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How've ya been?


Something wrong Crizix?

...It's too hot here. I hate hot weather. :/

Also, I spent two hours today just listening to Spanish Vocaloid music. Lol what am I doing with my life?! XD

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Sup Rando.

Job hunting. Since I ran out of CAD and drafting jobs to apply to, everything else is left to time.

The propeller hat isn't in New! Super Mario Bros. U is it.

No, it is. Though it's nowhere near as common as the other powerups like Fire, Ice, and Squirrel.

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[spoiler=SRW A Playthrough]Scenario 19 – Elegy of the victorious

Still in Neo Hong-Kong, Caladbolg and Jprebs have reunited. Jprebs doesn’t understand Caladbolg’s full movements, but in turns gets berated for using the Death Army and cause damage to the city. Jprebs however just thinks on the next step now that Londo Bell is heading to Lantau Island. Caladbolg states he’s going too, and even denies what Jprebs is offering him as help. However, Caladbolg has a brief spasm, and Jprebs wonders if the wounds he got at Guiana haven’t healed yet, though inwardly he’s actually quite happy at that, as Caladbolg inwardly notes his body is reaching its limit. Hm.

Back with us, we get word that wounded man from Guiana is no longer in the hospital he was left at. The Shuffle Union think he might be heading to us, though whatever may happen, we’ll get answers at Lantau Island for sure. Meanwhile I silently ponder back on the fact I have orders to kill Caladbolg. Hmm…

Elsewhere Interest had Ethlyn take a look at the UG and DG cells. He also tasked Thor from collecting some data about old nature care movements from Tangerine. The Combattler team still wonders what he’s up to, but Interest apparently wants to be left alone, save for the team’s robot. Looks like he’s in the know. Speaking of “the know”, Interest apparently is also looking for answers at Lantau, and expects Caladbolg to be there. More hmm…

So we reach the island. Energy reactions are being detected in the whole island, and sure enough, the Death Army emerges! No Caladbolg it seems… yet.

Stage begin!


Zerker (Lv24) – Nahel Argama

AceTactician (Lv22) – Nadesico

AceNoctali (Lv21) – God Gundam

Stallinbald (Lv12) – Gundam Maxter

Jyosua (Lv12) – Gundam Rose

Shengar (Lv12) – Dragon Gundam

VaikeTime (Lv12) – Bolt Gundam

AcaciaSgt (Lv20) – Soulgain

Knight (Lv23) – Great Mazinger

SRC (Lv23), Sara (Lv23) – Kerot

Pikachu (Lv22) – Dragonar Type-3 Lifter

GoD (Lv20), Cluie (Lv20), Comet (Lv20), ThGhosteon (Lv20), AgileTit-Tyrant (Lv20) – Combattler V

Lux (Lv20), Raven (Lv20), TheFush (Lv19) – Getter Robo G

Ethlyn (Lv19) – Rising Gundam


Zombie Soldier (Lv22) – Death Army x9

Zombie Soldier (Lv21) – Death Army x9

Other than not allowing any Shuffle member to be defeated, it’s a standard rout. However, once the enemy is like half-gone, Caladbolg himself appears!

He knows Interest is with us, and demands to know of his answer. Although everyone is shocked, Interest still replies he won’t be helping Caladbolg. What!? Meanwhile, Noctali accuses Caladbolg of all the evil he has done, though Caladbolg seems to deny he wants the world at his mercy. The others don’t think so much considering all the cooperation from Giganos. Though Caladbolg clarifies he has only used them to revive the Devil Gundam. Just then, Jprebs also reveals himself to be here, and Caladbolg states his plans will end here. The group is surprised to see Neo Hong-Kong’s minister here, but he states he also has plans for the Devil Gundam.

At this Caladbolg finally reveals his plans. He makes the group think back of how bad Neo Hong-Kong was. Wars like the Gryps Conflict and the One Year War have left many places on Earth in similar situations. For that he made a vow, a vow to restore the Earth to what it once was, full of nature. I silently ponder again about how this means then that those who sent the order to kill him don’t want Caladbolg’s plan interfering with their own. Funny crazy thought process incoming? Eh, maybe…

Anyway, Jprebs finally reveals to us he had been cooperating with Giganos all along. He apparently wants to join up with Caladbolg again, but the latter scoffs at him, stating his intention is the eradication of Earth’s mankind! Woah! He states that if there were no humans on Earth to pollute it, nature could grow, and the Devil Gundam will protect it from anyone who would dare descend into the planet, whether it’s humans or the aliens. At this he addresses Interest again. The Combattler team want to know what the heck is about that now, but Caladbolg goes ahead anyway, stating Interest had actually agreed with him in the past!

At this Interest finally decides to speak for himself. He admits it’s true. It was something he first stated to Ghosteon’s late grandfather, the previous lab head of the Nanbara Connection. He shares Caladbolg’s sentiments about humans being parasits on Earth. Though humanity has the Colonies and even a terraformed Mars, Caladbolg states it’s all fake, only Earth houses the true nature. He’s tired of the damage the Earth has gotten as a result from pretty much everything: Colony Drops, the Mass Driver, nukes… and he’s ready to take back Earth once and for all!

Ooh, plot heavy stuff. However, despite the tension being so thick you couldn’t even cut it with a knife, the Devil Gundam reappears! Also… Essbee!? He’s alive!? However, it seems the regeneration process is faulty, and his revived self won’t last for long. Caladbolg tries one last to get Noctali to his side, saying it was for this he even taught him the Sekiha Tenkyoken in the first place. He was looking for a replacement of Essbee after the Guiana Highlands event. He wants the Devil Gundam to have the best pilot, as it absorbs the lifeforce of its pilot and so a very strong one is needed, and so teaching him the secret art was a sign to know if he was. Noctali refuses though, and at this Jprebs acts up! He brought NG, still under the effects of the Beserker System. Caladbolg is not pleased, but can’t do much in protest as his body briefly acts up another spam. Meanwhile we’ve had enough of this and despite the mood moments ago we’re all ready and fired up to not let their plans happen!

Enemy reinforce

Essbee (Lv24) – Devil Gundam

NG (Lv23) – Nobel Gundam B

Zombie Soldier (Lv23) – Death Army x9

Secret alert!

Continuing from last scenario. This time both Noctali and Ethlyn must convince NG, then Noctali must be the one to defeat her. Simple in theory, but not quite so in the practice.

Anyway, if those convince actions are done, Jprebs reveals that NG, NTG, and Isa were all at some point candidates for the Devil Gundam. However, it seem artificial enhances were not the way to make them suitable. Also, finding Noctali was able in calming down NG, he has the Berserker System go at full capacity, making any talk useless, so he decides to stop the mecha instead. If he does so, he’s able to destroy the Beserker System and NG is able to bail out, now free. However, if something from the secret process was not done, then defeating the Nobel Gundam will result in NG’s death. Noctali’s morale will increase by 50 if this happens, but it’s not a very good trade-off over having another playable pilot and unit. Morale always resets after every battle after all, and at this point Noctali may probably already be almost at max anyway, making it a waste.

Anyway, once the Devil Gundam gets defeated, it will regenerate as usual, and Vashiane detects it’s the whole island, it’s giving it energy to do so! Caladbolg tells us it’s useless to resist it, that we should flee to the Colonies and leave Earth. However, Interests speaks up once more, stating that he is mistaken; the Devil Gundam won’t do what he expects it to be. He explains further that what the Devil Gundam will do is an Earth remodeling. He states that the DG cells that govern the Devil Gundam’s behavior would make it coat everything in Earth with DG cells, and the result would be similar to the zombies the Gundam currently produces. Much better would’ve been the original UG cells from when it used to be Ultimate Gundam. He states he won’t disagree with Caladbolg for what he’s doing, but his methods he’s definitely disagreeing with. He took his time answering because he wanted to look into the matter further, and even discussed with the other lab heads and scientists, with Cero, Sask, Vestige, you name it. And they all reached the conclusion that… no!

Caladbolg however won’t give up. He states humanity’s evolution has only paved the way for warfare, and will put it an end to it right here and then! Noctali retorts that the desire of annihilating humanity is a foolish desire, and will put a stop to that crazy plan. Caladbolg dares him to try, and just then… that man from before appears!

He engages in fight with the Devil Gundam, and… jumps out of his mecha!? He quickly climbs to the Devil Gundam’s cockpit. He manages to open it, and pin Essbee down. He states that the only way to stop it is to take this chance and kill his body. Huh… wait, his mask came off slightly… he’s… Essbee!? WTF!?

Everyone’s shocked, but Interest and this new Essbee clarify it’s just a copy, an image of Essbee’s likeness made from DG cells, created in Essbee’s final moments of clarity before being consumed by the Devil Gundam. The reason the original took the Devil Gundam in the first place was to flee from Giganos who wanted it for their own purposes. Because of this the copy couldn’t reveal itself to Noctali and the others and so why kept his identity hidden. But now they have the chance, Noctali must kill him if they want to stop the Devil Gundam once and for all! Noctali is hesistant, since it means killing his own brother now that he knows the truth of his actions. However, the others are able to reinforce his resolve into doing the deed, and fires… and so Essbee is now truly gone, and the Devil Gundam along with him.

Jprebs just stares in disbelief, but Caladbolg decides to take matters on his own hands, and deploys! Riding… a horse? A horse!? It’s a horse piloting a horse-shaped Gundam that the Master Gundam rides!? What the heck, this is nuts, nuts I tell you! Though awesome, no one’s denying that.

Enemy reinforce

Caladbolg (Lv25) – Master Gundam S [Fuun Saiki]

Oh damn oh damn oh damn, this is one tough opponent…. absurdly powerful weapons, incluiding that MAP attack, dodgy as heck, ridiculous tanky, and comes with the max morale of 150. The only blessing is that is has merely 10000 HP, and with all the preivous opponents it’s enough to have the units at near max morale so usually just one Hot-Blood powered big attack can one-shot him. And when that happens…

Enemy reinforce

Caladbolg (Lv25) – Master Gundam S

Oh, you thought it was over did you!? Well, you thought WRONG! It’s expected since the horse acts as a Mobile Carrier, technically speaking. In SRW that translates into if it gets defeated, you loose the add-on for the remaining of the fight and now you have the original unit. And that translates to having to fight Caladbolg AGAIN. The bad news, is that without Fuun Saiki it now has access to all its weaponry and it’s morale resets in case Exhaust was used on him. Fun times… >_>

Anyway, when defeated, the Master Gundam will reappear, and challenge Noctali for one last fight. I want to help out, but the rest of the Shuffle Union state that it’s something Noctali must do alone. We accept, though we’d be ready to move out in case Noctali loses.

And so they clash… and Noctali emerges victorious. As he lays dying, Caladbolg finally understands that humanity is part of nature, and so eradicating them would have meant going against what he had sought to accomplish in the first place. He and Noctali recite those poignant words…

“Arts... of Toho Fuhai...! Winds of the ruller! Renewed...! Teared! Chivalry of the teared heavens...! Watch, the east is burning reeeeeeeed!”

And Caladbolg finally passes away. Well, this is… damn. I guess that mission to kill him got fulfilled in the end, though I wonder if it was a good thing to do at the end of things…

Well, we’re finally back on the battleships. NG is in the Nadesico’s medical office. Ethlyn states she’s fine, just needs rest. We also have the Nobel Gundam, but it’s being remodeled to remove the Beserker System. It’s all for the best.

Meanwhile, in space, at the X-18999 Colony, looks like it was here where Freohr brought Shirley. Makaze is here. Shirley is surprised at hearing her last name, and Freohr explains her father used to rule the Earth at the end of the One Year War. Makaze states she’s willing to continue on his legacy and take back her rightful place as Earth’s rule. Shirley asks what she wants with her, and Makaze answers her meeting up with Phoenix is a problem to her own plans. Shirley still doesn’t understand but Freohr tells her she will know eventually, and leaves. Hmm, looks like this mystery group Freohr works for is now in cahoots with Mazake. 

Back with us, Ethlyn plans to stay in Lantau to investigate the Devil Gundam’s wreckage. She states she will be fine and to pass on the message to Noctali. Meanwhile we’ll be returning to Neo Hong-Kong to resupply. CA asks about Jprebs. Looks like he disappeared after all this, but since he’s now a wanted criminal, the Federation will be searching for him. Zerker tells Ethlyn to report regularly, and she states she will be back in a week. And so we’re off back to the city!

Once there Interest says he’ll be heading back to the Nanbara Connection. Regarding his previous ideals, he states he now sees we are capable of transforming the Earth our own way, and so expects us to accomplish it.

After we receive a transmission from Jaburo. It’s… oh boy, it’s Saint. It seems the Federation is getting back to its feet. We know have orders to head to Yokosuka for a new mission. Zerker tries to bring up about erasing the registry of the D-Team, but Saint scoffs at it, stating they should keep fighting. And his hate-able attitude shows up once more as he declares civilians who don’t cooperate with the army are useless. Now ain’t it fun he’s back into the big picture again? >_>

Note: Since the time for it has finally passed, I can now speak this. Remember that secret I couldn’t do, since it was tied to both the Earth and the Guiana Highlands routes? Well, that secret involving keeping Caladbolg alive. Yep, I could've recruited him had I went to the appropriate routes. Keep in mind though that he wouldn’t have joined us right away. In fact, at this point, the only thing that changes is that after Noctali script-defeats him at the end, the part where they recite the little speech and he dies on-screen just doesn’t happen. So yeah, you’re left with an implication that he may not be dead. But since I didn’t go for this secret, then he’s dead for real. So yeah…

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Hi Crizix... oh, Spanish music huh. Cool.

Yeah, I kind of forgot that Spanish Vocaloids even existed...and then today I found them They're called Bruno and Clara, by the way. Before them, Vocaloids were only English or Japanese.

*reads log update*

I've been exhausted all week :/

Tomorrow is Friday. Hang in there.


Hello there.

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Yeah, I kind of forgot that Spanish Vocaloids even existed...and then today I found them They're called Bruno and Clara, by the way. Before them, Vocaloids were only English or Japanese.

*reads log update*

Oh, that's interesting... maybe I should probably hear some sample songs... *goes to search*

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Yeah, I kind of forgot that Spanish Vocaloids even existed...and then today I found them They're called Bruno and Clara, by the way. Before them, Vocaloids were only English or Japanese.

*reads log update*

Tomorrow is Friday. Hang in there.

Hello there.

And what does Friday bring to my physically broken self?

I have arrived.

...Not that I'll be staying very long.

hey Dave
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