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Shattered Honour : Chapter 2B


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Noticing the archers pelting at the team, Edgar shifted from his crouching position closer to Hazel.

"We need to sneak up to the archers to stop them from attacking, hit the one I fire upon when you reach them," he ordered before he started cautiously working his way around the woods to hopefully sneak up to the archers, all the while sheathing his weapons but keeping his buckler at hand in case of stray shots.

Hopefully, they're too distracted by poor little me, thought the young scout praying fervently to lady luck that no one attacks him. He also hoped that Hazel would follow his instructions. The two of them were too poorly equiped to handle warriors, but against the less well armoured archers, they might just have a chance.

Action: Edgar sneaks closer to Galway. Will probably spend the next round equiping the crossbow.

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Rine readies his bow again, but instead of firing, he decides to warn his companions of a strategy. The smoke was making it harder to see and breathe, so it required that they had a plan of some sort to back up.

"Hold on! Don't attack just yet, concentrate your shots and then fire at a single target! We must cooperate if we're going to survive through this, so listen to me!"

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She tried as hard as she could to prevent herself from coughing, hoping that even if she did she wouldn't be heard over the sounds of battle. She could somewhat make out what Edgar had said, also moving with him towards the two archers. If anything, at least one archer could be taken out.

Action: SNEAKY SNEAKY towards archer(s).

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The battle was futile, they'd be burned alive at this rate... if not murdered first. Even if he got caught he could sell the camp out. The only guy who saw him had died, so he was pretty much safe. He made his getaway, heading away from the flames.

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Selina shook her head as she saw yet another person break from the group. Didn't he see what happened to the last fool that did that? She took out a small pouch of herbs and applied it to the worst of her companion's wounds. Maybe, just maybe, it would be enough.

SKILL USED: Poultice

Marsali's HP: 13 + 8 = 21

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Marsali stood up a bit straighter, backing away just slightly to switch her weapons. She paused for a moment, catching her breath, then rejoined the fray with somewhat renewed determination.

Skill used: True Grit

Marsali's HP: 21 + 5 = 26

Mace ((1H): 4 MT, 3 HIT) equipped

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Rine didn't think that such a plan would work. If they managed to reach the archers without dragging attention, even so they'd waste too much time fighting them. What if the warriors also thought of the same? What if they rushed towards Selina?

With that in mind, he decided to stay, Marsali was only one person after all. He couldn't see clearly, but maybe he'd be of some help. He put an arrow in his bow and pointed it at one of the archers, but instead of firing, he decided to hold it until he could see them better. He needed a true strike at this point.

Summary: Rine uses Power Shot.

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After a quick mental debate about whether to attack or patch himself up, Varon's cowardice led him to not jump to the front lines and bash the brutes with his mace. Varon yanked the arrow out of his flesh and quickly applied a poultice to the wound.

Varon uses poultice

Varon recovers 8 hp

Varon has 30 hp

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Name     Class      STR  STA  DEX  AGI  Weapon     Second     Shield   Armor           HP  MT   HIT   EVA Double?
Garth    Warrior    6    6    4    4   Battleaxe  Handaxe    kite     Chain Surcoat(8) 26  11/9  5/3  6   No
Astrelle Warrior    6    6    4    4   Battleaxe  Handaxe    kite     Chain Surcoat(8) 28  11/9  5/3  6   No
Evans    Warrior    6    6    4    4   Battleaxe  Handaxe    kite     Chain Surcoat(8) 28  11/9  3/1  6   No
Galway   Archer     7    4    6    3   Longbow    Broadsword None     Ringmail (4)     22  13/10 3/8  2   No
Marisa   Archer     7    4    6    3   Longbow    Battleaxe  None     Ringmail (4)     22  13/12 3/6  2   No

After all this time, it appears Angeline is too distracted to move from the sight of Edgar's ass.


Still clearly frustrated at the lack of action, Garth tosses a handaxe Varon's way. It lodges in him, dealing 8 damage.


Evidently feeling that their past tactics had served them well, Astrelle and Evans swipe at Marsali, but one blow bounced off her kite shield and another simply failed to connect as she swiftly drew back.


Galway, it seems, has found a favourite target. The shot is beautiful. Varon's glistening chest used to be. He takes 12 damage, and isn't exactly doing great.

Varon is at 10 HP.

After Galway fires, it seems as if the smoke is lifting. On the one hand, this will make it easier for you to land your blows. Unfortunately, Marisa looks like she's finally spotted your medical support.

EVENT: The smoke lightens. Penalties have become -1 in melee and -3 at range.


Marisa recovers.

Edgar's turn after Rine actually picks a target.

[spoiler=Turn Order]Edgar














http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3318596/ Garth tossing an axe. I accidentally hit enter before putting in what it was for, but a 16's gonna hit anything.

http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3318639/ Ignore the part about the first miss, I thought the warriors had 3 hit somehow. Both missed, anyway.

http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3318655/ Man, if only critical hits were a thing.

Edited by Furetchen
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As Diray shoots through the forest, the smog helps conceal his path. The enemy seems to mostly have been drawn back, and what little is around seems to be content not advancing into the choking smoke.

That is, until you hear the distinctive click of a light crossbow.


You hear slow, light footsteps behind you. Instinctively you start to turn your head, but instantly something smashes into it. Reeling, you collapse, and as you try to roll to stand up a heavy, spiked boot slams down onto your chest.

The man partially inside that boot steps into view, with a cocksure smile and a white scarf trailing behind him. His auburn hair is slick with sweat, and keen blue eyes seem to stare into your mind. It's faintly unsettling. What else is unsettling is that the man is in fact a boy. Sixteen, you judge.

"So, you're one of the mighty Castrian horde that stands at our doorstep?" He spits, but has the decency not to spit into your eye. "You look... well, Petrarchan f'r a start. And all Petrarchans are treach'rous at best. I'd really hoped to find me a Castrian so's I could take his tongue. Tongues make f'r good trophies."

You decide he is a charming fellow. You start to open your mouth to tell him just how superb he is in the notoriously vulgar Petrarchan dialect, when he jabs you in the throat with the crossbow.

"Uh-uh-uh. Now you'd best be a-thinkin' hard before you says a thing. See, I don't want the bounty for your head. I'd rather you alive. I'm lookin' for a promotion, I am. Now, if you're SMART, you'll help me with that. I'm sure you could help us somehow."

He extends a hand down to you, while keeping a lazy but firm grip on the crossbow. "M'name's Ferry. Here's hopin' I don't have to kill you for a few days yet, eh? You scratch my back, you get to keep yours intact. You get me?"

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Well, this was a predicament, he was in a tight spot. His head was throbbing and he was on the floor. Had Delves run into such trouble? No matter, he had no attachment to the group nor the camp, so it wouldn't be much trouble giving some information. The guy who'd hit him seemed to want information rather than his skin anyway, which made the treachery even more satisfying. He accepted the help up.

"Oh, thank you. I am Diray. Well, Ferry, you've managed to... convince me. I have some interesting information about the Castrian forces, mostly regarding to their size, plans and location. There should definitely be some choice pieces that should net you a rather nice promotion."

He got back to his feet, putting away his bow. This man might just be his ticket out of this mess.

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Ferry kicks away the bow as you stoop to reach it. You aren't sure whether he's being pragmatic or just an asshole. Given that his crossbow is at your spine anyway, you suspect the latter.

He frogmarches you off somewhere in the distance, occasionally finding some excuse to clobber you with his crossbow. Largely unnecessary, but it sure as hell disorients you. By the end of it, you see black pavilions, some striped with white, others trimmed in cloth of gold, or at least dyed to resemble such. Clearly a marching camp, likely containing a powerful force within... yet it seems smaller than the one you so recently left. Still a more likely prospect than some ragged ex-deserters...

A mixture of shouts, bragging and occasionally spit got Ferry through the gates and eventually almost into a particularly impressive pavilion. A fully-plated guard shoves Ferry back as he attempts to get in. "Hold it there, son," he snarls. He opens his visor to better yell at the young scout, who looks largely unfazed. "What do you seek with Lord Bellard?"

"Brought a guy from the Castrians, mate."

"Don't call m-"

"I think he could be useful to the good lord," continues Ferry, breezily. "I'm thinkin' as to information and such. Espionage? Hell, I dunno. That kinda ... thing, anyway."

Just as the guard looks about to slap the youth, an old, weary-sounding voice can be heard from within. "Let him in, Doric."

Doric goes from fury to tranquil passive aggression in a split second. You're impressed. He steps aside and motions you in, obviously unable to say anything besides expletives.

"Thanks, mate," says Ferry, casually. You sense he almost had his teeth kicked in for the trouble. Almost.

The man inside is wearing ornate black platemail, trimmed in silver, and wearing a midnight blue cloak with a white unicorn's head on it. Bellard is old, surely past his fifties, with white, balding hair and a world-weary look. Gaunt, as well, but not frail. He bears a heavy-headed mace in his belt, and he looks as though it's there for a reason.

Contrasting such dignity and elderly grace, there's also a buxom camp follower, seemingly of Petrarchan stock herself judging from her dark hair and piercing green eyes, casually slipping into a loose dress. When she sees you staring, she winks at you.

"Kindly refrain from staring at Freylis," says the man, bluntly. "The girl is a mute, and she takes her business where she can. Fortunately, I have a beloved wife who has borne me four strong sons, though she has grown into a most corpulent hag, so I am willing to pay extra for someone guaranteed to be discreet." Freylis strokes his arm. "That aside, I heard your blustering from within my bedchambers. What is it you want with me, boy?"

"M'name's Ferry, chief," said Ferry, in his traditionally blase tone. As if only accepting the man's rank begrudgingly, he eventually added, "if it pleases m'lord."

"It doesn't please m'lord, you imbecile," Bellard snapped back. "What does this unwashed mercenary have to do with us?"

"I, uh, information-"

"Information be DAMNED! The prisons are filled to overflowing, you fool! Shoot down anyone not worth a ransom. THOSE were the orders. Did you not LISTEN?" Ferry looks almost on the verge of tears. It's pretty obvious this wasn't what he was expecting. Bellard sighs, and turns to look at you.

"You look battered. Nice work making sure our newfound helper is inclined to actually aid us, you stupid shit," he shot at Ferry as an aside, as if swatting a fly. "Now, what exactly are you good for? And why should I hesitate before having you tossed into the cells?"

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He was taken to Lord Bellard. Bellard didn't seem to have a good impression of him, plus he was in an awfully tight spot. One wrong move could see him locked up or sliced in half. He'd need to keep his cool and remain polite, survival meant more than dignity.

"I possess some valuable information. Lord Bellard, right now, there is a small camp of soldiers, perhaps of sixty men, only a few days travel away. Most of the them seem to be Castrians, although some of us Petrachan got caught up with them. They are currently under the lead of a Castrian captain, who is looking to join forces with Lord Randell."

He paused for a moment. The camp itself probably didn't sound very important. However, Chrisford had trusted the group a little too much, he had said quite a lot of information.

"Lord Randell is said to have several thousand fresh men at the ready. The captain seems to have knowledge of Caril's defenses, and plans to, along side Randell, take the city. There is also the small group that I was following, which was hoping to obtain supplies and scout the castle... however, their chances of survival now seem quite low. If there is anything else you wish to know, please do ask."

Edited by Dokutayuu
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"Alright". Rine pointed his arrow in Marisa's direction, seeing how her attention was in Varon now. Taking too long to shoot wasn't a good idea either. He had no interruptions, only himself and his target. Sure of his hit, he released his arrow towards Marisa...

Marisa's evade: 2

Evade Roll: 2

Invisible Castle's calculation


Might = 6 (bow) + 11 (strength) = 17

Hit = 1 (bow) + 11/3 (dex) = 6 - 3 = 3.

17- 4 = 13 damage!

... Cursing the fog because of his miss, since he's too arrogant to admit his failure.

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Bellard considered this, then nodded in satisfaction. He lightly drew himself away from Freylis, walked to the table and poured three glasses of wine. The first he keeps for himself. The second he hands you. The third he hands to Freylis.

"Uh, m'lord," starts Ferry. He seems more than a little pained. Bellard only puts up a finger, pours another glass, starts to hand it to Ferry... but thinks better of it and just keeps it in his other hand.

"I cannot say I like the news you bring," conceded Bellard. "Caril... that was my home, when I was a child. But we didn't know the Castrians would be so bold as to... this isn't good."

He drills you for more information, on the nature of the force, on distances and equipment. Finally, he seems satisfied, and orders the guards to place you in a cell. He does give you the concession of it being 'one of the nice ones, for ransomed prisoners and the like'.

You're thrown into a small pavilion of your own, two guards outside it, but overall, things look much brighter than they otherwise would have. There's wine, a place to sleep... and on the whole, you just plain aren't being shot at. If there was just a roaming prostitute, things would be perfect.

But you know you aren't fully trusted. Two guardsmen with halberds stand outside, more than ready to cut you down if they have to.

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He wasn't going to be killed, now that was advantageous. The cell wasn't the most hospitable of places, but he could have done far worse. There was a bed, and it wasn't that cold. All he had to do was bide his time, he'd either be released when the Castrian Army arrived, or when Bellard felt like letting him go. Either way, he'd be sitting around for a while. If it came to it, he'd be blaming Delves, who had probably escaped... or got hit by a stray arrow.

The two guards outside were well armed, attacking them would be a bad idea. He'd rather wait to be... rescued.

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Marisa flinches as the arrow slams into the tree behind her. "You fucking Castrians just don't know when to give up!" she yells. "You're fucking surrounded! There's no way out except through us! If you got a brain between y'all, throw down your swords! We'll let you live... but then, and only then."

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Closing in on one of the archers who's attention was preoccupied with so many other targets to choose from, Edgar aimed his crossbow at his enemy, ready to fire until he heard the offer to surrender. Despite the fog, his eyes had already grown accustomed to it, and he was sure he would not miss this shot...if he took it.

Unsure of what the others would do, Edgar held his crossbow at ready. The odds did not look good with two of their numbers vanishing from the group, but their numbers were still even, they should have a fighting chance. But he was tired, and there might be some ounce of truth to their enemy's words. The part about the forest being surrounded.

Who knows if we would encounter more perils further on, enemies less inclined to offer us a chance to surrender? wondered Edgar. He was not one to speak for anybody, and he damn well wanted to punch holes into these invaders, but he also wanted to live.

Not letting go of his aim, Edgar held still, hoping that the fog kept him hidden, or at least made him less noticeable. If no one attempted to surrender, he would unleash his shot into Ryslander flesh.

Action: Edgar holds his fire and will shoot by the end of the last Friendly's action if no one surrenders. If the group surrenders...well.

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It seemed as though Edgar wasn't ready to shoot, though if she could at least get someone weakened down, he's probably take the initiative.

She found their male archer (Galway), preparing another shot. Not waiting for Edgar, she Ambushed the man, getting in two slashes in quick succession.

Atk - 9

Galway's AC - 4

Damage - (9-4)*2 + 3 = 13

Galway's HP - 9/22

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Seeing Hazel following the plan faithfully, Edgar felt ashamed for hesitating. This was an enemy, and with every death dealt to them, the odds of surviving grew better. Warming his heart with the fires of hatred to the archer before him for being one of those taking the lands of his people, Edgar took aim...

http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3319946/ ,6

Galway's Eva = 2 - (5+2-3) = -2(0, no negatives) HIT!

Damage = (12-4) x 2 = 16

Galway's Hp 0/22

...and struck the Ryslander in the shoulder and through the chest in rapid succession.

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You two make a pretty good team, Selina thought to herself.

"Keep those guys busy, and try not to die! I've got my hands full here!" she yelled at the two who had just taken down one of the enemies. She turned to her patient. "All right, you, no dying on me. Got it?"

SKILL USED: Poultice

Varon's HP: 10 + 8 = 18

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Marsali ponders the circumstances surrounding her opponents. Are they truly the enemy? Are they merely misunderstood? Perhaps they came from the stars on chariots of steel and fire? In any event, she isn't taking an action.

Rine's turn.

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Rine was still having an argument with the fog. Looks like he refuses to work under these conditions. Doop

Varon chuckled lightly at Selina's orders. "I'll try not to, but our competence isn't exactly inspiring." He then continued to follow Selina's "no dying" demand by healing himself. Again.

Varon used Poultice

Varon regains 8 HP

Varon has 26 HP remaining

OOC: It's been 30 (derp, I can't count) hours since Furet's post. I believe I have the right to take my action now.

Edited by Blasied
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(Actually Rine didn't have a turn because Power Shot but I screwed up and forgot this. Oh, well. The action's valid, in any event.)

Name     Class      STR  STA  DEX  AGI  Weapon     Second     Shield   Armor           HP  MT   HIT   EVA Double?
Garth    Warrior    6    6    4    4   Battleaxe  Handaxe    kite     Chain Surcoat(8) 26  11/9  5/3  6   No
Astrelle Warrior    6    6    4    4   Battleaxe  Handaxe    kite     Chain Surcoat(8) 28  11/9  5/3  6   No
Evans    Warrior    6    6    4    4   Battleaxe  Handaxe    kite     Chain Surcoat(8) 28  11/9  3/1  6   No
Marisa   Archer     7    4    6    3   Longbow    Battleaxe  None     Ringmail (4)     22  13/12 3/6  2   No

Galway falls to the ground, clutching his chest and spitting blood. He's limp and lifeless within seconds.


Angeline finally decides to get off her fat ass and hit something,


Garth evidently hasn't noticed the stealthy bowmen yet, and hits Varon with another 8 damage handaxe.


Astrelle and Evans swipe at Marsali again, both striking her soundly for 4 and 4 damage.

Marsali is at 18 HP.


Marisa, unfortunately, looks over in the direction of the bushes and immediately fires off a shot at Hazel. She takes 12 damage at it wings her.

Hazel is at 10 HP.

EVENT: The heavy smog has lifted. Hit penalties are gone, but the relatively thick artificial mist remains.


Rine recovers.

Edgar's turn.

[spoiler=Turn Order]Edgar












ANGELINE auto hits; 2 dexterity is... no hit. On a sword which is 6 hit, and axemen have 6 evade. -1 hit for smog still means she needs a 1 to hit, which is happening.

http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3323546/ Garth vs. Varon.

http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3323553/ Axemen. Fuck the calculations, those are HITS. http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3323559/ Sorry, bro!

http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3323552/ BLUNDER ROLL BECAUSE I'M AN IDIOT~

Edited by Furetchen
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One down, on more to go, thought the Castrian scout as he reloads his crossbow. He was glad at the outcome of his and the other rogue's endeavor. Despite seeing the painful shot bury itself in Hazel's shoulder, Edgar pushed on towards the remaining archer. He was no healer, thus there was nothing he could do about Hazel's pain, but the least he could do was inflict such pain into his enemy. If the two of them lived through this fight, he planned to buy her a drink or two.

Aiming steadily, Edgar took a deep breath...

http://invisiblecast...r/view/3323630/ ,19

Marisa's Eva = 2 - (5+2) = -5(0, no negatives) HIT!

Damage = (12-4) x 2 = 16

Marisa's Hp 6/22

...and repeated what he did to the other archer and rained righteous fury into the female archer not too far away.

Edited by Rothene
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