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Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) And You!


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People are lobbing this in with SOPA, though I don't know anything more than that. Thought it might interest some


A day after many websites and individuals on the Internet went dark in protest of SOPA / PIPA, federal prosecutors in the United States shut down the file sharing site Megaupload. Among the charges the site’s owners were cited with included copyright infringement, conspiracies to commit racketeering and money laundering.

In a statement issued by the US Justice department, prosecutors claims, “This action is among the largest criminal copyright cases ever brought by the United States.”

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I don't think it necessarily made a large effect, but that media made a story out of it and so their coverage has just made a point of interest out of it.

I dunno, eleven of PIPA's original sponsors withdrawing their support after the blackout (among other withdrawals of support) doesn't entirely seem trivial to me.

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Unfortunately, Black March is not really a good idea for several reasons:

-It's a blanket boycott, which is far too general. There are major IP holders who opposed SOPA, such as Valve, and there are minor IP holders (for instance, the Homestuck music team, anyone who sells music through bandcamp.com) who would be legitimately harmed.

-It's not going to have any good effect. Suppose people do this boycott-- on April 1, do you think media sales are going to skyrocket? Of course! The big media companies can just wait for the profits to start coming in again, and the little guys who may not be able to wait will be hurt.

Boycotts that target SOPA supporters specifically, and are lasting, on the other hand... those might be effective, however I don't know how easy it would be to get people to participate.

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If Obama doesn't kill this bill, he's an idiot. Either way, he's an idiot because he basically supports terrorists in Gaza. Point is that SOPA and PIPA need to die.

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I... wow. Did you not read the blackout text on Wikipedia? That was a day-long event run by the site itself to raise awareness, not a government takedown. Everyone who read more than half a sentence knew exactly when it was going to end.

Anyway. If you're in the US and paying attention to ACTA (hint you should be), here's a petition: https://wwws.whitehouse.gov/petitions#!/petition/end-acta-and-protect-our-right-privacy-internet/MwfSVNBK and of course all the other bits from SOPA/PIPA about contacting your legislators and general hell-raising still apply.

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Well, what would you prefer to be different? Lamenting is often the reaction--but more is possible beyond this.

I don't know about him but I'd prefer it if these bills simply weren't being considered. That'd make me feel much better...

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"It is clear that we need to revisit the approach on how best to address the problem of foreign thieves that steal and sell American inventions and products."

Is it me or is this guy implying that the problem is not americans but foreign people, because I'm sure there are plenty of americans who steal this kinda stuff from other americans.

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I've signed so many petitions and the like. And I keep receiving all these e-mails from senators. It's quite annoying, truthfully. I may end up leaving the Us one day if this crap continues down the path it's on. In my opinion, at least.

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