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This thread has been really unactive lately.

The Skype chat killed the thread


...and desu in katakana means DEATH.

Time to educate them of what the Kanji of it means...
And Sennei means "Die" in Japanese.


...It's too hot here. I hate hot weather. :/

Also, I spent two hours today just listening to Spanish Vocaloid music. Lol what am I doing with my life?! XD

It is hot.
And Crix/Rando are the only reasons that this thread isn't totally killed.



Edit: Damn. The topic title got changed back.


Pssst, I'm thinking of changing my avatar later but can't decide between who

I'm torn between Rise Kujikawa, Raiden(from MGS/MGR), or Kotori Minami(aka the girl in my sig that scares people)

I'm leaning towards Rise tho, she's great and I like her hair

Hey. :D
Use Rise.

Then do it, seriously. Darros doesn't care, and I don't care. What I DO care about is you saying stuff like, "get out" whenever we post here.

Some people are bothered by elitism, so it can't be helped.

I'm okay with this. Cats make everything better.

Levant shows that all the time!!!!

(Where cats don't belong)

I'll just be going now. Goodnight guys.

Um...okay. o_____o;


the first thing was something that was really bugging me, and the third thing WAS provoked, because it was the day after the mewyeon thing that really pissed me off.

very rarely do i ever say anything to your friends. speaking of which, i hope integrity enjoyed his only opportunity to throw warns in my face with his section mod powers.

Drop it.

That is what's getting you further into trouble.

Oh really.

You are badmouthing Integrity NOW even as we type.
The first link shows you attacking Jedi unprovoked. UNPROVOKED. You're not even in a position to call him "kid" since he is older than you.
Next link. You take shots at Integrity for no reason, other than because he disagreed with what you said about Jedi.
Third link. Even Crizix thinks you were out of line. So clearly it's not just me.
Last link. What the fuck did Prims ever do to you to deserve this kind of comment? Do you even know him?
Let's not forget that time when Integrity got back from Germany and made a thread saying, "hai guys I'm back." You got all butthurt and talked about people sucking up to Integrity. Maybe I'll find a link some other time. I'm pretty sure these aren't even ALL the examples, I just can't be fucked to look them up.
So, Boney, you talk bad about my friends ENOUGH to piss me off and for me to call you out when you do it. It's like you want to pick a fight with us or something. For fucking sake, just leave us the fuck alone.

You know, there is an ignore option. Use it.


This whole Boney/Boron thing is pretty stupid. Boney, you know she'll post here sometimes, you could just ignore her. Boron, you know Boney will comment on you posting here, you could just ignore him or not visit. Iunno


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The only reason I ever bothered coming to LtPW in the first place was because of the times when people were talking shit about the Skype chat here. That's stopped, so now I only come when Darros decides to change the thread title. I would be happy if Boney just ignored all of us when we visited. It's hard for me to ignore a guy taking shots at my friends though. We have a right to post here and some of what he says makes us feel pretty unwelcome.

You do.

But Boney does tend to get unaware of the consequences some of whatever he does until it's too late.

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by saying that he warned me? because that's exactly what he did.

Why don't you look at the way you said it? "I hope he enjoyed his only opportunity to warn me because he's a section mod"? We can tell you have problems with the guy, for fuck's sake.

again, a reference to his warning. did you forget that these posts were just a day after the yeon incident?

So instead of bringing this up in private or something, you had to make it a big public thing because ...? Why? If you really have a problem with him, why don't you just go complain to him via PM or profile or something instead of just going "lololol kid you have no idea what you're talking about"? Because let me tell you, that kinda post makes you look like the jackass.

crizzie has no idea what was going on, she just really hates seeing any arguing in general.

She still thought it was out of line.

his whining was irritating me. like christ if you're going to post about how you don't like a forum section, just stay away from it. there's a reason i don't post in the "other games" section.

Are you forgetting the fact that Prims has the right to post outside of mafia if he wants to? Not to mention that Furet's thread was a big joke anyway and you seemed to take offense to it like it wasn't? Fun fact, YOU HAD NO REASON TO LASH OUT AT PRIMS THAT WAY. He never did anything to you. Don't like his "whining"? IGNORE HIM.

i honestly don't know why i'm not on her ignore list yet. i do sorta like her, but all her friends just happen to be that people that i can't stand. except for people like darros and ciarre, who i'm indifferent to.

Ignore lists are childish. And guess what, I don't care if you sort of like me or not. You don't have to like my friends, but do you really think I want to see you go around making comments about them the way you do? I have friends who don't like one another, this isn't surprising to me, but they aren't so HOSTILE to each other where I can see it and if they are I tell them to stop I am not okay with this and they do. I am not okay with the things you say about my friends, especially right where I can see them, and then you turn around and talk to me in the FE4 THREAD like nothing's up.

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