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Shattered Honour : Chapter 2B


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"I have an objection. Can we stop talking about it, just shut the fuck up and go?"

Delves was sick of all the arguing. They had a good plan that might actually work if they could just get off their asses and do it.

Once the smoke covers the entire area, I'll lay a couple traps here and there and make my way out. The poor fools won't even know.

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"Very well, sir."

Selina set to work gathering leaves, twigs, and several branches from the shrub she spotted earlier. She set them up, and watched as her handiwork began to burn.

It's time. Not really caring which way everyone else ran, she chose the direction that the wind was blowing. This should help with the smell and the smoke. Now, let's hope the patrols fall for it.

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She had simple remained silent throughout the whole thing, not bothering to raise her opinion on the fire. It wouldn't be pretty, but it probably would be the only way out of this mess.

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The plan works flawlessly at first. As the forest billows with smoke, you can hear coughing, and not just from your own ranks. As you stumble on through, you can squint to see Ryslanders cautiously stepping backwards... evidently preferring lack of pain to lack of blood. All seems to be going well, as you prowl through the place looking to leave without a fight.

Flawless... until a lone soldier inconveniently bright enough to still be on his toes and stupid enough to turn this into a situation squints at your dim outline, smiles sickeningly and shouts to those around him for help. "I've found 'em! It's gonna be roasted Castrian all 'round, boys!" With that stupid smirk still on his face he half-draws half-flings his shortsword out of his scabbard and catches it as it flies downwards. Clearly he's been practicing for this particular moment. He looks insufferably smug that he managed not to accidentally slice his hand into thirds, and you find yourself kind of glad that you're going to have to beat him into the ground. The delay might mean your death, but the little twerp might get some respect.

He approaches you, still with that stupid grin on his face. Then he sees that there are like eight of you. Though his allies are sure to come running, this fight suddenly became so worth it.


[spoiler=Turn Order]Delves











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Delves took off, running through the forest in the opposite direction from the soldiers as soon as there was enough smoke to hide him. He'd had the sense to grab a dark cloak for himself, camouflaging him even further. Let the rest of the idiots figure out their own way to safety.

And, of course, there was one idiot soldier who stayed long enough to spot the group, calling out an alarm. Delves could even hear it over the crackling fire and twigs under his feet.

Not that he cared, really. By the time anyone would notice that he was gone, he'd be halfway across the forest.

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Edgar paled as the soldier alerted the other Ryslanders to their position. Taking out his crossbow, Edgar crouched down, hoping to blend in with the surroundings as he waited to watch how the group would respond, before he decided to bolt of stand his ground. As a scout, he had a duty to at least announce without shouting, hence some of his comrades might not hear him, "We've been spotted!"

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Delves' plan was a good one, apart from the fact that he was running blindly through a forest filled with hostiles, alone, without all the heavier armoured guys he'd just left behind.

So it wasn't really a good one at all, particularly when he had to suddenly slide through the grass to avoid being spectacularly decapitated by a throwing axe. Two hulking warriors emerged from the trees, and drew their axes. "Hah! Tricky motherfucker... thought he could escape us, huh? Time to die!"

COMBAT HAS BEGUN! You are fighting BENSOM and MORRY, Ryslander Warriors.

[spoiler=Turn Order]




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Hazel could barely see through all of the smoke. There was one enemy around, she knew, but she wouldn't attack him just yet. It wasn't what she was meant to do.

She tried to look around,s eeing if there was anywhere, to hide, but she found no luck. Instead, she tried to appear inconspicuous, waiting to strike when she had the chance.

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[spoiler=Skills]NOTE: If a skill says "use only once per enemy", and you miss (like an archer's Headshot), you cannot target that enemy with that skill for the rest of the battle.


Taunt (Basic) - If the taunted doesn't immediately target the taunter, HIT is reduced by 2. If it's a cool taunt, total damage dealt next round is decreased by 1. Taunter must write their own taunt. May be used once every three rounds, because it's easy to ignore a loudmouthed asshole.

Shield Bash (Offensive) - If you have a shield (not those stupid buckler things), you can choose to do this in addition to your regular attack. Deal an additional 1 damage. May not be used consecutively.

Brace (Defensive) - Halve your Agility and Dexterity, and decrease damage dealt to you by 3 for the current round. And pray. Even if you aren't religious.

True Grit (Support) - Recover 5 HP. If you use this, you do not attack. Deal with it.


Slam (Basic) - Increase damage by 2, and enemy must make a second evasion roll (agility and shield bonus only), or cannot attack the next round (stunned). You may attempt this once every three rounds, because.

Shieldbreaker (Offensive) - If you use this, you will not do your regular attack. Instead, you will roll for an attack, with your opponent's evasion being (dexterity + agility)/2 (rounded down) + shield bonus, and if it hits, your opponent's shield is broken, and they lose whatever bonuses their shield gave them. You may attempt this once every three rounds.

Bull-Headed (Defensive) - If any effect would cause you to be stunned, add 3 to your evasion check for the stun part only.

Headbutt (Support) - If you use this, you will not do your regular attack. Instead, add your Strength and Dexterity, and subtract your opponent's Agility and half their Stamina, then roll against this result. If your roll is lower than what you just calculated, your opponent takes 2 damage, and has their hit halved for the next two rounds. You may do this once every four rounds, because your skull ain't thick enough to do it more often.


Power Shot (Basic) - You do not attack this round, but your next attack will go first, and it will be modified with +2 damage and +4 hit.

Headshot (Offensive) - If you use this, you will not do your regular attack. Instead, your HIT is your weapon hit only, and your opponent's evasion is calculated as Agility + Dexterity + shield bonus - armour penalty, with bucklers counting FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS ARCHER CALCULATION ONLY. If this somehow hits, you will automatically kill the opponent, if they are not wearing a helmet. If they are wearing a helmet, you will halve their current HP. You may only do this once per enemy - after that, they'll be on the lookout for you, and it won't work.

Arrow Guard (Defensive) - If some moron decides to chuck a projectile your way (whether it be a throwing weapon, an arrow, a crossbow bolt, or any other ranged attack), you add 3 to your evasion check.

Blindshot (Support) - If you use this, you will not do your regular attack. Instead, you will roll for attack, with your opponent's evasion being boosted by half their Dexterity. If this hits, their HIT is based solely on their weapon's hit for the duration of the battle (because arrows to the eyes do that). You may only do this once per enemy - just like headshots, the enemy will notice you, and they won't let you get away with it again.


Skirmisher (Basic) - If the ground would screw you over, you tell it to bug off. You never suffer terrain penalties. EVER.

Shank (Offensive) - You go first, but you will do 2 less damage with your attack.

Hit and Run (Defensive) - Your attack will do 3 less damage, but your opponent can't counter you unless they have an appropriate weapon equipped (i.e. ranged).

Distract (Support) - If you use this, you will not do your regular attack. Instead, you will roll as if you would attack normally, and if your attack would hit, you will cause the opponent to look your way, and do nothing during the current turn. You may only use this on an enemy that hasn't moved, and may only do this once per enemy - after that, they'll be on to your shenanigans!


Backstab (Basic) - You wait until another ally hits your target, then you spring out and attack. For the purposes of hitting with this attack only, your opponent's evade will be halved, and if it hits, it deals an additional 2 damage. If no one else targets your victim, sucks to be you. You may do this once every three turns.

Ambush (Offensive) - If the enemy hasn't targeted you yet, and you target him with a normal attack, you deal an additional 3 damage if it hits. If an enemy has targeted you, ever, this won't work. You may only do this once per enemy - after that, they'll know that you exist!

Beneath Notice (Defensive) - The enemy will not target you this round unless you are the last person standing. You may do this once every four rounds.

Iocane Immunity (Support) - You can't be poisoned. Don't question it. Be thankful. Sheesh.


Poultice (Basic) - If you use this ability, you cannot attack this round. Your target will recover 8 HP. Make sure you tell your enemies and allies apart, 'k?

Weak Firebomb (Offensive) - If you use this ability, you will not do your regular attack. You will make a ranged attack (with a weapon modifier of 3 HIT), and if it lands, your opponent takes 2 damage. You may not use this ability twice in a row.

Antidote (Defensive) - You will purge most poisons and diseases from your target. This will take up your turn. No attack for you.

Sand in the Eyes (Support) - If you use this ability, you will not do your regular attack. Instead, you will make a ranged attack (with a weapon modifier of 2 HIT). If this lands, your opponent's HIT will be halved for the next two rounds. You may use this ability once every three rounds.


Swords - Not particularly good against things coated in heavy metal, but they have the best chance of sneaking in extra attacks. Use these wisely!

Axes - They have the best base weapon might, and if you're something exceptional, you may get the jump on your opponent!

Maces - You're only hitting once with this, but the thicker the opponent's armor, the harder they'll cry when you connect!

Bows - You get to reach out and touch your opponent, and they can't do a thing about it! Of course, you have to land your shot first! We assume your brain works, so you will automatically switch to a more appropriate weapon when an enemy gets close. . .if you have one! If you are in the middle of a multi-turn ability, you will not switch weapons until it goes off, so plan accordingly!

Crossbows - Your might is determined by your nimble fingers, not your arm muscles. Since you have better things to do with your hands, you don't get a shield, even if your class would allow for one.

Other weapons - As you advance, you might discover that there's more to the world than the basics!

[spoiler=Calculations and boring stuff]Armor

Light (AC 1-3) - some damage reduction

Medium (AC 4-6) - more damage reduction

Heavy (AC 7-10)- best vs. slashing, weaker vs. crushing

Damage Calculations (woo)

Attack - Weapon might + Strength/Dexterity (crossbows only)

Evade - Agility + shield bonus - armor penalty - opponent's Hit

Hit - Weapon hit + Dexterity/3 (rounded down)

Doubling - Weapon coefficient * Agility/6 * Dexterity/8 (crossbows only) * Strength/6 (axes only)

Damage - (Attack * coefficient) (rounded down) - armor

Armor penalty

Light armor - 0

Medium armor - 1

Heavy armor - 2

Weapon coefficients for doubling

Sword - 1.5

Crossbow - 1.25

Axes - 1

Maces and bows - 0

Damage coefficients

Swords - .75 vs. heavy armor

Maces - 1.25 vs. medium armor, 1.5 vs. heavy armor

Parry modifier

Innate weapon parry * (DEX/3) (round down after multiplication)

Swords have a 0.5 innate modifier; every other weapon has a modifier of 0

Evasion notes:

- You will do a d20 roll for evade

- Calculate your evade

- If your evade is greater than or equal to the roll mentioned above, you dodge, and take no damage. Otherwise, commence damage calculation

- Yes, enemies can dodge your attacks

- Invisible Castle is down ATM. We hope this is rectified soon.

[spoiler=Turns and whatnot]Each round of combat is a mixture of player, enemy, and NPC phases. Turn order is determined by Agility - Armor penalty (0 for light, 1 for medium, 2 for heavy). If a bunch of people would go at the same time, a RNG will determine who goes when for that portion of the turn order only.

If any character is attacking with a longbow, the target opponent's phase is automatically skipped, because this is not Fire Emblem. If you wish to deal holy justice to the moron with the bow, you will need to sacrifice your next turn (if you have a ranged weapon handy) or two (if all you have are melee weapons). During this time, you may not use active skills, except for the Rogue's Beneath Notice (since that's kind of a Rogue's job).

If anyone dies, their phase is skipped, obviously. ;/

There'll be the usual roll for evade, and if it hits, damage calculations. For now, there are no critical hits. If you die, it's because you were an idiot, not because the RNG dictated it.

You may choose to flee combat, if the story allows it. If so, you skip all calculations regarding the damage you deal to your opponent (you're hightailing it out of there!), and the evade formula changes to the following:

(Agility * 1.5) + shield bonus - opponent's Hit

If your opponent hits, you'll still take damage.

If your character is currently engaged with someone else, and they want to do something about the jackass who's spraying arrows everywhere, they must flee their current battle first, then take the turn penalties to get to the archer. It's not like the enemy's gonna let you walk right past them to get to units they're trying to protect!

Ahem. . .

If you wish to switch weapons, you will sacrifice your attack for the round. The only exception to this rule is if you switch from a Longbow to something better suited for rearranging faces up close and personal.

Each player will have 24 hours from the last action to respond to their turn, or they will automatically do nothing. Then we repeat until someone's lying in a pool of their own entrails. Hopefully, it's not the player character.

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Oh... shit.

Delves hadn't considered that he'd be cornered. Or, at least, he'd figured that he'd be able to siphon off soldiers, one by one and take them out individually. This... this was not good.

"Wait, wait! Don't kill me!" Delves dropped his knife, sheathed, then backed up and stood near a tree with his hands raised to show that there was no trickery involved.

"I'm not with them, never was. I got mixed up with them by chance; it was all I could do not to slit their throats on the way." Still they came, with no signs of stopping. Well... may as well cut ties with that lot now, then. "How about we bargain? I have information you might like, information you can use to kill the rest of them. I am not Castrian and never have been; I'm always open for a better offer."

It irked him to have to grovel and plead like this, but he had only one shot.

"I think that, for the modest price of 'not killing me', I can tell you where the rest of our motley crew is headed. You know, the rest of the big group that is quite clearly not here."

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The first of them spits. "Petrarchan cunt. Here, let me axe you a question."

Before you can think of any retorts like "wait, did he say 'axe' as if to imply he was attacking me" or "that was the lamest and most retarded pun ever", he viciously swipes his battleaxe at you. You admire the immaculate Ryslander steelwork, and wish you were wearing some.

Fortunately, you ducked under the clumsy swing.



As you prepare to laugh at him, Morry makes evident that he is also displeased with your lack of a bribe, and makes a brutal overhead swipe that catches you by surprise. However, you barely get out of the way using some truly remarkable footwork.


Delves' turn.

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"Aha, ha, ha. You indeed drive a hard bargain."

Delves was panicking. This was a less than desirable situation, given that he had no money with which to bribe.


There was one option left to him. It was clear now that neither of them would stop attacking, and Delves knew that he wasn't strong enough to penetrate their armor with a knife. Likewise, he couldn't dodge forever. One of them would eventually get in a lucky shot, and he didn't trust himself to get back up after a hit from one of those things. No, it would have to be all or nothing.

"The cat's out of the bag, then, huh." Delves grabbed his knife and aimed it at the first foe. This was either a monumentally retarded or hilariously ballsy move, since Delves had no chance of winning. "I'm going to take two steps to the side. You're going to put that axe down." Both men glanced at Delves and shrugged.

"One..." He took one step backwards. Pause.

"Two!" The thief spun on his heel and ran back to the group that he had ditched only moments before. Hopefully they'd be in too tight of a spot to notice him running by.

((I have no clue how fleeing mechanics work))

[spoiler=Battle]Delves runs the fuck for his life






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Marsali remained quiet afterward, not confident she would have been able to think of a better plan. The kid standing in their way actually seemed like a true fighter - it was almost too bad they had to kill him. She drew her own sword, waiting for the right opportunity to attack.

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"Oh, it looks like we'll have to do some fighting after all. I'll provide some long range support. Keep me covered!"

It was a shame to waste arrows, but the guy was in his way. He drew his bow, if he could get a good hit in, it would make all the difference. He fired at Jarchat.

71bbdd4a9df01abad7d85ec0bf89abf7.png?1325503034thanks roll-dice-online.com!

Might = 6 (bow) + 5 (strength) = 11

Hit = 1 (bow) + 8/3 (dex) = 3

11- 4 = 7 damage!

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Name     Class      STR  STA  DEX  AGI  Weapon     Second     Shield   Armor           HP  MT   HIT  EVA Double?
Jachart  Scout      3    5    6    6   Broadsword None       buckler  Ringmail (4)     25  7    8    8   No
Garth    Warrior    6    6    4    4   Battleaxe  Handaxe    kite     Chain Surcoat(8) 28  11/9 3/1  6   No
Astrelle Warrior    6    6    4    4   Battleaxe  Handaxe    kite     Chain Surcoat(8) 28  11/9 3/1  6   No
Evans    Warrior    6    6    4    4   Battleaxe  Handaxe    kite     Chain Surcoat(8) 28  11/9 3/1  6   No
Galway   Archer     7    4    6    3   Longbow    Broadsword None     Ringmail (4)     22  13   3    2   No
Marisa   Archer     7    4    6    3   Longbow    Battleaxe  None     Ringmail (4)     22  13   3    2   No

As Jachart yelps with pain, he finally gets the aid he seeks. Two archers take up positions in the woodlands, readying powerful shots, and while one axeman charges you from the fore two more take your straggling formation in the side. Your ranged combatants are still safe, but your fighters are now heavily taxed.

GARTH, ASTRELLE and EVANS, Ryslander Soldiers, and MARISA and GALWAY, Ryslander Bowmen, have joined the fight!

[spoiler=Turn Order]Edgar














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Selina rolled her eyes, took out her crossbow, and fired at the idiot who had flourished his sword.

Jachart's evade: 8 - 7 = 1

Evade roll: 10 (hit)

Damage: 8 - 4 = 4 damage

Jachart's remaining HP: 20 (from Doku's attack) - 4 = 16

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Seeing an opening in their formation, Marsali charged forward to attack the first of their enemies to appear.

Jachart's evade: 8 - 7 = 1

Evade roll: 18 (hit)

Damage: 10 - 4 = 6 damage

Jachart's remaining HP: 16 - 6 - 10

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Jachart darts forward, seeking glory, but can't do much more than annoy Angeline. Still, that sword stings like a motherfucker, and he's deliberately going for joints. Fucker!

Jachart has successfully Distracted Angeline; her turn is nulled.

[spoiler=Jachart rocks]cdb5b97867a8d3e808ba3b4a77417eaa.png

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Rine searches for the nearest tree, and then runs between them until he finds a good distance from Jachart. He knows that, if there are testimonies left to point where they have gone, it'd be bad for the group and for him. So the best action now was to kill the unlucky soldier.

He readies his bow, runs to the next tree that would put him closer to Jachart (still not close... He just wants to have him at range) while still trying to be far from the soldier who are engaging the meele fighters, and then fires an arrow.

Jachart's evade: 8 - 7 = 1

Evade Roll: 7 (Avg: 7.0)

(Total avg: 7.0)


Might = 6 (bow) + 9 (strength) = 15

Hit = 1 (bow) + 7/3 (dex) = 3

15- 4 = 11 damage!

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GAH! Just noticed that Jachart's dead. Please keep track of these things guys.

"Stay away!" Varon shouts at the closest warrior (Garth) and throws down a FIRE BOMB.

Garth's Evade: 6-2-5= -1

Varon hits!

Garth takes 2 DMG

Garth has 26 HP left!

OOC: Courtesy of my own d20's. Also, if the terrain is flammable LET IT BURN!

EDIT: Okay, I think I understand stuff now. Sorry for being thick. Also, change of target. Please keep a record of remaining health or I will end up attacking dead people.

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((Rolls are 5 and 15, go check my last post for proof

Delves dodges the first shot. 15 evade - 3 > 5

Delves is hit by the second. 15 - 3 < 15

Enemy warrior has 11 mt, Delves has no armor and 28 HP.

28-11 = 17 HP remaining))

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Varon's focus stayed on Jachart. Some new people had appeared but they could wait.

"You like roasts, I like fire. Let's dance!" Varon shouted as he threw a WEAK FIREBOMB.

Varon's HIT = 5

Jachart's EVADE = 5

Varon rolls a 2. Total 7.

Jachart rolls a 11. Total 16.

Varon misses.

OOC: Courtesy of my own d20's. I hate them. Also, Jachart may not have taken damage but if the bomb still went off and the terrain is flammable LET IT BURN!

OOC: Wasn't Jachart dead?

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Seeing Delves double back enraged Bensom, so he swung overhead at him with his battleaxe. It crunched sickeningly into flesh for 11 damage. The rogue turned to make good his escape-

-just as Morry's axe slammed into his side for a final, fatal 6 damage. Lifeless, Delves slumped to the forest floor, even as the fighters ignored the battle further into the woods to rifle through his equipment.



(They actually only needed 10s. 15 evade - 5. But w/e, both hit anyway.)

Delves has fallen.

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Name     Class      STR  STA  DEX  AGI  Weapon     Second     Shield   Armor           HP  MT   HIT  EVA Double?
Garth    Warrior    6    6    4    4   Battleaxe  Handaxe    kite     Chain Surcoat(8) 26  11/9 3/1  6   No
Astrelle Warrior    6    6    4    4   Battleaxe  Handaxe    kite     Chain Surcoat(8) 28  11/9 3/1  6   No
Evans    Warrior    6    6    4    4   Battleaxe  Handaxe    kite     Chain Surcoat(8) 28  11/9 3/1  6   No
Galway   Archer     7    4    6    3   Longbow    Broadsword None     Ringmail (4)     22  13   3    2   No
Marisa   Archer     7    4    6    3   Longbow    Battleaxe  None     Ringmail (4)     22  13   3    2   No

Jachart catches the arrow in his throat, and slumps to the floor, gurgling blood.

Angeline is Distracted and cannot move for the turn.


Garth spits, and you get the feeling he would readily attack you were it not for the fire slowly cutting him off from you. He slams his battleaxe into the ground and prepares his handaxe.


The fighter that rushed you straight up spits as she rushes Marsali, slamming her first with her wooden shield for 1 damage and then following up with her battleaxe, glancing off the desperately raised sword but only cutting into your shoulder from there for another 4 damage. Dissatisfied, Astrelle spits in Marsali's face as they slam shields together, Taunting her into lowering her calm. "I'll fucking break you, you and your fucking cowards hiding behind you. Get the fuck at me."


Evans proved a more cautious opponent, only charging headlong at Marsali after Astrelle's done some damage. He too opens with a shield slam for 1 damage and follows up with an overhead cut for 4.

As Evans strikes, you notice the stinging in your eyes and nose is only getting worse. Fortunately, your opponents are suffering the same.

EVENT: your covering fog of war thickens in magnitude! All present suffer -2 to hit in melee and -5 to hit at ranged.


Marisa coughs, and rubs her eyes. She readies herself for a Power Shot aimed at Marsali, as she can't seem to pick out targets beyond her. She seems particularly affected by the fog, or else you're just somewhat used to it, by now.


Galway squints into the distance, picks the likely target of Varon, and fires. The bow tears through leather and flesh with equal ease, dealing 12 damage.


Marisa lets loose her shot. It slams into Marsali for 8 damage, but she holds her ground.

Marsali is at 13 HP, Varon at 22.

Edgar's turn.

[spoiler=Turn Order]Edgar














http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3315100/ Astrelle vs. Marsali. Actually, it was exactly a five that was needed; Marsali has ten evade (7 agility, 4 shield, 1 parry, -2 armour) and warriors have 5 hit. 11 damage, 7 armour from heavy chainmail.) It hit, anyway.

http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3315109/ Evans vs. Marsali.

http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3315121/ Galway vs. Varon.

http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3315125/ Marisa vs. Marsali.

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