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So what exactly is the reason?

In anycase, I don't mind piercings on people. If they want to get it, they are free to do so. I might not understand why they do it (like stretching your ear out with spacers...)... Plus they hurt and stuff... why anyone would get them is beyond me specially in really sensitive areas *shivers*... In anycase i guess a few piercings are okay, but when you have like 10000 in your face it just gets ridiculous...

Watch Pulp Fiction and all will be revealed ^_^

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I passed out getting my blood drawn...the past 4 times. Yea, I don't do needles, so no piercings for me.

I'm still trying to grasp the exciting concept of belly rings and nose rings. Why are they so popular?

I'm actually phobic of needles yet didn't flinch when getting inked or pierced. I think it may be context. You actually shouldn't lose too much blood getting pierced unless your piercer sucks. I felt fine after getting pierced.

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I'm actually phobic of needles yet didn't flinch when getting inked or pierced. I think it may be context. You actually shouldn't lose too much blood getting pierced unless your piercer sucks. I felt fine after getting pierced.

I left out the part where I passed out during my meningitis vaccination too.

I can handle blood, but even seeingo needles makes me cringe (even on tv/movies)

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Fine, fine. . .

I was scheduled to go in for surgery some time in the past. The day before the operation, I had to take some pills. These pills caused me to get so sick that I couldn't hold down water, and my stomach hurt like no tomorrow, so my mom took me to the ER. It took them five tries before they could get an IV in me. We wound up leaving at 1:30 AM. I fell asleep in the car, woke up at 6:00 AM, and had just enough time for a good long shower before going in for my operation. Since I was so dehydrated from the previous day, it took the nurses four more tries to get the needle in, so they could administer the anesthesia.

My arms were rainbow-colored for a week. Now, I do my best not to go near needles, and this is part of the reason why I don't want a piercing.

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I personally don't find them attractive at all. In some cases I don't even find ear piercings attractive(it depends what they have in them). There is just something about metal piercing skin that I just don't like. They make me uncomfortable I think because they just look so painful and uncomfortable.

I mean I'm not going tob e all like "people shouldn't get piercings" because people can do whatever they want with their bodies, its just a matter of personal taste.

Edited by Strawman the DucksawDucky
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When I was younger, I used to be against all types of piercings that were not on the ears. And the piercings had to be where they normally were on the earlobe.

But recently, this all-academics, track champion got a tasteful piercing for her nose, and it's actually quite stylish and trendy. So I suppose that the occasional other piercing aside from the ears isn't that distasteful. Lots of piercings gross me out, though.

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If you want to put a piece of metal through your body, then that's your business. Some piercings are attractive on certain people, whereas they might look hideous on others. But that, too, is a matter of opinion.

I most likely wouldn't get a piercing, myself, but I know people who have different types of piercings, and some of them work for them, and others don't, in my opinion.

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I'm curious. For those who have them, how do piercings feel after you've got everything done, and you can take them on and off without creating a new wound? How does it feel wearing them, and how does the pierced area feel when you aren't?

Edited by Rehab
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I'm curious. For those who have them, how do piercings feel after you've got everything done, and you can take them on and off without creating a new wound? How does it feel wearing them, and how does the pierced area feel when you aren't?

You don't feel them when you're getting them pierced or after, unless they get infected. You can take them out after having them in for about a month and the hole stays open, I think it's permanent after about a year :huh:. But yeah, you don't really notice them unless they're heavy and even if they are you get used to that after a few hours.

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I'm curious. For those who have them, how do piercings feel after you've got everything done, and you can take them on and off without creating a new wound? How does it feel wearing them, and how does the pierced area feel when you aren't?

In my case (getting pierced by a piercing gun), I don't feel anything when the stud goes in. However, my ears get very tender and sore afterwards, but the feeling passes in like, 2-3 days (depending on how high your tolerance for pain is). When I take then out, it doesn't feel like anything, really. Take a pin and put it between two of your fingers, and slide it out from your fingers, and that's basically what it feels like when you take them out. I hardly ever take my piercings out (from fear that they may close, as I had my first set of piercings get infected and then close), but when I do have them out, it doesn't feel like anything. You're only going to notice if you wear earrings that are very heavy and take them out, since you're going from having a lot of weight there to no weight in just a few seconds.

My only problem with piercings is that, wearing hoops or otherwise dangling or large earrings, it gets caught in my hair. If you look at my profile picture, you can see that my hair is super thick and curly, so anything that it grabs on to, it doesn't want to let go.

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I honestly don't care either way. I honestly don't pay attention to ears to actually know if they're pierced. I've known a few female friends for a good number of years, but if you ask me if they're ears are pierced I'd draw blanks.

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In my case (getting pierced by a piercing gun), I don't feel anything when the stud goes in. However, my ears get very tender and sore afterwards, but the feeling passes in like, 2-3 days (depending on how high your tolerance for pain is). When I take then out, it doesn't feel like anything, really. Take a pin and put it between two of your fingers, and slide it out from your fingers, and that's basically what it feels like when you take them out. I hardly ever take my piercings out (from fear that they may close, as I had my first set of piercings get infected and then close), but when I do have them out, it doesn't feel like anything. You're only going to notice if you wear earrings that are very heavy and take them out, since you're going from having a lot of weight there to no weight in just a few seconds.

My only problem with piercings is that, wearing hoops or otherwise dangling or large earrings, it gets caught in my hair. If you look at my profile picture, you can see that my hair is super thick and curly, so anything that it grabs on to, it doesn't want to let go.

Thanks for the response! That's mostly what I would have worried about, how it feels actually wearing them.

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Thanks for the response! That's mostly what I would have worried about, how it feels actually wearing them.

You'll probably notice the earrings being there for maybe a day or two since you are adding some weight to it very quickly, but trust me, you won't feel them there before a week is over. Same thing goes for multiple piercings too, even with a little more weight there because of more than one piercing, you won't feel them after a little bit.

No problem :)

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I'm curious. For those who have them, how do piercings feel after you've got everything done, and you can take them on and off without creating a new wound? How does it feel wearing them, and how does the pierced area feel when you aren't?

My experience with ear piercing:

After you've been pierced and the area has had time to heal and adjust, putting earrings in and taking them out feels like absolutely nothing. (Be certain to follow initial care instructions! Never take a fresh piercing out until the specified time.) The earring itself just slides right in without any pain and there's almost no feeling. Obviously you feel just a small fraction of necessary pressure on your ear when you put the earring in, but it's so minimal that you really don't notice it, and again, it's not painful. Initially, you'll notice your earring(s) for the first few days, but you quickly get used to it. Small studs or lightweight hoops are pretty much weightless, but really large earrings feel like a slight tugging sensation. I just bought these the other day and they definitely tug a bit, but again, it isn't painful, and after wearing them around for a few minutes you pretty much ignore/forget about the sensation. :3

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a few views on piercings.

I'm a diabetic, so I stab myself with needles and sharp objects at least 8 times a day. So is my mother, so I grew up with needles prior to my diagnosis (3 years ago). I'm also an athletic guy, so the scar tissue created by multiple needles isn't that fun.

I pierced my own ear, because I was comfortable with it, and it didn't hurt at all. Too bad I don't look great with an earring, but that's another story. I find earrings on girls normal and attractive, but bully button piercings are only as attractive as the girl is. I don't need to see a 300 pound woman wearing a belly shirt with a giant flower pinned under it.

Nose rings aren't able to be put under a blanket statement. It can be cute and hot, and give some depth to a person's face, or make them look like an unattractive bull. Depends on the girl's facial structure and such.

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