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Shattered Honour : Chapter 2B


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The shot had embedded itself pretty deep in Hazel's shoulder, and it hurt like hell. Hazel didn't want to look at the wound, and upon seeing Edgar fire off two shots at the archer, she endured the pain and stabbed the archer twice, falling her.


Hazel didn't care about the warriors, almost falling after getting her kill.

"O-Ow... Help..."

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Marsali grimaced in pain, glancing to where one of the other soldiers was barely on her feet. That medic was going to have her hands full already...

Skill used: True Grit

Marsali's HP: 18 + 5 = 23

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The fog was still here, but he could see clearer than before. He missed, but his enemies didn't, and the situation was favouring them quickly. He was fortunate enough for being out of their notice until now, but who knows if they decide to target him on the future? The two archers were taken down, but the other warriors on the front line decided to hit Varon and Hazel ruthlessly.

His partners took their time to recover, but that would be useless if they were attacked at the same time over and over again, as had happened twice. So, taking the courage to leave his cover and show himself to everyone, he put another arrow in his bow and shot it at the nearest warrior, which was now Astrelle.

Astrelle's Evade is 6.

1d20 → [15] = (15)



Might = 6 (bow) + 9 (strength) = 15

Hit = 1 (bow) + 7/3 (dex) = 3

15 - 3 = 12 damage!

Astrelle's HP: 28 - 12 = 16.

Seeing that he hit, Rine tried his best to stand still as to drag some of the warriors' attention and help Hazel, picking yet another arrow and threatening to shoot soon.

"We must attack! If they continue with this strategy, we will never have an offensive here. So let's take them on, one by one!"

Edited by Rapier
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Getting better, getting better, Varon thought as the archers fell. We're adequately patched up, keep us alive the other way.

Varon attacks Astrelle.

Varon rolls 19

Varon hits. (Not much is dodging that.)


Astrelle takes 5 damage. Astrelle has 11 Hp remaining

Not as effective as he was hoping for. Maybe some fire would have been better...

OOC: Courtesy of my own d20.

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OOC: In the future, that's what invis. castle's for.

Name     Class      STR  STA  DEX  AGI  Weapon     Second     Shield   Armor           HP  MT   HIT   EVA Double?
Garth    Warrior    6    6    4    4   Battleaxe  Handaxe    kite     Chain Surcoat(8) 26  11/9  5/3  6   No
Astrelle Warrior    6    6    4    4   Battleaxe  Handaxe    kite     Chain Surcoat(8) 5   11/9  5/3  6   No
Evans    Warrior    6    6    4    4   Battleaxe  Handaxe    kite     Chain Surcoat(8) 28  11/9  3/1  6   No

Marisa slumps to the floor, head bowed, bleeding profusely. Her hastily reached-for axe slips from lifeless fingers; the unique design and high-quality steel catches your eye.


Angeline again smacks Astrelle. Between the 3 damage from last attack and the 3 more from now, Astrelle's not looking too healthy.

Astrelle is on 5 HP.


Garth probably has noticed Hazel by now, but is having too much fun lobbing axes at Varon, who takes another 8 damage.

Varon is at 10 HP.


Astrelle and Evans swipe at Marsali again. Astrelle is clearly tiring, and her swing is easily batted away by Marsali's swordsmanship. Evans connects for 4 damage, and slams with his shield for another 1. Do they not tire of this?

Marsali is at 18 HP.


Edgar's turn.

[spoiler=Turn Order]Edgar











http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3328041/ Garth vs. Varon.

http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3328054/ I'm calling that as a hit and a miss, w/e

[spoiler=the Axe]b45c2220a20c6d086b401c02ed6d908e.png

Edited by Furetchen
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Alright, all the archers are down, we can now focus on...oh yes thank you for stating the obvious sir archer, thought Edgar edging closer to take aim at the back of the weakened warrior. Without the fog, there was no chance for him to miss those lumbering in heavy armour.

http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3328388/ ,10,19

Astrelle's Eva = 6 - (5+2) = -1(0, no negatives)

Damage(First bolt) = 12-8 = 4(almost...)

Damage(Second Bolt) = 12-8 = 4(...dead)

Astrelle's remaining Hp = 0/28

As his shots landed, Edgar started pondering on the wisdom of taking the Ryslander archer's armour for his own use if he had the time...

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Astrelle lurches sickeningly forwards as the bolts smack into her spine. "I... give up..." she says, before slamming into the forest floor.

Garth leaps back as blood splashes onto him, and throws down his axe. "This is too much! I yield!" Evans glares at him disgustedly, then briefly lowers his battleaxe, stepping back warily.

"I guess we're at your mercy, then, you little shits," says Evans, who seems a delightful sort of fellow. "Let us burn our dead, and we'll leave you be."

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No... I don't believe them...

One of the healers had tended to Hazel's arm, somewhat, but her shoulder still felt sore. She slowly walked down to towards the warrior, warily eyeing the one still holding his axe.

"If you do give up... Then throw your axe away, a-and your armour... get rid of it."

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"Sure," said Evans, with withering sarcasm. "I'm just gonna strip in front of you. That benefits neither of us, moron. If we're seen disarming, we'll get the lash, and if we're seen disarming in front of you, you'll get the axe. That said... I can obviously have left mine here, in the heat of battle." He smashed the axe, hard, into a tree. Garth dropped his own battleaxe, as well as his shield, and both stepped away.

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Wasting no time, Edgar dived to Marisa's corpse and begin extracting her armour, not before slipping her axe to his side while leaving his old one behind due to weight.

He decided to leave negotiation to the others. He'd seen these armours work in battle, and also saw how much pain Hazel was in. Screw subterfuge I wanna live!

Edited by Rothene
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Rifling the corpses, you find a ringmail hauberk, a crescent axe, and a slightly used surcoat with a white eagle on a black background.

The axe feels light to hand, but carries a wickedly powerful swing. There doesn't seem to be a place the force behind it would be concentrated, however. The ringmail is missing a few links, but is certainly serviceable. The surcoat would likely help someone blend in better with the enemy, at the potential cost of your Ryslander livery now outnumbering your Castrian identity. If you meet the inconvenient kind of people (which is to say, your allies), this could be bad. It also has two large holes in the back, fresh blood marking it and it smells of death. On the plus side, from the front? It looks rather snappy.

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"We could benefit from the element of surprise. If we let them live, we have no guarantee that they won't report this to their superiors," Marsali mused aloud, glancing at her comrades.

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"I'm sure we'll be ever so eager to talk big about how all of us were killed by some ragged Castrians. If you aren't gone by the time we can inform anyone about where you are, you fuckin' DESERVE to die."

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Rine had his bow ready to shoot anything that he saw, but he didn't threaten the enemy soldiers with it (no guaranties about them feeling annoyed by it). Eager to leave as soon as he could, he waited until the negotiations were over and the other two weren't a problem anymore.

He ran towards the ringmail and decided to put it on without warning anyone about it nor answering anyone's calls at that time. "What are you all waiting for? If they reach us while we're chatting, we'll surely be dead. I'll pick this thing, we'll argue who should get what when we're safe.", then he turned to Edgar, "Pick the axe and put this thing on already if you're going to take it with you before it's too late".

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Confident in seeing the enemy bowmen rifling their dead, the soldiers took the opportunity to make a quick exit. Given that both your ranged fighters are facedeep in remains, it would be impossible to kill them, or even really to hit them.

You find yourselves kind of wishing you'd killed Evans out of spite.

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Edgar frowned at how the archer mastered the art of extracting the armour off a corpse, stripping himself of his own, then wearing it under barely a second without considering that there were other mortals out there without such skills.

"I'd have worn the armour by now good archer, had the armour decided to come off corpses on their own, unfortunately life is not so simple," grumbled Edgar as he slipped into the medium armour. He also tore some strips of cloth off the corpse to wrap around his new axe. It would do him no good if it were identified as personal belonging of someone else where he was going.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hazel gingerly gripped the coat - It was pretty sturdy, though it did stink, somewhat. She wasn't sure if it would be a good idea for her or anyone to wear it, or to just hold it with her.

"Does anyone actually want this jacket? A-And are we still going on? The raid?"

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With the armour on, albeit damaged, Edgar felt a whole lot safer. Or at least death seemed a step further away. Feeling the armour secure on him, the Castrian scout went to Hazel, "Keep it, it might prove handy later or something. If it's too much trouble we can just dump it on the way. So how do I look in better protection?"

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Hazel couldn't help but smile at the scout, as he started showing off his new armour. "I do think it looks nice on you," she said, smiling. She playfully tugged at the armour, and it did seem extremely strong.

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Hazel gingerly gripped the coat - It was pretty sturdy, though it did stink, somewhat. She wasn't sure if it would be a good idea for her or anyone to wear it, or to just hold it with her.

"Does anyone actually want this jacket? A-And are we still going on? The raid?"

OOC: Wrong type of coat. Understandable mistake to make, though.

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"I agree we should go now, but I suggest you loot the better armour off these corpses. After seeing what the arrows could do to those less well protected, I say something sturdier would be good," said Edgar adressing Varon as he took an uncertain step forward, then more confident ones to get out of the smoke and heat when others followed suit.

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"Fine, I'll take the stinking thing, let's just get out of here already," Marsali grumbled, grabbing the surcoat away from Hazel before following Edgar.

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