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Kinda curious what these mistakes were... kinda

EDIT: Love the coincidental timing of a mobile game thread popping so soon

Edited by Soledai
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Sometimes God uses the no-nonsense, salty sailor to get the job done. Appreciating what the man is doing doesn't mean we worship the salty sailor or even desire to be like the salty sailor. It doesn't even mean God admires the salty sailor. Maybe He just knows he's necessary for such a time as this.

I believe with all my heart that God placed that salty sailor in the White House and gave this nation one more chance in November 2016. Donald Trump is what he is. He is still the man he was before the election. And without guilt, I very much admire what that salty sailor is accomplishing.

He's not like me. That's okay with me. I don't want to be like him. I will never behave like him. I know we've NEVER had a man like him lead our nation. It's crazy and a little mind blowing at times. But I can't help admire the ability he has to act with his heart rather than a calculated, PC, think tank-screened, carefully edited script. I still believe that is WHY he became our President and WHY he's been able to handle a landslide of adversity and STILL pass unprecedented amounts of good legislation for our country AND do great works for MANY other nations, including Israel.

I'm THRILLED with what he's doing for my nation, for the cause of Christ (whether intentional or unintentional, doesn't matter to me), and for the concept of rebuilding America and putting her FIRST. I will not be ashamed of my position because others don't see him through the same lens.

Should it matter to me if a fireman drops an f-bomb while he's pulling me from a burning building? Would I really care about what came out of his mouth in those moments? Heck no! I'd CARE about what he was DOING. He wasn't sent there to save my soul and I'm not looking to him for spiritual guidance. All I'm thinking in those moments is, "Thank you, Jesus, for sending the fireman."

This man is crass. Okay. He's not careful with what he says. Okay. You feel offended that he's not a typical statesman. Okay. But he is rebuilding the nation my son died for...the nation I feared was on a fast track to becoming a hopeless cause. Forgive me if I'm smiling.

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Man, still wishing I had a PS4...

When you get so lost you end up in another game. First ACE:R, now SRW X, I doubt he can get outdone at getting lost... lol

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Well, I suppose that answers my question from... December, iirc...

1 hour ago, Nobody said:

Nice Palla. Is she your first +10 5 star unit?

My only one so far is Cecilia. I'm working on Eliwood and Nowi, but I need more merges, both are still at +5.

Yeah. My original plan was Seliph, but I sent home a lot of dupes before I got the idea to do a +10, and I already had 7 Pallas sitting around(Moonbow cultivation, y'know)

Niceness. Now that Palla is done, I'm gonna continue on Seliph, but I'm also thinking of all three Whitewings, this game does so enjoy shitting out Ests on me

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because he actively lowers the quality of every single thread/group/etc. he is in by being an unempathetic piece of shit dick fuckass and i've fucking had it. he doesn't give a fuck about any of you guys btw so i don't know why you guys are even giving him the light of day when he is literally UNABLE to improve on his shitty behavior over and over. so i will keep spitting at him until he gets the fuck out and/or genuinely apologizes for the shit he's done to other people.

Edited by Chen
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I don't really know what happened but I can't tell, or trust, who's to blame for a dispute just from people's words. Maybe he doesn't give a shit about me, I don't really care overall. Don't think it's the same as me defending them.

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7 hours ago, Soledai said:

@FrostyFireMage @Nobody

I've reached that, "too much effort" point.

But tbf, she's a 3* unit, so "effort" is debatable

Nice, are you FtP? Palla is the bane of my existence in TT along with Frederick and Cain

I still haven't decided who to focus on +10ing - maybe Eirika or L'arachel. Or maybe Merric if regular Excalibur gets a refine.

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2 hours ago, FrostyFireMage said:

Nice, are you FtP? Palla is the bane of my existence in TT along with Frederick and Cain

I still haven't decided who to focus on +10ing - maybe Eirika or L'arachel. Or maybe Merric if regular Excalibur gets a refine.

Yeah, complete f2p here. TT by itself is bane, tbh

How far have you gotten with them? Also, I think with my Est collection, I'm just waiting for the right boon/bane on her, then I'll probably start her next

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