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What is the largest Fire Emblem map?


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So I'm a new guy to these here forums. Bit new to fire Emblem over all, I've played the Sealed Sword, The Sacred Stones, Radiant Dawn and Shadow Dragons so I do know the series quite well but not as much as I'd like to. Any way I was just wondering what chapter of what Fire Emblem game as the largest map. I hear that in general Fire Emblem 4 as the largest maps but I'm wondering what the single largest overall map is. Is there anyone that can give me an answer?

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IIRC, all but the first and last FE4 maps are the same size except Prologue and Final, which are smaller and larger respectively. Can't check this right now since I'm on a phone, though.

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If all maps are the same size in FE4 except the first one then I calculate they are on a 62 by 62 grid which makes the map have nearabouts 3844 tiles provided I didn't miscount at any point. Can't check the Thracia Map provided but that does seem pretty big.

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If you count Chapter 17 in Path of Radiance as one map (even though its split into 4 different parts), it might be the largest. Not sure the dimensions exactly.

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Well, that's actually a little interesting... the maps in FE9 (and FE10) actually extend quite a bit ways from the playable area. If you're going to consider boundaries as tying in the total size of the maps, FE4 maps are sheared off a tile in all directions. They're only half-displayed on the map, and are not traversable.

If you're not going to consider boundaries, these maps in FE9 and FE10 may be the largest. However, we have to take into consideration relativity of scale--otherwise, obviously FE4 will have the biggest maps. They're fucking continents for christ's sake XD

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