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Prince of Tennis Mafia - Game Over


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That only took, like, forever.

1. I sent my message to Bal.

2. I cleared this with Kaoz.

Remember the crazy cipher thing that pissed me off in SF Mafia? I'm doing a variant of it. The key difference is that Bal is holding the message (which states that I'm encrypting part of it), which contains my role. However, there is one final safeguard, and that's to make absolutely certain that someone doesn't attempt to impersonate my clear. The person I'm attempting to clear holds the second half of this message, and will post it if I die. So, Kevin and StSS, if you're mafia attempting to push a mislynch, I will do everything in my power to see to it that it blows up in your face.

My SMS to Balcerzak:


lynching me will clear someone. I will post my role, encrypted, into the thread.  The person I'm clearing will post something else that I requested.

Bonus message:



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Honestly, Bal, I feel that Nag's reasoning for not claiming to you and my own reasoning for not not claiming to you are two entirely different reasonings

Also lol, Psych, do you just get off on voting me every game?

It's possible. I'm rushing to try to keep up and not drag the game down while taking care of everything I need to IRL. I'd ask for elaboration, but I'm not really sure it's all that vital anymore as the issue has somewhat subsided.

Second, that summary was mostly for me, because I didn't want to go backwards over 13 pages trying to figure out who said what and where. I think it was worth it, because I've referenced it several times for various things. I might do one when I get home from work tomorrow, because while there's been discussion, I don't think that there's enough content here to warrant it. I guess this could've stayed in Notepad, but then I'd have to manually hunt down links for the wordier posts.

I can understand that. I summarize for that reason myself if I have time as well. I was just outlining some of the thought-processes going on in my head, because they may have been interesting to read. On the other-hand, they could have been bloat just padding out my resume. :S

Third. . .

If there are only four power roles, are you trying to suggest the game has vanilla?

Would there be anything wrong with this game if there were?

No. Vanilla are a valued and useful part of the town arsenal. It was just when I combined this inference with another of Snike's statements

Town to anti-town ratio should be 8:4, unless this is one of those odd setups.

that I started to grind the headgears a little bit. An influx of vanilla usually means shifting the numbers higher on town-side of the spectrum. I don't remember the actual numbers analysis, and this is all a lot of meta and maybe I'm over-thinking things. Especially given that he was perfectly willing to clarify.

I'm suggesting that since it's a mini before the new system came about, it would have vanillas. That might be a bit of a mistake to say for sure, though. Also, I define 'power roles' as investigative roles and kill-affecting roles. These major roles usually comprise about 1/3 of the game, hence the guess of of 4 PRs.

Here's what you (and a lot of other people) missed:

- the possibility of more than one mafia, as proposed by Prims (I think it's unlikely, from a numbers standpoint)

Possibility of multi-mafia: Assuming scum total of 4 for convenience sake.

If paired teams of two, separated at start and need to join, JB would have shouted out in thread to get an SMS going before cycle ended. He did not.

If two teams of two (lefties and righties) working both against each other and against the town I also would have expected a shout-out, though I would not know if it would have garnered a response.

I do not think double mafias are likely, I thought that conclusion had already sort of solidified and wasn't aware you were all still looking for more input. Probably because I was skimming some.

I can't catch up on all the other bullets and feel like maybe I had addressed some of them, but not sure.

Everyone seems to have shown up, read the developments, and accept that the cop claim was legit, and the sole remaining issue with claiming should be whether or not the cop hit a godfather. Do some soul-searching, run the probabilities, whatever you need to to convince yourself. I've got two claims so far (thanks!) I would like to see more by the time I wake up tomorrow before I have to spend about 12 hours on the interstate, so that I could maybe get some better picture of what's going on.

In the absence of objections I will be forwarding the claims back to the cop, along with the details of my character and my role. I am going to try to puzzle out how to compress words enough to pass on the information in as few SMS as possible. If there has been other major points raised that I accidentally skimmed past, please bring them to my attention.

By all means keep discussing the current lynch targets, as they will probably still be the most viable post-claims baring a glaring example of counter-claim or some other fishy business that I will need to try to resolve.

I have so far receive

Preview P.S. apparently I will have a fun time with encryption/decryption. yay...

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Also, yeah, I get the impression eclipse is probably town based on the interaction with Bal, so consider her dropped for now.

Though I actually did something similiar as a scum neighborizer once, but honestly, I doubt that's the case here. <_<

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Wow, that was more than expected from Eclipse. I'm inclined to think you're more town now since you're definitely defending yourself passionately and not in a way that scum would imo. In any case you did way more than explain what I was wondering. ##Unvote

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I'm guessing there are almost certainly two mafia/cult/other non-town alliance groups, since the mafia has a specific name, while the town doesn't.

I wonder why it seems I can't post a single opinion or vote without someone saying "GEE THAT'S KINDA SCUMMY THERE NAGGYFAG." It's kind of annoying. Yes, I'm new to this, and not every fucking thing I post is going to be optimal or even entirely good. Right now you're thinking "gee he's getting defensive, which only scum does, with all his little valid points that he can back up reasonably or at least explain which I'm ignoring because meta/inexperience/previous games are arbitrarily meaningless." Good for you, I guess.

Yeah, you might be acting scummy because you're inexperienced. You may also be acting scummy because you're scum. Occam's Razor, no?

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Also I'm still annoyed with Naglfar.

Okay. That's nice. What would you like me to do about it?

Still not liking Strawman. I don't see him coming in to do much except prod people occasionally. Psych isn't even worth lynching.

Eclipse: Wow, how could you be out already?

Kroto: Most of us are convinced you're town. Do something.

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Also, "you're scummy because you're attacking only me" is both childish and wrong. I made a scum tier list a while back - are you on top? Did I vote for you at all this phase? Whether I change my vote to you or not depends on the flow of this phase. You aren't making a good case for yourself by whining about it.

You're scummy because you're being incredibly stubborn. I am not the only one who thinks this, Paperblade saying he was wary of you for the exact same reason. Prims is also wary of you.

I'm really not liking the way you're tunneling on me.

This statement is both childish and wrong. I have expressed concern of other players' actions including JB's potential to have been bussing with tables.

Anyway, speaking of Psych, who was tables, he's acting awfully scummy. That post about being conceited and his entire conversation with Bizz is just... >_>


##Vote: Psych

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I've forwarded all of the claims received so far. A couple did not arrive with character names, and some of the character flavor in two others makes me intrigued, but perhaps is nothing solid. No obvious contradictions so far.

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Now do you understand why I refuse to host a OC game? Until I can do something about "everyone let the town leader do your thinking for you", I'd really rather not. Especially when said town leader is busy.

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Kevin, you'll notice I gave a reason for voting Bizz, and that I dislike her waffling every time she votes, which is practically every day.

She however, tunneled in on me and Prims bandwaggoned with her. Excuse me for feeling that she's scummy when they both support each other at every move.

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Associative tells without flips are pretty silly. If one of Levity and I die and flip town, your theory is shot instantly.

From a perspective where JB is the only confirmed scum in the game, who is scum?

We have less than 24 hours left, I believe, but 3 people aren't voting / haven't made it clear who they want dead. There is a problem with this.

I don't think eclipse should be lynched at this point given what happened with Bal. I've never really agreed with the Strawman wagon and it still looks iffy to me. I could maybe get behind a Naglfar lynch but Psych needs to go as far as I'm concerned.

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