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Shattered Honour : Chapter One


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Valencia takes the scale mail. "Thanks" she says, then as she walks out she notices an amendment being made on the sign. She is not that good at reading, however, she uses what she does know to make an educated guess. "I see." Slightly annoyed, Valencia puts her 2 Handed Mace back and picks up a 1 Handed Mace.

edit: Stuff I have:

2H Axe

1H Mace

Throwing Axe

Scale Mail

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Giving the quartermaster's equipment a look over, Leonhard gave a smile.

"This is some alright stuff you got here. Though I still got my main weapon, a spare couldn't hurt." Leonhard said with a laugh, turning to the quartermaster.

"You mind if I grab one of these arming swords and a hand axe?" Leonhard asked.

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Looking at the small pile of weapons, Shayna looked over the state of her gear. While both her armor and shield are still pretty serviceable, they are pretty battered, and definitely has seen better days. Her mace similarly displayed signs of use and abuse. Thinking that it would be best to get a spare weapon, she rummaged the pile and took a one-handed axe, with a handle made of solid fire-hardened oak and a bearded axehead, and took a smaller axe meant for throwing for good measure.

"This will have to do I suppose."

Shayna's equipment:

Battered Full Plate Mail - 8 AC

Battered Tower Shield - 4 Evade, protects against arrows

1H Mace

1H Axe

Throwing Axe

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"Wonderful. I thank you for your kindness, good sir." Leonhard replied with a mighty guffaw, as he gathered his chosen weaponry.

Leonhard's equipment:

Heavy Steel Axe-Sword(Hacking) - 6 Mt, 5 Hit

Heavy Steel Plate Armour(Battered) - 8 AC

Steel Arming Sword(Slashing) - 3 Mt, 6 Hit

Hand Axe(Throwing) - 3 Mt, 2 Hit

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One girl was sitting in the corner, still wiping her tears away.

That one scene kept replaying in her mind, how her one and only friend had been shot, and killed. She's not... she didn't...It's not fair...

She didn't have any desire to meet this other captain or whoever; she didn't want to experience war again. She just wanted to get out alive. Maybe in Caril, she'd be able to steal and hide some money before sneaking away. It would take time to get home to Petrarch, but it would certainly be doable. For now, she just waned to live, and forget what had happened to Regina.

She slowly walked out to the quartermaster, looking at the weapons available. She had certainly dropped her old sword somewhere, but Regina's was still with her, though slightly worn down.

She chose to drop Regina's sword, instead taking two short swords and a buckler. Her armour was still in fairly good condition; it wouldn't need replacing, for now.

[spoiler=Equipment]1H Sword - Melee

Nothing - Ranged

1H Sword - Spare

Buckler - Off-Hand

Leather - Armour

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Attempting to read the sign only served to give Angeline a disgruntled look on her face as she sighed. Thankfully, one of the others decided to actually read the sign to her, prompting a nod and a quick thanks to Alfred. Amazing, some people do have manners... She thought before quickly and simply gathering herself a Sword, an Axe and a throwing Axe, and then a Kite Shield. The shield, of course, needed some work, and as such, she began to quickly smear mud on it outside, trying to get it as dirty as possible.

(Angeline's equipment as of now

1H Sword

1H Axe

Throwing Axe


Heavy Armor)

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Taking an arbitrarily long time to finalise everything, Kerrard's inventory came to this;

1H Axe - Melee

Longbow - Ranged

1H Sword - Spare

Nothing - Off-Hand

Ringmail - Armour

He nodded. He felt ready for any trouble!

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Seeing someone better armed than him from the supply grabbing group already started working on 'beautifying' her shield, Edgar decided to sit nearby as he too, started working on his protective equipment.

"Dang, your armour sure look tons better than mine," said the young Castrian trying to start a conversation with Angeline to pass the time, "I highly doubt this buckler here can even handle arrows flying my way...much less sword blows. I'm Edgar, you?"

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Most of Diray's stuff was in pretty bad condition, it wouldn't hurt to resupply. Taking a longbow and a sword (1H for those unable to infer!), he pondered a little while about armour. In the end, he decided that being stabbed wasn't on his agenda, so ringmail would be more useful to him.

1H Sword - Melee

Longbow - Ranged

Nothing - Spare

Ringmail- Armour

Leaving the armory, he readied himself for the supply run. Thankfully, most of the knights had decided to join the other group.

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Marsali had watched quietly before, not feeling that she had the right to choose her own fate anymore. Still dumbfounded by Castria's defeat, and the weakness she had seen in herself, she trudged mutely out to the "armory" with the rest of the motley group.

Glancing around at the weaponry that had been scavenged, she picked out a throwing axe, a short sword, and the largest one-handed mace she could comfortably swing. It took some time to find a shield that she could use, but eventually she found one. None of the hauberks were small enough to fit her well, but anything was better than nothing.

She set about removing all emblems of her homeland from her equipment with a heavy heart. This is the day I truly lose any claim to honor, that I would rather become an anonymous skulker than fight to the death for the glory of Castria...


Sword (1H): 3 MT, 6 HIT

Axe (throwing): 3 MT, 2 HIT

Mace (1H): 4 MT, 3 HIT

Kite shield: 4 evade

Heavy Armor (chain mail): 7 AC

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Rine didn't agree with the captain's decision, first becaue he was best used on missions where he'd kill anything that could speak and bring him trouble. It'd be much better for him if he had gone with the group to meet Lord Randil, but it was done for now. "I'm not so positive about this, but I'm sure I'll take anyone who sees me before they speak a word.", he pondered, while walking around trying to find the armory. If it weren't for the sign, he'd be lost for a longer time. "Signs are useful, I should read them if I need help", he thought, making yet another obvious deduction.

As he arrived in the armory, he awaited for his turn to ask for new weapons. His crossbow and sword was still here with him, but they were too old and badly damaged to be trustworthy on a mission like that one. "I'll want a crossbow, a sword, and an axe just in case I need it. Also, give me a light armor".

While waiting for his supplies, Rine saw the same man who was talking about honor and taking hits and getting badly damaged as a badge to show how well he fares on the battlefield. While his behavior annoyed him at first, he thought that they'd need someone like that on the mission regarding Lord Randil, someone determined and apparently made out of steel. But they weren't going to pick any archers for this, the bowman recalled. Maybe it was his chance. Getting next to Leonhard, he decided to ask him about it.

"Um, excuse me. Do your group have a spot left? I'm not so good on sneaking and leaving unnoticed, my tactics emphasys on silencing anything before they notice what hit them. I'll be best used out there on the mission regarding the lordling. And I've noticed your group has no archer, or at least someone who's familiar with the bow."

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Delves was partially reluctant to reveal himself yet; not that he had much choice. His options were either 'go on the mission armed with a rusty throwing knife and a dagger' or 'get a new sword and throwing knife and use the rusty one as distraction while he gutted them with the real one'.

Once the next guy was done, Delves picked out two small daggers (1H sword x2). Much to his chagrin, there were no throwing knives to be found.

Figures. Nothing to do about that, I guess.

On second thought, he grabbed one buckler and a set of leather armor as well. While he usually loathed carrying anything heavier than a sword, even Delves could see the sense in having something hard between him and a hostile pointy object.

((There wouldn't happen to be a chance I could dual-wield the swords, hmmm? *shot*))

[spoiler=Equipment]Main: (Dagger) 1H Slashing - 3 MT, 6 HIT

Spare: Another one of the above- 3 MT, 6 HIT

Shield: Buckler - 2 evade

Armor: Leather Armor - 1 AC

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"That's because it is better, although it's much heavier than what you've got. Still, I'm used to it and know how to throw its weight around in a brawl, which is what's really going to count." Idle conversation... Angeline wasn't much for it, but she wasn't against it either. She felt it was almost childish, talking like this before they were going to be facing a life or death situation, but at the same time she wanted to indulge that childishness. "Angeline... Angeline Atros, good to meet you Edgar." Extending a hand to the man, she cracked a slight smile as well. "Tell me, Edgar. Do you believe in a god?"

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"Hmm?" Leonhard acknowledged Rine, giving the man an inquisitive look.

"Well, if you can hold yourself up in a fight, there shouldn't be a problem. But that Alfred guy was chosen to lead our team." Leonhard remarked, pointing out the nobleman.

"So you would need to ask him or Chrisford. Though, I think you're mistaken about us not having an archer..." Leonhard recalled, searching the crowd for Kerrard.

"You were coming with us to see Lord Randel, weren't you, archer?" Leonhard asked, gesturing towards Kerrard to bring himself over.

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Chrysanthum looked over the equipments and let out a sigh, then chose his preferred equipment.

Zweihander/Great sword (2H Slashing)

Sword (1H)

Plate Armour (battered)

OOC: I didn't bother with stats or excruciating detail. That'll come later, I'm sure.

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Rebekka looked over the quartermaster's things with a moderate amount of interest. She already had a suit of leather armor and a short sword her father had given her, but there was a firing contraption that looked rather interesting. She figured that she might as well have something to shoot people with if the need arose, so she grabbed a crossbow and a spare swod and headed on her merry way

Hand- 1H Sword

Off-Hand- Nothing

Ranged- Crossbow

Spare- 1H Sword

Armor- Leather (Light)

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"Believe in god? I'm afraid I do...when unfortunate things happen and I desperately want someone to blame," answered Edgar as he wiped the mud off one of his hands on his cloak to shake Angeline's, "So you're good in all that heavy armour? I suppose I can count on you to keep enemies away from me while I pelt them from a distance...right?"

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Hey, what's that...?

Hazel had noticed a few people carrying some sort of modified bow-and-arrow system - A crossbow, was it? She'd seen a few people use it over her years as a mercenary. She had tried before, but her aiming was horrible, and stabbing seemed more suited for her, at least.

Regina would have been able to- Dammit, Hazel... just... stop thinking about her for now...

She absentmindedly reached into a small pocket, where a little pouch lay. Within the pouch lay two necklaces. One necklace had a small sapphire embedded into it; the other, a dark red gemstone Hazel had never been able to identify. She gripped both necklaces, trying to compose herself once again.

If it gets really bad, these people may ask me to sell these... But that'll never happen. I'll just... get these supplies, and find my way home.

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"Hmph... you believe he's simply there to obstruct you, huh? You sure he's not simply testing you? Hm?" After the handshake, she went about her business, trying to cover up any other telling marks on her armor when the man asked her some more questions which she scoffed at, "I'm one person. Against a group I won't be able to hold them off, but if you simply wish to avoid getting touched, I would sooner rely on your own ability rather than the supposed ability of a complete stranger." Brushing stray hair from her face, she put on a much more serious tone, "But I'll do what I can to keep them off of you. Just don't make it hard for me to do so."

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Varon's thoughts were interrupted by the realisation that everyone else was practically ready to move out. The quartermaster was looking at him with an expression that said "well, you going to get anything?" Varon already had his crossbow, armour and apothecary equipment but he lacked any melee weapons. Varon admitted defeat to the quartermaster’s glaring and took the nearest mace. He was familiar with shovels but this was notably smaller as well as heavier. I hope this won't see much use, he thought. Just seeing broken faces was bad enough, I don't want to cause some as well. He stifled a retch at the memories of his first taste of battle, a taste that he was now going to have to get used to if he wished to live.

He silently shuffled off to the supply group. Maybe a show of flame would keep enemies away if it came to that.


Leather Armour: 1 AC

Crossbow (2H): 4 MT, 5 HIT

Mace (1H): 4 MT, 3 HIT (BACKUP)

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Diray spotted one of the rogues from earlier. She was awfully quiet, he could take advantage of that. He approached Hazel slowly, there was no way that he could appear friendly, just not unfriendly.

"Oh, a fellow Petrachan? Hello there, I'm Diray, I recall seeing you at the meeting. From the looks of you, I assume you'll be going on the supply run. We can talk again later, I'm sure that an alliance would benefit us both."

He made his exit. It was a simple task, get her to steal a few things, escape back to Petrachan, problem solved. Diray wasn't too fond of fighting for a bunch of ragged knights, especially without being paid for it.

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"Oh, a fellow Petrachan?"

Hazel yelped and accidentally dropped one of the necklaces, scurrying to pick it up. She hadn't expected any one of these men to talk to her.

If anything, it merely seemed as though he wanted to talk later. She placed both necklaces within the pouch before keeping it safely.

"Hey... My name is Hazel." She fought to keep her voice from trembling, barely succeeding.

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Kerrard noticed the hulking mercenary gesturing towards him, and walked over.

"To Randel? Yeah, I was going there." He tended to get to the point, usually at the cost of tact.

OOC: also fuck you tenses, I'm sticking to past-tense personal stuff and present-tense narration/NPCs, because SOMEHOW that seems natural to me

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Dammit, why do I have to go out? I still can't see straight!

"I'll take two of the lightest maces you got, a crossbow, and a set of leather armor," she ordered. "Even if I can't see straight enough to use the crossbow yet."

Selina hoped that there'd be no fighting on the supply run. She was pretty sure she'd be wrong.

(that's 1H mace, crossbow, 1H mace, and light armor)


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