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Love that show but wow ._. It's kinda surprising to find out that they finally ended up damaging something(s) else. =o

Kinda can't wait for that show to come out now though cause they never interviewed any of the actual mythbusters and so I wonder what their reactions are to this

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Love that show but wow ._. It's kinda surprising to find out that they finally ended up damaging something(s) else. =o

Kinda can't wait for that show to come out now though cause they never interviewed any of the actual mythbusters and so I wonder what their reactions are to this

Indeed... but who knows if they will even show that episode

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Hahahaaa. But fuck they're lucky they didn't injure or kill anyone.

Indeed. thats actually pretty amazing it was only damges to houses and suff, considering it did go through a house and hi a car as well...

I just hope the show doesn't end...

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Well they said the show was going to be put on hold till after the investigation unless they could still be stopped permanently if the police or whoever find it risky enough.

Well on hold doesn't mean cancelled... Hopefully they don't find it too risky or something...

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Yeah I'm actually surprised it was from the Alameda bomb range too because they always go there and nothing ever happened before in that place since... well, it's a bomb range so it was made to be huge.



The show's star also assured fans on Thursday that the program would not be cancelled because of the accident, "Tweeps: thanks SO much for all the kind support. FYI, Mythbusters has NOT be suspended/cancelled. We're still in production. Happy holidays."

*looks at related article*

Aaaahhhh they convinced Jamie to make a twitter?? XD Oh that Jamie.

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The show's star also assured fans on Thursday that the program would not be cancelled because of the accident, "Tweeps: thanks SO much for all the kind support. FYI, Mythbusters has NOT be suspended/cancelled. We're still in production. Happy holidays."
FYI, Mythbusters has NOT be suspended/cancelled
has NOT be


Edited by Mr. Game and Watch
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