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4 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

I've never looked it up before because I've never had the desire to complete it before. Sad for a huge Xeno fan, I know.

No, I don't blame you. Colony 6 reconstruction is pretty tedious.

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1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

Oh my god.

Well the third member can never finish it otherwise it revives again. 

Just now, Armagon said:

No, I don't blame you. Colony 6 reconstruction is pretty tedious.

Is it just me, or are quests much more tedious than in 2/Torna?

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Just now, lightcosmo said:

Well the third member can never finish it otherwise it revives again.

That thing sounds like an absolute nightmare to fight with how much crap you have to pay attention to.
Is it an early boss or a later one?

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Just now, DragonFlames said:

That thing sounds like an absolute nightmare to fight with how much crap you have to pay attention to.
Is it an early boss or a later one?

A little later than half, I'd say. 

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7 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Is it just me, or are quests much more tedious than in 2/Torna?

2/Torna had significantly less quests than Xenoblade 1 so yeah, I'd say it's more tedious than that.

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1 minute ago, lightcosmo said:

A little later than half, I'd say. 

Friggin' hell...
I can just imagine it: You had a relatively smooth ride through the game, then at around the halfway point, you just crash into a massive brick wall...
I think I would absolutely hate that, honestly.

Just now, Shrimperor said:

And wow! Congratz, man. I don't think i will be ever able to do something like that :0

I want to beat all those colisseum fights still, so I kinda had to do it. XD
And then when all that is over and done with...

... Neplunker Zero. *dramatic music*

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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

2/Torna had significantly less quests than Xenoblade 1 so yeah, I'd say it's more tedious than that.

I dont mean time wise, I mean like, all you do is run back and forth! All the time!


2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Friggin' hell...
I can just imagine it: You had a relatively smooth ride through the game, then at around the halfway point, you just crash into a massive brick wall...
I think I would absolutely hate that, honestly.

I always have that issue at this point, it's my Kryptonite.

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2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


I attempted that thing a few times already, with middling success, I think, but I always fail at one point or another. This "one slip-up, you're dead" thing is straight up evil, I tell you.
And me sucking at platformers in general probably doesn't help any, either.

Just now, lightcosmo said:

I always have that issue at this point, it's my Kryptonite.

I've never played Xenosaga before, but from what you've told me, I completely understand you.

1 minute ago, twilitfalchion said:

67 turns later, Ch. 2 of FE4 is done.


Current death count: back to 1 (Noish). All other deaths were undone by reloading a prior save.

And an F for Noish.

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2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:


This song is one of my earliest childhood memories. Thanks for the nostalgia!

Noish was kind of useless anyway.

Edited by twilitfalchion
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1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

I've never played Xenosaga before, but from what you've told me, I completely understand you

It's probably not as bad as I make it sound!

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Xenoblade 1 ice physics will never be topped.



Jedi Dunban

Jedi Dunban

The weapon itself sucks but I like the look so I set it as cosmetic.

7 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Neplunker Zero

I never actually unlocked this lmao.

4 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

dont mean time wise, I mean like, all you do is run back and forth! All the time!

Well DE's quest tracking makes it a lot more bearable but it still has a lot of generic kill/fetch quests in every area. At least those auto-complete.

However, regarding the item quests, I think that going back to single item spheres was a poor move imo.

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4 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

This song is one of my earliest childhood memories. Thanks for the nostalgia!

It was unintentional, but I'm happy to hear that!

4 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Neplunker is just super clunky tbh

That, too.
Sometimes you die just because. It's freaking weird.

4 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

It's probably not as bad as I make it sound!

Still, I believe your take on it.

1 minute ago, Armagon said:
I never actually unlocked this lmao.

Never used any Scouts in Zero Dimension (the area, not the arc), I take it?

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2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Never used any Scouts in Zero Dimension (the area, not the arc), I take it?

I didn't use a lot of Scouts just generally.

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Just now, Armagon said:

I didn't use a lot of Scouts just generally.

I use them a lot in story dungeons, especially the ones that decrease Share penalties from transforming. And of course all the EXP-increasing ones were there in Senmuu for grinding purposes. In general, they're a great way to farm money and materials on the side. Those quests that ask you for specific materials sometimes complete themselves if you know where to send your Scouts. And the Hidden Treasures are nothing to sneeze at, either. You can get some very useful game discs and chips from those.
I'm too deep into that game, aren't I?

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Alright, time for a long ship trip. All the way south to Helmunaptra, and the revelations regarding Madason and his father. The long journey to Gotha begins. Well, that's for next time.

I'd say, I'm intrigued. An NPC comments how someone who traveled with the Legendary Hero settled down in the area, and the place soon followed, implying he (he is identified as such) founded the place or helped it get formed. Considering how the Zenithian trilogy is meant to be connected, with V taking place long after IV, it gets me curious about who could it be. Considering the whole "settlement sprung where he moved", it might be Hank Hoffman Jr., of all people. Well, the NPC didn't say it was one of the hero's actual companions. Just that he traveled with him. If it had to be one of the companions, the only one I could see it making sense would be Torneko. He's a merchant, after all. Ah well.

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I wanted to test the capabilites of XenoblaDE's Casual Mode.

...I took down a Lv.97 monster while my whole party was Lv.47. What. The. Fuck.

9 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I use them a lot in story dungeons, especially the ones that decrease Share penalties from transforming. And of course all the EXP-increasing ones were there in Senmuu for grinding purposes. In general, they're a great way to farm money and materials on the side. Those quests that ask you for specific materials sometimes complete themselves if you know where to send your Scouts. And the Hidden Treasures are nothing to sneeze at, either. You can get some very useful game discs and chips from those.
I'm too deep into that game, aren't I?

Their usefulness is pretty good, that can't be denied. I just kinda....forgot to use them. Hence me not generally using them.

It's weird though cause I did use Stella's dungeon a lot in Rebirth 3. So idk why I didn't use the Scouts in Megadimension that much.

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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I wanted to test the capabilites of XenoblaDE's Casual Mode.

...I took down a Lv.97 monster while my whole party was Lv.47. What. The. Fuck.

RelievedDefenselessHornshark-small.gif <- the monster, probably

5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Their usefulness is pretty good, that can't be denied. I just kinda....forgot to use them. Hence me not generally using them.

It's weird though cause I did use Stella's dungeon a lot in Rebirth 3. So idk why I didn't use the Scouts in Megadimension that much.

It is kind of a hassle to get them into the dungeons in the first place, as you have to send each of them out individually.
This gets more egregious the more of them you have, and sometimes, you send out the last Scout and the first is almost ready to return (no joke, that legit happened to me once).

And honestly? I forgot to use them at points, too.
My characters would transform for story reasons, I'd beat the boss and exit the dungeon only to see that the little crown thingie you get when you max Shares for a nation had disappeared, leaving me to wonder what the hell happened until I remember that I forgot to send the right Scouts to that dungeon. I mean, not that maxed out Shares matter much, but when it comes to such things, I'm kind of a perfectionist, so not having them maxed out bothers me to no end.

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18 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

RelievedDefenselessHornshark-small.gif <- the monster, probably

It did not stand a chance. I knew it made things easy but i didn't think it'd be that easy. Casual Mode really is there for people who just want to experience the story. But i like a challenge so i'm gonna turn it off. I mean, i wasn't using it all that much anyway but i will use it for the Lv.100+ Superbosses, fuck the level penalties.

Btw, killing the Lv.97 monster did not cause my levels to shoot up dramatically. There's a cap on how much EXP you can get from killing any single monster, to prevent cheese. But even if i did shoot up in levels, i would just delevel myself since you can do that in XenoblaDE (also Xenoblade 2 but NG+ only).

18 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

It is kind of a hassle to get them into the dungeons in the first place, as you have to send each of them out individually.

Yeah, i do remember that. And i think they report back one at a time too? I don't remember, i could be wrong.


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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

It did not stand a chance. I knew it made things easy but i didn't think it'd be that easy. Casual Mode really is there for people who just want to experience the story. But i like a challenge so i'm gonna turn it off. I mean, i wasn't using it all that much anyway but i will use it for the Lv.100+ Superbosses, fuck the level penalties.

Btw, killing the Lv.97 monster did not cause my levels to shoot up dramatically. There's a cap on how much EXP you can get from killing any single monster, to prevent cheese. But even if i did shoot up in levels, i would just delevel myself since you can do that in XenoblaDE (also Xenoblade 2 but NG+ only).

Level reset. Neat! I love it when games give me the opportunity to do that, especially those that have some manner of stat and skill customization.
It's always something to fall back on if I screw over a character by giving them the wrong (or too much different) stuff. It's a godsend in Etrian Odyssey, and as far as I saw, Blue Reflection has it, too.

7 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Yeah, i do remember that. And i think they report back one at a time too? I don't remember, i could be wrong.

That happens only if you go into the Scout menu in town when they return individually (if each Scout is one minute apart, for instance). If you wait until the very last Scout returns and then check the town menu to have them report back, they all come back at the same time and give you the stuff they found, open more dungeons, find other Scouts, Hidden Treasure hints, etc.

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1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

Level reset. Neat! I love it when games give me the opportunity to do that, especially those that have some manner of stat and skill customization.
It's always something to fall back on if I screw over a character by giving them the wrong (or too much different) stuff. It's a godsend in Etrian Odyssey, and as far as I saw, Blue Reflection has it, too.

It might be a little bit different than the examples you mentioned because in Xenoblade, you can't really screw yourself over when it comes to the skill customization, not to mention you can still keep gaining SP even after maxing out your level. Honestly, the skill trees in Xenoblade 1 don't matter too much, some are nice to have but it's nothing like Xenoblade 2's skill trees where you actually do want some of the skills there (though it does make some of the endgame content easier, the last skill in Shulk's fifth skill tree maxes out his Talent Gauge whenever a Vision happens, which is a Godsend). In fact, my first playthrough of Xenoblade 1 back on the New 3DS, i didn't even know you could change skill trees.

Basically, deleveling in Xenoblade is pretty much just to keep you from being overleveld, whether it be in the main game or if you want to experience what NG+ has to offer without steamrolling everything. But the only thing deleving takes away is stats, any skills and Arts learned stay.

The cool thing is that you don't have to grind up levels again if you choose to delevel. When you delevel, the excess EXP is converted to bonus EXP, just like EXP gained from sidequests and discovering Landmarks, allowing you to use it to climb up levels should you need to. I recall you saying Etrian Odyssey didn't do that (or was it Mary Skelter), not sure if Blue Reflection does that.

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