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I've never sworn at people.

Only, "fuck this", and so on.

I wish I could say this of myself. Though I take pride in my rationality and calm, there is the rare occasion where I lose my temper.

If I knew Glace's interview was going to be boring as shit, I'd have given you 40 questions.

Hell, one of my regrets is getting into a rut during Shirley's interview.

I didn't find Glac's interview boring, but I don't really attach much value to that thread.

Same, actually. Wish I would have asked questions there, but alas, I was busy.

Yes, I do!

Huh. I thought that one time in that one call in that 8D chat was just for a joke or something. Not that it sounded bad, but I didn't know you were serious about it.

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Only six defense? Bench juice

Hey, it's her fifth best stat.


Rip Mist

I mean I won't train her on swords anyway (which I actually never do, because her strength always sucks).

Tbh she's even more useless for me in FE9 than in FE10 except for using the ashera staff in 9.

Therefore I've the best Ike and Ilyana ever.

Ike is at level 5 and has 25 strength and speed and Ilyana has almost 100% magic growth and 20 speed at level 5 sage.

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Today wasn't great.

First period, we have a girl trying to force her religion on me. I told her about 4 times that I am not religious in the least, but that didn't stop her.

Fifth period, we run the mile in P.E. Not that bad, but I was really out of breath and did the cough thing that makes you cough even more, kind of violently. Was lying on the Gym floor after going inside from the track, couple people picked me up by my arms and legs and dropped me a few seconds later.. The sunglasses in my pocket - my only good pair - were broken from the impact.

Lunch was fine. Wasn't enough room to sit at my table, but I didn't mind; the food was good.

Ninth, a fellow eighth grader (sits behind me) lost her glue stick and it landed next to the seventh grader that sat next to me. He kicked it down a couple rows and blamed it on me. Cue said eighth grader and a handful of her friends berating me and making sounds at me. omg.

The walk home was fine though, few people offered to walk home from me.

Edited by Draco
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Huh. I thought that one time in that one call in that 8D chat was just for a joke or something. Not that it sounded bad, but I didn't know you were serious about it.

You wound me. :C

To be fair, I was caught off guard that time.

Oh, another good thing that happened today: I found 6 dollars on the ground outside. Literally just lying around.

I feel bad for the person that lost 6 dollars, but I'm sure you deserve it. o:

Edited by Crizix
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Every half of your posts always include a dick, sex, penis word ...

that seems like a conservative estimate, actually

Today wasn't great.

First period, we have a girl trying to force her religion on me. I told her about 4 times that I am not religious in the least, but that didn't stop her.

Fifth period, we run the mile in P.E. Not that bad, but I was really out of breath and did the cough thing that makes you cough even more, kind of violently. Was lying on the Gym floor after going inside from the track, couple people picked me up by my arms and legs and dropped me a few seconds later.. The sunglasses in my pocket - my only good pair - were broken from the impact.

Lunch was fine. Wasn't enough room to sit at my table, but I didn't mind; the food was good.

Ninth, a fellow eighth grader (sits behind me) lost her glue stick and it landed next to the seventh grader that sat next to me. He kicked it down a couple rows and blamed it on me. Cue said eighth grader and a handful of her friends berating me and making sounds at me. omg.

The walk home was fine though, few people offered to walk home from me.

Uh....damn, that's rough. Hope tomorrow is better, man.

I'm sure both of you can sing better than Kirby...

you can't beat his sweet dance moves, though!

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