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Just now, twilitfalchion said:

My generation is mostly known as the tide-pod-eating, social media obsessed bunch of idiots who don't act like they have a brain in their head.

Better than boomers who believe everything they see on facebook


Atleast my parents are sane enough to know that they should ask me before they believe anything on the net.

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1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

I mean

i am 27

but inside i am probably 7

or something


"What's the point of growing up if you can't be childish sometimes" - The Fourth Doctor in the Doctor Who episode Robot (1974)

55 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

I wouldn't drink for both legal reasons and because of principle.

Same. I've got two years left before i can legally drink.

Once i legally can, i'll probably drink once to see what my tolerance levels are and then never again outside of special occasions. You know, weddings, armageddons. I very much do not see myself a drinker.

I also don't see myself drinking coffee. I despise coffee.

58 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I kill the pain by doing stuff I enjoy, like listening to music, playing games, or writing.

Replace writing with sleeping and that's me haha. 

42 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I appreciate how free of stress it all is. No more rushing to get to the bus in the morning, no more looking for the room and seeing if it changed, fewer fixed classes, meaning you can pretty much do stuff whenever you feel like it (unless it's a seminar). Also, participating in a seminar without leaving bed is both very comfortable and very hilarious.
I do understand where other people are coming from when they say they don't like it, though

This is hell in Florida btw. Waiting for the bus in 95 degree weather for like 30 minutes. Not fun.

I 100% perfer online classes. Well, except for math. Do not take math online, it is not worth it. I learned the hard way.

None of my irl friends go to same campus (or college) as i do anyway so there wasn't really much that i'm missing by campuses closing. I struggle making friends irl but i'm also content with the same group of friends i've been with since elementary and middle school.

18 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Moral of the Story: We are all boomers except twilit

I'm younger than Twilit so he's a boomer in my eyes.

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12 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Sure, why not?

Honestly, I would rather be from a different generation than my own. My generation is mostly known as the tide-pod-eating, social media obsessed bunch of idiots who don't act like they have a brain in their head.


10 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Better than boomers who believe everything they see on facebook

Bottom line is, humanity sucks.

4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

This is hell in Florida btw. Waiting for the bus in 95 degree weather for like 30 minutes. Not fun.

Do the buses have air conditioning?
Because that can be a curse, too, as I can attest: you go from the heat outside, perhaps you're even sweating, into a cooled bus for like 30 to 45 minutes, depending on traffic, and back into the heat once you get off. It's so easy to catch a cold this way.

2 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

If I'm a boomer now, then what are my boomer parents?

Advanced Boomers.

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5 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

If I'm a boomer now, then what are my boomer parents?

Boomers: The Original


2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Do the buses have air conditioning?

Well they aren't mobile ovens, i'll give them that much. There's enough air circulation so that you aren't being cooked alive but i wouldn't really say buses have air conditioning. But sometimes i do get on a bus that has genuine air conditioning so it's not like they don't exist.


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4 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Bottom line is, humanity sucks.


In humanity, both strong and weak

In humanity, both fearsome and kind

Until then, i will kindle a flame within me

burning strong and bright




sorry had to do it xD

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You know, if it's any consolation to you guys, I'll probably be bald before any of you. Most of the people in my family went bald in their early 20's.

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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

Well they aren't mobile ovens, i'll give them that much. There's enough air circulation so that you aren't being cooked alive but i wouldn't really say buses have air conditioning. But sometimes i do get on a bus that has genuine air conditioning so it's not like they don't exist.

As horrifying as the thought of a mobile oven-esque bus is, I will say them getting cooled is something of a double-edged sword, for reasons I already stated.

1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:
In humanity, both strong and weak

In humanity, both fearsome and kind

Until then, i will kindle a flame within me

burning strong and bright




sorry had to do it xD

Nothing to apologize for.
I will however admit that I don't get the reference.

1 minute ago, Benice said:

You know, if it's any consolation to you guys, I'll probably be bald before any of you. Most of the people in my family went bald in their early 20's.

My condolences.

Speaking of which, I probably won't go bald, ever. Nobody in my family went bald even into their late 80s, early 90s (my great-grandfather lived to be 91 years old and he still had hair at that age).
We do all have receding hairlines, however, which has already reared its head with me, as well...

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1 minute ago, Benice said:

Eh, I'll just be farther channeling my inner Mangs.

That's one way to look at it. XD

Now you just need to risk units' lives for memes, use the Devil Axe whenever you can, and fail at least ten iron man runs. Then your transformation will be complete.

1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

HOW TF DID I NOT CATCH THAT?!?  I really am stupid...

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Different part of the head but if i'm already growing beards at 19, then i doubt i'll ever go bald. That would be cool if i was a beard person. Which i'm not. I hate my beard. Whenever it starts growing, i shave it ASAP.

I honestly can't understand how men can live with beards. How do they do it?

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6 minutes ago, Benice said:

You know, if it's any consolation to you guys, I'll probably be bald before any of you. Most of the people in my family went bald in their early 20's.

Sorry to hear that. It was the same for my father. But my mother's side of the family has been fortunate to have thick, full hair their entire lives. And it seems I've got that gene as well. Heck, by the end of the two months I couldn't get a haircut because of the pandemic I started to look like I had Genealogy hair.


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1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

That's one way to look at it. XD


Is that a devil axe?

1 minute ago, Armagon said:

Different part of the head but if i'm already growing beards at 19, then i doubt i'll ever go bald. That would be cool if i was a beard person. Which i'm not. I hate my beard. Whenever it starts growing, i shave it ASAP.

I had to start shaving while 17 


and yeah, beards are annoying


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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Whenever it starts growing, i shave it ASAP.

I honestly can't understand how men can live with beards. How do they do it?

I can't even try to grow facial hair without having my skin itch and get irritated like I have poison ivy.

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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Different part of the head but if i'm already growing beards at 19, then i doubt i'll ever go bald. That would be cool if i was a beard person. Which i'm not. I hate my beard. Whenever it starts growing, i shave it ASAP.

I honestly can't understand how men can live with beards. How do they do it?

I'm wondering the same thing, actually. I can't grow an actual beard, no matter for how long I don't shave.
It always stops at the stage where it is technically a beard, but at the same time it's not, if that makes sense. It also itches like hell after a while.
I hate it.

1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

Is that a devil axe?


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So, here's a Hot take:

I think it's fine that final dungeons of games are super long. After all, it's the final dungeon, the last hurrah, the big oomph, the home stretch.

The game should go out with a bang and show everything it offers, and test the player of everything possible. It is the culimnation of the player's journey, after all.


Seeing people complain about long final dungeon makes me go ????


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8 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

So, here's a Hot take:

I think it's fine that final dungeons of games are super long. After all, it's the final dungeon, the last hurrah, the big oomph, the home stretch.

The game should go out with a bang and show everything it offers, and test the player of everything possible. It is the culimnation of the player's journey, after all.


Seeing people complain about long final dungeon makes me go ????

I agree with you, actually. Didn't know that was a hot take.

But then you have dungeons like the final one in Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse that is just... just... oh my lord... It's confusing as hell with teleporter puzzles (which I hate), utterly massive, and filled to the brim with very strong enemies. But it just overstays its welcome really fast, because of its sheer length and because of how tedious it is, and it follows an already very long dungeon that did a much better job at being a "final dungeon", as this actual final dungeon comes rather out of nowhere in the story, too.
Also, you have to listen to this while you're in it:

It's easily the worst part of the game for me and the reason I haven't replayed it as often as I would have liked to.


You do get to kill the actual Abrahimitic God at the end of it, but that boss fight is also tedious af and not really enjoyable. Just like the dungeon itself.

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8 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

I can't even try to grow facial hair without having my skin itch and get irritated like I have poison ivy.

7 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I'm wondering the same thing, actually. I can't grow an actual beard, no matter for how long I don't shave.
It always stops at the stage where it is technically a beard, but at the same time it's not, if that makes sense. It also itches like hell after a while.
I hate it.

And appearently, it's supposed to itch for a good while. It does stop eventually but i don't have the strength to keep one on for that long.

Plus beards make eating certain foods hell anyway.

5 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

So, here's a Hot take:

I think it's fine that final dungeons of games are super long. After all, it's the final dungeon, the last hurrah, the big oomph, the home stretch.

The game should go out with a bang and show everything it offers, and test the player of everything possible. It is the culimnation of the player's journey, after all.


Seeing people complain about long final dungeon makes me go ????


People complain about final dungeons being long? If it's repetitive, i can understand but length itself isn't the issue imo.


King Caesar's name will never not be funny to me.

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