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Prince of Tennis Mafia - Game Over


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Policy time!


##Vote: Snike

Whew, that felt good~!


First, I don't think that's a real role. It would be the most ridiculous thing ever if it was a mafia role, and really silly if it was a town one. It might work if this game was OC, but meh.

This is priceless:

I say this every game, but I'll say it again: There is absolutely no harm in sharing why you want to lynch someone outside of possible being cop, but even then you should probably claim to ensure the lynch.

Must I remind you why I got on your case during Pokemon TCG? For those of you that didn't play, read from D2, and look at what Kevin does, like, almost immediately after the phase begins.

##Vote: Kevin

Balcerzak, I see you hanging around in IRC. Please post some more.

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I almost forgot that players at SF almost never fucking read posts. :rolleyes:

got details mixed up

I mean not like there's any excuse for some blending of information when you've just read through three pages and have more important parts of the thread to be thinking about, but just putting that out there

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Kevin is at L-2 (a theoretical L-1 given that Levity expressed dislike of him but didn't want to vote) by my count, which is somewhat unnerving given that the game has been going on for all of ~12.5 hours and there's already a major common suspect. I'm honestly not sure how hammering works in this game since it appears to have set deadlines even though it's a nightless set-up, but the near-majority is still telling.

Currently more interested in hearing from other people, such as the ones who are voting Ether (given that he mentioned replacing out). And also Snike.

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I am not a fan of fast bandwagons like this. It feels like people are being opportunistic and focusing on Kevin for doing what Kevin does. I'm unsure about the lynch rules too, so if Kaoz could clarify that...

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L-2 = 2 votes away from lynch

I agree that the speed of the wagon looks bad (hence why I brought it up), but still do think that Kevin's actions are still scummy. Again, I'd like to hear from the non-posters before considering switching elsewhere. Hearing some words from Kevin himself would be nice as well.

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Kevin is at L-2 (a theoretical L-1 given that Levity expressed dislike of him but didn't want to vote) by my count, which is somewhat unnerving given that the game has been going on for all of ~12.5 hours and there's already a major common suspect. I'm honestly not sure how hammering works in this game since it appears to have set deadlines even though it's a nightless set-up, but the near-majority is still telling.

I'd rather not vote for him right now considering the number of votes already fast piling on top of him. I don't like him, but that doesn't mean I want to stifle discussion so early.

The people voting for Ether make me curious, too, but I think I skimmed through those posts in particular (whoops)

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First, I don't think that's a real role. It would be the most ridiculous thing ever if it was a mafia role, and really silly if it was a town one. It might work if this game was OC, but meh.

Balcerzak, I see you hanging around in IRC. Please post some more.

It would obviously be a town role, as it says allied with the town at the bottom. And it doesn't seem too out of line with other Upgrader-type roles. I don't have a ton of experience with them, and perhaps the double actions is overpowered, but with that power comes the extra risk. Until a claim comes forward it's not going to be useful. Even after a claim, there's always the possibility of roleblock, which I guess would probably cut the User back to just 1x his original role. I guess since it's likely just an example it doesn't bear writing an entire thesis on its plausibility, but I seriously do not find it as silly as you seem to be making it out to be.

Also, I do apologize but I was watching Kiryn art-stream my commission. :P I promise to post more here than I have been in FE4 mafia, but I can't post all of the time. Especially considering I didn't know this was going to be starting so soon, and I am currently being spread quite a bit thin. But after Choral, this is probably my 2nd priority.

That said, Ether is bailing, so I'll give his replacement some breathing room. ##Unvote

##Vote: Bizz

I (L) you, but I cannot trust you. Give me reasons why I should.

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##Vote: Bizz

I (L) you, but I cannot trust you. Give me reasons why I should.

I actually didn't pull mafia in an SF game for once?

Don't know what more you want.

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I've seen "double action" style roles before. They tend to have drawbacks such as the target is too tired to use their action the following night, although in this style game (read: NOC with limited OC). Or Kaoz could confirm if that was just a sample role or not~

Also why isn't Obviam in this game he was interested

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I believe Obviam mentioning in the past that he was busy with work-related things

also if there are moles I will cry because I hate those

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Pokemon TCG? For those of you that didn't play, read from D2, and look at what Kevin does, like, almost immediately after the phase begins.

Also I am inclined to think there is a godfather because that rule was in Brawl Mafia and the mafia had a Godfather there =/

Dammit, mafias I don't think I played in. I guess I have homework for when I wake up tomorrow. But I think at half-past midnight I'm checking out for now.

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Man, I was going to save this for after Kevin posted again but I then re-read my ED1 spat with him in detail and I can see him as an overzealous townie who bit off more than he could chew. I don't think what he did was worth the SURPRISE 5-PERSON PILE-UP even though I thought it was bad, and I'm wary of high-speed D1 bandwagons in general. Might as well give our lurkers more votes to mull over when they arrive, anyway.


##Vote JBCWK

Is anybody else getting weird vibes from this post? He said my vote was "rather scummy" yet he hopped on Kevin's wagon anyway, meaning he's attack Kevin for voting over something he thinks is scummy. This doesn't look like proper logic to me, and it also looks like an attempt to discredit my posts on JB's part. I don't really trust his vote.

Gut says obvtown!Paperblade and scum!Levity but I don't have anything concrete on either one.

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derp me

I think I meant to say something along the lines of "It might appear scummy because there's no apparent reasoning behind this vote but it's Day 1 so it can probably pass." Or some shit like that.

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