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2 minutes ago, CustardPudding said:

Dunno what to say except everyone seems to love Xenoblade but I've never played it. Is it any good?

Will 100% recommend. With three Xenoblade games on the Switch currently, you have some good options to start with. Most people are gonna tell you to start with XenoblaDE, as it just came out. It's story is the easiest one for people to like so it has that going for it. Combat's also at it's least complex compared to the other games in the series so it's a good start (and the combat in all the other games is much better so you see an increase in quality once you play other games in the series).

However, if you do want a cheaper, bite-sized experience, i do recommend Torna ~ The Golden Country. It's basically a condensed Xenoblade experience, good for giving you a feel of the series without being overwhelmed (though it kinda assumes you've already played Xenoblade 2, so it won't really explain a whole lot regarding the world of those two games).

Xenoblade 2 is also great to start with though it takes a while for it's combat to open up. A lot of newcomers to the series started with this one and it's also my personal favorite Xeno game.

Only Xenoblade game i don't recommend starting with is the original Xenoblade 1 and Xenoblade X. DE has rendered the original 1 irrelvant and X is geared more towards veterans.

There is also Xenogears and the Xenosaga trilogy. I don't recommend starting with these either but if you do end up liking Xenoblade, i strongly recommend you play these titles as well, Xenogears especially. Xenogears and Xenosaga also play like more traditional RPGs rather than the MMO-like feel that Xenoblade has.

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3 hours ago, Armagon said:

The way cosemtic armor works in this game is different from X i think. Basically, as long as you owned a piece of armor at any point, even if you don't have it now, you can set it as cosemetic, even if it's something you can't wear because of weight. Like, i got some of the Emperor/ess armor sets and even though nobody can actually wear them for stats right now, they can for the aesthetic.

I guess this is the way of the future, because DQXI did the same thing. I'm not sure if XCX2 would need to follow suit, it could and it'd be easy to transfer the code that presently exists, but your inventory is practically infinite storage in X, unlike XC1. If everything was organized so I could navigate the armor easily- sorted by manufacturer/casual, weight, and then color, I'd really like it though.


3 hours ago, Armagon said:

Btw, i recall you asking to post any cross-game outfits if they existed like in 2. To my knowledge, only one exists (and i have to put it in spoilers)

This is it? It doesn't significantly stand out from the character's usual attire. I can see the difference from the norm I mean, but it's too boring. Stylistically, it does align with Future Connected Melia's new clothes.




1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

FE4 is one of the easiest games in the series, if not outright the easiest one

I'll disagree. Despite knowing a bunch of the games mechanics and secrets, and whatnot in advance, I still got tripped up on the Cross Knights (no promoted Lachesis here, and it's unreasonable the average player would- I wasn't willing to spend Valkyria on her), C8 Ishtar is a thing I got past only by a Chulainn!Febail OHKO. C8 Ishtar, those C10 status staffs, and C7 Istore, are all "old game rough patches".

I'd say FE3 is easier actually. Book 1 is cake and Book 2 might start a bit difficult at times and has a couple late chapters of strong humans. But dragons are a very formulaic threat and some lategame fights spam useless thief reinforcements for no good reason. Dragons + dark magic in the final fights are old-school hurdles, not true difficulty. And Star Shards give you extreme stats for no effort.


1 hour ago, lightcosmo said:

FE8 is easiest FE, easily.

On Easy? Maybe. On Hard? No. Chapter 19 no-Warp says no to that by itself, add the Phantom Ship and Father and Son. 



18 minutes ago, CustardPudding said:

Dunno what to say except everyone seems to love Xenoblade but I've never played it. Is it any good?

The thing that most likely would turn a person off is combat from what I've seen. To some, it's brainless spamming of Arts- not enough interaction or strategy. Story and characters would be the secondary reasons cited for not liking it. If you enjoy or at least can tolerate the gameplay, and in the case of XC2 don't mind "anime" characters, you should be able to find enjoyment in the series. It generally gets nothing but praise for beautiful worlds and good music too.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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12 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

If everything was organized so I could navigate the armor easily- sorted by manufacturer/casual, weight, and then color, I'd really like it though.

It's already pretty simple in DE. Basically, each armor and weapon falls into a type, and if said type has different color variations, a Roman numeral next to it will signify. So for example, Shulk's default look is "Colony Type I". Any color variations would be "Colony Type II" and so on.

14 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

This is it? It doesn't significantly stand out from the character's usual attire. I can see the difference from the norm I mean, but it's too boring.

Yeah, DE doesn't have much in the way of fanservice for the other games in the series. There's no Time Attack challenges where you fight characters from the other games like in 2 either.

Unfortunate but oh well.

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Morning, friends!
It's raining outside.

9 hours ago, Shrimperor said:


I will wait and see if gameplay is cool or something

If the gameplay is like the mainline games so far, that would be cool.

9 hours ago, Armagon said:

Same. However, if they can craft something unique behind it, I would not mind the idol backdrop. Example: the Azure Striker Gunvolt series is one of my favorite video game franchises of all time and it's basically X-Men meets the idol genre.

Tokyo Mirage Sessions is another example of taking the idol setting and crafting something unique with it.

If VVVTune manages to be unique, I'm for it. If it's just another Producing Perfection, then nah.

But also it needs to be on PC or Switch for me to actually play it lmao. Only PS4 version has been announced.

Yeah, that's probably how I'm going to go about it, too.
Strangely enough, I can't even really say why that idol thing bothers me. It just does, somehow.

I mean, I'm not usually very interested in the magical girl genre, either (I can't even really give a reason for that, either), but Blue Reflection managed to make it interesting for me due to how the rest of the game and story plays out and is presented.

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My department is mine today. I am all alone. I take this opportunity to start with the Ashe x Kloe support. I still consider it as "work" since I will increase by English skills and extend my literal creativity by that.

Edit: A support is done and I already have the idea for B, but Idk about A yet. Some shitty small talk seems to be boring.

Edited by Falcom Knight
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31 minutes ago, Falcom Knight said:

Just give me a little feedback to lemme rework if needed.



Yeah, I agree. The reveal is just a bit too sudden. But I really like the idea of cooking together being the basis of the C support.


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8 hours ago, Armagon said:

Yeah, DE doesn't have much in the way of fanservice for the other games in the series. There's no Time Attack challenges where you fight characters from the other games like in 2 either.

Unfortunate but oh well.

XC1DE is an enhanced port at the end of the day. It has Future Connected, a graphical overhaul, a second version of the OST, and some gameplay tweaks, thats true. But I guess this game didn't have a big budget/spent it all on FC and the visual revamp.

No real loss though. Dunban in Zeke-esque attire coulda been nice, Tora for Riki, and Sharla with Morag's hat, but it isn't needed. Save the fanservice battles for a brand new game I suppose, because a new game in general would be hype and adding intraseries crossover battles would therefore be hype on top of hype. 


1 hour ago, lightcosmo said:

Alright, so I just started to get the extra skill trees (the fifth ones, I mean). And it is a downright pain!

A few of them shouldn't be bad- Shulk's, Sharla's, and Dunban's I think. Shulk's is no-battle IIRC and gives you a skill that refills his Talent Art whenever he get a Vision, which makes it by far the best. 

But the one with the giant spider UM with a Daze spike in staring contest with another UM and both are about 90 when the final boss is 82? Yes, that one is bad, the worst of them. The skill tree you get from it is... obsessively bad too.

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22 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

... I really shouldn't have looked up Fate memes.
Dr. Gilgamesh.
What the hell, internet? What the actual hell? XD

Drown in Fate memes...

And Laugh!


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6 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Strangely enough, I can't even really say why that idol thing bothers me. It just does, somehow.

Most people just aren't in to it. Don't blame ya if you can't think of a reason for not being into idols.

The thing for me personally is that the idol genre is that you have all these characters singing and putting up concerts and all....but it doesn't feel like it's about music. Idol stuff on it's own generally isn't enough to carry imo.

6 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

XC1DE is an enhanced port at the end of the day. It has Future Connected, a graphical overhaul, a second version of the OST, and some gameplay tweaks, thats true. But I guess this game didn't have a big budget/spent it all on FC and the visual revamp.

I do remember reading that the budget for DE wasn't as big as the other games (well idk what Monolith Soft budgets generally are but you get what I mean). Not every song is remastered, the ones that aren't just have the quality improved. And Takahashi did say Future Connected could've been bigger but they would've had to make it DLC and that would've taken away time and resources from their other projects. And we know they're working on a new game right now.

10 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Shulk's is no-battle IIRC and gives you a skill that refills his Talent Art whenever he get a Vision, which makes it by far the best. 

And then you link that skill to Sharla 🙂

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20 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

A few of them shouldn't be bad- Shulk's, Sharla's, and Dunban's I think. Shulk's is no-battle IIRC and gives you a skill that refills his Talent Art whenever he get a Vision, which makes it by far the best. 

But the one with the giant spider UM with a Daze spike in staring contest with another UM and both are about 90 when the final boss is 82? Yes, that one is bad, the worst of them. The skill tree you get from it is... obsessively bad too.

I dont mean difficult, I mean the path to unlocking them is a pain. Also, on the home stretch! Level 98!

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3 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Drown in Fate memes...

And Laugh!

Oh, I laughed, alright. Especially at some of the comments under the video. XD
Though I still remember my first time seeing that scene... Heavy stuff.

1 minute ago, Armagon said:

The thing for me personally is that the idol genre is that you have all these characters singing and putting up concerts and all....but it doesn't feel like it's about music. Idol stuff on it's own generally isn't enough to carry imo.

That reminds me that I watched a bit of an anime called Zombieland Saga that came out... last year, I think? Because the prospect of zombie singers was hilarious to me (and also the first episode opened on Death Metal, which... you know), but somewhere down the line (i.e. around five episodes in), they stopped focusing on the shenanigans that come with an idol troupe consisting of undead girls, which was what I found funny and interesting about it, at which point it got boring and I stopped following it. I don't even know if it's finished or not.

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4 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

You found Aron Headbutt's Channel i take it?

That doesn't ring a bell, no.

Here's the version of that meme that I've seen (coincidentally from my "first contact" with UBW)
blood warning for anyone who hasn't seen it yet and/or is sensitive about that stuff!


That movie was great, actually.

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4 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

That reminds me that I watched a bit of an anime called Zombieland Saga that came out... last year, I think? Because the prospect of zombie singers was hilarious to me (and also the first episode opened on Death Metal, which... you know), but somewhere down the line (i.e. around five episodes in), they stopped focusing on the shenanigans that come with an idol troupe consisting of undead girls, which was what I found funny and interesting about it, at which point it got boring and I stopped following it. I don't even know if it's finished or not.

I actually watched that one. And the bolder part, yeah, that was my main issue with it. Well, i did watch it all the way to the end and it kiiinda got interesting again near the end with that one guy who's slowly uncovering the truth but that was more setting up the second season.

In the end, i thought it was decent but i was disapointed into how the zombie aspect was reduced to being a gimmick. Only reason i stuck around to the end is because the producer guy is hilarious, he hard carried the show.

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3 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:



3 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

And yeah, Dr. Gil is a pretty known meme. 

Gilgamesh himself is a pretty good vessel for memes, purely due to his personality being what it is.
He is a pretty awesome character on his own, ngl.

1 minute ago, Armagon said:

I actually watched that one. And the bolder part, yeah, that was my main issue with it. Well, i did watch it all the way to the end and it kiiinda got interesting again near the end with that one guy who's slowly uncovering the truth but that was more setting up the second season.

In the end, i thought it was decent but i was disapointed into how the zombie aspect was reduced to being a gimmick. Only reason i stuck around to the end is because the producer guy is hilarious, he hard carried the show.

What a neat coincidence!
Yeah, the producer guy was the best thing about it after the second or so episode. Though he alone wasn't enough for me to keep me interested in the end.

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What currently comes to mind when I see the name "Gilgamesh":


I never did a War Cart spam Domination with Sumeria. After another update or a few months passing, I should see if donkeys chariots of conquest is fun.

Turns out a historical Gilgamesh did exist:

It is generally accepted now – unlike in an earlier, less “sophisticated” time – that Gilgamesh actually did live and rule in ancient Mesopotamia. There are passing references to him (or at least to names very similar) in a number of non-cuneiform texts that have survived more-or-less intact. In a scroll found at Qumran known as the Book of Giants (c. 100 BC), Gilgamesh appears in the form of one of the antediluvian kings. In a Greek work by the Roman Aelian penned around 200 AD, he is mentioned as the successor to an ancient king of Babylon. Theodore Bar Konai, writing around 800 AD, lists Gilgamesh as last of the twelve kings contemporary with the Jewish patriarch Abraham. And fragments of a text found in the Tell Haddad digs relate that the dead Gilgamesh was buried in the riverbed of the diverted Euphrates by his worshipful Uruk subjects.

And that’s about it for historical evidence of Gilgamesh’s life. So, back to legend, which is much more entertaining...


Back to fact... well, maybe. In 2003 AD, a German team of archaeologists claimed to have found the tomb of Gilgamesh, in what was once the riverbed of the Euphrates, buried under the sand of the Iraqi desert. Magnetic imaging equipment, supposedly refined enough to tell the difference between dried sediment and ancient mudbricks, showed garden enclosures, buildings and walls of a palace that includes the demigod’s burial chamber. Military actions since have prevented any attempt at excavation, but it is a fervent hope for all that someday archeologists will dig up mighty Gilgamesh’s bones.

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