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oh ad I have a question for everyone,

What do you think would be better,sending all the suspicious people on this mission, or all the least suspicious ones?and why?

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oh ad I have a question for everyone,

What do you think would be better,sending all the suspicious people on this mission, or all the least suspicious ones?and why?

I've been thinking a bit about this and well...

Here is the mission roster:

Mission 1: 2 operatives

Mission 2: 3 operatives

Mission 3: 4 operatives

Mission 4: 3 operatives

Final Mission: 4 operatives

Missions 3 and 5 require 4 operatives. And we have ONLY four Resistance members. For Mission 5, if we ever get there, we need to be able to correctly deduce BOTH the Spies in order to win. Otherwise, we lose. Mission 3 is a little different. Of course, if we send in ALL FOUR Resistance members, then it will be a success. And if we send in a single Spy with three Resistance members, then it will likely fail. However, there is still the question of what would happen if BOTH Spies are being sent to Mission 3. If one sabotages it while the other cooperates, mission fails. But if both of them sabotage it, although the mission will fail, it will be kinda bad for the Spies since we would have two other people that didn't attend the mission automatically being cleared as 100% Resistance members. This gives the Spies some incentive to coooperate, but then again, if they BOTH cooperate, then the mission will be a success, which is also bad for the Spies. And besides, the probability that we will get to pick out a team of four Resistance members in Mission 3 doesn't seem very high.

The reason I am discussing Mission 3 is because our odds of getting Mission 3 to succeed just aren't that good. And even if Mission 3 DOES succeed, it will most likely be because we sent two Spies in the mission, and not zero. My point is that Mission 3 should be one mission where our priority should be in finding clues about the Spies, and not about trying to get it to succeed. So it's Mission 3 that we should be sending in the suspicious people. But of course, if we do that, there's a good chance that it will fail, but we will still learn a lot, and we will still have Mission 4.

We need to win two more missions, so I think Missions 2 and 4 should be focused on trying to send the least suspicious people.

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(I would like to say he is last, but Kevin is far worse than Slayer cause Slayer at the least uses some logic)

and finally there is Kevin, who hasn't really done much and tried to prolong the phase like Rein, but hasn't posted something useful like Rein did)

Blitz you have done jack all as well, and are continuously trying to cause confusion with posts like this one. I feel like you are missing the point on purpose and simply trying to cause an upset.

Btw blitz, voting yes to each proposal will be the same as voting no to each proposal.

1. Kirsche

2. Proto (Although I dislike his reason for suspecting me for little more than disagreeing with him, what he is saying is starting to make sense, looking back.)

2. Reinfleche (Is trying to contribute, which is very good.)

4. Slayer (Trying to do stuff, went a little quiet for a while but life happens.)

5. Kay (Inactivity)

6. Blitz (See above)

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What do you think would be better,sending all the suspicious people on this mission, or all the least suspicious ones?and why?

Least suspicious because we should try to succeed every mission. "Focusing" on missions 2 and 4 will be silly, we need to actively try and succeed as many missions as possible.

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Kay - obvious

Blitz - He's clearly acting more pro-town than anyone else in this game.

Proto - At the very least, he's being really open about what he's trying to do, so he can't contradict that.

Kevin - He hasn't posted much, but when he has, his posts have been worthwhile.

Rein - At least he's taking a position of his own.

Slayer - is tunneling on Blitz really extremely.

Rein, I didn't say I had a good reason, I said I had a reason. I just stuck the most active person and the quietest person on the team to see how they reacted.

Also *stabs Reinfleche* because stop it with your stupid expected/10 thing, I can't just never have anything to do with Proto in this game very easily, can I?

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at Fifth place should be Slayer because I suspect him and he blames me for not answering some question I cannot even find,seriously dude, what is the question? iirc,Slayer has a bad habit of forcing suspicion on to people when he is scum

There were questions which you even said you found but said you didn't answer, its all in the summary i posted earlier. Also, i don't see how i'm forcing my suspicion (and stop metagaming wrong :v).

Also, i know i have been rather aggressive against blitz, he made me mad earlier, because a) i truly have no reading comprehension like life says, or b) Blitz was misinterpreting my posts or C) he was doing that intentionally.

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I can't just never have anything to do with Proto in this game very easily, can I?
I'm certainly not going to give you an easy time about it in anything, and this isn't any exception!

Anyway, looking over the vote patterns...

[spoiler=kind of wall-ish]Mission Prop 1.1 by Kay

Team: Cap'n Flint, Kiku-Ichimonji,

Yes: Cap'n Flint, Kiku-Ichimonji,

No: Kay, Link, Dave Strider, Kirsche

Mission Prop 1.2 by Cap'n Flint

Team: Kay, Link,

Yes: Kay, Cap'n Flint, Kiku-Ichimonji,

No: Link, Dave Strider, Kirsche,

Mission Prop 1.3 by Link

Team: Link, Kiku-Ichimonji,

Yes: Kay, Cap'n Flint, Link, Kiku-Ichimonji,

No: Dave Strider, Kirsche,

For every mission, Blitz and Proto vote yes. Whether or not they actually like the team or just want to finish with Mission 1 is a different story. For the first mission, I guess they like having both themselves and someone whom they feel is a Resistance member. For the second mission, neither of them are on it but they both vote yes- probably wanting to get it over with already. The third mission has Proto on it, and they vote yes again, not really caring about the Mission 1 team.

For every mission, me and Kirsche vote no to examine mission patterns. Neither of us are on any of the teams, either.

For the first mission, Kay votes no, though she proposed it. I'm not sure what to think of this, other than wanting to see who approved and who didn't. She then approves of mission 2, which has herself on it, but she says she doesn't like Slayer in her above post. The last mission doesn't have her and has Slayer, who according to herself she trusts the least, but she still votes yes, so she probably wants to get it over with at this point.

For the first mission. Slayer votes no. He's not on the team at this point, so he potentially doesn't care for it. The second mission has himself on it, but he votes no anyway, potentially to look at teams. The third mission has himself and the person he trusts the most according to himself (Proto), so he appears to like the team this time.

That's all for now.

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It's kinda like a wall hit by a hammer a few times.

(seriously though at the time I put the spoiler there I hadn't broken the bottom part up so it was "kind of wall-ish")

Edited by Dave Strider
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For the first mission, Kay votes no, though she proposed it. I'm not sure what to think of this, other than wanting to see who approved and who didn't. She then approves of mission 2, which has herself on it, but she says she doesn't like Slayer in her above post. The last mission doesn't have her and has Slayer, who according to herself she trusts the least, but she still votes yes, so she probably wants to get it over with at this point.

This is a very good observation and I would like Kay to explain why she calls Slayer scummy but votes yes when he's on a team.

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There were questions which you even said you found but said you didn't answer, its all in the summary i posted earlier. Also, i don't see how i'm forcing my suspicion (and stop metagaming wrong :v).

Also, i know i have been rather aggressive against blitz, he made me mad earlier, because a) i truly have no reading comprehension like life says, or b) Blitz was misinterpreting my posts or C) he was doing that intentionally.

I was bringing up another way to look at your seemingly innocent posts since I like finding hidden agendas( I am not saying I am right, but I could very well be right)

also, what is the fun in playing a game if there is no aggression?

and I thought I answered all the questions, once again, could you point out which one it is?

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This is a very good observation and I would like Kay to explain why she calls Slayer scummy but votes yes when he's on a team.

If Slayer sabotages a mission now, he is going to look very, very bad. That would actually be pretty good in some ways.

Also, I already said that I just voted no to my own mission because of inactivity.

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Btw blitz, voting yes to each proposal will be the same as voting no to each proposal.


I said I will vote yes on every try on mission one only not the others

Blitz you have done jack all as well, and are continuously trying to cause confusion with posts like this one. I feel like you are missing the point on purpose and simply trying to cause an upset.

mission one was mission one, if it failed, statistically speaking, we would gain an advantage in terms of finding spies

but I didn't want you guys to pick people randomly and thus I asked you guys to come up with something that doesn't make the choices random and to get you guys more active in here.

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I'm certainly not going to give you an easy time about it in anything, and this isn't any exception!

What on earth are you talking about? If I voted no because Proto was on the mission to compensate for possible bias, that would definitely not be logical. Don't be absurd. Or are you just being annoying? Don't do that, either.

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I was bringing up another way to look at your seemingly innocent posts since I like finding hidden agendas( I am not saying I am right, but I could very well be right)

It looked like you were putting words in my mouth.

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What on earth are you talking about? If I voted no because Proto was on the mission to compensate for possible bias, that would definitely not be logical. Don't be absurd. Or are you just being annoying? Don't do that, either.

Sarcasm is in fact a thing that can happen.

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mission one was mission one, if it failed, statistically speaking, we would gain an advantage in terms of finding spies

but I didn't want you guys to pick people randomly and thus I asked you guys to come up with something that doesn't make the choices random and to get you guys more active in here.

I don't think this addresses the issue, which is that you, for multiple posts, tried to spew some BS about how I was waiting for my turn. I agree with slayer about putting words in people's mouths, and "liking to find hidden agendas" is not an excuse that I'm willing to buy. I like acting scummy every game. People hated that argument, well this is the same BS.

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I don't think this addresses the issue, which is that you, for multiple posts, tried to spew some BS about how I was waiting for my turn. I agree with slayer about putting words in people's mouths, and "liking to find hidden agendas" is not an excuse that I'm willing to buy. I like acting scummy every game. People hated that argument, well this is the same BS.

I believe the post was mine and not Kay's

acting scummy isn't a bad thing as long as you are not helping the scum members(this only applies if he is a resistance operative and not if he is a spy) and you are scummy for trying to prolong a phase that wasn't helping us in any way and making people bored(yes I was bored) which easily leads to inactivity/ excuse for a spy to act inactive and thereby helping the spies.

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He's not taking it though, he's saying you're the scummiest player because of it, and he's not the only one who thinks that.

now it seems to me like you are defending your scum buddy

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now it seems to me like you are defending your scum buddy

No I'm just pointing out how flawed your logic is. You didn't even respond to my point, so how about instead of trying to mislead town with your BS post reading skills and point-dodging you actually make a statement which isn't scummy.

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Oh and because I didn't have time to respond to this before:

acting scummy isn't a bad thing as long as you are not helping the scum members(this only applies if he is a resistance operative and not if he is a spy) and you are scummy for trying to prolong a phase that wasn't helping us in any way and making people bored(yes I was bored) which easily leads to inactivity/ excuse for a spy to act inactive and thereby helping the spies.
acting scummy isn't a bad thing as long as you are not helping the scum members(this only applies if he is a resistance operative and not if he is a spy)
acting scummy isn't a bad thing


Seriously? Distracting the town away from the real scum isn't a bad thing? Fail logic, try again.

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or you are taking things like that cause I am right.

I fail to see how you were right about it. You weren't making sense. Also, right now, what you are doing with Kirsche is exactly what made me think you are a spy. you don't even bother defending your self or anything, you just want to attack others on random things to make them look suspicious.

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Alright, let's see how this turns out

##Give Plans To: Reinfleche, Kay, Kirsche

For all of you people, do not disclose your vote or explain the reasoning behind your decision until AFTER I eat tables reveals the votes to everyone.

Edited by Kiku-Ichimonji
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