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Because everyone else knows or because I don't want to?

Thank you. I don't speak japanese or watch much anime, so I probably won't get a lot of things like that.

You obviously hang around this site, though. Haven't you seen people (like shadowofchaos) using it?

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I actually don't know much about Touhou, save for the stuff that I looked up about it after Touhou mafia ended, but the music is good and I've been listening to this lately.

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I actually don't know much about Touhou, save for the stuff that I looked up about it after Touhou mafia ended, but the music is good and I've been listening to this lately.

*insert video here*

Hello there. I don't know much about Touhou either, but it has surprisingly good music.

Comma splicing?

Yes, you have two independent clauses connected only by a comma.

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I'm doing fine. And you?

currenrly seeking a way to ease my sore body. Maybe i should hold on the gym?

I'm alright.

...well, except for NM being at it again in the lords thread.

he's really bent on targeting marth? Persistent isn't he?

Edit: hi Boron

Edited by Hero-King
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Sheesh, that must be your third theme today. You've quite outdone yourself

Well, I'm stuck with this now.

Not that I mind, Shinki is a cool name, and she's a badass so I don't mind.

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currenrly seeking a way to ease my sore body. Maybe i should hold on the gym? he's really bent on targeting marth? Persistent isn't he?

Edit: hi Boron

The easiest way to ease aching muscles is to learn science. Or get your homework done.

That's what I do, anyway.

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What is more important than NM?

As tempting as it is to answer that, I won't.

It's strange how I tried to befriend him so he wouldn't feel so stressed out and down, it ended quite badly and he still persists in being down, yet I still try to maintain some respect to him.

he's really bent on targeting marth? Persistent isn't he?

Yeah. From what I recall, he really disliked FE11 mainly because everyone except for Sheeda and Ogma got really bad level ups in his playthrough, and he just gave up on it, and disliked FE11, Marth (even more than Micaiah, strangely and unfairly, since Marth's growths are much better yet he based his opinions on 1 personal experience), and Akanea ever since (someone really ought to tell him PEMN). Supposedly, the same thing happened to him in FE7, except Lyn and Hector were the only good ones in his eyes (he still quit FE7 and never finished it). I'm guessing since FE11 is more recent, he's more angry at it than FE7.

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As tempting as it is to answer that, I won't. It's strange how I tried to befriend him so he wouldn't feel so stressed out and down, it ended quite badly and he still persists in being down, yet I still try to maintain some respect to him. Yeah. From what I recall, he really disliked FE11 mainly because everyone except for Sheeda and Ogma got really bad level ups in his playthrough, and he just gave up on it, and disliked FE11, Marth (even more than Micaiah, strangely and unfairly, since Marth's growths are much better yet he based his opinions on 1 personal experience), and Akanea ever since (someone really ought to tell him PEMN). Supposedly, the same thing happened to him in FE7, except Lyn and Hector were the only good ones in his eyes (he still quit FE7 and never finished it). I'm guessing since FE11 is more recent, he's more angry at it than FE7.

wow, that's kinda dumb, though it being more recent wouldn't really matter with how hated FE11 is, but I wouldn't hold it against him. Its just how he is
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As tempting as it is to answer that, I won't.

It's strange how I tried to befriend him so he wouldn't feel so stressed out and down, it ended quite badly and he still persists in being down, yet I still try to maintain some respect to him.

Yeah. From what I recall, he really disliked FE11 mainly because everyone except for Sheeda and Ogma got really bad level ups in his playthrough, and he just gave up on it, and disliked FE11, Marth (even more than Micaiah, strangely and unfairly, since Marth's growths are much better yet he based his opinions on 1 personal experience), and Akanea ever since (someone really ought to tell him PEMN). Supposedly, the same thing happened to him in FE7, except Lyn and Hector were the only good ones in his eyes (he still quit FE7 and never finished it). I'm guessing since FE11 is more recent, he's more angry at it than FE7.

It's strange how Micaiah has an okay 35% speed growth and a good base (7 at level 1), but no matter who you are, Micaiah rarely gets much speed. Her average should be about 35, but I can't recall ever calling her speed.

So it's a character who is crippled by patterns of personal experience.

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I always found the FE11 hate to be beyond unfair. I mean, what changes were people expecting? If they added rescuing to FE11, that'd trivialize the game as much as adding wall jumping to the original Super Mario Bros. trilogy (essentially making a lot of holes no longer a threat). The original FE1 and FE3 Book 1 were hardly story heavy or text heavy as well, and I don't see why people wanted it to become like that by adding more story to it. FE11 also did quite well in staying true to the source material while making tweaks to make it more user friendly.

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I always found the FE11 hate to be beyond unfair. I mean, what changes were people expecting? If they added rescuing to FE11, that'd trivialize the game as much as adding wall jumping to the original Super Mario Bros. trilogy (essentially making a lot of holes no longer a threat). The original FE1 and FE3 Book 1 were hardly story heavy or text heavy as well, and I don't see why people wanted it to become like that by adding more story to it. FE11 also did quite well in staying true to the source material while making tweaks to make it more user friendly.

I thought it was fine, but I felt is was a little weak and that they could have done a bit more to keep the quality up. They weren't even being lazy, but just a bit to traditional in my opinion.

But then again, reclassing. But you can't reclass your theives.

Edited by AnonymousSpeed
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[spoiler=SRW A Playthrough]Scenario 20 – Those unforgettable days

On the Nadesico bridge, Wraith is paying a visit. The crew is surprised to see him here, since last they knew he was paying a visit to Lantau Island. He states he is now back, though back there it’s still taking time collecting the wreckage. However, the crew now takes notice on why they never detected his plane arriving, and Vashiane states the computer doesn’t seem to be responsive all the time lately. It’s getting late though, so the crew will be heading out now. Wraith prepared dinner before coming to the bridge, which they’re grateful for, though it seems Vashiane will be staying to keep checking the issue with the computer, so Wraith stays too to keep an eye on her.

Meanwhile, in an unknown location, Freohr is talking with the still unidentified person. Yes, in case you forgot, it’s these same two who sent Amelia to pay us a visit after Operation Stardust failed, and the people I worked… or work for, whatever. Mystery person states the time to move is now, now that Shirley was kidnapped and the Devil Gundam defeated. Freohr wonders if they should call me back, but mystery person wants me in Londo Bell still, until it’s the time to dispose of them. Woah. Freohr asks if they can instead be turned into allies, but mystery person doesn’t think so. Freohr now asks him if he’s going to Earth, and he states that yes, he wants to test a prototype and to test Londo Bell’s power. Freohr wants to go with him, but he reminds her of her work… huh, Lantau Island? Oh boy… anyway, he states he’ll be bringing Amelia along. Freohr still worries, due to Londo Bell’s increased power, and he states he’ll bring the Gaizock too… wait, the Gaizock!? They’re in cahoots with them too!? Freohr doesn’t like that they’ll be using them, but mystery person states how he likes that they were made for a purpose, but have their own free will too. He compares it to Freohr’s W Series project, though apparently she doesn’t agree about imputing emotions and judgment, despite her having done so as well. At this mystery person departs now, and we finally get to know who he is; Pride. As a last note, Freohr states something about failing on “that” side… hmm, that talk again…

Back with us, in the Nahel Argama the D-Team will finally have their registries erased at Yokosuka, though they’re wary things may happen like at Torrington where an enemy attack prevents them from doing so. Zerker notices the Nadesico is falling behind, and AceTactician states the control system is messed up and urrently fixing it.

On the deck Noctali is still thinking things about what happened with Caladbolg. The others note how he’s changed, from the impulsive-aggressive self from their first meeting to who he is now. However, just then the alarms go off. Enemy attack!

It’s the Gaizock, led by Breezy. They’ve finally showed themselves again. The Zambot team are quick to deploy. Zerker gives the order to scramble and DLV notes… there are Gespensts with the Gaizock! FruitNinja thinks they stole them, and I go pondering about things again. Breezy ain’t telling, but nevermind that, we go! The Nadesico is still not here, so we must endure until then.

Stage begin!


Zerker (Lv24) – Nahel Argama

FruitNinja (Lv11), Pilot (Lv11), Popo (Lv11) – Zambot 3

AcaciaSgt (Lv26) – Soulgain

SRC (Lv26), Sara (Lv26) – Kerot

GoD (Lv25), Cluie (Lv25), Comet (Lv25), ThGhosteon (Lv25), AgileTit-Tyrant (Lv25) – Combattler V

AceNoctali (Lv25) – God Gundam

Pikachu (Lv24) – Dragonar Type-3 Lifter

Knight (Lv24) – Great Mazinger

Lux (Lv23), Raven (Lv23), TheFush (Lv23) – Getter Robo G

JamesBCrazy (Lv22) – Daitarn 3

Gregor (Lv22) – Dragonar Type-1 Lifter

Elieson (Lv21) – Daimos

Nightmare (Lv21) – Full-Armor Gundam

NG (Lv21) – Nobel Gundam

CaptainAmerica (Lv20) – Hyakku Shikki

GreenPoet (Lv20) – Venus A


Breezy (Lv25) – Bandock

??? (Lv24) – Gespenst mk-II x6

AI (Lv23) – Mecha Boost Anmosga x2

AI (Lv23) – Mecha Boost Doyozura x2

AI (Lv23) – Mecha Boost Galchack x2

AI (Lv23) – Mecha Boost Trashid x2

Standard stage… at first. By enemy phase 2 the Nadesico finally arrives, and scrambles the Aestevalises. But suddenly, the Nadesico’s computer acts up. It… flags Londo Bell as enemies!? The ship and the aestevalises start to act up on their own! What the…!?

Enemy Reinforce

AceTactician (Lv22) – Nadesico

Samven (Lv21) – Aestevalis Samven [Air]

KittyofTime (Lv10) – Aestevalis Kitty [Air]

Hatari (Lv10) – Aestevalis Hatari [Air]

Carter (Lv10) – Aestevalis Carter [Air]

ZM (Lv9) – Aestevalis ZM [Air]

Venasaur (Lv9) – Aestevalis Venasaur [Air]

Once the enemy phase is over, the Nadesico crew still can’t do anything to reverse this. Zerker has no choice but to order to open fire on them if need to, though only to halt them. It’s enough trouble with Gaizock here as it is. Breezy consider this all amusing. Well, my meta-self considers this… more EXP and money! *shot* No really, there’s really no penalty, so might as well. And in this game everything to gain is paramount for survival.

However, by next enemy phase, something warps in… that animation, its Pride himself! The group is shocked at the sudden new enemies. Dread can tell it’s not the same as the Boson Jump, but either way, the fact they first appeared alongside the Jovian Lizards can imply a relation, perhaps? So Gaizock and the Jovians have joined forces? Not an absolute, but they’re enemies anyway so…

Meanwhile, Pride sends a private transmission to me. I, like with Amelia before, have no clue. And just like Amelia before, Pride thinks I’m just not leaving my mission even now. Okay, seriously now, one time was already reaching, but you too!? And even Amelia is backing up again that line of thought. *facepalm* Though he did noticed too my apparent new speech patterns. Anyway, he tells me that he mounted that device into his mecha, the Zweizergain. Pkachu meanwhile is detecting up the transmission line, but nothing beyond that. Back with Pride and I, Pride says he has come to battle test the Zweizergain, and I still ask about the Transportation Device being in his mecha… wait, what? Is my memory finally…?

The others meanwhile are now riled up to go after the new enemies, as I still am in the middle of an epiphany it seems… Earth Federation Forces, Special Task Manouver Squad… Shadow Mirror… ‘s…!? ???!!!

Enemy reinforcement

Pride (Lv27) – Zweizergain

Amelia (Lv26) – Vysaga

??? (Lv25) – Angelg x2

??? (Lv24) – Gespenst mk-II x4

I’d like to call this moment, a taste of what’s to come. Zweizergain is no slouch, but fortunately for us Pride retreats when his HP reaches a certain point, or on his own after a few turns in. So considering things, one might even not get to fight him at all. In any case, he is impressed. He states Londo Bell will give them trouble at “this” side too. That which they couldn’t get at their… world? He will make it so here. He tells me to wait for my next order, and warps out from the area. The rest are stil confused, and can only conclude that the prescence of Gespents means they’re Earthlings. And I inwardly think on how right that is. What a mess…

Anyway, once the battle is over, we survey we Nadesico’s status. It’s gonna need emergencial repairs in order to reach Yokosuka. The mechanics will see to that as the Super Robots will pick up the fallen Aestevalises. The only problem left is still the computer. It still locks Nahel Argama as the enemy. Dread explains that since Londo Bell used to be the Nadesico’s enemy, the computer stored that in its memory, and the memory is still there. Vashiane explains it can’t be deleted since it’s a self-learning computer, so reseting it would also make it loose anything else it has learned at this point. But then why this didn’t become a problem until now then?

Garland suspects it’s due to trying to protect its crew, but that still doesn’t explain the timing. Vashiane theorizes it could’ve been the Gespsents. The computer began to act once it detected them. Also surprisingly, it detected them as Federation weapons. That can’t be, since the Dragoon is what the Federation uses, and only 3 Gespents were made, but so far we’ve fought more than that. In any case, something must be done about the computer. Vashiane is still against rewriting the computer itself, but it is troublesome to still have them flagged as enemies. Vashiane states she’ll try to talk it out of it, and the Combattler’s robot offers his help too. He states a talk from computer to computer may be what they need.

Back at the Nahel Argama, incoming transmission from Saint… oh boy, what does he wants now… he’s angry we haven’t arrived at Yokosuka yet. Zerker explains of the Gaizock attack and the Nadesico being under repairs. He yells again about getting there ASAP, and signs off. Charming.

Back in the Nadesico, the AI’s and Vashiane are talking. Vashiane tells the computer to try to forget about Londo Bell being an enemy, but Combattler’s robot states that instead of forgetting, it should instead try to not let it be tied down by that memory, and to not let it be taken as-is. The crew is impressed, and Dread figures that the constant contact it has with the Combattler team’s brainwaves has made it pick up and understand about these things. And so the process continues…

In the Nahel Argama deck, some of the group wonders about me, since I’ve never left my mecha’s cockpit since coming back. They think about the mysterious enemies, and Pikachu brings up the transmission line he detected before. But before their talk can go further, they get word the Nadesico’s computer is back in shape now, and we can go to Yokosuka now.

Back with me though, seems I am now aware of who I really am. Hmm, what will my game-self do now…?

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