a full inventory. Arran uses the barrier staff on Luke and then Luke is sent with a javelin north. He proceeds to move towards the swarm bishops, murdering everything in his path. He then sits in front of the boss and hogs a vulnerary while the boss faces his doom. xD Marth visits the village, yadayada. I really shouldve danced for Rickard,I think. >.<

Chapter 10: 3 turns/78 turns

Ellerean's Thoron + Silver bow Sniper where srsly threatening. o.o Thank goodness Warren dodged. DK Wendell recruited Ellerean.

Chapter 10x: 2 turns

Free exp for Ellerean, Warren and Ogma, who kills the real Roro.

Chapter 11: 9 turns

Luke and Warren are zsent out with Vulneraries to kill all dracoknights who stand in their way. Luke easily does this with just a steel lance( although he did use a dragonpike to OHKO the boss.) Warren had a bit of problems, but he kills all dracoknights with 3 HP left. xD SM! Ogma deals with the rest while Ellerean escorts Marth towards the throne. Mu gets kills but because of my carelessness he runs out of steel bows. No worries, Ogma is around to deal with those charging bandits. Arran was sorta dead weight here, it was real annoying. I think I'll reclass him to swordmaster next chapter.

Chapter 12: 11 turns

I hate this chapter too Elliot. Marth can't really move forward beause the flying dragons 2HKO him. I probably should have stacked him with the defence boosting orbs... oh well. Luke kills shit and Ogma and Warren are killing stuff too. Reclasses- Luke and Ogma go Swordmaster, Warren goes Berserker, Ellerean remains a Sage and Arran goes swordmaster too. Oh boy, I got Robert. Awesome.

...And its only now I realize I drafted Frey. Wonderful, just wonderful. >.<

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Seems like your Marth durability hurts, and about Frey... at least you got Chp 12 Master Seal

Chapter 14. 5 Turns, 96 Total turns

Units: Marth, Paladin Catria, Draco Palla, Draco Cord, Hero Belf, Sniper Norne, LeaderR(Bishop), Bishop Linde, Bishop Etzel, Feena, Rickard.

New units : Xane

In the Base:

Level up Palla in the Arena, Marth and MU get their base convo No 3 Strength Bond obtained.Palla has 37 Att with Draco max strength A lances and a Steel lance. Catria reaches this 37 Att with Sliver lance 20 Strength and a Shard. Belf is given a Wyrmslayer. Marth is given Cancer Shard. Cord is given a Silver Axe so he can (with a strength shard) OHKO the Warp thief).

Turn 1: Xane transforms into Palla and trades an Steel lance. Palla, Belf and Catria clear the initial 3 Ice Dragon, Marth moves, Drinks Pure water and is Danced by Feena, Marth moves Two spaces below the save point and Attacks the thief with Silver, Cord OHKO the thief. Etzel mends Xane, Linde heals Belf, and MU mends Catria. On the counter Belf kills a Dragon, Feena gets elfired, Belf gets Elfired. Linde and MU kill the Darkmages on the sides, Marth faces an Ice Dragon, and three thieves of which two die. Cord counters the Ice Dragon

Turn 2: Norne and Xane kill a Darkmage on the Front, Catria kills the Poleax thief from the right, Belf finishes Marth Ice Dragon, Linde finishes a Riders bane Thief, Palla kills an Ice Dragon, Etzel Mends Feena, Palla is Danced by Feena and Kills the Recover thief, MU mends Belf, Cord Finishes his Ice Dragon. Marth gets the spheres. On the counter Feena gets attaked again this time by a Levin Sword thief, Catria Crit kills an eastern Ice Dragon, Reinforcements appear, oly one moves towards Cord.

Turn 3: Norne chips on the last eastern Ice Dragon and Belf finishes it. Catria Crit kills the nearest Western Ice dragon, Palla kills a western Ice dragon, Marth moves and is danced by Feena so he reaches and kills the western Darkmage, MU kills the Master seal thief. Xane Saves. Etzel use psychic on Cord. On the Counter the Ice Dragon attacks Cord. The pair of Ice dragon and Darkmages move up, and the eastern Darkmage misses on Belf.

Turn 4: Marth has a clear Path to the Gate. Palla kills one Ice dragon, Cord Finishes his Ice dragon. Norne chips on the last Ice Dragon and Catria finishes it, MU and Linde take on the two Darkmages, Belf takes The eastern Darkmage life. Rickard is now one space to claim the swordslayer, Feena dances Linde and she uses Thief to claim The Again staff.

Turn 5: Rickard claims the Swordslayer, My three bishops staffspam, Marth Seize.

Cord reached A in Axes, Norne reached A in Bows, MU reached A in Books.

Here Character Stats.

Note: I have not used the arena yet for this chapter.




Now I am in the middle of Midgame so I took screenshots of my Chars.


MVP (Sort of like in POR) goes to Palla who got blessed in Def, that and along with planned lv ups in Base Arena fixed her problems.Also a bit overleveled

Marth durability is always borderline, he was underleveled by Chp 9 and by Chp 15 I think he is overleveled xD

LeaderR (MU) is no longer espectacular... at least has great weapon levels.

Linde was Hurt because of the low uses of her nosferatu. Etzel Durability is Spectacular despite of his speed.

Belf was a big surprise to me he will be a great swormaster.

Cord and Catria goes Second in my Ranking, Cord is my real Axe user and Catria is a unit capable of doing any task.

Norne reached A in Bows so is Phartia time! however she is a great Dracoknight substitute.

Rickard (who is not there) is at base.

Feena is only there because she got 1 Res as a Lv up

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Kopfjager: Rody, Malliesia, Barst, Navarre, Malice, Est, Wrys, Castor, Nagi, Samto, Bantu

Blues/Marth:Luke, Frey, Ogma, Warren, Athena, Ellerean, Robert, Abel, Beck, Sheema, Sedgar

13th: Sirius, Draug, Wendell, Gordin, Roger, Jeorge, Astram, Ymir, Dolph, Roshea, Vyland

PKL/ Toon Link: Caeda, Ryan, Yumina, Julian, Radd, Horace, Jake, Midia, Yubello, Matthis, Samson

ThisisJaye: Cecille, Cain, Minerva, Merric, Caesar, Leiden, Dice, Darros, Michalis, Tiki, Wolf

LeaderR Elliot: Catria, Palla, Linde, Etzel, Cord, Norne, Belf, Katarina, Frost, Macellan, Tomas


thisisjaye, there is no picking for you. We RNG'd your pick because you didn't pick in time. We gave you 24 hours. All that remains is Blues and LeaderR

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Well you can also use Hammerne on Warp, you know to warp Feena and seize 1 Turn sooner. Of course I feel terrible for ThisisJaye How can the RNG could give him Tiki and Wolf... (It could be worse, having Bord for Example)


Chapter 15. 5 Turns, 101 Total turns.

Units: Marth, Paladin Catria, Draco Palla, Draco Cord, Draco Belf, Draco Norne, LeaderR(Bishop), Bishop Linde, Bishop Etzel, Feena, Rickard, Xane, In the Base:

Belf is given the Key from Chp 6 that I did not use.

Marth finally equips his rapier

Level up Palla, Belf and MU in the Arena.

Gave Strength bond to Norne

Speed bond to Belf. Iote shield to Belf,

Palla is given Star and Lightsphere.

Norne is given full inventory and the Silver Card

Turn 1: Norne took care of the left ballista while Cord was in charge of the left one. Palla Javelins the Sniper to death, Belf Javelins from 1 range the First Horseman, Marth moves, is danced and from the left uses his rapier against the Ridersbane Paladin, Catria chips at the Silver lance Paladin. And with this Marth, Catria and Belf form a blockade, everyone else move forward On the counter The Boss attacks Palla, His general suicides on Cord, Also the mage attacks Cord. Ahh Abel suicides on Norne. And my blockade barely survive.

Turn 2: Norne moves towards the Shop, Cord showed that mage manners, Palla killed the psychic Bishop , I wiped the rest of the left enemies with Catria, and Marth, and Marth is danced again. Belf opens the Door, Marth moves one Space inside the room, Est standing in the Door fish the Warp staff from the convoy. Everyone else moves. On the counter The General guarding Est almost dies in Marth Rapier.

Turn 3: Norne buys two Door keys, Est takes from the convoy one, Belf finishes the General, Catria takes Est key, and is danced by feena and opens Marth Door, Marth exit the Jail, Palla Kills the Boss for once. Cord Blocks one Fort. Everyone else use Staves or moves. On the Counter, reinforcements appear, Marth kills the Paladin that appeared, The Swarm Bishop attacked Catria.

Turn 4: Belf kills the Swarm Bishop, Norne kills the Silver Axe thief, Marth moves, Cord kills the last bishop, Palla blocks the Fort Cord was blocking, Est trades the Warp Staff to Feena, everyone else spam staves and wait. On the counter, a Paladin that spawned Attacked Catria with a Ridersbane… it takes half of her health.

Turn 5: Belf killed a thief, Norne went to buy a Rapier and a Silver Lance, Marth moves below the middle fort. Cord flies and kills the Silver Sword thief, Etzel trades Feena the Warp Staff and warps her next to Marth, Feena Dances Marth, Marth Seize

Norne got C lances, Linde never got C staves, AND In the next Chapter I get a Crappy unit.

Edited by LeaderR Elliot
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